Just in case you missed it. In the last 24 hours Facebook, Apple, Spotify and Youtube banned Infowars. Suddenly, overnight all five major “platforms” noticed hate-speech they need to censor from the group which was influential in helping Donald Trump get elected. Mid-terms are coming. Coincidence?
This is a free speech line in the sand:
You don’t have to like or agree with Infowars — if they can be banned, anyone could be next:
[Breitbart] The UK Independence Party (UKIP) has urged citizens to defend free speech in the West after big tech firms allegedly coordinated to remove right wing voices, including InfoWars and Tommy Robinson, from social media.
On Monday, Apple, Facebook, Pinterest, Spotify, and Google-owned YouTube permanently removed content from InfoWars and its owner Alex Jones, saying he and the website violated their policies against hate speech and harassment.
Proponents of the ban say Mr Jones is a conspiracy theorist who deserves to be silenced, while critics have claimed the purge is an attempt to interfere in the U.S. midterm elections and described it as a form of “political censorship”.
The monopolistic giants say they are just “enforcing the rules” but so far they’re not quoting any specific content that “broke the rules“, nor can they define “hate-speech” or name the person who made the decision. Maybe “hate-speech” rules are different for the right and left side of politics? Facebook banned Infowars but allows Antifa and Louis Farrakhan to keep posting. Selective enforcement anyone? What looks political, smells political and quacks…
Infowars started in 1999. The Alex Jones Channel on youtube had amassed 2.4 million subscriptions. It’s all gone. So are the podcasts.
The editor Paul Joseph-Watson is responding defiantly on twitter.
The worldwide populist surge cannot be muted. It cannot be unpublished. It cannot be de-listed. It cannot be deleted
Twitter hasn’t banned them, though some are calling for that too.
Infowars has replied with a free Infowars App which is currently more popular than CNN:
InfoWars is currently the fourth most popular free app on the Apple App Store, beating CNN, the New York Times, Google News, HuffPost, and dozens of other mainstream news outlets.
InfoWars is called far-right, conspiracy theorist, and the usual insults which are never applied to people who chant conspiracies that fossil fuel controls public opinion, Congress, and the media, or who reckon that the UN should control the weather. It’s not a site I visit much, but in the spirit of free speech we fight back by sharing all the links they want banned. Let the Streisand effect punish the authoritarians who can’t win debates so they try to silence opponents.
Just in: Where will it stop? Twitter has now suspended a Ron Paul Institute executive account and other Libertarians like @ThomasEWoods, and @scotthortonshow.
‘Truth is treason in empire of lies’: Ron Paul on Big Tech censorship
Breitbart are all over this new mass censorship move. Presumably they are next on the list. After them, climate deniers…
That free-thinkers who dare disagree,
With what Leftists dictate,
Will be censored for hate,
And to speak out no longer be free.
Amazing that Jo is just about the only site from Aus taking notice of this. Wonder where other people like “the most read blog” and others are, or have they also been told to ignore it by their masters? It is a huge concern for anybody that believes in free speech.
Australia is behind the times in many respects, and it’s just as well. Or are we ahead of them given we are far more socialistic than the US? I suppose it depends on what happens next in the respective countries. Will the US have their civil war before or after we do? Given we are more laid-back on such matters I suspect the US will be first.
Bear in mind that there are 70 million in middle USA with around 300 million guns. The inner city Socialists had better hope the armed forces are on their side. And who make up the armed forces? Not the inner city Liberals.
The armed forces will be on their side when a new leftist President is in place. That’s the worry.
On top of that imagine what will happen when they get a Democrat President with he MSM on his/her side! Trump is doing good for now but eventually America will go down in flames when the left get back in full control. Also don’t forget the left are still in control at many other levels. It would be nice to think that Trump could be President forever to fully drain the swamp but that clearly is not going to happen.
Donald can drain the swamp by tweeting the words ‘CO2 doesn’t cause gorebull worming.’
I saw info. about it on Pointman earlier. Infowars is available on Bitshute, although I haven’t followed it up further.
If you’re not reading The Conservative Tree House (The Last Refuge) you are not up to date; 6 August: 680 responses.
My “First Go To” site every morning !
It gets worse.
Mail Chimp and LinkedIn have also banned Infowars from using their services.
When will your email provider ban you?
Snail mail never refused to send anybody’s letters in my experience. What makes email any different?
It says there, that Alex was also banned from iTunes. WTF does iTunes care about Alex Jones?
Definitely coordinated. It’s quite unbelievable really, to be so blatant.
Ok then; so now we’ll see some real conservative platforms arise from the ashes. They’ll regret this day when, in the future, they get eclipsed by the very rival that they created.
Agree Sam. TCTH is a great site and the most comprehensive site unpacking actions and programs, etc. in the Trump Administration.
Gosh, JoNova is always my first go-to site as I sit down at work with a coffee and muesli bar.
I did read that this might be coming up, via Breitbart a couple days ago. So now it’s happened. Now it’s war.
No smashed avo for you Greg?
No Glen, my brecky is just to get me to smoko, when I have another coffee and muesli bar, which in turn is just to get me to lunch time, when I have a proper meal.
I start on site at 7:00 am, so I don’t have time for a breakfast at home. The alarm goes off at 6 and it’s all “get-going” till I get to work and have a coffee and check JoNova for news of the world.
Also on Liveleak.com now. Plus other people are posting their content under their own youtube accounts.
Bit late to be replying but if youtubeare to cow tow to the leftist greens of this world then I for one will cease using their app. Completely. And find other means of access to the things I want. Liveleak.com sounds the like what I want.
Thank you Rupert. Free is a critical right guaranteed in the Constitution. The rule here is that news services (and other content suppliers) are regulated and thus can be sued for libel, etc.. But sites like Facebook, TouTube, etc. are called platforms and say they do not provide news content and are thus free from the regulations of cable TV, news sites, and so on.
Preservation of free speech is one of our most precious rights, and I think it should be applied to every internet site. However, when the platforms (Facebook, etc.) become appendages of the left wing political parties and supply them free campaign sites and material while denying the same privileges to conservative and libertarian parties, then this is political interference into our elections.
What to do? We want to maintain free speech for all, not just leftists. No one on the right wants censorship of anyone. At the same time we do not want social media providing millions or billions of $ in campaign services to the leftist and denying the same rights to conservatives. I know there are solutions to the problem, but they are onerous.
America has to decide what is most onerous and anti-free speech: social media “platforms” being free and open or social media “platforms” determining the outcome of our elections. Through their greed and bias the social “platforms” are taking unfair advantage. I guess the fairest method might be to determine the political and monetary worth of the political oriented information on these social media “platforms” and fine the companies the same amount of dollars-worth to be given to the conservative parties. This is a horrible solution. Another solution might be federal government oversight to the social media “platforms” to ensure balanced content with respect to political content. This too is a horrible solution.
However, we must provide equal treatment of our political parties or we will lose our fairness and thus destroy our Republic. A one party government always leads to tyranny.
“It is a huge concern for anybody that believes in free speech.”
The left believes in free speech, as long as they agree with what’s being said.
If not for this all encompassing double standard, the left would have nothing to run on.
This is why I went on at length to warn about this some months ago. Plenty of even-handed Youtubers are on this and at length. The ones with the most savvy politically minded commentary are the likes of Sargon of Akkad and Styxhexenhammer666 9don’t be misled by his appearance). Prominent “hate-speecher” Stefan Molyneux is worth a listen as well, but he has a tendency to go on a bit. Dave Cullen (Computing forever) is also very balanced IMO.
In other news Faith Goldy is running for Toronto Mayor, and Count Dankula (Mark Meecham, aka) had his appeal rejected in Scotland, but he still has legal avenues to push his case. He refuses to pay the 800 pound fine for the pug video. The deadline is October 25th IIRC.
Do NOT let the media and politicians get away with creating the Orwellian phrase “hate speech.” The Supreme Court in the USA has repeatedly rejected the concept, and so should we. 18C is still a problem in this regard.
Freedom of Speech, not Freedom from consequences. I don’t agree with banning people but some of what of what he says falls into hate speech and he would be prosecuted in the UK for it.
I’m not going to defend his words, only his right to speak.
People who break the law should face court and receive a fair trial by their peers. Isn’t that the idea? Instead now they are judged by anonymous committees on what appear to be colluding monopolistic “platforms”. Where are the anti-trust suits? Is facebook/youtube a platform or is it a publisher with editorial control and which can be sued. Makes a difference. They say they are platforms. They behave like publishers. Don’t we have laws to ensure there is media competition?
BTW The first link has a headline that appears to be their interpretation, not his literal words. I can’t watch whatever it was Jones said anyhow now that it’s deleted. Can’t tell if it’s satirical/context. Can’t tell if I think it’s vile (I might). See how useless banning people is?
As for link 2 — So rolling stone call it a “bat-shit crazy theory”. But there was a study that supported him. Snopes reckons it’s wrong. That’s what debate looks like. Rolling Stone appear to be just ranting and name-calling.
Spot on Jo.
That’s why we love you.
Fb seem to be in damage control mode now over Infowars issue….
“Facebook’s global head of news partnerships has defended the social media behemoth’s chief executive Mark Zuckerberg, and its approach to handling conspiracy theories and fake news, ahead of a key meeting with the Australian competition regulator.
“Mark [Zuckerberg] is an incredibly curious person, and really curious about the news business,” Campbell Brown, in Australia this week for talks with publishers and regulators, said.
“He is super engaged on this issue, because it has such importance…how critical journalism is to democracy. It’s something he is passionate about.”
Ms Brown’s visit comes as Facebook is caught up in another fake news controversy. The company this week suspended pages controlled by far right American conspiracy theorist Alex Jones and his website Infowars.
It cited violations of its hate speech and bullying policies. Facebook had previously resisted blocking the site.
“I would say with Alex Jones, we have to have a somewhat objective way to make these decisions, and that lies in our community standards,” Ms Brown told Fairfax Media. “Alex Jones…violated the community standards.”
The problem is the way the law is written.
Under the law, these platforms become responsible for what gets posted on them. Therefor they protect themselves by deleting content that someone could complain about.
Unlike the telephone, they don’t get the status of “carrier” therefor immunity from how people use it.
The internet worked a whole lot better when the government and laws weren’t involved.
The law, and the hyper-sensitives who need to exert their offence upon others, created this mess (also the litigation happy sods who trawl for money).
…an incredibly curious person, and really curious about…
…is super engaged on this issue…
This Campbell person certainly has a way of mixing words to not make Zuckerberg look like a 6 year old moron.
If those “community standards” were applied uniformly it would have been OK, but groups and individuals who openly call for violence, fantasize about assassinations etc. are given a free reign as just by accident they seem to be the darlings of some big news outlets.
Facebook Fact-Checker “Snopes” Employs Leftists Almost Exclusively…………
Maybe only a small addendum to current law — Any computer company supplying and/or serving any data to the public is a publisher, and falls within the law as a publisher.
Oh come on. The guy was claiming Sand Hook was staged and made allegation a particular politician was involved in selling childern for sex. And he is being sued by family members of the victims of Sandy Hook.
The guy lies and incites hate and violence. How could any reasonable person support that. He even violated his own terms and conditions, let alone those of the platforms he was using.
[An allegation of selling children for any purpose is something you should provide some substantiation for. Otherwise your comment will not pass muster with Jo.] AZ
1. Repeat: I’m not going to defend his words, only his right to speak. The issue here is who gets to decide who speaks and who is censored.
2. The far-left incite actual violence all the time (see this list) using fake news to divide people by race. They incite class hatred, feed ingratitude and a false sense of entitlement to breed discontent. They are the ultimate racists. Is that type of violence and hate just fine? #CancelWhitePeople? Black Lives Matter but AllLivesMatter is “hate-speech”.?
3. The problem with censorship is selective enforcement — isn’t it better if people are free to say crazy theories and other people are free to say why it’s crazy? Debate will sort things out, enforced silence breeds polarized opposite tribes. There is no neutral sensible center ground in politics anymore because the mainstream media stopped allowing one side of politics to defend and argue. The internet is the only place where it might happen. That’s why the totalitarian left Have To Control The Internet.
This battle is so important, it’s vital that we don’t fall into the trap of feeling we have to support or justify the words of every speaker. That’s the easy Alinsky tactic which silences sensible people all the time. Make the leftists defensive instead. Eg, Antifa.
Do you not moderate your own website against unsubstantiated claims?
Is this not the same?
AZ, I’m not accusing anyone of selling kids to the sex trade, its a claim made by Alex Jones towards Robert Mueller
Oh for God’s sake, get over yourself. “Hate speech” is anything someone else doesn’t agree with. Tough, I don’t care about their feelings, I only care about facts. Banning stuff like this always backfires, It drives underground what should be in the open. If nobody pays any attention to it, it doesn’t fly, it’s that simple. The UK, where I live has become a totalitarian state. Evidence – One Tommy Robinson, and that’s just for starters.
Merkel Supports Campaign to Censor Social Media ‘Hate Speech’
what a surprise!
Here’s a question: Was InfoWars in the UK? No? Then what would happen in the UK, Australia, or any other country with highly restrictive speech laws is of no consequence.
“Hate speech” is a convenient Leftist Alinsky-esque misnomer. Just who defines it? Who controls it? /rhet. The New York Times currently embraces their stellar hate employee of the month, Sarah Jeong. Meanwhile, comedy and satire has all but disappeared across the World, with the obvious exception of politics, which now resembles humour noir. Whatever happened to “sticks and stones?” Deplatforming and defunding are historical SOP of fascism and a red flag for war.
The Gulag of New Zealand has banned free speech, preventing Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux from speaking and far more to the point, squashing THE RIGHT OF THE MANY TO HEAR them. The gulag is well positioned to make an excellent isolated global prison for non-compliers of the globalist diktat.
PS. Amazon defunded Legal Insurrection.
People are already have had a gutful and the blow back is starting…..
One thing that is somewhat amusing is that these “silicone valley censors” all refer to evil “conspiracy theories”, yet they have all acted in concert to the same effect.
Doesn’t this constitute a conspiracy?
Semantics aside, my mother died about 20 years ago. She told me before her death that she is glad she is old, and didn’t have long to go.
She said that she had lived through the build up, and actuality of WWII, and didn’t want to go through it again.
She said what she saw in the world around her was exactly as she saw in the prelude to WWII.
At the time I thought she was just an old lady losing her marbles.
Now, I see she was spot on.
We, as a civilization, are in serious trouble. Much blood will soon be shed.
When a lot of people about to retire see what has happened to their superannuation funds as a result of selective “investment” in “renewables” to stop the rise of CO2 in the atmosphere, they Will explode.
When they realize that both President Trumble and the Union Bruvvers, who have retired into Super Funds Management are to blame for them having to work another 5 years I suspect that they will be in a dark fury.
Will they be able to see the reality or will our Presidents wall of misinformation stymie them.
I know several people who lost huge amounts of savings in that last sharemarket take down around 2007. They were about to retire but are working still.
I suspect there are many Golden Sacks workers? employed at time who came into significant amounts of bonuses that brought forward their retirement.
Thank the UNEP divestment diktat and the institutional investors following ?beng instructed to follow the mantra of so called “ethical investment.” Like “hate speech” the Leftist authoritarians decide and define what is permitted, and for reasons beyond me the institutions adhere like sheep. My own pension, locked into a particular company that recently changed its letterhead from crimson/red to green/blue proclaiming how much more appropriate it was and who are in the process of morphing from an insurance company into an NGO and joining UN ECOSOC “civil” society, will now not only not flourish but may be mortally transfixed by failing investments in subsidy funded, diktat directed
growthdecline.There is so much riding on UN globalism that failure cannot be, will not be entertained. So, the trick is stopping the train without the train wreck of war or economic collapse. As things are going this appears less likely with each passing day.
Get out if your pension company…it sounds like eventually they will happuly hand your money over to the UN. Youve been warned….
OS, did you honestly think I wouldn’t have done that if I could? And having not done it, then have highlighted the point and complained about it?
I won’t go into the details and the change of law and the trans-national regulations that are being applied, suffice to say there are a number of us in a similar position about which we can literally do nix. I have since reconciled myself to, then transcended the unpleasantness of the consequences, amounting to ideological inspired financial rape.
William, you must realise that this is a left reaction to most people NOT believing in the ‘reds under the bed’ (Russian hacking) story spread by the Dems they are desperate and trying to claw back what they can or it is total defeat for them.
It’s pretty clear what’s going on. The left has infiltrated all sorts of entities and are waging a war from within to destroy the West. I don’t think it can be classified as the fifth column but it’s possible. More likely though is it’s due to the growing resentment of the left over the past few decades against corporate America and Republicans – a sort of civil war that’s not yet reached the level of major physical violence. It will though eventually if it continues. What happens after that is not certain but it certainly won’t be pretty.
I may be wrong, not having given much time to it, but it seems that Trump is just driving straight down the middle in fixing America.
The big business end of things doesn’t seem to be the primary beneficiary of Trumps efforts and that sort of approach is appreciated by the main group who are now seeing more options for employment.
They are all big companies that peopke dont have to use….the people can boycott these platforms.
On that note, I’ve never been on YouTwitFace, and never will be. I do not have a cell (and never will — — — “smart” phones make stupid people), I have a landline, watch Fox News, and stay tuned to Anthony and Jo for a bit of sanity in an insane world.
Since I cannot “boycott” any of those platforms, I can only hope that everyone here will dump these cesspools faster than a hot potato (or ‘potatoe’, if former V.P. Dan Quayle is reading) and request that everyone they know does likewise.
And, no, I would not post the request on the platform — — might be considered ‘hate speech’, and the gatekeepers will need their blankies (after a nappie change), some cookies and milk, and a safe space to recuperate from their trauma …
He is but he won’t be there forever, and if the left really turn nasty he won’t be there for long. He is creating more and more evil enemies on the left by the day, including many in big business. That’s why eventually the US will fall. One man against so much evil.
I’m thinking Pres. Trump will win in 2020 and the USA will be great again as a result.
Let the left subversives right him off – at their own peril.
He’s a winner. Get used to it. Get on board.
Right = write.
Jeez. What have I been drinking?
I have NO CLUE but whatever it is, I WANT SOME!!!!!!
Get on board? We are actually on a different boat here in Australia. If you want to get on Trump’s boat move to the US. I was thinking about doing that myself but I won’t simply because all hell will break loose eventually so I don’t want to be caught in the crossfire. You and a lot of others underestimate the strength of the evil forces in play over there. Open your eyes. At least here in Australia our isolation has its advantages but for how long no one really knows.
I don’t need to be in the USA to support Pres Trump.
He’s a winner and will prevail. He’s already set the example of what needs to be done to Paris and the green-left fascists.
What’s not to like about that?
Got news for you – he isn’t our President, unfortunately. So when Shorten becomes our next PM or even if Turnbull remains the PM we will continue to slide into the abyss regardless of how long and how well Trump goes for the US.
Interesting article re attempted assassination attempts on Donald Trump………..
Potential feet shots coming up
“Infowars – Now On Bitchute”
A list of some alternatives in comments
“Kuldebar says:
7 August 2018 at 10:40 pm”
“Info Wars”
” The Infowars app is rising in the Apple store’s rankings after a number of other major digital platforms cracked down on its content.
The app has surged in popularity in recent days from the 47th to the 4th most popular Apple store news app in the United States. That position places Inforwars over CNN, Fox News and The New York Times’s apps, according to app analytics site, App Annie.”
Might not be a good idea either
“Facebook has banned Republican congressional candidate Elizabeth Heng’s campaign video ad about communist crimes that led her family to flee Cambodia for the U.S., claiming the platform doesn’t allow “shocking, disrespectful, or sensational” content.”
Links and comments also
The USA is in the middle of a Communist attempted revolution…once the Communists took control of the media and education, now they are trying to get Trump evicted illegally from the white house…..
They somehow got Obummer into the White House, and I have no doubt there is a lot of background to that we are not privy to.
We know the Clintons and their foundation are rife with corruption.
So if they do take Trump out one way or another, I for one won’t be surprised in the slightest. If Trump dies, there will be blood in the streets.
Yes, the infowars app is trending #1 in the Google store. Get it while you still can. Jo, you could keep the apk online just in case google does a take-down of it. This is very reminiscent of the Google take-down of Michael Smith news in the lead up to the presidential election when he was hot on the tail of the so-called charity the Clinton Foundation.
PS, Indies’s an sometimes be a bit of a giggle with Jones over the top style.. but it’s entertaining for a little while and he does give us a bit of the breaking news among his own twist of commentary. Jones was a big help to the election of Pres. Trump in fact I think he was close to being the only commentator to call the trump win before hand. Most pundits gave him zip chance. Maybe this is motivation enough, can’t have trumpians winning in the US midterms
I also find Jones’ theatrics entertaining some of the Trump/Clinton election material was gold, however there always seems to be elements of truth in Jones’ rhetoric often becoming reality, I think the best thing to come out of “info wars” and other right/alt right online news is the viewers are given the burden of proof in researching and deciding what is real or plausible and in effect giving rise to a new generation of actual sceptics.
This is what the left fear the most and history teaches us the first people they target and dispatch of when the tanks roll in, go back 5-10 years in online commentary and just to see how far the average punter has come with insights, facts and content, without the existence of blogs like Jo’s and others there really is no freedom of expression that can transcend the lounge room or shed, an alternative online platform is needed and let the battle lines be drawn.
Give me the liberty to know, to utter, and to argue freely according to conscience, above all liberties. – John Milton
Even the name “Infor Wars” is prophetic.
Now I’ve seen everything, having grown up during the Cold War, linking to RT a Russian Government website to get a balancing view on US media censorship.
Chiefio found that a while ago
This is an unedited interview with Ron Paul. It doesn’t matter who hosts the interview they aren’t putting words in his mouth.
The pressure is building. The Left are becoming increasingly desperate. The backlash isn’t far away.
Yep, thier left wing manchurian candidate got kicked out, and now Trump is shredding the Deep State and they are panicking….I predict the Deep State will pick a fight with Iran by the end of the year to divert attention to the reality that many in rhe deep state are out and out criminals….
“I predict the Deep State will pick a fight with Iran by the end of the year…”
It would certainly be ironic if the US Deep State picks a fight with Iran because in order to oppose President Trump’s repudiation of Mr. Obama’s Iran Nuclear Deal, it must support the deal and therefore support Iran.
That’s why it’s called Trump Derangement Syndrome. It causes irrational, fanatical, and hypocritical behaviour.
Fair comment here on “conspiracy to kill free speech”
“Robert Smith says:
August 8, 2018 at 1:36 am ”
Meanwhile, in Australia
The Guardian is currently revelling in those advocating advertisers abandon SKY, after they featured Cottrell.
Despite “JJJ’s, Hack (mostly) Live” already doing the same, with nary a word of contempt or discord.
Which coward advertisers are they?
Amex, Specsavers & Huggies.
The latest is that down in Victoriastan, the Labor’s transport minister has deemed SKY News too racist & hateful to be on their TV screens.
This is the same Labor Transport Minister, Jacinta Allen that benefitted by the Red Shirts Scandal to the tune of $15141.
It seems that Cheating and Theft is OK, but that saying you want to ‘limit immigration to skilled applicants until we are a more culturally congruent society unaffected by foreign ideologies’ is the thin edge of the wedge.
[Edited slightly – Jo. email coming]
The Victorian govt has just banned Sky News from broadcasting at train stations, despite the fact that the Cotterall interview was never shown at those stations.
“Freedom of speech is for speech you find reprehensible.
If there is freedom of speech only for speech with which you agree, then there is no freedom of speech.”
Noam Chomsky – (not a fan, but liked the quote)
PS: add @climatefrauds to twitter accounts banned (me on twitter, nosegoblin)
I found Noam Chomsky’s books hard to read because every sentence seemed to end in an implied or actual explanation point. It was like reading book in all capital letters. Being constantly shouted at gave me a headache.
Using Noam Chomsky quotes will now be considered hate speech by the denizens of the regressive zone of left wing politics.
They ban the Bible in many states because “hate speech”.
I guess the day is coming when just owning one will land you in prison.
There is persecution of Christians going on in China at present. Bibles and buildings being wrecked. I haven’t the link to hand though, will try to find it. Maybe it was the DM.
When peaceful revolution is impossible, violent revolution is inevitable.
John F Kennedy
Violent revolution is the goal of many of the left wing organizations as that is how they plan to get into power. Of course, it doesn’t always work out as they expect (see The French Revolution).
Slavery and Suffering:
In considering the current attempt by the Left in the USA to oust legally elected President from office, a few things come to mind – (1) that the Deep State are wetting themselves that they will be exposed for what they are, as many of them ckearly appear to be not just criminals, but also plain evil , and , (2) that the Communists are just useful idiots in the service of the Deep State, but said useful idiots want certain spoils of the War on Conservatism, likely aling the lines of Godless Bolshevik nastiness and , (3) that I dont think the Communists truly understand how ferociously righteous and honest peopke will fight to repel and remove them. Once your average family mans blood us up and his family is in danger, its a fight the Left cant win.
I do predict in the US an armed and determined citizenry will put down any physical Communist uprising, ban on guns or not, it will be ugly, but Im ptetty confident the right will win this fight, as the depravity and evil of the Left, ( about the only thing it owns and frankly no decent person wants) , becones clear for all to see. When the smoke clears, I suspect many Leftists will the jailed for life.
I guess my reaction to Jo’s headline piece is that most of those five major social media platforms have just begun to commit a slow suicide.
i would also suggest that a couple of them will break ranks and even swing towards a very neutral political position before it is all over, not that they should be in any political situation other than politically neutral if they wish to continue to operate in a very free and open way or at least free from some very draconian controls placed on their operations by politicians acting under pressure from the public at large.
Any politically or extremist outfit that imagines for one moment that the extremist situation they have just engineered is here to stay permanently is just plain bloody dumb and just hasn’t been around for very long so as to experience what the real world outside of their cult really thinks and acts.
To use or mis-use Newtons Third law of Motion, every force including those in politics has an equal and opposite opposing force.
That Law also applies to political situations but takes quite a lot longer to be seen to be acting and may in fact be made up of a whole conglomeration of smaller political entities all taking an individual stand against, in this case, the social media giants thus creating major bonfires on all fronts for the social media organisations to try and overcoome or counter.
Those social media platforms will find sooner or later some very large forces indeed be they social and /or political, forces they and their backers may not have anticipated at all, will come into play and be arrayed against them with some serious consequences for both the platforms themselves as well as the prime decision making individuals involved.
Each generation does things quite a lot different to the older fuddy duddy generation that is past it or so we are regularly told as oldsters and are led to believe.
There was a recent article somewhere I read where the new generation of social media users are already switching platforms to different social media internet based outfit.
It is now inevitable that as long as the physical network of communications systems , the World Wide Web exists , that other newer and different internet based social media providers who will cater to the social media sector in a different manner and who will surface to fill the right wing political and social void deliberately down graded and effectively vacated by the big five social media platforms above .
and as is usual when you have a few very large dominant groups apparently controlling everything, there are a host of minnows down there just waiting an oppurtunity for the great whites to slip up and make a hash of something which they are collectively now doing and the minnows will slip into the vacated spot and rapidly increase in size leaving the great whites to ruefully try and figure out qwhere it all went so wrong.
On search engines I am using “DuckDuckGo” but this engine also relies on Google’s search algorithms for a lot of its searches.
There is “Baidu” in China which saw off Google in China a few years ago and has promised Google who are again looking at China, a very rough time indeed if Google tries to extend its tentacles back into China.
“Baidu” as a corporation is possibly even bigger than Google and like Google has a lot of irons in the newest technology fires.
I find the the Russian based “Yandex” search engine comes in quite useful at times if you don’t want google or facebook to be tracking your every move.
And for what it is worth, Zuckenberg of Facebook comes across to me as a very untrustworthy, slippery, sly and an operator who works in an ethics vacuum [ I’m being polite! ] and has always struck me as such.
………………..Every corporation has a life cycle witha number of stages in that life cycle.;
So if interested try and figure out where each of those social media platform corporations fit on the Adizes Life cycle curve.
Just place your pointer on each one of those life cycle stages and you can read about each of those stages in that corporate life cycle.
Ahh, you can be happy on Sugar Mountain.A venal lot and far too influential!
Sugar can be pretty dangerous, especially on mountains! Beware. I won’t ever log onto FB.
It is a sign of fear and that the democrats know their “blue wave” is a myth. The leftist cannot compete with the message and so must censor it. It is no doubt one of several precoordinated efforts of the left to try and effect the election outcome. More to follow in different realms I’m sure. Almost certainly expect Muller to try and damage the Republicans by making some outrageous charge against Trump in the 11th hour before the midterm election. And the “Never Trump” 5th column in the Republican party will stand by and ignore or even help the left hype it. I believe it will all backfire on them all in the short and long run. Already outrage being expressed all over where forums allow it over this move. Only the most deranged leftists are supporting it. There are enough democrats and independents that understand the implications of what is going on and will reject it.
As for the longer run? As a wise poster I read that obviously has a law background has said:
“Social media” websites are platforms, not publishers. As platforms, they are immune from standard constraints on publishers, such as lawsuits for libel.
Facebook banning Infowars is the act of a publisher, not a platform. The big time web platforms are committing suicide by changing themselves into publishers.
Platforms can ban solicitation of violence. That’s about it. They are all going way beyond that. Look for whopper lawsuits against them.
I abhor the idea of any branch of government but the judicial becoming involved in this because they will certainly muck it up. I’m also not wild about the probable reaction of the right opening their own competing platforms because it will lead to even more division among an already divided citizenry.
In the meantime it looks like the Republicans held on to the Ohio 12th in a special election. This is important because the democrats and their press heralded it as a bellwether of their “blue wave” and of Trumps coattails since Trump held a rally to support the Republican candidate. The election was close but the supposed “blue wave” could not top the red seawall. The democrats and their press are trying to put the best face on their apparent loss despite having spent record amounts on trying to take that seat. Come November Republicans are expected to hold it by a larger margin. In the primaries held yesterday, most of the Republicans Trump endorsed won. Trump candidates in many cases aren’t just fighting the democrats they are also fighting the never Trumper establishment candidates.
Just an extension of ‘platforms’ and ‘publishers’. I would like to make people aware that the South African Broadcasting Company (alias ANC mouthpiece) has always been a Government propaganda arm – first for the National Party, and lately for the ANC. Unlike the BBC, they have no pretence at keeping to their impartial requirements as laid down in their foundation documents. And, like the print MSM, it is becoming broke. At least the ordinary guy has a choice NOT to pay for propaganda (except, of course, for the BBC’s tax). But when the platform is apparently ‘free’, it may not be so easy to recognise that your privacy is paying for the propaganda.
It’s not much of a line when someone else owns the sand.
If a rigorous universally agreed upon definition of something was necessary before they could use it as a club to beat you into submission, this would be a much different world.
Just 2 examples: can anyone define the words racist or diversity the way they have been used for such a long time already? I certainly cannot.
Like a certain famous emperor they have no clothes on. But there are no wise children watching the parade who could spot the problem.
A primary tool of the left is defining the language or terms in order to set up a pretext or premise. For example in reference to the Artic sea ice they continually preach about “recovery”. Recovery to what? It is however a premise that many who don’t believe in AGW or human caused global climate change except without thinking and incorporate in their own arguments. The first step to effectively combating the left is to make them define their terms and thus set the stage to destroy their premise before it gets accepted out of hand.
I disagree because the problem then becomes, how do you get them to define “recovery”? They use a term as they see fit and we knuckle under in fear of being called a this, that or the other thing instead of calling them out for the fact that they have used — as in the two words in my example — a word so freely and in so many different circumstances and contexts that it no longer has a useful meaning.
I gave up worrying about this problem because I can’t see a way to force the “discourse” to use a single rigorous definition of anything. They don’t want it well defined. They let your fear define it as your mind sees it as they beat you to death with it. There is no way to win if you try to force the definition or even change the word. If there was, the battle would be won by now. You must simply stand up and continue to speak the truth, ignoring the name calling, in fact not even acknowledging it and hope to convince others to do the same. And that takes more than most people’s reserve of courage when doing so could ruin your reputation with your employer or your friends, just for example.
I use the word “discourse” loosely… …very loosely because I don’t know another word to use. What’s going on now reminds me more of a war than anything else.
“War Is Merely the Continuation of Policy by Other Means”
Carl von Clausewitz
7 Aug: 24News: Socialist ‘Future of the Democrat Party’ Just Had a VERY Bad Night
by Chuck Rudolph
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s record on Tuesday night for her chosen primary candidates was as bare as a Venezuelan supermarket shelf.
The socialist pulled off a stunning victory last month in New York, and jet-setted across America for 3 weeks trying to parlay that win into helping other leftists win Democratic primaries…
How did she do? BRUTALLY. Every single one of her endorsed candidates lose Tuesday night…and lost BIGLY…
El-Sayed lost his bid for the Democrat nomination for governor, getting trounced 50.1 percent to 34.6 percent, according to New York Times data.
Saad came in fourth in the five-way race, capturing only 20.1 percent of the vote.
Cori Bush lost her primary to William Lacy Clay, 62.3 percent to 30.2 percent, the Times results show.
Let’s just say all the hype from leftists on MSNBC and CNN about the coming “Socialist Revolution” in America was just more “very fake news.”
there should be no MSM favouring Trump:
7 Aug: The Hill: De Blasio slams Murdoch, Fox News: ‘We would be a more unified country’ without them
By Justin Wise
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) is slamming conservative media mogul Rupert Murdoch and Fox News, saying that “we would be a more unified country” without their influence.
“If you could remove News Corp from the last 25 years of American history, we would be in an entirely different place,” de Blasio told The Guardian last week before he spoke at an event in New Orleans, adding that he believes Murdoch is responsible for President Trump’s election in 2016…
In the interview with The Guardian, de Blasio discussed a range of topics, from his vision for progressive politics to the midterm elections this November…
He also voiced strong disapproval for Trump’s rhetoric regarding the media, saying “there is no comparison between a progressive critique of the media — and overwhelmingly corporate media, by the way — and a president who does not believe in free speech and ***is trying to undermine the norms of democracy.”
“If you see a steady decline in democracy, we’re going to have to vividly defend a lot of media we don’t agree with,” de Blasio added. “But I don’t want to give them a free pass on what they have done to all of us.”
Fox News isn’t the only entity owned by Murdoch that de Blasio has gone after this year. The mayor said in May that The New York Post is “divisive” and that he wouldn’t “shed a tear if that newspaper is no longer here.”…
***how ironic, given the refusal of the Dems and the FakeNewsMSM to accept the legitimate result of the 2016 presidential election.
The Left keep up the illusion of favouring free speech, but want nothing to do with it….removing murdoch is removing the thorn in thier sides, so all vacuous Left wing echo chambers will then have no opposition to pumping out pointless left wing peopaganda….
‘Unified’ in whose favour?
In the interests of actual free speech.
It brought a grin from me.I always grin when I see cartoons and hear funny jokes.I might try smiling next time.
Littleproud practicing free speech on our ABC.
‘The reality is, I don’t really give a rat’s whether it’s man-made or not.’
Of one mind, tech-giants decree,
That free-thinkers who dare disagree,
With what Leftists dictate,
Will be censored for hate,
And to speak out no longer be free.
[Thank you Ruairi, another one to add to the post. :- ) –Jo ]
The major tech players are screaming for regulation. They will get it.
America’s free speech right applies to government actors.
The theory is that private actors, like the tech companies, can ban whomsoever they please.
But enforcement of constitutional rights in the private sphere is legion and takes many forms.
If you run a public accommodation, you cannot discriminate against people based on race, gender, or national origin.
However, you can set up rules, like “no shirt, so shoes, no service” and enforce them. In practice, if an African American
is a Trump hat were kicked out of a restaurant, & the restaurant owner claimed it was because of the hat, the courts would likely
disagree based on a long history of ‘beards’ for racial discrimination.
Our electronic media in the broadcast era were held to a “fairness” doctrine, equal time for opposing views. In practice they were bland, bias was subtle, and extremes on all sides were mutes if not eliminated. Now that is has been deemed that spectrum space is not limited, extremes have been embraced.
WE now have a circumstance where several tech companies have established a defacto natural monopoly. It doesn’t really matter whether or not the low barriers to entry allow new players on the internet, what matters is that the character of the business suggests that the dominant player need to have near universal reach to be effective, and that the market tends to a small number of players who dominate.
Our telephone companies are private, but not only can you not deny someone a number, you have an obligation to serve them even if they cannot afford access. Basic telephone service is a natural monopoly, and essential. BY regulation, every number must be able to reach every other, and universal access is guaranteed.
As Twitter and Facebook absorb defined communications abilities, such as being legal for corporate announcements impacting shareholders, or legal as the means a government agency communicates with its clients, they will acquire some of the same required service charactersics as our telephone system, and invite similar restrictions.
Our telephone systems can host robocalls, or sales solicitations, and can profit from a variety of services, but they can’t listen in or cut you off.
As our social media take a richer but similar communications role, they will have similar obligations. IF all the members of government have twitter and facebook account to communicate with their voters, and one permits an “extreme” supporter to “broadcast” under their imprimatur, the censorship will take the form of prohibiting protected political speech. It will not be hard to find a judge to so rule.
If you want to continue to be the dominant carrier of critical information, you’ll have to run an open platform. Unlike some other countries, the US won’t likely have an overt government medium, but the price for allowing it to be commercial and a money machine (As TV and radio in the US have always been) is adherance to constitutional norms.
We solve problems like this in messy ways, usually with court cases. Jo’s fear of climate deniers being banned is likly, but it is also the kind of cause that is sufficiently mainstream to make a great court case for openness. The scary climate folks don’t win much in court; their case doesn’t stand when strict rules of legal inquiry are followed.
Producing a censored version of your code for China will cede the pretended moral high ground, and make the resolution much quicker.
ABC’s Media Watch took Andrew Bolt to task for this:
6 Aug: ABC Media Watch: Andrew Bolt’s foreigner rant
News Corp columnist criticised for an inflammatory column on race and immigration, which calls on Australia to resist “colonisation” by foreigners:
THERE is ***no “us” any more, as a tidal wave of immigrants sweeps away what’s left of our national identity. Another 240,000 foreigners joined us last year alone, not just crowding our cities but changing our culture.
— Herald Sun, 2 August, 2018…
There were also plenty of critics online, from politicians to journalists…
Writing in the Fairfax papers today, Race Discrimination Commissioner Tim Soutphommasane offers an answer:
Under the headline “Race politics is back – and the far-right are loving it”, he warns…
however, not a peep from ABC nor the rest of the Bolt-hating MSM for this:
from 13mins:
Bob Carr: we don’t want to get to a situation where people look around and think how did his happen, we’ve lost a lot of the FLAVOUR of Australia…and I think we’ll lose a lot of OUR SELVES.
AUDIO: 15mins02secs: 7 Aug: 2GB: Michael McLaren: ‘A nationwide Ponzi scheme’: Population set to hit 25 million tonight
Considering that at our current trajectory, the population is set to tip over to 38 million by 2050, this seems a real cause for concern.
“We’re growing faster then the Australian people want,” says Bob Carr, Former NSW Premier, who famously declared that Sydney was full prior to the 2000 Olympics.
“The thing that upsets people, whether they’re British voters forced to express concern in Brexit or US voters who elected Trump, whose campaign mobilised support through the sense that immigration had gone too far too fast, is the notion that it is out of control.”…
McLaren noted just after the audio finishes that some Liberals and Pauline Hanson have spoken out against the immigration numbers in recent years, but said the Greens should be speaking out.
14 Mar 2010: SMH: AAP: Population growth a threat: Greens
The Greens have weighed into the population debate, saying global growth is threatening Australia’s status as the lucky country.
Party leader Bob Brown will today move a motion in the Senate calling on the Rudd government to establish an independent inquiry in Australia’s population.
He says Prime Minister Kevin Rudd’s vision of a “big Australia” with a population of 35 million by 2050 isn’t sustainable…
“I’m saying definitively we do not have the infrastructure or plans for the infrastructure to carry 35 million people by 2050.”
The Greens want an inquiry to investigate Australia’s “carrying capacity” in terms of population impacts on infrastructure, the environment, health and education. It would report back by mid-2011…
The Tasmanian senator did acknowledge, however, that calling for slower population growth would be popular.
“I’ve seen the polls, they don’t want it (35 million by 2050),” he said. “People are concerned about it. It’s a debate I get all across the country.”
Parliament of Australia: 28 Oct 2009: Senator BOB BROWN (Leader of the Australian Greens):
In the last few days we have had the Prime Minister talking up the prospect of an Australia in which 35 million people live. We are at 23 million now. We were some seven million when I arrived on the planet. You would not remember that, Madam Acting Deputy President Carol Brown! But we have to ask the logical question of Prime Minister Rudd: ‘Name the final point. What is the ultimate carrying capacity of Australia if you say that growth is dependent on population increase ad infinitum?’ The logic of that is that there is no end point, that we not only continue to cram people into this giant country with very limited carrying capacity but we continue to cram our fellow human beings, all of whom aspire to life and happiness as much as we do, onto a planet which cannot bear it…
I am surprised to hear that from Bob Carr. Some of the old Labor politicians seem pretty conservative these days!
In the USA, the Democrats have admitted they favour uncontrolled immmigration as its thier social engineering mechanism to shift the voting profile of America, as immigrants are more likely to vote left wing, especially if they get fat govt handouts, in effect they are buying votes to get them into power forever….
Im not against immigration, however it needs to be done selectively and wisely.
Twitter Bans Candace Owens for 12 Hours But Not Sarah Jeong for Racist Tweets
CNS News – 7 Aug 2018
Twitter reinstated the account of conservative Candace Owens, the Turning Point USA communications director, following a backlash for her 12-hour ban from Twitter after she mimicked the racist tweets of the NYT’s recent hire Sarah Jeong but swapped words such as “white” with “black.”…
However, Twitter later reinstated Owens’ account, saying they “made an error.”…
Insane: Leftists Scream, Chant, Hiss at Conservatives Charlie Kirk and Candace Owens During Breakfast
Townhall – 7 Aug 2018
Yesterday Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk and Communications Director Candace Owens sat down for breakfast in a Philadelphia cafe. Shortly after their arrival, they were harassed by Antifa, whose irate members eventually surrounded the establishment with bullhorns…
TWEET: Candace Owens: To be clear: ANTIFA, an all-white fascist organization, just grew violent and attacked an all-black and Hispanic police force.
Because I, a BLACK woman, was eating breakfast.
Is this the civil rights era all over again?
VIDEO: 7 Aug: Breitbart: Pam Key: Watch: Candace Owens Battles Michael Eric Dyson — ‘Democrats Are the Racists’
Tuesday on MSNBC’s “The Beat,” conservative commentator Candace Owens got into a heated debate with liberal radio host and Georgetown University professor Michael Eric Dyson.
Partial transcript as follows READ ALL OR WATCH VIDEO
expect even more craziness from Dems in the US:
4 Aug: American Thinker: Rasmussen: Black approval rating of Trump now at 29%
By Thomas Lifson
If this figure reported in Rasmussen’s daily presidential tracking poll Friday is anywhere close to accurate, Democrats are closing in on a crisis. While the poll results available to the general public reported on the Rasmussen Reports website do not contain the racial breakdown (Rasmussen pays its bills by selling detailed breakdowns of its polling results to political pros), so notable was the figure that Rasmussen tweeted out a notice:
TWEET: Rasmussen Reports: Today’s @realDonaldTrump approval ratings among black voters: 29%
Today’s @realDonaldTrump approval ratings among black voters: 29%
3 Aug 2018
The Democrats heavily depend on 90-plus-percent turnout and 90-plus-percent support for Democrats among African-Americans. If that level of support falls to 71%, the game is more or less over…
You can bet that Bill Maher is far from the only leftist hoping that America experiences an economic crash.
some people doubted the Rasmussen figure, but now an NAACP poll is almost as alarming for Dems:
7 Aug: WashingtonExaminer: Blacks’ approval of Trump reaches a high of 21% and NAACP charges ‘racism’
by Paul Bedard
In fact, in a new poll released by the group today, Trump’s approval rating among blacks has reached 21 percent, more than double what it was in an April Reuters poll.
But in its analysis, the NAACP slammed Trump and even went as far as claiming that Trump is setting race relations back…
And that 21 percent is far higher than the 8 percent of the vote Trump received in 2016, or the 6 percent Republican Mitt Romney received in 2012.
Still, Derrick Johnson, NAACP president and CEO, said, “Our analysis shows President Trump’s racism is a major factor in both why and how people will vote in the midterm elections. The poll confirms how Trump’s racism has not only divided the nation and polluted policy, but also serves as a key factor in motivating voters of color to disrupt politics as usual on a national scale.”
2 Aug: Newsweek: Trump May Be ‘The Most Pro-Black President’ We’ve Ever Seen, Says Pastor Who Claims Obama Didn’t Make An Effort
By Harriet Sinclair
President Donald Trump may be the most pro-black president the country has ever seen… according to one of the members of Trump’s own National Diversity Coalition.
Pastor Darrell Scott, who campaigned for Trump during the 2016 presidential election, made the comments at a White House roundtable meeting with faith leaders and lawmakers to discuss prison reform.
“This is probably the most pro-active administration regarding urban America and the faith-based community in my lifetime,” NBC News reported Scott, who is African American, saying on Wednesday.
“This president actually wants to prove something to our community, our faith-based community and our ethnic community. The last president didn’t feel like he had to. He got a pass,” Scott said of former President Barack Obama.
“This is probably going to be… the most pro-black president I’ve seen in my lifetime,” he added of Trump…
As well as discussing the administration’s prison reform efforts, with the House having passed the bipartisan prison reform bill several months ago, the president also spoke out about the low unemployment rate for African Americans…
6 Aug: NationalCenterForPublicPolicyResearch: Black Teen Unemployment Dropped Again in July
by David Almasi
In last Friday’s jobs report, the big headline was that Hispanic unemployment hit another record low. It moved down again from 4.6 percent to 4.5 percent. This overshadowed equally good – or perhaps even better – news that black teen unemployment dipped below 20 percent yet again.
While a 19.9 percent unemployment among blacks between 16 and 19 doesn’t seem like something to celebrate, it must be put in perspective. In September 2010 – almost eight years ago – 48.9 percent of black teens seeking work were unemployed. Nearly half! In June of 2016, the rate was still 33.2 percent…
In June of 2017, it cracked the 20 percent barrier for the first time ever at 19.8 percent. It did it again this past May, at the same time as the overall black unemployment rate reached a historic all-time low of 5.9 percent…
Who said this and which movie?
“The more you tighten your grip, the more star systems will slip through your fingers”.
They just don’t get it.
The harder they squeeze conservatives and opponents, the more people they drive towards an alternative source of information. And towards Trump.
Infowars could not have had a better marketing campaign if they tried. Their app is now no.1.
If I were Alex Jones I would come out saying thanks Zuckerberg and all your pals.
Princess Leia, Star Wars: A New Hope (I believe she was addressing Governor Tarkin at the time).
Some videos on The Purge.
Tim Pool goes to quite some lengths to leave his (left-leaning) personal politics out of his coverage, but even he is publishing quite a lot of videos criticising “the left”.
low hanging fruit, I guess!
[I’ll go ahead and approve this. But in the future remember, Jo would prefer that you make some statement summarizing what you link to or say briefly what it contains. That way users can decide quickly if they want to click and read or not. Thanks] AZ
It appears to me that these organisations fall foul of most if not all laws regulating business behaviour. They collude, they use their monopoly powers and they provide services at different levels to clients that have no relationship to the services. They are open to investigation and prosecution for their bahavioir here, in the US and in Europe: but don’ hold your breath while they are doing their masters work they are immune.
A couple of points to clarify: free speech has limits, but these limits are themselves complicated.
These include:
-you are not allowed to incite or encourage people to break the law.
-you are not allowed to incite or encourage violence.
-‘hate speech’ falls into the above, although it can be difficult to accurately define.
The above is not debated, what is debated is what is classified as hate speech and encouraging violence to begin with. What is also happening is the process is politicised and applied selectively, your violence is bad, my violence is ok, since I’m right about something. Your racism is bad, mine is ok (e.g. a New York Times reporter recently claimed this using provocation as an excuse, which isn’t an excuse).
Reducing illegal incitement to violence is unstoppable on social media, but what needs to be ensured is that it is done consistently -Antifa for example -have openly stated that’s its ok to use violence against those you disagree with-legally they cannot use violence against what they perceive as wrong without also breaking the law. They will lose this argument. The same goes for various forms of censorship. If social media platforms are captured by one side of politics, then one may have no option but to create other social platforms, and try and achieve consistency in with any kind of social censorship.
Another important point is the state has a monopoly on violence, citizens are not allowed to take matters into their own hands, which again means groups or individuals cannot incite or advocate violence. This extends to violent protests as well, such as obstructing businesses, despite the claims of environmental activists.
Not easy to resolve, but this has never been any different. I also think the public service has a role (for a change) one thing they do is set and maintain community values and standards, even if it’s not always very obvious.
I’m not a great fan of Alex Jones as I find him too rash, exaggerated and extreme on some points. In fact he sometimes goes after the wrong targets but that’s mostly because he’s ahead of the times and so is making too many untimely conclusions. I do agree with the comments made here and elsewhere that he should have the right to voice his opinions and views like those on the left also have the right to do so. All’s fair in love and war, and this is a war of ideologies but it’s actually more fundamental than that. Many actually are making the valid claim banning Alex Jones is illegal in the US under various laws and can be taken to the Supreme court. In any case the simple fact is the real issue is it is a war of ideologies and the anti-West sides (left, Islamic terrorist, etc.) are fuelling the war far more than those who support the West such as Alex Jones, warts and all.
Looks like they’re looking at going after Tony Heller’s (Some may know him as Steve Goddard) youtube videos on climate issues now. Tony is vowing to fight.
Post modernism is re-gathering their forces for the next attack. In fact the greatest enemy to “post modernism” is modernism. Think about that for a minute.
Also post modernism is not just the evil left. It includes all sorts of other enemies of the West.
I’m not at all surprised. It looks like they’re going all out to destroy any opposing thoughts to their own.
This “Fake News” meme is just a Trojan Horse to remove stuff they don’t like.
I am beginning to wonder if we’re going to get our country turned around without force of arms coming into play. The press continues to do it’s best to divide. The leftist establishment has pulled out all the stops and obviously are taking actions that are both lawless and contrary to fundamental values, customs, and laws. I’m afraid that people are going to get fed up and start taking direct and very punitive action against the dark side. A leftist judge “Ordered” the administration to restart DACA https://www.usimmigration.org/glossary/daca which he had no authority to do and is clearly an unconstitutional act. DACA is not law but came into being as policy under the authority of an Executive order from Obama in 2012 which the current president rescinded in Sept of 2017. The judiciary has no constitutional authority to rule on executive policy unless it is found to be repugnant to the Constitution.
This “resistance” is being carried out in many lawless and sometimes violent ways and people are getting fed up.
The tension is palpable and growing. Even in my own family I am finding it difficult to hold my tongue and be civil at times these days when dealing with my leftist sister and her daughter and in fact only do so because when I am around them I am also with my aged and infirmed parents. My sister is a very loving and caring person and a social worker. Her daughter a know it all teacher. They usually know better than to start with their hate Trump stuff when I or my brothers are around but sometimes one of us have to let them know where to get off.
Why do you think Stephen Conroy, arch Labor unionist wanted a government controlled single telephone backbone for Australia, his NBN? A sketch on the back of a beer coaster, but why was it important? (and born in England was he illegally another dual citizen candidate sitting in Australian senate)
A real communist government wants control not only of the means of production, electricity, but they also control of the media. Increasingly all media are internet media, all communications, all commerce. Even newspapers are fully electronic.
Why let a myriad of private organizations control information flow? Why not have a system like Communist China’s where Google can be banned, where every communication is scrutinized and every dollar is monitored by the government, every transaction? Packets from and to web sites like this can be stripped from the system instantly. Phones can be tapped without wires. Everything can be recorded and Turnbull has quietly legislated recordings of all internet metadata without much objection. Conroy as NBN minister wanted to start blocking sites and traffic. For our own good of course.
Social media are just the first sign of the new totalitarian governments, like Australia’s Turnbull Government.
Green on the outside. Bright red on the inside.
“Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth.” – Abraham Lincoln
Now people who actually believe this are ridiculed as ‘populists’, deplorables hated by the elites of Washington, Brussels and Canberra. A government controlled single backbone will get rid of them. You are even forced to give up your landline and all your communication must be over government controlled media. It’s all so obvious. We never needed an NBN. It’s entire purpose was control, not service. It should be sold off like Telstra itself and control of the media returned to the public.
Then you get those little Google and Amazon microphones sitting in your living area at your expense, listening into every conversation, waiting for key words, waiting for your command, spying. It’s all happening folks. Soon you can be arrested for sedition for a conversation at home. Your Police Chief may soon talk to you directly from your own speaker in your living room. What you say is being recorded now and will be used in evidence against you.
Your phone locates you. Your ancestry DNA identifies you. Your metadata is kept. Your credit card transactions are mined. They know what you bought, where, when. The big banks have all your records, as you signed over your rights. There are cameras outside every shop. There is one in every phone. All for your own safety.
In this new world, Donald Trump could be made to vanish. One thing which is certain is that if he had done anything wrong in his life, it would be worldwide news. The Clintons are immune.
TdeF – the Clintons aren’t the only ones immune. this story died in the FakeNewsMSM almost as soon as it was revealed by Politico. in fact, I couldn’t even find anything on NYT or WaPo when I searched today:
27 Jul: Politico: How Silicon Valley Became a Den of Spies
The West Coast is a growing target of foreign espionage. And it’s not ready to fight back.
(Zach Dorfman is senior fellow at the Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs)
Political espionage happens here, too. China, for example, is certainly out to steal U.S. technology secrets, noted former intelligence officials, but it also is heavily invested in traditional political intelligence gathering, influence and perception-management operations in California. Former intelligence officials told me that Chinese intelligence once recruited a staff member at a California office of U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein, and the source reported back to China about local politics…
8 Aug: Fox News: FBI’s handling of alleged Feinstein spy spurs claims of double standard with Trump campaign
By Brooke Singman; Fox News’ Chad Pergram and Lukas Mikelionis contributed to this report
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., who has been a staunch Trump defender throughout the federal probe into Russian meddling and potential collusion with his campaign, complained that Feinstein and Trump were handled differently.
“Providing a defensive briefing, like the one given to Senator Feinstein, is a typical response to these kinds of situations,” Nunes said in a statement to Fox News. “The refusal to give the Trump campaign a defensive briefing, and instead opening a sprawling counter-intelligence investigation of American citizens, is one of many alarming ways that intelligence leaders drastically diverged from normal procedures in their Trump campaign investigation.”…
The staffer reportedly attended Chinese consulate events on behalf of the senator, and reportedly was recruited after being befriended by someone from China’s Ministry of State Security…
Feinstein said the FBI “reviewed the matter” and “shared its concerns” with her…
The Wall Street Journal editorial board wrote this week that the issue is “what the FBI told Mrs. Feinstein but didn’t tell Mr. Trump.”
“The question Mr. Trump should ask is why the bureau didn’t treat him as a potential President with the same customary courtesy,” the editorial said…
The FBI declined to comment on why Trump was not given the same kind of briefing as Feinstein…
But retired FBI special agent and former national spokesman John Iannarelli, who worked at the FBI at the time of the investigation into the Feinstein staffer but not specifically on the case, explained that the difference in bureau procedure could have been based on the narrow scope of the case…
He also suggested the FBI trusted Feinstein with the information…
Over the weekend, Trump blasted Feinstein for having a “Chinese spy” in her office for “20 years.”…
the FakeNewsMSM meme goes like this:
Feinstein doesn’t let Trump get best of her over driver linked to spying
San Francisco Chronicle – 10h ago
Feinstein, Trump Exchange Jabs Over Chinese Spy Driver Revelation
International-CBS San Francisco-6 Aug. 2018
Trump and Feinstein spar over reports of alleged Chinese spying
International-CNN-5 Aug. 2018
Trump mocks Senator Feinstein following reports an alleged Chinese spy
Highly Cited-USA TODAY-4 Aug. 2018
give thanks for independent websites:
MSM Reveals Hypocrisy Over Feinstein’s Chinese Spy
Daily Wire – 1 day ago
Outrageous: Media shrug off Feinstein spy scandal story
American Thinker (blog)-7 Aug. 2018
Media glosses over Dianne Feinstein’s Chinese spy
International-Washington Examiner-7 Aug. 2018
8 Aug: The Federalist: Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s Ties To China Go Way Deeper Than An Alleged Office Spy
Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s warm relationship with and advocacy for Communist China go back decades and involve millions, if not billions, of dollars.
By Ben Weingarten
7 Aug: RealClearPolitics: Tim Hains: Alex Jones to Donald Trump: You Need To Blow The Whistle On Chinese Communist Infiltration Of Silicon Valley, Democratic Party
You beat PeterS for somehow finding a way to link Turnbull. Don’t put Peter out of a job.
What link to Turnbull? All I and most others here have been saying is Turnbull must go since his policies on energy like Shorten’s will eventually destroy us unless he is replaced by someone with the understanding that our abundant source of a cheap fuel source (coal) must be used more and more, and not less and less given it’s in high demand by the rest of the world who are building hundreds of new coal fired plants only because they have not fallen for the renewables scam as much as we have. Got the message yet?
Is that you Niki?
Nichola the biochemical mathematician??
There is guy that lives down the road from where I live that displays an Infowars bumper sticker on his SUV. He’s actually a great guy but says some bizarre things sometimes, such as 911 being an “inside job.” But most thinking persons can see through this type of thing, no reason to ban or limit free speech. The people pining to limit free speech either can’t think critically and assume nobody else can either, so information should only be doled out by “recognized authorities”, or they want to silence contrary voices so only their perspective is heard. Maybe a little of both.
I loaded the Infowars free app on principle. I don’t see why we should be bullied by leftist extremists into losing our right to free speech.
Annie, what smartphone/tablet platform did you load this app onto on principle – the Apple iOS platform or the Google Android platform?
Google, YouTube waging “demonetization” WAR on alternative media to bankrupt independent journalism
“(Natural News) Independent media pioneer SGTReport.com is now the latest victim of the Google / YouTube “demonetization” censorship attack that’s explicitly targeting alternative media.”
“SGT Report, along with many other independent media outlets, is now asking for Patreon donations as Google / YouTube demonetizes their videos, forcing them to look for alternative sources of operating revenue.”
This appears to be the heart of it. Google is trying to cut funding to their opposition.
Google is so big that failure will take decades. But they are obviously promoting their opposition by forcing people to use their opposition. The Streisand Effect in action.
Facebook censors a traditonal marriage defenders
Facebook accused of censoring conservatives
I occasionally listened to Infowars on Tune In radio app, just checked and it seems to have been removed.
I think Alex Jones tells many lies and I listened for the laughs.
I dont agree with the ban, however there was no control over what he said and many innocent people have been hurt and harassed because of his lies.
Imagine the pain and grief of the parents who’s child died in the Sandy Hook school shooting who have had to move several times because Alex Jones said Sandy Hook massacre is fake, it never happened, all the kids and parents are paid actors.
An Infowars listener shot up a pizza restaurant because Alex Jones falsely said Hillary Clinton was operating a paedophile ring from it.
A modern day parallel with what happened in Germany back in 1933?
Hitler copied Stalin who invented concentration camps and starved millions to death as it was cheaper. Perversely this led to the rise of Hitler as the Germans were scared of Stalin’s mass extermination in Poland, Galicia, Ukraine and the Russian army and navy.
The difference between Hitler’s Socialists and Stalin’s Communists was in name only. By the way, NAZI was a derogatory term for National Socialists in Bavaria. For the Left to call conservatives fascists is absurd. Socialists are fascists. Judge them by what they do.
Night of the long knives.
multiple links:
7 Aug: Western Journal: Oxford Study Finds Conservatives Are ‘Right To Be Skeptical’ of Scientists
By Steven Beyer
Conservatives have long been skeptical of certain scientific claims, especially in regard to the science behind man-made global warming.
However, a study by the University of Oxford suggests that there may be a reason for that. In fact, they go as far as to say that conservatives have a “right” to be skeptical of scientists.
The study “Does activism in the Social Sciences Explain Conservatives’ Distrust of Scientists?” was led by Professor of Biology for the University of Oxford Nathan Confas and was first published online back in 2017. However, the study was brought to light again when it was republished this month in the recent issue of the American Sociologist…
Confas proposed that the reason so many conservatives are skeptical is that there is an increase of liberalism within the scientific community.
He cited a recent study to prove his point. The study surveyed 479 sociology professors, and only 4 percent identified as conservative or libertarian. Compare this with the 86 percent who identify themselves as liberal or left-radical…
But it’s not just the area of sociology where this bias is creeping in. UNT professor George Yancy published a piece titled, “Yes Academic Bias is a Problem and We Need to Address It.”…
It’s this “bias” that leads to “bad science” that is concerning to Confas… https://www.westernjournal.com/oxford-study-finds-conservatives-skeptical-scientists/
6 Aug: Campus Reform: Study finds conservatives ‘right to be skeptical of scientists’
by Toni Airaksinen
•Researchers from the University of Oxford say conservative skepticism of scientific establishments is largely justified, given the prevalence of left-leaning “scholar activism” in fields like sociology and political science.
•Nathan Confas and his team argue that conservatives are primarily opposed to so-called “impact scientists” who conduct research with the explicit purpose of advancing liberal policy goals.
Led by Nathan Confas, the study “Does Activism in the Social Sciences Explain Conservatives’ Distrust of Scientists?” can be found in the recent issue of the American Sociologist, a special edition dedicated to ideological diversity and conservative issues…
Some suggest that conservatives are less likely to accept data that “threatens their worldview,” note Confas and his team.
But Confas told Campus Reform that this is a misguided approach. If anything, he said, published research indicates that liberals and conservatives are equally likely to discredit science if it conflicts with their world-view, citing studies such as this one and this one…
They suggest that increasing levels of skepticism towards scientific institutions is partly a reaction to the politicization—namely, the liberalization—of these institutions.
The distrust is not driven by all scientists, but rather by what Confas and his team refer to as “impact scientists.” These are researchers, typically working in the social sciences and ***environmental science, who often conduct research with the stated goal of raising awareness of left-liberal issues, or acceptance of left-liberal policy solutions.
“There is a strong possibility that conservatives are not opposed to, or skeptical of, science per se. Rather, they lack trust in impact scientists whom they see as seeking in influence policy in a liberal direction,” explains Confas.
He points to the field of sociology as an example. A recent study surveying 479 sociology professors discovered that only 4 percent identify as conservative or libertarian, while 86 percent identify as liberal or left-radical…
Most sociologists would claim, in good faith, to be objective. But emerging research suggests that the political slant in the field is corrupting objectivity, due to a variety of issues including confirmation bias and scholar-activism in the field.
“Taking the easy route isn’t something that I or my coauthors are tempted to do. We want to do our part to help correct the science,” Confas told Campus Reform.
“Conservatives are right to be skeptical,” he added. “Take any politicized issue that is connected to some disagreement about scientific fact. I do not believe there is a single case in the last couple decades where a major scientific organization took a position that went against the platform of the Democratic Party.”
“What an odd coincidence that ‘science’ always, without exception, supports the liberal worldview,” Confas observed.
We have had our version in NZ in recent weeks. First the Mayor of Auckland after hearing about Southern and Molyneux coming to talk in Auckland and at a prebooked venue owned by the Council stops it saying they cannot speak at any Council owned venue ( apparently the head of the local Muslim association had complained to him and activists had threatened violence) There was a huge up roar and S&M were persuaded to still come and another venue was arranged but they kept the name of the venue secret until the last day –but threats were issued to the owners and they stopped the event.
This week the VC of one of our major Universities (Massey) stopped the former leader of the National Party from talking on campus ( NZ equivalent to your Liberals) –Don Brash who was also former head of our Reserve Bank. This would be the equivalent of stopping John Howard speaking at a Uni ( even though Don was never PM). Someone had threatened violence again,apparently, and VC caved in. The fact she is a rampant leftist probably affected her decision. Don had been invited by the University Politics Club to speak on his experience in politics but he is also known for his strident belief that we are all New Zealanders and we should strive to all equal under the law ( certain groups cannot handle that). Don has released his speech notes to show what he was going to say.
Mob rule has entered NZ.
VIDEO: 8 Aug: Medium: INJURIES, ARRESTS: Antifa invades Portland City Hall, brutalizes officials
by Jonathan Lockwood
“One demonstrator, who was masked and wearing a baseball helmet, smashed a security guard over the head repeatedly with a megaphone. The guard was seen afterward clutching a bag of ice, a bruise beginning to form on his cheek,” wrote the Oregonian’s Gordon Friedman and Shane Dixon Kavanaugh in a report that is being updated…
In light of The New York Times and Buzzfeed reporters being given a pass for calling for whites people to be killed etc., and conservatives being censored and dehumanized online and in real life, and violent attacks against conservatives are now regular occurrences, we need to call Antifa for what it is: a terrorist organization.
meanwhile, one of the worst cases of violence against Trump supporters has come to this:
8 Aug: BerkeleySide: Eric Clanton takes 3-year probation deal in Berkeley rally bike lock assault case
By Emilie Raguso
A former East Bay college philosophy professor who was charged with four counts of felony assault with a deadly weapon, causing great bodily injury, has taken a deal resulting in three years of probation for an attack at a Berkeley protest last year, court records reveal…
Wednesday, Clanton was supposed to have had his preliminary hearing, where a judge decides whether there’s enough evidence in a case for it to move ahead to trial. Instead, there was no hearing, and information about Clanton’s plea deal became available online.
According to Alameda County Superior Court records, Clanton entered a “no contest” plea Wednesday to one misdemeanor battery charge. The felony charges against him were dismissed, and an allegation that he had caused serious bodily injury was stricken. A misdemeanor charge that Clanton wore a mask during the commission of the crime also was dropped.
Clanton’s three years of probation begin Wednesday and last through Aug. 8, 2021…
When he was taken into custody last year, Clanton “immediately invoked his rights to an attorney” and declined to be interviewed by police, according to court papers…
VIDEO: 26 May 2017: ConservativeReview: Ethics prof. charged in deadly-weapons assault of Trump backers
by Jordan Schachtel
Clanton, 28, is thought to be the masked individual in the video below who smashed a Trump supporter in the head with a U-lock at the Patriots Day event, giving his victim a large gash.
According to his Diablo Valley College faculty profile (which has since been taken down), Clanton began teaching at the school in 2015 and holds a master’s degree in philosophy. However, the community college district spokesman said that Clanton had not been working this spring semester.
The DVC course schedule shows that Clanton is slated to teach a “Logic and Critical Thinking” class as well as an “Introduction to Philosophy” course at DVC in summer. In the fall, he is slated to teach two “Introduction to Philosophy” classes.
Eric Clanton’s master’s thesis focused on the “intersection of virtue ethics and affective/emotional perception in the context of environmental philosophy,” according to Clanton’s website (***LINK)…
Before DVC, Clanton was a lecturer at Cal State, Sacramento, where he taught two classes on ethics…
***from the LINK:
Eric Clanton: Curriculum Vitae
Courses Taught or Assisted:
Environmental Ethics, and Ethics, Great Thinkers: East and West, Contemporary Moral/Political Issues, and Intro. Critical Thinking…
Research Interests:
Virtue Ethics
Environmental Ethics…ETC
note how Associated Press has taken control of the narrative. MAJOR FakeNewsMSM has never followed this story, and they haven’t now, but it is making some regional papers, & may get picked up by the bigger outlets at some stage:
8 Aug: Sacramento Bee: AP: California anti-Trump protester gets probation for assault
A former community college teacher and anti-fascist activist accepted a plea deal and pleaded no contest to a misdemeanor assault for allegedly attacking attendees of a Northern California political rally…
The Alameda County district attorney’s office initially charged Clanton with felonies for hitting several pro-Trump demonstrators on the head with a bicycle lock during a 2017 demonstration in Berkeley…
(Eric Clanton’s attorney Daniel) Siegel said medical records showed only one alleged victim sought medical treatment, for a bruise smaller than a dime…
California anti-Trump protester gets probation for assault
The San Luis Obispo Tribune-2 hours ago
Siegel said medical records showed only one alleged victim sought medical treatment, for a bruise smaller than a dime.
California anti-Trump protester gets probation for assault
Houston Chronicle – 2h ago
Siegel said medical records showed only one alleged victim sought medical treatment, for a bruise smaller than a dime.
California anti-Trump protester gets probation for assault
Argus Press – 2h ago
Siegel said medical records showed only one alleged victim sought medical treatment, for a bruise smaller than a dime
California Anti-Trump Protester Gets Probation for Assault
US News & World Report – 2h ago
Siegel said medical records showed only one alleged victim sought medical treatment, for a bruise smaller than a dime.
One law for us and one law for them.
I do not think anyone has ever bested Orwell: “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”
My Regards to you and yours,
amazing followup by John Solomon to his piece yesterday – “How a senior DOJ official helped Dem researchers on Trump-Russia case” – posted on jo’s “midweek unthreaded” thread.
keep in mind Trump was elected in November 2016:
8 Aug: The Hill: Opinion: Top DOJ official discussed getting Steele back into FBI, Mueller probe
by John Solomon
btw FakeNewsMSM is still not reporting any of the revelations by Solomon on Ohr/Steele, etc:
8 Aug: Conservative Treehouse: sundance: Rudy Giuliani: Robert Mueller is Now Implicated in Collusion and Soft Coup Attempt….
8 Aug: Infowars: CENSORED: Disqus Bans Infowars, Entire Alex Jones Network of Websites
Disqus sent Alex Jones a vague message saying they banned him for being “in violation” of their terms of service.
by Chris Menahan
8 Aug: Daily Caller: All Felony Assault Charges Dropped Against Bike Lock Prof. He’ll Serve Three Years Of Probation
by Rob Shimshock
Clanton originally faced up to 11 years in prison…
The former professor called the concept of a moral high ground a notion of the “narrative class,” in a May interview with Rolling Stone (LINK). But while he spoke to the publication, he did not submit himself to a police interview and “immediately invoked his rights to an attorney,” according to court documents obtained by Berkeleyside…
behind paywall:
8 Aug: UK Times: BBC spends £2.5m on PR agencies to promote licence fee
by Matthew Moore
The BBC is spending £2.5 million of licence payers’ money hiring six PR agencies to promote the licence fee and spell out the consequences of non-payment.
The national broadcaster is seeking a new network of external spin doctors — at a cost equivalent to more than 16,000 television licences — even though it already has a devoted press team at TV Licensing, its collection and enforcement arm, in addition to the main BBC press office.
PR agencies across the UK have been invited to bid for the contracts, which start in April 2019. Successful candidates will act as the “face of TV Licensing in their geographical area” and deliver a “strategic programme of TV Licensing communications”, according to the tender documents.
They will be expected…
What next?
People need to start using alternatives. For twitter, use Gab. Alternatives to Youtube are Steem and Dtube.
Search engines use one of these twelve alternatives.
Use the word alternative in your search query, if you are not happy with the ‘program’, you are currently using.
Climate Heretic
doesn’t seem to much outrage over this censorship! lol.
Sky News removed from Melbourne train stations after Blair Cottrell interview
Victoria’s Public Transport Minister orders Metro Trains to stop playing Sky News on television screens at Melbourne train stations after the channel aired an …
ABC News – 3 hours ago
Sky News dumped from Melbourne stations after Blair Cottrell interview
SBS-4 hours ago
Victoria’s rail provider has been ordered to dump Sky News from its stations
Sky News Australia pulled from train stations over backlash
Victoria instructs subways not to show Sky News Australia, after it ran a controversial interview.
BBC – one hour ago
Victorian Government push to stop playing Sky News on trains after interview with Blair Cottrell
The government has been accused of censorship after demanding train stations stop playing Sky News following an interview with Hitler sympathiser Blair …
Daily Mail – 2 hours ago
Sky News removed from Melbourne railway stations after extremist interview
The Victorian government has directed the state’s trains operator to remove Sky News from railway stations amid a sustained backlash to the broadcaster’s …
The Guardian – 6h ago
Sky News ban: Transport Minister Jacinta Allan exposed in train wreck interview
Sky News has confirmed an interview with far-right extremist Blair Cottrell did not go to air in Victorian train stations — but Transport Minister Jacinta Allan says …
The Australian – 1h ago
Sky News banished from Melbourne train stations, remains in Sydney stations
Sky News will be banished from some of Melbourne’s busiest train stations, with Victoria’s transport minister forced to defend claims she is censoring the media.
The Sydney Morning Herald – 5 hours ago
Jacinta Allan: Blair Cottrell Sky interview may not have aired to commuters
PUBLIC Transport Minister Jacinta Allan has conceded a controversial interview that sparked her decision to ban Sky News from train stations may have never …
Herald Sun – 14 minutes ago
Andrew Bolt: Vic Govt’s Sky News ban is rank political censorship
THE Victorian Governments extraordinary ban on Sky News is political censorship — justified by lies by a political gang with plenty to hide.
Herald Sun – one hour ago
Government accused of censorship after demanding Sky News off train station TVs
The government has been accused of censorship after demanding that screens on CBD train stations stop broadcasting Sky News. BELOW: Hear the Transport …
3AW – 5 hours ago
Victorian goverment pulls pin on Sky News at stations
Sky News Australia has been banned from TV screens at Melbourne train stations after airing an interview with a far-right nationalist on its main channel, …
Nine – one hour ago
Sky News banned from Melbourne train stations after Blair Cottrell interview
VICTORIAS Public Transport Minister Jacinta Allan has conceded a controversial interview that sparked her decision to ban Sky News from Melbourne train …
Daily Telegraph – 2 hours ago
Sky News Banned From Melbourne Trains
Extraordinary on-air face-off between minister and Sky hosts.
Ten daily – 2 hours ago
Sky News editor approved Blair Cottrell interview
Crikey-4 hours ago
Sky News sponsor backlash mounts following Blair Cottrell interview
AdNews-6 Aug. 2018
More to come on this
There are much more interesting (and for lefty warmist types, alarming) programs every day on Sky. I am not a subscriber but I check out the podcasts for Peta C, young Bolt and the Outsiders regularly. What they discuss gives me hope for a better future than it seems we deserve, and warms the cockles of this old bird’s heart.
As for Blair Cottrell, I had never taken any notice of him so had to look him up (that’s what happen when furors happen, it brings out questions) – he sounds like a pretty grim character and not my cup of tea at all, but then how do I know that what I am reading (MSM etc) is accurate?
According to media gossip, he was also interviewed on the ABC2 a couple of years ago, but I didn’t hear of ABC2 being banned in Victorian railway stations, which are apparently full of delicate flowers who mustn’t be allowed to be upset, or come to their own judgement on anyone or what they say, or even think too much. Is this because people like Minister Allan are encouraged by ‘big tech’s’ censorship in the US? If so we are definitely heading for trouble.
So the ABC interviews Cottrell but Sky News didn’t yet Sky News is banned for allegedly interviewing Cottrell!! There is no end to how far the left will turn evil. Be prepared for more of such evilness when Shorten becomes PM. Freedom in Australia is dying.
6 Aug: Breitbart: InfoWars Ban: CNN, Democrats Successfully Lobby Big Tech to Censor Their Critics
by Allum Bokhari
Chief among them was Democratic Congressman Ted Deutch (D-FL), who demanded that a Facebook representative “explain” their decision not to ban InfoWars at a House Judiciary Committee hearing on social media censorship last month…
He then asked Google’s representative if they thought conspiracy theories were a “problem,” and asked her to explain the company’s planned solutions. It seems that YouTube has now come up with a solution: ban the channels that Rep. Deutch objects to.
At a previous hearing on social media censorship, Deutch, who represents Parkland, Florida, attacked tech companies for allowing “vile and outrageous and offensive garbage” on their platforms.
Multiple other congressional Democrats, including Reps. Jerrold Nadler, Jim Hines, and Ted Lieu have attacked the very idea of big tech censorship, calling Republican concerns a “conspiracy theory” and defending the right of tech giants to censor whomever they want…
Far-left media also played a role in demanding tech giants appoint themselves as the arbiters of free speech. Here’s the Guardian attacking Facebook for continuing to host InfoWars, and here’s BuzzFeed’s Joe Bernstein wondering why Twitter hasn’t followed Facebook, YouTube, Spotify and Apple in today’s purge. Bernstein was retweeted by CNN’s Oliver Darcy by the way…
Perhaps the most strident was CNN, which repeatedly lobbied YouTube to demonetize InfoWars and ban Alex Jones. They also went after Facebook on the same issue, stating the social media “struggles to explain why InfoWars isn’t banned.” News Corp’s Rupert Murdoch has also attacked big tech for allowing “scurrilous news sources” to gain traction on the web…
What does this mean? It means that Democrats are pressuring social media companies to give them free political favors by granting them a free platform while denying one to their critics.
It also means that the corporate media are all working overtime to remove their competitors on social media.
And it’s working.
8 Aug: GatewayPundit: Jim Hoft: JARED HOLT the Fascist Who Got Alex Jones Banned from Internet Works for Soros Website
Jared Holt works for the George Soros funded website Right Wing Watch.
Right Wing Watch says on its “About Page” the Soros funded group is a project of People For the American Way (PFAW) dedicated to monitoring and exposing the activities and rhetoric of right-wing activists and organizations in order to expose their extreme agenda.
People for the American Way says it is a progressive advocacy organization founded to fight right-wing extremism and to “defend constitutional values including free expression.”
Isn’t that rich?
George Soros is a major donor for People for the American Way.
The Soros-funded group pressured the far left tech giants to ban Alex Jones and Infowars, a top pro-Trump website, just weeks before the 2018 election.
Infowars is not alone.
The tech giants, especially Facebook, have been eliminating conservative content and shadow-banning conservative publishers since the 2016 election.
It’s time for Congress to step in and take action against these unconstitutional practices by the tech giants.
comment in moderation re: Breitbart: InfoWars Ban: CNN, Democrats Successfully Lobby Big Tech to Censor Their Critics
9 Aug: Daily Caller: Twitter Plans ‘Hate Speech’ Crackdown After Backlash From Upset Employees
by Peter Hasson
•Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey on Wednesday signaled a coming change to his company’s speech policies, following pressure from his own employees
•Some Twitter employees are unhappy that Twitter has yet to join Facebook, Spotify, Apple and YouTube in banning right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones
•Twitter is planning to accelerate a crackdown on “hate speech” and is looking to evaluate whether to punish users for “off-platform behavior,” according to a company-wide email sent on Wednesday
Twitter is planning to accelerate changes to the company’s speech policies after a backlash from its own employees who want the company to ban right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.
Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, responding to a critical tweet from a Twitter engineer, said Wednesday he is “not happy” with Twitter’s current policies, which he said need to “evolve.”
Twitter vice president Del Harvey also sent a company-wide email Wednesday pledging to accelerate Twitter’s efforts to crack down on “dehumanizing hate speech,” in the wake of internal “conversations” about Jones.
Harvey noted that Twitter also plans to evaluate whether the company needs to better police “off-platform behavior.”…
Dorsey explained Tuesday why Twitter has yet to follow Facebook, Google and Apple’s lead by banning Jones: “he hasn’t violated our rules.”…
Dorsey’s explanation angered some of his employees, who demanded the CEO do more to regulate speech on the platform…
“There is no honor in resisting ‘outside pressure’, just to pat ourselves on the back for being ‘impartial,’” Twitter engineer Marina Zhao replied, adding: “Twitter does not exist in a vacuum, and it is wrong to ignore the serious real-world harm, and to equate that with political viewpoints.”
Engineer Kenneth Kufluk also stated his disagreement with his boss that Jones hadn’t violated any rules…
Twitter is already under scrutiny for censoring and suppressing conservatives on its platform…READ ALL
Youtube: 10mins40secs: Fox News: “They CAN’T Have it Both Ways!” Nigel Farage REACTS to the Alex Jones Ban
“They CAN’T Have it Both Ways!” Nigel Farage REACTS to the Alex Jones Ban
Tammy Bruce (filling in for Tucker Carlson) interviews Nigel Farage (8-7-18).
8 Aug Tweet: Kevin Rudd:
Bolt & Abbott, the leading climate change deniers, get offended when radical socialist institutions like the CSIRO point out that climate change increases the frequency & intensity of drought. What irresponsible fools. Recklessly indifferent to the future of Australian farming.
(LINKS to Bolt article)
ON Rudd’s twitter homepage:
7 Aug Tweet: Kevin Rudd:
So Turnbull recognises the drought is influenced by climate change. Hold the phone! The world burns while Turnbull remains captive to the mad right & Murdoch the climate change denier. Put a price on carbon and lead global climate action, rather than hide….
(LINKS to BBC Hothouse Earth piece)
The ABC gets criticized for being biased and that criticism is fair game as it is publicly funded and has a charter to show balance. All of these big tech ‘platforms’ or ‘publishers’ have no such charter and are the product of the ‘free market’ we always uphold. Where is the imperative for those companies to not have any sort of political or other bias? Why do we suddenly need Government regulation to manipulate these companies? Is the free market not capable of sorting those things out for itself? If they are all Californian lefty products why don’t some enterprising righties come up with an alternative? Jo, asks where are the Gov Media competition police up in 2.1. Do we really need them? Fox/News is a pretty big media concern and some would say even have a political bias but we have not kicked up a stink about them. Is there some Big Government Constitutional rule that gives political freedom to an individual but not to a company?
Alex Jones Claims 5.6 Million New Infowars Subscribers Since Big Tech Blacklisting
I LOVE IT !!!!
Michael McKibben of Leader Technologies tells the story about alleged patent theft of code used to create the first iteration of Facebook. Is his story true? Beats me. But it deserves attention, and is consistent with, and perhaps helps explain Zuckerberg’s political affiliations.
Leader Technologies, Inc. v. Facebook, Inc., No. 11-1366 (Fed. Cir. May 8, 2012), the Federal Circuit affirmed the invalidation of U.S. Patent No. 7,139,761
See interview with McKibben at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbZWL7NFvNY
I don’t see any solution to this issue of the left’s incessant censorship of different opinions until those of us of a more fair-minded outlook are actually prepared to set-up an alternative platform where all opinions are welcomed. And that last bit is important. It’s no good just setting up a right-wing talking shop: if we truly believe in freedom of speech (something the left clearly do not), then we have to be prepared to suffer the implications of that lofty claim. All opinions are welcome – they might not be equal in our eyes, but they have to be heard.
This is the problem with our schools and especially our universities in the West (and everywhere else, for that matter). They preach (endlessly) about ‘diversity and inclusion’ but they make it clear that when they speak about ‘diversity’ they actually mean ‘diversity in all things – except opinion’. It’s a joke – and not a funny one. It’s a travesty of the truth and insulting to anyone with any common sense.