A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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The perpetual gadfly of Climate Change economics Bjorn Llomberg is everywhere. Today in the Australian “United Nations ‘propaganda’ on climate costing the world trillions”.
Lines like “The UN promotes the idea that sea level rise could submerge small islands such as Kiribati. This claim is often repeated yet ignores a vast scientific literature showing almost every atoll including Kiribati is stable or increasing in size.” Are typical.
Propaganda vs reality.
As for ‘The Science’ it has become apparent to me that not only is there almost no fossil fuel CO2 in the air, something which was immediately obvious from C14 dating, humans cannot change CO2. It is the constant and rapidly maintained vapour pressure of a 98% dissolved gas. Slight ocean warming is directly connected to CO2 increase, as you would expect.
I had thought like many that a simple solution to increasing CO2 would be to grow trees and so sequester vast amounts of CO2 naturally. Tony Abbott and others agreed. It was obvious and cheap. However this was proven completely wrong by NASA when they proved that total tree cover between 1988 and 2014 increased 14%, the coverage of North America. But CO2 also went up 14% in this period. So increasing CO2 increases tree coverage.
Not that NASA publicly drew this obvious conclusion. They called CO2 a ‘fertilizer’. When in fact it is the entire tree.
So as CO2 increased, tree grew themselves and CO2 did not go down at all! Especially in arid areas where it was thought the limit to tree growth was water, not CO2. Not only does this mean Australian Carbon Credits, the basis of Albanese’s massive 35% CO2 tax (Safeguard Mechanism 2023) and Julia Gillard’s Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011, are scientifically busted, there is nothing humans can do or have done to change CO2.
While the economics of Nett Zero are recognized universally as absolutely destructive and channeling all Australia’s wealth to China, there never was a scientific basis for CO2 taxes we have suffered since John Howard’s 2001 Renewable Energy(Electricity) which has ripped $100Bn out of electricity charges to pay ‘investors’ for completely useless short term windmills.
I just wish the fake Conservatives (and Tories) would promise to repeal all of the Labor/Liberal Carbon taxes which have made electricity so expensive for everyone and cemented (Electrical) power in Canberra, rather than the states. Like Tony Abbott, they would romp home in an election because no government was ever given a mandate for hidden and illegal carbon taxes in everything we do.
And these punitive hidden taxes are killing every industry because the quality of life is based on cheap and sufficient and commandable energy. History will show that the UN has been shutting down Western Democracies economically.
And now we have the farcical situation where the world’s biggest economies are throwing off the yoke of UN carbon ripoffs, but especially Commonwealth Countries including Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the UK are killing their own economies. And blaming Donald Trump who has just pointed out the obvious. It’s a hoax.
A subtle point about power going to Canberra. In the Constitution which established the Federation, the States were insistent that they controlled mineral rights. Especially gold. But a lot more. Coal was a big part and Victoria’s abundant brown coal was a major advantage for cheap electricity and rapidly exploited, attracting companies like Alcoa to make aluminium cheaply. Now we Victorian taxpayers pay the wages at Alcoa. And Trump has whacked massive tariffs on this fraud.
However control of minerals put the States in charge of electrical power and so political power.
Man made CO2 Climate Change broke the back of this with a ‘National Grid’ which moved all electrical power and political power to Canberra. Now they can turn off your airconditioner or refrigerator or stop you from charging your electrical car. No competition. No private enterprise. Best of all, the electricity consumer pays for all the windmills and solar panels and massive previously unnecessary transmission lines with ripoffs built into your electricity bills. The ‘private’ electricity retailers like AGL now work as carbon tax collectors for Albanese.
This legislated cancer of Federal power is in every field, as Federal governments were not responsible for health, education, police and more.
You can see control by Washington public servants being undone by Trump. He has disbanded the entire Federal Education department as completely silly as wasteful, given there are no Federal schools. It is a layer of bureaucratic control created by Washington, like that created for electrical power. Which is why coal, gas and oil have to go in Australia. But we can export them, except in Victoria. Now the Australian Prime Minister can turn off the country with one switch, with the exception of pesky Western Australia. And Victoria’s coal, timber, gas are not to be used. And nuclear is illegal.
The Prime Minister and his minions are in charge of your life. And as he has shown, can do as he pleases without parliament. Which is why we had to pay $1,000,000,000 for his personal ‘investment’ in a speculative and failing Quantum Computer company in California. And we the taxpayer had no say at all. No due diligence. That’s a totalitarian dictatorship, not democracy.
We do not need a National Grid. We never did. Its only purpose is to put all Australians in the one barrel, at the whim of the PM. Or anyone else who wants to control the place. As we have seen in the Ukraine war, both sides are attacking working power stations. In Australia, it’s the Federal government.
Heathrow airport has been knocked out by the failure of an electricity grid substation. According to this politician the airport used to have diesel-generator backup but this was changed to biomass – which failed to work – in order to meet Net Zero criteria.
Anti-terrorism police are leading the investigation.
If the cause of the disruption is traced to the lack of backup, can we then call net zero terrorism?
Substation is here:
51.499566, -0.411903
Its been fixed. Nothing to do with terrorism
If I were a Russian saboteur I would be looking at the worldwide disruption that has been caused by this incident. Deliberate sabotage at Heathrow, Schipol and New York would bring the world to its knees.
Hopefully this will send out lessons. How on earth can such a huge consumer of energy as Heathrow-and there are many other examples-possibly rely in a future world on the vagaries of the weather Gods? That is why the big US tech firms want to switch to nuclear reactors.
This all illustrates what an incredibly complicated world we have built for ourselves with little margin for error or resilience. With the Digital revolution, the saboteur mentioned could target those servers and data centres that support banking and tele communications-notably mobile phones- and half the population (probably 99% of those under 30) would be running around like Zombies with their life being unable to function.
THe plan was to use only renewables at Heathrow but it didn’t happen in reality. As for whether sufficient back up was provided by way of diesel generators I think we will have to wait to see what comes out in the wash
Must have got their inspiration from Broken Hill.
A new level of madness descends:
The home was without water for two days and lost reliable communication, with Ms Carvolth unable to see if her sick mum was OK in hospital.
“I don’t want anyone else going through what my family and community went through,” she told reporters outside Queensland Parliament in Brisbane.
Her son missed school for five days and when he did return, the streets were strewn with debris.
“Kids were faced with having to step over fallen power lines to walk to school,” she said.
“None of that is normal for a weather event on the Gold Coast.”
Dozens of protesters on Thursday gathered to plead with the government to act on climate change, which they said was responsible for the arrival of Alfred, the first cyclone to hit southeast Queensland in more than 50 years.
“None of that is normal for a weather event on the Gold Coast.”
There is no “average weather.”
Marie Carvolth is a climate activist, a notoriously ill-informed subspecies of homo sapiens.
“I don’t want anyone else going through what my family and community went through,” she told reporters — She should move, because governments do not control the weather.
And cannot. The fantasy that humans control CO2 was an invention of James Hansen and Al Gore. The data for the last 55 years begs to differ. There is zero sign of human activity in CO2. It takes clever analysis of CO2 satellite data to even make CO2 ’emissions’ visible before they go into the vast oceans.
And I have always been fascinated by the idea that CO2 was not in rapid equilibrium, that it was random and that fossil fuel CO2 just added to atmospheric CO2. It so unlikely given how soluble CO2 is, 30x more soluble than O2 and fish breathe and almost all the CO2 is in the ocean, 98% of it. And CO2 levels are the same from China to the North and South Pole within 1%. How is this possible if CO2 stays in the air arbitrarily? And we see it plummet into the ocean after bushfires.
This fundamental proposition of college footballer Al Gore is fake science. That we control CO2 and CO2 controls the weather so that weather can be controlled by the UN. And the real scientists as a group say nothing while a group of activist Climatebaggers who call themselves ‘Climate Scientists’ control the press. L.Ron Hubbard would be impressed. Climate Scientology and massively profitable.
And as the UN President, former scientist Gutteres never ceases to tell us with a straight face, the Oceans are Boiling at 100 degrees (Farenheit). Send money.
This headline seems very unlikely
Trump is the world’s greatest flatterer. And quick to praise everybody and find something to admire. It works, from Kim Jong Un to Vladimir Putin. Everyone he meets. It’a a great starting point. We could all learn from Trump’s technique, although I suspect some refuse to do so.
And he is very proud of his very poor Scottish mother and Hebridean ancestry. What is odd is that no one in the UK seems to appreciate or take advantage of the connection. And it explains his incredible passion for golf.
“His mother, Mary Anne MacLeod, was born and brought up on the Hebridean island of Lewis but emigrated to New York to live a very different life.
Mary Anne was one of tens of thousands of Scots who travelled to the US and Canada in the early years of the last century looking to escape economic hardship at home.
She first left Lewis for New York in 1930, at the age of 18, to seek work as a domestic servant.
Donald Trump/Macleod would likely qualify for the old Certificate of Patriality with his mother born a British citizen.
Surely the UK politicians can be a little bit more opportunistic and practical? Flattery works both ways.
And Winston Churchill, one of the most famous and honored Britons of history had an American mother, something which also seems to get lost in the wash.
“Sir Winston Churchill’s mother was one of the liveliest and most controversial women of her time.
Jennie Jerome, born in Brooklyn of a mother who was one-quarter Iroquois Indian, was one of the few tattooed women in high society. The dark beauty’s tattooing was a snake coiled around her left wrist.”
My Irish grandmother left Béal an Átha Móir (Bellanamore) for Derry and sailed on a Norwegian ship for America about that time.
Websites may now include ‘content is “real looking” but “not actually the content of the site we are protecting, so the crawler wastes time and resources.” The content is also “real and related to scientific facts” because Cloudflare doesn’t want to inadvertently create misinformation.’
“No real human would go four links deep into a maze of AI-generated nonsense,” Cloudflare’s trio wrote. “Any visitor that does is very likely to be a bot, so this gives us a brand-new tool to identify and fingerprint bad bots, which we add to our list of known bad actors.”
It is “designed to act as a deterrent to crawler operators, by keeping their bots busy and thereby increasing the cost of operating content scrapers.”
Now, instead of proving you are not a robot, you are monitored to see if you look like a robot, and labelled as such….
Measuring all the dirty work of the supply chain and other indirect influences? Ugh, just give us the fine….
and with that, the regulations that require measuring and reporting emissions from commercial operations becomes a stealth consumption tax.
In most cases, getting around with music playing in headphones in your ears is risky behaviour.
But, if you are shopping in any superstores, pop them in to keep the subliminal out.