A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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PEMEX has 3 different refineries catch fire on the same day in three different locations. Too much to be a coincidence!
Yes, a lot of critical infrastructure of many kinds is having fires or mysterious malfunctions. A lot of chicken operations in the US have burned down, for example.
Then there are the arsonists. They don’t seem to be as active this summer as previous years. Maybe it’s the cool and wet summer over east that we are having.
If no one reports a fire, does it still burn?
The BBC made a half-hearted effort to tell us Oz had fires east and west. There still seems to have been a healthy fire season if you search deep.
I think as nature has been fairly helpful with floods this year, there is no need to fan the flames!
This UK fire goes against the heat/dry/fire link. “But the mountains are so wet at this time of year it’s hard to see how it could have caught hold.”
There’s a civil war escalating between Mex govt and Drug cartels – and the previously basically mercantile Sinola Cartel under now incarcerated El Chapo is breaking apart and is being supplanted by the Jalisco New Generation under El Mencho – a hyper violent upstart that is increasingly dominant and rules by terror. Maybe this attack on govt owned oil refineries is to do with that – attacking their income and infrastructure without hurting too many people
…I dare not think what “hyper violent” in the context of Mexican drug cartels means ……
Droogs with Drugs?
Thanks Wendy.
Dave B
I stumbled onto an interesting CoVid documentary from Oracle films on one of our independent TV stations (Daystar Canada). Oracle films appears to be out of the U.K.
You can find the original video here.
Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion
Oracle films states:
The documentary was removed from YouTube on 26th October 2022 under the pretext of alleged “medical misinformation”. At that time it had accumulated over 990,000 views and 7,000 comments.
It’s well done and quite damming 50 minute video on most of what Jo has covered over the last few years. It really gets going about the 13:00 minute mark.
And yet I just watched on T.V.!
Try as they will, the censors are losing ground.
Thanks for posting.
I wonder how long before UK Government censors remove it?
“Try as they will, the censors are losing ground.”
No they’re not.
They won.
They don’t bother now because the sting went on longer than even they thought it would.
The marks have lost their wallets and have been convinced to believe it made them safer.
(I think most of them get off on how easily they were able too fool the little people and want it known they lied.)
James O’Keefe catches Pfizer and is fired by his own company … within weeks.
Like here in the US.
Everyone with a functioning brain knows the Hunter’s laptop was real and Trump ‘Russian collusion’ was Democrat/Deep State scam …
but too late.
The obscure power structure with the dithering demented figurehead is firmly in place.
Think of the Ohio train disaster.
The Democrats and their media sycophants make no effort whatever to hide their contempt for half of the voting population.
Bollocks to you, I’m going to Ukraine.
Russia, Russia. Russia.
Drink and inject your chemicals MAGA anti-Our Democracy Semi-fascist non-POC Walmart shopping person with legacy genitalia.
Even the once vaunted ACLU is now pro censorship.
It’s tragic how the Left are facitating and rejoicing in Australia’s war against energy.
There is no effective replacement for coal, gas or nuclear power for large scale electricity generation except for minor amounts from properly engineered hydro (not SH2). (And note that in California, they are even destroying hydro plant as well, that idea might come to Australia as well.)
G’day David,
I posted a comment to Jo last Thursday in which I attempted to summarise the stupidity of the claim that one battery can replace 8 coal fired units here in NSW. Somehow there are experts who think that 850 MW of battery power is better that 4880 MW of coal produced power.
Unfortunately there was something in it which triggered moderation and it sat there for some hours. But it did survive that challenge and did arrive there at #2.2, so I’ll point to it there rather than risk another bout of moderation:
Dave B
Hey mods,
What’s happened this time??
Dave B
G’day again David,
There’s another marvellous piece in today’s Telegraph, page 9, “Happy for blackouts”. Some genius has done a survey asking people if they can tolerate blackouts during the day in return for a lower bill. How do they expect that to happen? At the time of lowest demand? And the only time wind and solar just might be acting together?
Dave B
So this is social engineering to alter expectations that electricity is a full-time on-demand commodity to something that might be there or might not be. (Doesn’t apply to Elites.)
And beyond that, they will be doing social engineering to make the Sheeple think meat is selfish and insects are good, or that three meals, or even two meals a day is an unreasonable expectation, at least for non-Elites.
In recent weeks our meters are being replaced, both city and country.
Now to see if rationing is going to become a feature of daily life.
Just drove past the Winton solar farm and oh my god they are expanding it and have clear felled every single tree that was in the way , some massive old trees and even one that had been dead for years and would have been home to god knows what . Pity I don’t have a decent camera , so no logging allowed but if you’re building a solar farm no problem.
The original subsidy farm removed 250 hectares (617 acres) of good agricultural land from service as well. Its just another attack on the food supply.
Robert, please, (or anyone else near Winton) send me a photo — even a bad one– of Winton solar farm.
And a note to any readers with drones, please, if you don’t mind, get in touch with joanne AT this website. The footage of cities, infrastructure, wilderness, solar or wind or desal, power plants or dams. Or sea levels, farms, rivers, floods, skyscrapers. I’m always looking for copyright free photos, and short videos. A lot of voters prefer to watch video rather than read, so that kind of footage could be just what we need.
And when emailing, if you don’t mind, please use as many keywords in the subject header as you can, like State, object, policy, science. I keep the emails and search back through them by keywords in the subject line. Those words will help me find your message when I need it.
Will try to get some photos from this iPad but you need a camera for a better picture, and yes this section is on good cropping land as is at least half the other solar farm . Some of the trees pushed over are massive and would have been there pre settlement and there was an indigenous presence very close by.
Interestingly, this solar subsidy farm is owned by the Saudis.
ALWAYS follow the money trail for any “green” project. There’ll always be surprises!
Owned by Abdul Latif Jameel Energy.
This add on has a different name I think , pity I don’t have a drone would make a brilliant video of just how big and how many trees they tipped over . I’m also wondering looking at the rest of the established farm that’s close to the road there is no grass so is it poisoned with herbicide or frequently mowed ?
” this solar subsidy farm is owned by the Saudis.”.
And how many others?
In our area you cant even remove dead trees because , you know, habitat. But come along with a solar development and you can go full scorched earth.
“but if you’re building a solar farm no problem.”
We keep reading that there is not enough lithium and other minerals in the world to build sufficient batteries to go all wind and solar.
Perhaps there are more minerals under the large continent to the south. Although mining in the continent is not allowed, if it’s for the planet it’s would be OK, never mind the cost of mining in such an environment, transport etc in such a climate. And the CO2 emissions from the mining and transport would not matter either
Weyland corp won’t allow any mining of Antartica even for Wind & Solar because of the [REDACTED] hidden under the icecap.
Evil shiny black substance, but sooty on your fingers, contains illicit energy. Used by the ancients for industry but now banned by edict of the gnomes of Stockholm.
So pervasive are abnormal gender identities that the other day in the supermarket I observed a man in a dress and I was barely surprised, it’s almost an everyday occurrence now. This man hadn’t even made the slightest effort to look like a woman, e.g. he had an (approx.) five day beard growth. But I bet he knew which bathroom or changeroom he wanted to and demanded to use.
David, don’t know if you’ve seen this.
Can’t make this stuff up. 🙂
Thanks Honk Yes, I’ve seen the revelations of the Tanzanian fashion designer. It seems Biden’s cross-dressing, non-binary weirdo star has been stealing luggage for a very long time.
An incidental – if you are watching Colonel MacGregor the tartan in the background looks like MacGregor Rob Roy Modern
I thought all tartans were ‘modern’ in that they mostly date from Victorian times when there was a fad for things HighLand after most of the inhabitants had gone.
My favourite “highlander”
Supposedly the patterns for the tartans were destroyed afteh Bonnie Prince Charlie had his go.
But IIRC they were done from memory, like Arran sweaters. So – here is the MacGregor selection –
I never knew until late in life that my own dear ancestors were shipped from the highlands to the Carolinas.
The memory was lost.
I always thought there was something ‘quare’ about my indigenous culture.
When I was a child I would cringe when my parents uttered this word.
I thought they were mispronouncing ‘queer’.
I wish I had known.
But now I understand Scottish Alzheimer’s.
You forget everything except the grudge.
Mt Hutt skifield was OPEN today with chairlifts taking skiers, boarders, hikers and voyeurs to the summit to enjoy the half-metre deep SNOW which had accumulated over the past four days and nights. Calm, blue skies, fresh knee-deep powder – not how I remember ‘summers’ 😃
Think I’ve lost a few friendships today by sending screenshot pics of happy skiers & boarders frolicking in the 97% out-of-season high-summer February snow to members of the Cult Of Climate Kookism – you can hear their heads popping 💥
The chairlifts stopped at 4pm NZ-time but I’ll try typing the address as the view is spectacular: [still no media mention of the 4-day snow storm last week by the useful idiot Cyclone Season Denying press].
Click ‘View Snow Report’ to go to webcams. Looks like cloud (rain?) has moved in… like always, should’ve been here yesterday!
The Ministry Of Misinformation (MOM) is now amping up cyclone fear again – as if cyclones in cyclone season are unusual or our fault – Cultwits the lot of ’em.
I like that “Cultwits the lot of ’em” but I think that CultHalfwits might be more accurate; I cite Simon as proof.
Surprisingly, they had a bit on the Mt Hutt snow on New Zealand TV1 News who are normally big on the global warming theme. Looked great up there.
Thanks Stuart, I don’t watch TV so great to hear they carried it, albeit as a novelty event (?) weather being so fickle and it was far away down on the Mainland [South Island]… only took them six days to acknowledge it had been snowing, in the peak of summer: News™ you can trust? Bring on the next (ex-) cyclone…
An old video but still amazes me, both in the lesson it conveys about the cognitive biases of perception and in the fluid precision movements of the set assistants and actors.
It’s easy to miss changes that you are not specifically looking for.
The rolling pin being switched for a different object was the *only* change I noticed without being prompted.
After being prompted to look, I watched the first part again and the bear and the clock were the next 2 I noticed.
Played to the end and had no idea so many other changes had been done.
My ex policeman brother in laws favourite saying was “never trust an eye witness” they only tell you what they imagined they saw.
Members of the thinking community might be horrified to know that the famous Wellcome Collection medical museum in London has been taken over by Leftist leadership and has been stripped of much of its collection.
The new director has an arts background and doesn’t even believe in museums.
“Shamanism is in and Western Medicine out.”
See 8 min 15 sec video:
Not sure if this has already been posted. But worth a read
Orwell, like Murphy, was an optimist.
Competition for AEMO in the race to the bottom
“America’s Largest Power Grid Faces Worsening Reliability Risks”
The population there is a collection of NIMBYs and Green Crap Climate believers.
In a few years a few days of minus 30℃ weather will wipe out those stalwarts. The smarter ones are moving South to places like Florida.
Some of us have wood as a primary heat source. Does not depend on electricity. Plus I have a back up generator to keep the lights on.
There are proposals to make new houses in NY state all electric. You are supposed to heat with a heat pump. Good luck if the thing breaks down and the temperature is -30 degrees. There are hardly enough refrigeration certified mechanics right now. With an oil furnace it does not take great skills or special parts to do some cleaning, parts swapping and getting it going again through a mixture of dumb luck, triagnoisis and swap-tronics. The same cannot be said for a heat pump. I am not sure how a heat pump is supposed to absorb heat from the outside when the temperature is -30 degrees out side.
Germany and UK have survived their winter. Spring should be less demanding Gas storage level in Germany is a solid 71%.
April in Australia is not far off. L-day is 28 April. Perfect timing just ahead of winter to reduce any learning period ahead of winter demand increasing.
I have a feeling NSW will have a challenging winter this year.
If Tomago goes cold, I doubt it will restart. That will eliminate a large, critical load to almost match loss of Liddell.
The 71% is pretty meaningless as their gas storage was only ever designed to be a trandient buffer, not bulk storage. Its good they got by, they have enough to deal with without freezing as well.
They ‘got by’ because their major industries closed down or went overseas…
They may never get back up to where they were.
If only Australians would use their noggins.
With Russia out in the cold world supplies of aluminium and cold rolled steel are curtailed. Premier Joh set up Al refineries and electricity generation in Gladstone. We should be working feverously to expand there but sadly, it is being sacrificed on the altar of woke. Similarly Newcastle should be expanding its steel industry but it too is on the chopping block.
Neither of these industries are labour cost sensitive, they are input cost sensitive and we should be able to keep them under control with some right-think.
Good summary.
Any remnants of a “steel industry” in Newcastle are pretty much non existent.
Aluminium likewise, teetering on the edge.
The most important thing is that politicians are still being paid well and can still sign off on the borrowings from Chyna the give us social security unemployment cash and their super retirement packages.
Interesting segment from SKY News.
And how much “spillage” is planned to slosh into the bolshevists party and personal coffers?
NEVER attribute to “incompetence, that which is clearly MALICE.
Disturbing but not surprising.
They are coming for your accumulated personal wealth in all its forms.
Superannuation (retirement funds).
Wealth taxes.
Death taxes.
Prohibitive property taxes.
All well and good, Bruce and David.
Except for two things –
First, EVERY govt starting with Keating himself has dipped into the super honey jar one way or another.
It is hardly just a “Labor” trait.
Second it is not YOUR money. Legally it is a tax and would normally go straight into general revenue. Legally the govt “allows” you to nominate which super fund it is paid into, where it nonetheless legally remains the property of the govt. The only bit that is legally yours is the accrued earnings, which the govt can tax at any rate they like, independent of normal income tax rates and rules.
This is not my opinion. It is the final ruling of a failed supreme challenge about fifteen or so years ago.
So, basically, it is more like fraud, theft and extortion than outright robbery?
Anyone saying “NO” to the “government” will rapidly fine out about “robbery with violence”, eour encourager les autres, of course.
Spotted that too late. No “post-edit” function.
Err ? How can they state that it is a tax or that it is not the members money ?
In addition to the earnings there are also other sums such as additional personal contributions .. which can be substantial and often made using tax paid money.?
My faith in the tax and legal system drops a few more notches…if that is evev possible !
Legally it is quite simple, Chad.
Constitionally the govt only has power to TAKE money – taxation – in one form or another. The govt has no power to directly mandate how you SPEND your money – at least not yet, but they are working on it. See Conway Report 2014 and govt response to it, and Cash Restrictions Bill 2019 etc.
In the meantime the best they can do is coerce you on how you spend it. An example is electrical power. You don’t have be connected to the grid at all, but if you CHOOSE to plug into the grid then you ACCEPT the cost of subsidised wind and solar, and an ETS (tax) on coal and gas generated electricity.
So legally the govt could make a compulsory superannuation scheme, but only if legally it was in the legal form of a tax, which is what they did. Right from the beginning it was little more than a well camouflaged tax hoovering scheme.
The blueprint for such a sleight of hand already existed – it was precisely what Menzies did with the original compulsory super – the Compulsory Contributions Scheme (CCS) – back in 1949.
Of course, politicians and federal public servants are shielded from this – their super payouts are guaranteed by The Future Fund, set up by Howard and Costello using taxpayer’s money from the sale of Telstra.
It is lucky that global warming can cause cooling. Otherwise their ABC would see some contradiction in reporting San Francisco breaking a 132 year cold record:
Clearly just proof of catastrophic global warming.
The models are in agreement, California is looking chilly going into Spring.
Amazing Boogie-Woogie piano by Ladyva.
Hot dang, la blanc feminine can tickle those keys like she got d’happy Blues, oh yeah 🎶
U.S. Energy Department Report Says Lab Leak Most Likely Source of Global Coronavirus Pandemic
Oops, forgot the link:
Original James Bond Books ‘Rewritten’ to Remove ‘Racist’ Content: Report
Chew Mee.
James Bland…. double O zero !
Its only weather.
‘The past three days in Darwin have been the coolest Wet Season spell in 6 years, and the coolest spell for February in 12 years, with an average temperature of only 27.9C. And if that wasn’t enough, this has also been the wettest wet season to date in 5 years, ranking as the 10th wettest season in history, with rainfall already surpassing the average for the full season.’ (Weatherzone)
Rhône Glacier retreat, I’m sure it’s not news, but retreat prior 1900 was massive and could not possibly be mainly due to CO2 emissions.
Page down for pics with English captions.
Congratulations to the Australian Women’s T20 team on winning the World Cup (for the sixth time).
And The independent inquiry probing misconduct in the prosecution of Bruce Lehrmann for the alleged rape of Brittany Higgins will hold its first public hearing on April 26, as Commissioner Walter Sofronoff, KC, continues to subpoena central figures in the case. Mr Sofronoff, a former Queensland solicitor-general and retired president of the Queensland Court of Appeal, has the power to issue search warrants and compel documents.
The inquiry will investigate the conduct of the police investigation and the conduct of the DPP, including his decisions to proceed to trial and not to proceed to a retrial. Among those who have now been ordered to hand over all relevant material are the Australian Federal Police: the ACT Director of Public Prosecutions Shane Drumgold SC; ACT Victims of Crime Commissioner Heidi Yates; and the ACT Bar Association. Mr Lehrmann’s lawyer, Steven Whybrow, has also been subpoenaed. Mr Lehrmann has waived legal professional privilege over his communications with Mr Whybrow so his lawyer can cooperate fully with the inquiry. All material produced under those subpoenas is subject to suppression orders imposed by Mr Sofronoff but it is expected that most evidence, including written statements and submissions will, in due course, appear on the commission’s website.
FWIW – Ukraine +
“SITREP 2/26 – Urgent Update”
And seems those frozen Russian assets have disappeared –
I wonder if they went to the same place as the USD220 billion (yes billion) in assets that the US DOD says they “have lost track off”
Issues with vax-jabs, finally getting some MSM notice… in Germany, anyway.
Bond University has a law course on climate change litigation, but they warn hopeful students (who maybe befuddled) that this course will have a debate on climate change.
‘Students who do not possess this prior knowledge are strongly recommended against enrolling and do so at their own risk. No concessions will be made for students’ lack of prior knowledge.’
Some students may find working for the defence an odious matter.
‘This subject contains content that some students may find distressing, disturbing or culturally challenging. Students with concerns about the content of any subject are encouraged to discuss this with their teacher and consider how best to prepare themselves to study challenging material in a way that is appropriate for them.’
Is the Southern Ocean carbon neutral?
‘ … there is a simultaneous anomalous uptake of anthropogenic CO2 during a positive phase of the SAM in the southernmost regions of the Southern Ocean, due to increased upwelling of deep, older waters and their subsequent exposure to higher atmospheric CO2 levels. The anthropogenic uptake only slightly mitigates the natural outgassing from the Southern Ocean, so that a positive SAM is associated with anomalous outgassing of contemporary CO2.
Andrew Bolt amazes Homewood.
From the Wall Street Journal – Feb. 26, 2023
– by Terrence Keeley, CEO of 1PointSix
Vanguard’s CEO Bucks the ESG Orthodoxy
Tim Buckley pulls out of the Net Zero Managers initiative and affirms his fiduciary duty to clients.
That is very big news
Vanguard control a big chunk of the worlds managed investment funds
Woodside made huge profits over the past year because of the war, but activists are still not happy.
‘Climate activists, though, focused on meagre progress by the oil and gas producer on its pledges to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Last May, 49% of shareholders rejected Woodside’s climate plan and climate groups will test sentiment at April’s annual general meeting of shareholders.’ (Guardian)
It just be raining fish in the desert , this community is right on the edge of the Tanamai desert but oddly enough and much to the disgust of the ABC it’s happened before and a few times .
Charles Fort covered the phenomenon in detail in his work “Book of the Damned” first published in 1919. Even back in his day he gathered reports of it happening all over the world, both current and historical. It’s hardly a new thing.
No nothing new just weird .
“Moderate Islam: A Western Myth”
“There’s severe geomagnetic storm underway in the last few hours ”
The Conversation has an article referring to the two methods of measuring historical earth temperatures.
Basically they are studying the physical evidence or using models.
What a shock. Models show warming corresponding to an increase in CO2. Well, who would have thought a model would produce what it has been programmed to do based on the programmers desired outcome.
Four years today since you left on your next great adventure.
I miss you so much, Hunnybun.
I miss your gentle kindness, your strength, your wisdom.
For I could only ever see the crescent,
But you saw the whole of the moon.
I have made two YouTube videos on the climate hysteria.
The first is on the science. The science
The other is on the creator of the climate hysteria. The Rockefeller and the UN.
Rockefeller and the UN
What do you think?
“Pushback: The Folly Of Ukraine”
‘Murdoch admits Fox commentators ‘endorsed’ Trump’s 2020 election lie.
‘Fox News is accused of helping to promote false claims that a voting-machine maker flipped millions of votes away from Donald Trump.’ (SMH)
there is a summary and commentary in the WSJ
Perth’s long hot dry summer.
You’ll get Tim Flannery excited.
For some context on what it means for a dry summer in Perth. Even though this summer has been very dry, it’s still less than 40mm below average for the 3 months in a city that averages over 700mm annually.