A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Its a bipolar world.
Well, there are the two Poles (North and South) and then again a lot of Poles in Poland.
There are in fact FOUR North Poles and 3 South Poles…
Why is the Southern Ocean cooling?
How do you know that it is cooling?
Its only a suggestion, but I believe it.
‘Another new study (Xu et al., 2022) suggests the Southern Ocean (50°S–70°S) has been cooling for the last 40 years, with amplitudes ranging from -0.1°C to -0.3°C per decade in some regions.’
It is apparent that Antartica has been cooling for 40 years, which might go someway to explain why the Southern Ocean is cooling.
‘East Antarctica, which covers two thirds of the continent, saw a cooling of 0.70°C per decade over the past 40 years. In total that particular region has cooled about 2.8°C since 1980.
‘West Antarctica has cooled at a rate of 0.42°C per decade over the past 40 years.’ (wuwt)
Cherry-picking. The Southern Hemisphere is warming:
phooey! If that is the correct spelling.
The Southern Hemisphere average temperature is 13.3C, compared to the 15.2C in the Northern Hemisphere. The reason for this difference is obviously the amount of water in the south.
We know that Antartica and the Southern Ocean have been cooling for 40 years, its a trend.
Berkeley Earth is paid to produce warming.
There are basically ZERO reliable measurements for 80% of the SH before the ARGO system was installed… CRU have admitted that fact.
The data just does not exist.. because it was never measured.
What is there is therefore a total fabrication that also bares zero resemblance to any real surface data.
We know Australia’s hottest temperatures were in the late 1800s
Temperatures in South Africa look like this….
Chile looks like this
So where Berkley get their data from is anyone’s guess, pure imagination perhaps?, but you can be totally sure it has been through many “warming” routines to make sure it complies with the agenda..
There was less measurement in the past, which is why the 95% confidence intervals increase. The uncertainty is insufficient to claim that the observed warming is due to random measurement error. BEST was sponsored by the Koch Foundation. To their credit, the Koch brothers accepted the results even though they were different from what they hoped for. You on the other hand…..
There are basically NO MEASUREMENTS in the past.
Even CRU admits that their ocean “data” is totally made up !
Total uncertainty. and total BS. !!
No, the Koch brother stopped their funding after 2 years when they realised they had been conned by Muller.
Now, if they don’t produce a final fabrication that supports the surface urban data fabrications, their funding from the leftist climate trough will disappear.
There was a paper that found that Argentina had only four complete and long records of temperature. All show significant cooling of up to 2°C per century. Berkely Earth has over 70 for
Argentina that show warming, but many are labelled airports with a record going back to the 19th C.
Funny how the pristine records show cooling and the Frankenstein ones show warming.
UAH shows SH land same temperature now as in 2001, and SH oceans COOLER now than in 2001..
… so The BE chart is obviously a total load of bollocks.
Troposphere is not land and sea surface. How can you find this so difficult to understand?
Oh so the lapse rate has changed remarkably has it.
So little you comprehend about anything to do with climate and the atmosphere. !!
Real surface data doesn’t even match BEST fabrications.
UAH has been validated against the only pristine surface data there is.
Also matches balloon data.
The surface data for BEST uses all the worse surface data available.. totally unfit for climate change purposes..
They don’t even know the state of most of their measurement sites.
Its massively urban affected to start with then brutal tortured ever further into submission by warming algorithms..
Adelaide airport, unadjusted
Alice Springs, unadjusted
Fact is, that NOWHERE in the SH where there are decent unadjusted measurements is the data even remotely similar to the total fabrication by BEST !
Southern oceans are cooling too.
Yeah but their getting hotter as they cool .
Goto flightradar24 and zoom right out. This will give you an indication of the size of the heat-island effect.
I am not saying that heat-island warming is CO2 warming.
I’m licking my lips at this latest controversy in the AFL. Just goes to show, once again, it doesn’t matter how woke you get, the attacks against you will never cease. Is there any organization more woke than the AFL? I doubt it. Perhaps the NRL.
So, we have seen the opening statements and the ugly picture portrayed. Let us now see the other side of the story.
I’m vaguely aware that there is a sport, played largely in the southern states, called Australian Rules Football, the devotion to which which seems to enable the Victorian populace to withstand a narcissistic dictator running the place.
What is the controversy? (My house is a news-free zone).
The Roman poet Juvenal called this sort of activity panem et circenses or bread and circuses (for the masses).
All dictators have used it and continue to do so, up to and including Dictator Dan.
Juvenal was commenting on the fact that panem et circenses was all that was left for the Romans whose hopes and dreams had been destroyed by the oligarchs.
What a great reference. The Vandals captured Roman North Africa in 439AD which had been the bread basket of the Roman World. So the bread part of the circuses sharply diminished, causing riots.
In 468AD they defeated a huge Roman Invasion Force (or rather the weather did) That was effectively the end of the Western Roman Empire and the imperial Togas and items of state were sent to Byzantium.
So people need to be kept fed, order needs to be maintained and deliberately giving people ‘social security’ in this instance-bread-causes problems when the supply ceases. I am of course making no analogy to green vandals and cutting off both food supplies and energy.
Bread and circuses
keep the citizens
distracted – the
gender diversion
has the same purpose.
It seems the bread and circus is not only a game to distract the masses but has extra political value in keeping the public alarmed of persistent evils that allegedly lurk, which handily represents one side of the political divide.
Gay FL is such a rubbish game………………….
Eddie says he believes whatever the other brothers say …did I hear them say this is about racism ?
Eddie also says he was told to get out of a swimming pool because it was upsetting other patrons having him in the pool.
So that means whatever the other brothers say is always correct? Of course there are some racist people in Australia …..the world has many people who are racist or say racist things. Some say they believe people from their race no matter what they say.
The allegations against Clarkson sounds highly unlikely to me. Apparently, he wasn’t even consulted or given a chance to respond before this all went public, presumably because certain narratives demand that he must be bad. It will be interesting to hear what actually happened.
You must know of some NRL scandals that I’m unaware of, apart from sex, drugs and rock and roll.
Townsville’s favourite sons, Thurston and Matty Bowen, are both black.
The push in the USA right now is to get flu and covid shots at the same time and do it now.
Because . . .
I couldn’t make sense of the reasoning.
The dams will never fill again, there will never again be sufficient rainfall.
Never gets old!
and we had the dill from the BOM proclaiming drought was the “new normal”
The rest of the world is claiming that very thing right now. You can be assured when the next dry spell hits Australia they will reignite that old chestnut too. Meanwhile we must suffer the rains are because of climate change.
It used to be a brave man to predict the weather. Not anymore. You’re always right these days.
But Dennis,
They’re absolutely right of course. Never again will we have have “sufficient”. This lot has been an “excess”, so they’re right again. Such precision in their forecast. Such genius science.
Clever, don’t you think?
Dave B
Hume weir near Albury is at 95% and has 6 gates open now so some flooding expected downstream , Dartmouth dam is full and big rain is expected in the catchment over the next 4 to 5 days . The water authorities didn’t leave enough air gap in both dams for flood mitigation. Big storm just passing our place and headed for the Hume catchment area so looks like those environmental flows will be coming very soon .
Lake Eildon is currently at 98% as well. Water being let out at about 12000 megalitres a day with an inflow of about 20000 megalitres per day. Public meeting held in Yea to discuss possible flood event.
Its an interesting situation without winners. Goulburn Murray water roundly criticised for letting environmental flows out mid winter, now being criticised for not letting enough out when they had the chance.
One of the main players in all of this is the BoM who have managed to get rain fall predictions, both volume and days quite wrong through out the winter months. At this point it seems like anybodies guess is close enough.
The best part of course is people have forgotten all the big floods of the past and this can be blamed on climate change.
That’s too full.
nah, that’s nothing Annie
have a look at this one just up the road
I’m not in the biz so I am puzzled how a dam can be 102% full. I guess they must adjust what full means, a bit like temp records.
Just a guess Yarpos, but I reckon 100% full level is the point where without control gates the dam would spill, so if the water is further constrained by gates holding water back then its over full. I seem to recall this was part of the wall upgrade at Eildon 20 years ago. As well as the wall not meeting “new” standards the increased height and weight also provided an over fill buffer if ever required. This might be the year.
NSW dams, including the Hume on the border with Victoria, are collectively 100% full today.
Burrendong is again at 130% + and has been discharging for months. Even Windamere that for some unknown reason they keep less than half full is at 88% and likely to overflow if we get just one more moderate fall of rain.
I see that Glenbawn is at 102%. I don’t recall it ever topping the spillway in all of its 60 plus years. I haven’t seen it since it was enlarged.
“Burrendong is again at 130% + and has been discharging for months”
That’ll slow down the production of hydro-electricity in the SMS
That’s weird, isn’t it? I only recently realised that.
Warragamba is releasing about a Sydney Harbor of water a day.
Or should that be a Flannery of water?
With the weather starting to heat up there is also a lot of snow melt to add to the equation and with big rain predicted early next week in the Murray Darling catchment area along with an already soaked catchment any rain will just add to the floods . More dams , bigger dams and when they know we are in for a wet year / years the storage capacity needs to be kept under 90% .
Harry Butler on ABC TV In The Wild used to speak of Syd Harbs of water.
As you are all so incredibly interested in climate change it might be best to skim read.
Nice find EG, hopefully this idea will cause some further discussion on alternatives to “CO2 bad”!
“IPCC … reflect a scientific consensus … that natural forces had a NET ZERO effect in the observed average global temperature since 1951”
I’m no rocket scientist and lack tact, but a couple observations from the peanut gallery.
Humans are not special, there are no ‘forces’ that are not ‘natural’.
As a matter of fact, the totality of nature is ‘forces’.
Miraculously, all those forces stopped forcing between 1951 and 1990.
“Observed average” … problematic when the observations are incomplete rubbish and filled in with ‘algorithms’, which is a fancy word for guessing.
So between 1951 and 1990, was there even a single degree of ‘observed’ warming?
I will never believe that the ‘average’ surface temp of the globe can be accurately measured within a single degree, F or C.
Or that small fluctuations in that spectrum are of primary significance.
“further discussion on alternatives to “CO2 bad”!
Methane in the wind.
The IPCC is not a scientific organization, since none of this is about science.
In fact, the IPCC is instrumental in the ‘observed’ destruction of science.
Is it possible to have a scientific discussion when the starting point is trash?
Learning about science through the lens of ‘climate science’ has given me a bad attitude about science.
Which to many powerful people will make me a heretic.
Which tells you it’s not science, it’s religion.
that’s an excellent read. The skim read is a good method. You’ll get the picture eventually. I’ll get back to that.
Even their Plain Summary takes time to digest, Ron Clutz has some graphs to help us out.
New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern gave a message of “encouragement” on behalf of Prince William at a climate change event in New York on Wednesday.
The Prince of Wales personally asked Ms Ardern to deputise at the Earthshot Prize innovation summit while the royal family continues a private mourning period following Queen Elizabeth’s death.
The Earthshot Prize grants five individuals £1 million (AU$1.7 million) each to continue their environmental work as they lead sustainability efforts globally.
It was co-founded by Prince William and environmentalist Sir David Attenborough.
Sky News
Two points:
What a tually does sustainability mean?
Attenborough seduced the Royal family, or at least Charles, and William and his childre.
I can do sustainability with my Organic Farming. So where is my 1 million pounds sterling then?
Yup, I’m on it with my vege garden! Cheque in the mail please…
Unfortunately, you need the ability to sell it to the world.
I have a barrow and sell stuff at the end of the driveway. Isn’t that selling to the World?…………lol
My back yard is so barren, even the weeds are stunted.
David Attenborough doesn’t understand the first thing about nature. All his oratory work begins with or includes the phrase…
“this fragile ecosystem”.
This is his fundamental error. The environment is in fact extraordinarily resilient. If you start from a fundamental error, you will always be wrong after that.
Exactly! ‘Mother’ Nature is actually pretty uncaring as far as we are concerned and very tough indeed. Witness all the trees, weeds, wildlife just on our property! The ‘ecosystem’ is very far from fragile; it is extremely robust. Attenborough sickens me these days.
in re 5.1.1. Honk R
As a person of faith, I agree: climate fear/angst is an article of belief, part of a Creed.
IPCC remit: occ. compilation and summary of current climate research, for UN member-states’ (political) consideration. IIRC
Apt word-choices: rubbish, trash, incomplete.
Are Democrats Deliberately Choosing Impaired Candidates?
Once could be excused. Twice is suspicious. Three times seems like a strategy. Are Democrats choosing infirm, intellectually challenged, feeble people to run for office so that they can be easily manipulated?
Joe Biden was and is clearly infirm, physically, psychologically, and cognitively.
John Fetterman is also clearly infirm due to two things: He has had a recent stroke which seems to have left him cognitively impaired, and he also has a rather prominent swelling on the back of his neck, which could be the sign of several very serious conditions.
Kamala Harris is intellectually suspect, linguistically incontinent, and verbally incoherent. Why are these people being chosen by the Democrat Party for the highest offices?
My observation leads me places I would rather not go. With Joe Biden in the White House, he is clearly doing what he is told by others.
This much is clear; he simply does not have the stamina, the wisdom, or the political acumen necessary to be an effective President of the United States. His gaffes, his verbal dyslexia, his delusional prevarications, his garbled verbiage, and his ability to reliably make statements his handlers have to mop up afterward, are all deeply troubling.
No political party would run such a candidate unless two things were happening: One, the election would be guaranteed to affect a win for the candidate, and two, the candidate would simply be a figurehead for the real powers behind the throne. Biden would have to know that others would be running his presidency. Were he and Jill that easy to roll?
The best summation of Kamala that I have ever seen OO.
Three times seems like a
strategyis enemy action.10
The world’s rivers and lakes are drying up from climate change or extreme weather.
But really whose fault is it? Do I really have to ask? Of course humans are the ones to truly blame. They use water resources to bath, drink and to irrigate crops just to name a few uses. Yes, I’ll grant you changing weather does a some effects on our water resources.
Blame anything and everything except the real culprits.
Climate Heretic
Stangely it cold that drys up the rivers and lakes. Apart from springs, all surface water comes from water falling from the sky. And that comes from evaporation. A cooler planet will have less fresh water. Warmer worlds are wetter worlds. Try the tropics.
Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. The Great Lakes are still there. The Nile and Amazon are still flowing. The Mississippi is still flowing. The Murray Darling is still flowing. The Thames and the River Severn are still flowing……………..So where next?
Where next? Recognise that all of those bodies of water have chronic problems with occasional critical incidents. Admittedly some have shown some improvement (Thames is a good example) but that improvement is from appalling lifeless sewers to a steady no longer improving state of “OK some of the time, oh look a dolphin”.
Also recognise that those first world examples (apart from Nile) don’t reflect the horrible and deteriorating state of other rivers that are also disgorging vast amounts of human waste into the oceans that we all share.
G I you really are a Wowser. Have you ever visited all of these river systems and lakes? Or do you just go on the internet and believe in this Climate Change rubbish?
“have chronic problems with occasional critical incidents.”
You mean just like they always have had on many occasions?
Much history of the Murray Darling running dry.
Thames running low and/or freezing over.
Also the Nile flooding or running low.
DENIAL of history is one of the main facets of the AGW scam. !
Don’t forget the raw sewerage from the Canadian St Lawrence cities
Err …??…fact check please…
“ Source of the River Thames dries up ..”
..and the Severn …
‘Yes, I’ll grant you changing weather does a some effects on our water resources.’
Its a cyclic phenomenon related to natural variables, humans are not responsible.
Unless you add in the amounts of cooling water needed for solar heat plants, or the necessary cleaning of PV solar panels.
And hydrogen needs 9 parts of water for each parr generated.
The Problem with Solar Energy in Africa
Globally, rainfall has a slight increasing trend.
Happy equinox. We will see if man made Climate Change survives the Northern winter.
Oh the Equinox, I’d forgotten, thanks for the reminder Tdef.
I was up fairly early this morning at (5.45) and I was transfixed by the view from my kitchen window (which I had recently cleaned) ; My house is set up on the side of a small valley with a view across the rooftops and trees. The sky was grey and there was a light haze in the early morning light and for a few moments there was just the stillness.
It felt good to be alive, thank you Equinox . .
The more pertinent question might be, do the European and NH political structures survive the winter?
Seems only a couple options …
Print money, after already printing a perilous amount to assuage the public over a mishandled and dubious ‘Pandemic’ … (in conjunction with the Green Energy fiasco) …
or totalitarian crackdown to retain control.
There is some question as to whether they are competent or incompetent.
The Winter Gatekeeper Hypothesis (VII).
Posted on September 22, 2022 by curryja | 19 Comments
by Javier Vinós & Andy May
“On the other hand, I think I can safely say that nobody understands climate change.” J. Vinós, paraphrasing Richard Feynman’s words about quantum mechanics.
7.1 Introduction
This plain-language summary has been written at the request of some readers of our series of articles on the Winter Gatekeeper hypothesis:
(I) The search for a solar signal
(II) Solar activity unexplained/ignored effects on climate
(III) Meridional transport
(IV) The climate shift of 1997
(V) A role for the sun in climate change
(VI) Meridional transport as the main climate change driver
Climate is extremely complex, and people, including scientists, have a natural tendency to look for simple explanations. The Occam’s Razor principle is a good first approach but climate change cannot have a simple answer. Over the past seven years, one of the authors of this series (JV) has been laboriously reading many thousands of scientific articles and analyzing hundreds of climate datasets trying to understand how Earth’s climate changes naturally. This is a first step to understanding the human impact on climate change.
The outcome of this work is the book “Climate of the Past, Present and Future.” It is a graduate-student level academic book that discusses many controversial issues about natural climate change over the past 800,000 years. In this book, a new hypothesis on natural climate change is presented. It relates changes in the strength of the meridional (poleward) transport of energy with climatic changes that have taken place, both in the past and recently.
The book can be downloaded here (open access) Vinos-CPPF(2022)
Oops response to el+gordo – 5
Javier is a luke warmer.
‘If the hypothesis is correct, it is unlikely that the anthropogenic effect on climate can account for more than half of the observed warming, and probably much less.’
He may be a “luke-warmer”,but his and Andy Mays proposal that there are multiple drivers of climate that work through influencing ocean currents that move solar energy from the tropics to the poles where it is lost to space is a real theory of climate variability.
Yep I agree, their hypothesis is scientifically believable.
I find the whole idea that humans control the climate, sea surface temperatures, sea levels past ridiculous. Once you have spent a day flying at 1,000km/hr over the Pacific which covers the planet to a depth of 3.5km, you have a different view of how tiny we are. Our very own CSIRO spent tens of millions over 50 years trying to just make it rain in one place.
Now we are to believe that a small change in a trace gas will have a catastropic effect, any day soon. Random variations in evaporation and so rain and clouds would far be more significant. It’s been 34 years of these increasingly dire warnings? And the world’s actually getting colder.
It’s like being asked to believe that we somehow affect the life of the Great Barrier Reef, a structure bigger than many countries, 2300 km long and up to 250km wide. And now it isn’t true, which means it never was.
“Covering 344,400 square kilometres, the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park is: bigger than Victoria and Tasmania combined. bigger than the United Kingdom, Switzerland and Holland combined. roughly the same area as Japan, Malaysia or Italy.”
Imagine controlling the Climate of the UK and even the idea that there was only one climate from John O’Groats to Lands’ End.
And think that each coral polyp is about the intellectual standard of most members of Parliament.
South Australian comment: “Chris Bowen has the brains of a stobey pole”. Not mine but I am in full agreement.
in re ‘random variations’, at #11
The Tonga Trigger (+ 10% moisture @ stratosphere) may tweak the present regime. Cf circa 1810 SH volcanic-related California flood
woke investors not happy
Go woke…. Go broke.
I guess common sense could have seen this coming and the cunning investor would have realised long ago that the whole windmills and solar farms businesses are not worth as much as the spruiker quoted. Bit common is not what it used to be.
Another minute, another sucker.
Is it time to give Putin an off-ramp?
The Russian president’s nuclear threats have changed the acceptable cost of his defeat. It may be repugnant but necessary tp make some concessions to him.
Clive Crook – Political commentator
From the outset of Russia’s war on Ukraine, the crucial question hasn’t changed: Can Vladimir Putin be defeated at an acceptable cost?
Despite all we now know about Russia’s military incompetence and the courage and skill of Ukraine’s forces, the answer is still uncertain.
This leads to an uncomfortable conclusion, one that President Joe Biden showed no trace of understanding in his speech at the United Nations on Wednesday: planning for the end of this conflict needs to weigh outcomes that are disappointing, even disgraceful, for the sake of avoiding those that are catastrophic.
The idea of an off-ramp for Putin strikes many as repugnant – and now, for good measure, entirely unnecessary. Ukraine is winning! Why help Russia snatch so much as a partial victory from the jaws of defeat?
The “Ukraine must win” chorus never clearly sets out what Russia’s defeat really involves.
Perhaps it means that Russia is pushed back behind its pre-2014 borders and then just comes to terms with it.
Or maybe Putin’s humiliation causes domestic opposition to explode, and he’s removed; his successor is someone the West can do business with; Russia’s claims to superpower status collapse; and its demotion to second-tier status is acknowledged and accepted by Moscow.
All good stuff, to be sure, and nothing is impossible. But, to put it mildly, these futures aren’t assured.
Thinking about Armageddon
As governments gathered for the UN meeting, Putin announced his intention to prolong the war with a “partial mobilisation” that in due course will field another 300,000 soldiers.
And he underlined his threat to use nuclear weapons: “Russia will use all the instruments at its disposal to counter a threat against its territorial integrity. This is not a bluff.”
Soon that notion of territorial integrity might include areas Russia currently occupies and intends to annex.
I keep reading that one should be aware of Putin’s nuclear threats but not intimidated by them. Call me a coward, but I find it difficult to think about Armageddon without being a little intimidated – and I ask the same of my political leaders.
What’s needed now is a settlement that lets Putin claim a victory that everybody else understands to be a defeat.
Not another one!
Russia isn’t even remotely close to losing, despite the endless rubbish reporting by loony left journalist-wannabees.
Ukraine is like a hand-slapping girly fight.
You haven’t even begun to see SERIOUS retaliation by Russia.
When you do, you’ll sure know it.😈
And many Ukranians have gone back home after fleeing. Russia and Ukraine are closer to Ireland and Britain, frenemies. And both the EU and Biden are pushing hard to create troubles in Northern Ireland.
The Russians certainly do not want to destroy their own history and people. And the Americans had their own civil war, brother on brother, so it happens. But the Germans, Americans and French are happy to promote this war and test all their latest weapons. The weapons industry is huge, led by the French. And now you have Turkish drones and Iranian drones as the game expands. It’s not all about peace and justice, opportunism and profit more like it. As in every war, the people on each side are given a different story and the Russians and Ukraninans are the ones being killed. Pretty much like the last time Germany was there.
I have lost count of your hints at the various impending doomsday events.. are losing credibility !
Anyone who doesn’t realise that there are “research assistants” in foreign embassies interested in influencing Australian policy might be interested in this nice little bridge over the Burdekin I could sell them.
Not so sure about that defeat. Securing fresh water for the Crimean peninsula was essential. This was cut off completely, which was intolerable. And the people in the Donbas like those in formerly Russian Crimea have been trying to secede for a decade, 10,000 dead from Ukranian shelling including school children.
The story the press push is evil expansionist Russians under mad tyrant Putin are trying to grab more territory and recreate the Soviet Union. That is not what Putin said. And the Bidens, father and son are up to their necks in it. But you cannot touch the Bidens. They are protected by the Press around the world. I am hoping the Northern winter sorts out the conflict. Russian oil, gas and coal are essential for Eastern Europe, not least for the Ukraine which now has no energy stocks at all. It’s the countries outside the conflict pushing for this war. So much for peacemaking.
“Despite all we now know about Russia’s military incompetence and the courage and skill of Ukraine’s forces, the answer is still uncertain.”
Lol! Who is this clown you quote!
So its 40million Ukies against 140million Russians… That suggests NATO will have to put up the soldiers from 100million people, and with the West being post-modern and woke and having 57 shades of sex, there are not many young men going to fight for some nebulous ‘patriotism’ on the scale that Russians do.
We will have to wait, but I’m expecting a lot of political commentators, retired politicians, & retired and current ‘military experts’ will have to eat their words. Meanwhile, the vision of Western Europeans living in poverty like the Eastern Euros were is far clearer!
If today isn’t actually Wednesday, I’m resigning from the BIPM.
This is Happy Friday G I. Are you really on Planet Earth or are you in a parallel universe?
I am in Australie though I have visited other countries including Espagne, Pays-Bas, Angleterre and Inde
And you still don’t know what day it is………
Holding Ground, Losing War
Douglas Macgregor – Sep 22, 2022
Zelensky’s strategy of defending territory at all costs has been disastrous for Ukraine.
In a public statement that should not surprise anyone, President Putin announced the partial mobilization of 300,000 reservists. Many of these men will replace regular Russian Army forces in other parts of Russia and release them for operations in Ukraine. Other reservists will augment the Russian units already committed in Eastern Ukraine.
Washington always mistook Putin’s readiness to negotiate and limit the scope and destructiveness of the campaign in Ukraine as evidence of weakness, when it was clear that Putin’s aims were always restricted to the elimination of the NATO threat to Russia in Eastern Ukraine. Washington’s strategy of exploiting the conflict to sell F-35 fighter jets to Germany—along with large numbers of missiles, rockets, and radars to Central and East European allied governments—is now backfiring.
The defense establishment has a long record of success in tranquilizing American voters with meaningless clichés. As conditions favorable to Moscow develop in Eastern Ukraine and the Russian position in the world grows stronger, Washington confronts a stark choice: Talk about having successfully “degraded Russian power” in Ukraine and scale back its actions. Or risk a regional war with Russia that will engulf Europe.
In Europe, however, Washington’s war with Moscow is more than just an unpleasant subject. Germany’s economy is on the brink of collapse. German industries and households are starved for energy that grows more expensive with each passing week. American investors are concerned because the historical record indicates that Germany’s economic performance is often the harbinger of hard economic times in the U.S.
More important, social cohesion in European States, especially in France, and Germany, is fragile. Berlin’s police force is reportedly drawing up contingency plans to cope with rioting and looting during the winter months if the “multi-cultural” city’s energy grid collapses. Discontent is growing making it quite plausible that governments in Germany, France, and Great Britain will likely follow the path of their colleagues in Stockholm and Rome, who lost or will lose power to right-of-center coalitions.
As of this date, Kiev continues to oblige Moscow by impaling Ukraine’s last reserves of manpower on Russian defenses. Washington, insists President Biden, will support Ukraine “as long as it takes.” But if Washington continues to drain America’s strategic oil reserve, and ship American war stocks to Ukraine, the ability to protect and provision the United States will compete with supporting Ukraine.
Russia already controls the territory that produces 95 percent of Ukrainian GDP. It has no need to press further west. At this writing, it seems certain that Moscow will finish its work in Donbas, then, turn its attention to the capture of Odessa, a Russian city that saw terrible atrocities committed by Ukrainian forces against Russian citizens in 2014.
Moscow is in no hurry. The Russians are nothing if not methodical and deliberate. Ukrainian forces are bleeding to death in counterattack after counterattack. Why rush? Moscow can be patient. China, Saudi Arabia, and India are buying Russian oil in rubles. Sanctions are hurting America’s European allies, not Russia. The coming winter will likely do more to alter Europe’s political landscape than any action Moscow might undertake. In Zakopane, a town of 27,000 souls in the extreme South of Poland, the snow is already falling.
Douglas Macgregor, Col. (ret.) is a senior fellow with The American Conservative, the former advisor to the Secretary of Defense in the Trump administration, a decorated combat veteran, and the author of five books.
Vicki says:
September 23, 2022 at 2:50 pm
This is from Asia Times. It shows what we are actually facing as a result of short sighted and unrealistic oversight of the war in Ukraine. It is also a reality check on the crowing in the West that they have halted the Russian bear, let alone China:</strong>
Vostok 2022: the military convergence of Eurasia
Asia Times, Sept 22, 2022
“The actual centerpiece of the military show was the strong participation of the Chinese forces”
Although a considerable number of purveyors of the old order would want us to believe that the most important developments that will significantly impact the world we know are associated with the largely insignificant military offensive recently carried out (as Scott Ritter put it) by a “NATO army manned by Ukrainians” in Kharkiv, this cannot be further from the truth – if we accept a much broader outlook than the one offered by Western parochialism.
In fact, while a large part of the Western world was cheering the Pyrrhic victory that serves as a catalyst to escalate further the conflict that has been initiated by US neocons and has been successfully protracted by Washington and its vassals, the rest of the world was paying close attention to the military exercises that took place early this month in Russia.
The Vostok 2022 drills ran from September 1 to 7. They were conducted under the command of the chief of Russia’s General Staff, Valery Gerasimov, at nine training grounds in the territory of the Eastern Military District, as well as maritime and costal zones of the Sea of Okhotsk and the Sea of Japan.
The purpose of the war games, as the Defense Ministry emphasized in a statement, was “to ensure military security of the Russian Federation and its allies.”
“Today, soldiers and officers of 10 states are standing in a single formation, and a total of 14 countries are taking part in the exercise,” said Deputy Russian Defense Minister Colonel-General Yunus-Bek Yevkurov at the opening ceremony at the Sergeyevsky training ground in the Primorsky Region.
“Tens of thousands of servicemen and thousands of units of equipment are performing combat training missions according to a single plan at nine training grounds in real time.”
So what were these states? Well, participants of the maneuvers included Armenia, Algeria, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Syria, Nicaragua, Laos, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, China, India and, of course, Russia.
However, the main phase of this year’s Vostok chapter took place on September 6 when, as Reuters reported, “Smiling Putin” arrived at the Sergeyevsky training ground in the Primorye Region. The Russian president joined Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and the chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Russia, Valery Gerasimov (including more than 170 observers from 35 countries), to watch the military exercises in person.
The joint strategic operation that involved an international coalition group consisting of troops from Russia, China, India, Belarus, Mongolia, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Armenia and Algeria was divided into three stages and was crowned with the defeat of the hypothetical enemy.
The second question – how serious is this threat and what are the implications of The Vostok 2022 drills. Is this truly a threat to the (new) world order?
Australia’s Reserve Bank announces it’s broke.
The central bank of Australia on Wednesday made the astonishing admission that it is, basically, bust. Its entire equity has been wiped out by pandemic-related bond buying.
Of course, the Reserve Bank of Australia is a central bank, and can print money. So it can work its way out of a situation that would bankrupt a conventional bank or company.
Still, as the U.S. Federal Reserve meets today on interest rates, it’s an interesting insight into the challenges other central bankers face as they attempt to reconcile Covid stimulus with post-Covid inflation and economic emergence.
The RBA began its bond-purchase program in November 2020 as a second stimulus package in response to the pandemic. The first round of measures saw it slash rates to record lows, and set up a term funding facility offering cheap three-year funding to banks. For the bond buying, the central bank bought Australian government bonds and semi-government securities in the secondary market to lower interest rates on bonds maturing between five and 10 years out.
The program was extended, and extended, and extended yet again. Ultimately, the RBA bought A$281 billion (US$188 billion) in national, state and territory government bonds.
Now the bill has come due.
The RBA will announce its full-year results for the Australian fiscal year through June 30 in a month or so. But they won’t be pretty.
The central bank has had to mark the value of its holdings to market, resulting in a A$44.9 billion (US$30.0 billion) valuation loss. Offset by A$8.2 billion (US$5.5 billion) in underlying earnings from the central bank’s holdings, and it is posting a net loss of A$36.7 billion (US$24.5 billion).
That has exhausted the bank’s A$15.4 billion reserve fund and A$8.4 billion in other reserves, and then some. So the RBA is in negative equity to the tune of A$12.4 billion (US$8.3 billion).
Crank up the presses and mints…
It’s okay, all those notes can be exchanged for gold or other precious metal.
Damn, forgot the /s tag again.
And the sharp edges on the plastic notes removes one function use for them. If only they had a picture of Albo on them, it might be worth the ‘paper’ cuts.
A Reserve Bank can never go broke. Just look at the US Fed or the Bank of England. All you taxpayers are on the hook and you didn’t know it……………lol
Massachusetts Energy Companies Announce 64% Increase in Electricity Rates Beginning November 1st
National Grid and Eversource are the two major electricity providers for Massachusetts. Both companies have notified the Department of Public Utilities (DPU) that rates for electricity are about to skyrocket.
National Grid has announced a 64% increase in electricity rates effective November 1st. While Eversource is on a different schedule, they too have announced an increase in natural gas rates of 38% on November 1st and the January 1, 2023, electricity rate will be announced in the next few weeks. Eversource is anticipated to announce a similar rate increase to National Grid.
Mortgage hell awaits…
American Crooked Department of Justice at Work – and They Putin is Crooked – DOJ/FBI/CIA and the rest of the US Alphabet Organisations should look in the Mirror
US Government Admits to Confidential Human Sources Infiltrated Oath Keepers on Jan 6
Uploaded by Jim Hoft
Supported by FBI WhistleBlower
FBI hero paying the price for exposing unjust ‘persecution’ of conservative Americans
By Miranda Devine
Among Friend’s allegations:
. The Washington, DC, field office is “manipulating” FBI case management protocol and farming out J6 cases to field offices across the country to create the false impression that right-wing domestic violence is a widespread national problem that goes far beyond the “black swan” event of Jan. 6, 2021.
. As a result, he was listed as lead agent in cases he had not investigated and which his supervisor had not signed off on, in violation of FBI policy.
. FBI domestic terrorism cases are being opened on innocent American citizens who were nowhere near the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, based on anonymous tips to an FBI hotline or from Facebook spying on their messages. These tips are turned into investigative tools called “guardians,” after the FBI software that collates them.
. The FBI has post-facto designated a grassy area outside the Capitol as a restricted zone, when it was not restricted on Jan. 6, 2021, in order to widen the net of prosecutions.
. The FBI intends to prosecute everyone even peripherally associated with J6 and another wave of J6 subjects are about to be referred to the FBI’s Daytona Beach resident agency “for investigation and arrest.”
. The Jacksonville area was “inundated” with “guardian” notifications and FBI agents were dispatched to conduct surveillance and knock on people’s doors, including people who had not been in Washington, DC, on Jan. 6, 2021, or who had been to the Trump rally that day but did not go inside the Capitol.
Friend says he was punished after complaining to his bosses about being dragged into J6 investigations that were “violating citizens’ Sixth Amendment rights due to overzealous charging by the DOJ and biased jury pools in Washington, DC.”
Megyn Kelly: Lots of Indictments of Trump, ‘Not a One’ on Hunter Biden
Journalist Megyn Kelly observed Thursday that while there had been investigations, lawsuits, and indictments surrounding Donald Trump — including a New York State civil lawsuit against his children this week — the Biden family was untouched.
“Lots of indictments of Trump — not a one on Hunter Biden,” Kelly quipped.
Kelly tackled the media’s double standard generally with regard to Hunter Biden and Ashley Biden, the president’s daughter, during The Megyn Kelly Show on SiriusXM Triumph 11, with Breitbart News’ senior editor-at-large Joel Pollak and The Intercept’s Ryan Grim as guests.
Kelly invited Pollak and Grim to discuss the legal and ethical issues surrounding Ashley Biden’s diary, which conservative journalist James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas obtained during the 2020 election but ultimately decided not to publish. The diary, which contained a passage suggesting inappropriate sexual behavior by her father, Joe Biden, was ultimately leaked and was published by another outlet. The FBI, however, raided O’Keefe’s home last year, raising concerns about press freedom.
“I think there is a double standard, and it’s reinforced all the time,” Pollak observed. He added that there were serious First Amendment implications in the FBI’s apparent targeting of O’Keefe, and in the odd leaks of documents from Project Veritas to the New York Times in the aftermath of the raid, even as O’Keefe was suing the Times for defamation in a separate case in state court, prompting the appointment of a special master to review materials seized by the FBI.
Kelly agreed: “We now know that the grand jury had already opened an investigation into Hunter Biden as early as 2018, prior to the laptop coming onto their radar,” she said. “And yet here we are, 2022, closing it out … nothing on Hunter Biden — nothing.
A hallmark of banana republics is that those who lose power are apt to wind up in prison, or on the wrong end of a firing squad.
It is hard to think of anything more destructive to a democracy, and yet the Democrats are going down that path. It seems clear that they intend to bring criminal charges against President Trump over his keeping some White House documents at Mar-a-Lago–a trivial offense, as far as anyone knows.
And that’s not all. The Department of Justice has issued subpoenas to a large number of people who were associated in some way with the Trump campaign or administration. They generally seek information about efforts to challenge the reported election results in several states. A copy of one of the subpoenas, with the name of the person who was served redacted, is linked below. Take a look at the scope of the documents the subject of the subpoena is required to produce:
Nearly all of the documents relate to activities that are plainly lawful. Alleging or denying the existence of fraud in the 2020 election, offering evidence of such fraud or the absence of such fraud, planning to have someone serve as a Trump elector, arguing that the vice president has important constitutional powers in the context of certifying a presidential election, discussing strategies whereby Donald Trump might be found, legally, to have won the 2020 election–these are all legal activities that have long been engaged in by members of both parties.
There are also requests relating to the funding of efforts to contest the 2020 election and for the rally that occurred on January 6, 2021. These, too, were perfectly legal activities.
On top of those subject matter categories, there are requests for copies of all communications with around 100 persons, a few of whom are my friends. Others are current or recently retired Republican politicians. In addition to these documents, the subpoena’s recipients may be called for testimony.
Given the thorough corruption of the Department of Justice under Merrick Garland, there is a reasonable possibility that the Democrats will move to imprison both Donald Trump and other prominent Republicans. I suppose they think they are secure, because Republicans would never follow such a third-world precedent when they regain power. I don’t know about that.
In any event, there is a more fundamental question: are the Democrats trying to trigger a civil war, as they did in 1861? Judging from their actions, I think the question must be taken seriously.
The Incompetence of Democrats and the US Government Administration
To Quote an Australian Vernacular “Couldn’t run a Piss-Up in a Brewery”
US watchdog admits $46 BILLION in pandemic unemployment benefits was stolen by fraudsters using the SSNs of DEAD people and prisoners – year after saying it was just $16billion
. The inspector general for the Labor Department on Thursday published a report into fraud during the pandemic, finding billions in false unemployment claims
. Some 205,000 Social Security numbers that belonged to dead people were used to claim benefits
. Other criminals took the Social Security numbers of criminals and used them to make claims
. The office has opened 190,000 investigations related to unemployment insurance fraud, they said in the report
. Separately, the Justice Department on Thursday said 1,000 people have now been charged for fraudulently claiming unemployment during the pandemic
Fraudsters stole nearly $46billion in unlawful unemployment claims during the pandemic, the Labor Department concluded on Thursday – while warning that the actual figure may be even higher.
Some 205,000 Social Security numbers that belonged to dead people were used to claim benefits
. Other criminals took the Social Security numbers of criminals and used them to make claims
I guess some of these also voted in the last election.
Why I Joined Mike Lindell’s Legal Team
Respect for civil liberties and the Constitution is more important than partisan differences.
By Alan M. Dershowitz
I disagree with My Pillow founder Mike Lindell about a lot of things, including his belief that the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump. I’m a liberal Democrat; he is a conservative Republican.
Yet I am enthusiastically representing him in his lawsuit against the Justice Department and Federal Bureau of Investigation over the recent search and seizure of his telephone.
As soon as it was announced that I would be joining his defense team, people asked why I would be representing somebody they believe is trying to destroy American democracy. It’s a good question.
It is important for Democrats who support Joe Biden’s legitimate presidency and object to Mr. Trump’s violations of constitutional norms to resist unconstitutional efforts by Mr. Biden’s administration and supporters to abuse the law, particularly the criminal-justice system, against our political opponents. It is easy for Republicans to criticize the Justice Department for overreaching, just as it was easy for Democrats to criticize the Trump administration. What is difficult is to criticize officials of one’s own party when they go too far. Yet it’s essential to keep politics out of the justice system—for principled Democrats and Republicans alike to advocate strict compliance with constitutional norms, regardless of whose ox is being gored. This principled attitude was exemplified by Republican leaders who condemned Mr. Trump for his dangerous electoral shenanigans. Democrats should follow their example.
In my view as a lifelong civil libertarian, the Justice Department went too far in seeking a search warrant against Mr. Trump’s property at Mar-a-Largo. It could have asked the court to enforce the subpoena it issued and taken other less intrusive measures. It was also wrong in opposing a special master and demanding that the department’s own lawyers be the only ones to determine whether privileged material was seized.
I also believe the department exceeded its constitutional authority by seeking and executing a search warrant against Mr. Lindell’s telephone, which gives investigators access to his computer files and other private and business data. The Framers of the Constitution abhorred the British practice of issuing general warrants, which empowered the government to search entire homes and businesses. The seizure and search of a cellphone in today’s connected world is more of a general search than rummaging through a home. Your entire life is stored on electronic devices.
Although the warrant in the Lindell case specified files that could be searched, it didn’t specify a protocol for separating the searchable from the private and privileged, thus leaving it to the discretion of Justice Department officials to make these constitutionally critical determinations. This is why we seek judicial relief, including the appointment of a special master and an injunction against Justice Department lawyers now combing through Mr. Lindell’s files. We are also trying to unseal the affidavit that accompanied the warrant request and to learn whether the FBI found Mr. Lindell at a Hardee’s restaurant in Mankato, Minn., via electronic surveillance performed without a warrant.
The power of the government to surveil and search its citizens shouldn’t be an issue that separates Democrats from Republicans or liberals from conservatives. All Americans should be concerned about limiting the power of the government. Tragically, we live in an age when partisanship determines which side of an important constitutional issue most people take.
If the Trump administration had done to a prominent Democratic supporter precisely what the Biden administration has done to Mr. Lindell, many Democrats would be outraged and support judicial relief. But today few Democratic lawyers will represent Trump Republicans whose constitutional rights have been violated. This is a tragedy that endangers the neutrality of our Constitution and the legal profession. I will continue to defend the Constitution equally on behalf of Democrats and Republicans.
Mr. Dershowitz is a professor emeritus at Harvard Law School and author of “The Price of Principle: Why Integrity Is Worth the Consequences.”
Stacey Abrams: “There is no such thing as a heartbeat at six weeks. It is a manufactured sound designed to convince people that men have the right to take control of a woman’s body.”
In human embryos the heart begins to beat at about 22-23 days, with blood flow beginning in the 4th week. The heart is therefore one of the earliest differentiating and functioning organs.
Like I’ve said – at least the plandemic has exposed the fact that half the western world are raving moonbats…
The next global plague? – Ebola
Doctors are scrambling to mount a response to a relatively rare form of the highly contagious deadly hemorrhagic fever, which leaves people vomiting blood and has no approved vaccine.
“As of today, we have seven confirmed cases of whom we have one confirmed death,” Lt. Col Dr Kyobe Henry Bbosa, who is currently leading Uganda’s Ebola response, told journalists. “But we also have seven probable cases that died before the confirmation of the outbreak.”
Dr Bbosa said that authorities had not identified the so-called index case or “patient zero”. But he added that the outbreak appeared to have started around the beginning of September, “when people started dying” in a small village in Mubende district in central Uganda.
So far 43 contacts have been identified, while ten people are believed to have caught the virus. Dr Bbosa added that the infections were spread out over an area of about 70km (43m).
China in crisis as Xi warned of health emergency from ‘hidden epidemics’
Experts have raised the alarm over a frenzy of ‘hidden epidemics’ in China which are threatening to kill tens of millions of people in the country in the coming decades unless more attention is given to its health sector. While the nation may have some of the strictest Covid laws still in place following the outbreak of the virus in Wuhan, health experts have warned that China is doing far less to limit the rise of non-communicable diseases.
Australians warned of increased mosquito-borne disease threat
Australian scientists have warned of an increased risk of mosquito-borne diseases amid forecast wet conditions during the upcoming spring and summer.
The Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) earlier in September declared a rare third consecutive La Nina weather event, meaning the country is likely to face a summer of heavy rainfall and high humidity.
Then add in millions of mozzies courtesy of Mr plague – B. Gates…
SIDE EFFECT Fears monkeypox could trigger serious complications including ‘brain swelling and paralysis’
MONKEYPOX could cause long-term neurological problems, a new study has warned.
New analysis has revealed the bug could cause serious brain damage which can lead paralysis and even death.
It was recently revealed that a second strain of the illness had been detected in the UK
Monkeypox is now in major decline in dozens of countries.
As for MP being responsible for the claims above, I’d be pointing the finger elsewhere…
Oh for goodness sake. All of this Alarmism is about to drive me to drink more. Now that is not a bad idea. OK just keep alarming me and I will drink more…………………..
When 100 million people suddenly die of a mystery virus then I will take notice. Until then please stop the Alarmism……………..
I like this book though it is long and complex and I can’t pretend to be fully understanding of ‘The Winter Gatekeeper Hypothesis’. But I like the idea that Javier Vinos goes back to the fundamentals such as the Milankovich Cycles in his search for answers.
In the forward Judith Curry says ‘It raise the suspicion that Anthropologic forcing of climate change has been seriously over estimated’ Not likely to be compulsory reading for members of the IPCC . .
The comments are instructive, the Humboldt Current and South Pacific Gyre are major players.
There are only two big players, ocean currents and the sun.
It’s insane that ‘climate scientists’ map and ‘model’ the air when it is 1/350th of the weight of the water and 1/4 of the specific heat, so 1/1400th of the heat capacity. In fact air, open naturally to outer space, radiates the heat away. Water cannot release energy so easily as there is one fixed interface and the air above is an insulator. And the water is too cold to radiate much.
So ‘Climate Models’ are just rubbish. Every bit of weather can be traced to solar heating (Carribbean) and then evaporation (tropical, monsoons) or convection (Gulf Stream, Humboldt, Indian dipole, PDO, AMO,..).
It all started with this crazy idea that 0.04% CO2 mattered because the industrial revolution coincided with the end of the unexplained Little Ice Age. And the last 300 years can be explained accurately with one 260 year solar cycle (De Vries) and the 65 year PDO/AMO ocean cycles. A model is useless if it cannot duplicate the past and no Climate Model even tries to explain the Little Ice Age. And opportunist Michael Mann just deleted it to create his hockey stick.
According to NOAA the fission reactor at our core and the sun share equal responsibility for making this planet habitable.
Oceanic oscillations are in the major league and I also include volcanism, a seriously outstanding player.
Daily average global energy transfer to the atmosphere from evapo-transpiration is about 6.8 MJ/m2 compared with the Earth’s average insulation (ie top of atmosphere projected to the surface, ignoring clouds) of about 21.6MJ/m2.
Surface evaporation is the major cooling mechanism of the oceans, not conduction, but it only happens at the surface. Air can shed heat by radiation to the sky from any point, unless there are clouds. So when the sun goes down, air cooling is very rapid where ocean surface temperature hardly changes.
Thanks for the comment I like the idea of ocean currents moving heat. Makes sense . .
The cool Humboldt Current draws up CO2 from the Southern Ocean deep and liberates it to the atmosphere as it reaches the equator.,-29.57,530/loc=-115.209,-37.224
Even Unborn Babies Find The Taste of Mom’s Kale Salad Repulsive
Babies in the womb are big fans of carrots but not so much leafy green vegetables – and show it in their faces, scientists said in a new study published Thursday.
Researchers at Durham University in northeast England said the findings were the first direct evidence that babies react differently to various smells and tastes before they are born.
A team of scientists studied 4D ultrasound scans of 100 pregnant women and discovered that babies exposed to carrot flavors showed “laughter-face” responses.
Those exposed to kale flavors in contrast showed more “cry-face” responses.
No info is available on facial reactions to my favourite Carolina Reaper chilli but I can guess. 😂😂😂
I grow a few kale plants so that we can eat the sweet new growth in the next spring. Otherwise it just looks good.
Elastic, robotic generators open up strange new energy capture ideas.
A new class of elastic energy converters is emerging, with the ability to capture energy from a variety of different motions. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) is pushing to deploy them, first in a series of strange, bendy wave energy designs.
The NREL says its DEEC-Tec (distributed embedded energy converter technologies) designs will sit around in the water, letting the waves deform them in all directions, and harvesting electricity from “almost all physical motions or dynamic shape changes.”
Rather than driving turbines, or combining to drive an external generator, they’ll be built using lots of small, flexible generators, each acting a bit like a muscle fiber to produce its own output.
One such type of generator uses dielectric elastomers, which first surfaced in the late 1990s. According to a 2020 review published in Advanced Intelligent Systems, these essentially consist of a layer of deformable, elastic, dielectric material, coated with electrodes to form a variable capacitor.
‘Elastic robotic generators’ look good on the drawing board and in the lab, but in the real world out there in the ocean, there’s 100 things that can go wrong. I’ll believe it when I see it . .
The much talked about September 24th is this weekend.
Should be an interesting “event”. 😉
You will be fine JC, It can’t happen on the 24th of September.
When the date of 24th of september, is supposedly the date all around the world at 2400 hrs 180 deg. utc. We have a problem.
The international date line shows Kiritimati is already 1 hr into the 25th of September. It has a longitude greater than Midway Island to the west.
So at no place on earth is the date the same during one rotation of the earth.
So when do the residents of Midway and Kiritimati start to worry?
When do we need to worry?
And why can’t our doomsayers figure this fact out?
If they can’t work this out, How can I believe anything they tell me?
JC, I predict their prediction is predictably not valid.
According to wikipedia, 100% of microbiologists accept cell theory, but from the previous threads “any number over 70% just reflects how unhealthy our universities are. No debate, no science.”
Dearest Peter, this is close to being “too stupid” to bother publishing or responding too. On what basis are you suggesting “cell theory” is a new immature and complex science like climate science is? Did you just miss the last 100 years of biology, or are you pretending cell theory = predicting the weather in 2100? Please be aware that being “too stupid” is a reason to stop people commenting. I have little patience today.
I allow incompetent people to post as “target practice” but we have limits. Some people are too low IQ to even be worthy of target practice. They are “thread diluters”. Think carefully about your reply. It might be smarter to say nothing.
More ad homs?
Not at all, I reasoned that you are not bright enough to comment because you use repeat fallacies (documented previously), in this case you also used false equivalence, and I gave an example and chance to explain your “reasoning”. I asked two questions you didn’t answer.
You are mistaking an insult for ad hominem reasoning. If I said you were wrong because you are stupid, that would be an ad hom.
coming from someone who was not Abes to get a job in her chosen field I guess insults are all you really have
Thanks Peter. In a IQ test to be worthy of target practice your reply is “not even wrong”.
It’s only so much fun playing mental tennis against someone who doesn’t know what a ball is. This is timewasting thread dilution, and I think sadly, it’s time to call it quits. If you can find a CAGW believer to defend the faith here, I would greatly appreciate it.
“If you can find a CAGW believer to defend the faith here….”
LOL ! 🙂
Peter reminds me of a petulant child throwing a tantrum, no amount of reasoning will stop the tantrum and the more you try the louder they yell .
Mr. Fitzroy:
Have to side w/ the Lovely Hostess on this one. That was a fairly serious false equivalency you made there. Further, I posed a question to you which you have yet to answer.
When I discussed the replacement of ‘fixed-in-place’ continents with the newer idea of ‘mobile continents’, you made equivalence with “AGW” and/or “CAGW” being the ‘new, improved’ climate science, replacing the idea that it is ‘ all nature ‘. That was not the point. You missed it completely. The point was that the “old” idea of stationary continents no longer worked; it was replaced by something that fit into the data being collected, i.e., that continents, starting with the cratons, had been mobile since sometime in the latter part of the Hadean Eon.
This “new”, and not improved idea that humans are affecting the climate is based upon a demonstrably false premise that carbon dioxide is somehow a ‘control knob’ or ‘thermostat’ on the global climate. Let us recall: “A single experiment can prove me wrong.” I gave you three instances where the idea of ‘carbon dioxide causes heat’ was shown to be wrong, so the ‘new’ idea replacing the ‘old’ idea is seriously flawed. You did not answer or refute my statements, just went into mis-direction. Several posters on that thread have explicitly advised you that the ‘new’ idea that you, and Simon, and Ian all cling to, has an incorrect basis; ergo, the ‘new’ idea, with a flawed basis, is not an advancement.
As far as I’m concerned, if you are not willing to answer a legitimate question put to you (and to refresh your memory, you stated that the “current” climate change is outside of the variation that Nature is capable of doing; so I asked what the limits of natural variation are), then you deserve any and all disrespect afforded you here.
In spite of what you may have learned in your academic tenure, you’re not special. I’ve been corrected by our lovely hostess when I’ve stepped out of line, and you should be corrected for your mostly-inane posts as well. So, either answer the challenge, or if you cannot, then be enough of a man to admit your error, and get in touch with reality. Nothing happening in climate today is unusual, or outside of natural variation, or hasn’t happened before. Nothing today is ‘unprecedented’. Just because some lame-brains in the lame-stream media make the incessant claim that everything is ‘unusual’, ‘unprecedented’, or ‘just the beginning of a “new normal” ‘, doesn’t mean that things are going to hell in a handbasket. Like it or not, it’s SSDD — — same stuff, different day.
And while you’re answering the question about the limits of natural variation, you might get your buddy, Simon, to post the carbon dioxide concentration that triggers that ‘runaway greenhouse effect’ he’s so afraid of. Ol’ Simon ran away and hid when I challenged him on that … … … don’t know why, but I keep hearing this minstrel song in my head, about a “Sir Robin” who ‘ … ran away … ‘ from a challenge … … …
A good day to you and yours, Mr. Fitzroy,
(Just curious, you wouldn’t be related to the Captain Fitzroy of the HMS Beagle, who thought ol’ Chuck Darwin was full of beans, would you?)
From comment 11.1.1 South Australian comment: “Chris Bowen has the brains of a stobey pole” substitute Peter F.
Climate science is hardly immature. Scientists were well aware of climate change and its possible causes in the early 1800’s.
Natural climate change.. like it has throughout Earth’s history. Not human caused.. never was.
They obviously do not understand, any more than you do.
They are paid NOT to understand the NATURAL aspects of the highly beneficial warming out of the coldest period in 10,000 years.
And yes, “climate science™” is run by a bunch of immature hacks more intent on getting news headlines than finding and facing reality.
Tyndall found out, by measurement, that CO2 was a radiatively active gas.
Understanding of what happens after that has stalled, except by the work of people like Happer and some others who work with CO2 lasers.
Most so-called “climate scientists” are basically just programming grunts, with very little understanding of atmospheric physics or how the atmosphere really operates.
Heck, most still think CO2 causes warming… that’s how BACKWARD the whole of “climate science (lol)” is !
Yeah but it was going to be an ice age then catastrophic warming then earthquake’s then the rotation of the earth changing and I’m not sure what they are predicting now I can’t keep up .
Simon, just because someone could spell “Climate science” in 1800 is hardly a sign of maturity.
When you can predict the largest driver of planetary weather (ENSO) more than 5 months in advance, then you can claim climate science is past infancy — because it might be able to predict the flavour of a season a whole year ahead.
In many ways climate science has gone backwards since 1800. Back then they knew solar cycles affected wheat prices, now they just pretend the sun is nothing more than a ball of light. At the moment climate science is on a trajectory to pagan witchcraft — sausages will bring us storms. It’s getting more retarded every year.
What on earth is this about? I had to look it up. Cell ‘theory’ hasn’t been a theory since the invention of the microscope, 300 years ago. Because we could see the cells. Bacteria were next, identifying microorganisms. Viruses were a fantastic theory which worked, but it was a hundred years before we could see them with an electon microscope.
And the recent ability to not only see the Wuhan Flu virus, but to pull it apart and all the variations is just mind boggling. And of course this technology has been weaponized, like Chinese gunpowder.
The TGA wants you to report products with misleading claims. You know what to do.
(After you stop laughing uncontrollably that is. JC II)
Without a hint of irony, the TGA is calling for Australians to report “dodgy” ads that make misleading claims about medical products.
Oh, the guaranteed FB replies…
Jacinda Ardern Left Reeling After Coroner Rules New Zealand Man Died From ‘Dangerous’ COVID Jab
Young Global Leader Jacinda Ardern was left reeling this week after a Coroner ruled that a New Zealand man’s death was the result of her ‘dangerous’ mandatory Covid-19 jab.
According to Coroner Sue Johnson’s initial decision, 26-year-old Dunedin plumber Rory Nairn’s death on November 17, 2021, at his home was the direct result from the jab he’d received just a few days prior.
Infowars. Sorry.
I doubt “reeling” Her people will just line up alternative experts and malign the Coroner.
Twenty-six. 🙁 That is so unfair.
It is great to know that NZ only had one “vaccine” death.
Nancy Pelosi: ‘President Biden Has Saved the Planet’
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi stunned reporters into silence on Thursday after declaring that Joe Biden and the Democratic Party are literally “saving the planet”.
“And we saved the planet. We’re saving the planet with record $360 billion to save the planet, generating jobs and cleaner air and cleaner water and jobs and security for our country.”
Poor delusional Vodka-soaked old witch…
I guess that planet is the “Pelosi Wealth Capsule”?
“Philip said…
You can make statistics mean BS, anyone on here consider themselves rich?
Australians are now the richest people in the world
Despite the cost-of-living crisis, Aussies are now the richest people on the planet, according to a new report.
The Credit Suisse Global Wealth Report found that the median personal wealth per Australian adult was a massive $409,055 (US$273,900) – making Aussies the richest people on the planet.
To find the median wealth, the report divided the wealth distribution into two equal groups where half the adults had wealth above the median and the other half below.
“Ranking countries by median wealth per adult favours those with lower levels of wealth inequality,” the report said.
“The top positions by the mean wealth criterion are now occupied by Australia (US$273,900), closely followed by Belgium (US$267,890).”
Part of the reason for Australia’s strong performance was the massive property price growth seen in 2020 and 2021. ”
From comments at
Not much favouring going on on my side of that divide!
And from the main article – I guess that you can say that Newsom is holding fast to the trajectory he set there
“To find the median wealth, the report divided the wealth distribution into two equal groups where half the adults had wealth above the median and the other half below.”
I’m glad they clarifed that.
Don’t worry, the new lower US$/AU$ exchange will return Australia to its rightful position.
Why not just leave the story as the author intended?
What does alphabet propaganda have to be built into everything, especially material intended for children?
Now all the characters will have no brain??
Meanwhile in California, EV owners are happy little campers
Ahh ! The Maddona Inn , St Louis Opisbo. ,
A famous stopping point between SF and LA on Hyway 1.
The Inn is famous for its “themed” suites and the worlds most impressive male urinal !
…and probably now famous also for its long EV recharger ques. ,
Gays against groomers.
2 minutes of reality.
Groom dogs, not children.😎
Re the education problem
I find the current ‘science’ debate atmosphere very nearly completely absurd.
I have no standing in science.
Yet I observe high status scientists being shunned, or worse, by the media, the establishment political structures, and the academies.
So there is no debate.
There is only cheerleading for the consensus.
It is as if those of us without standing are left to defend debate since authority has not found us worthy of their ire … yet.
We are reduced to sarcasm, ridicule, and using ‘carrot’ emojis to avoid censorship.
What does intellectual decorum mean in this situation?
The idea of anthropogenic global warming is not science since it’s not allowed to be debated.
Follow the money trail.
Who’s make money from it? The Leftist Elites, supported by a slave army of useful/useless idiots.
It’s a financial fraud disguised as science.
It is also intended to destroy Western Civilisation and return non-Elites to pre-Enlightenment serfdom and basic survival without luxury or abundance.
Switzerland Mulls ‘Gender-Neutral’ Compulsory Military Service For Women
The Swiss government has considered mandatory military service for women to boost the number of army personnel amid a soldier shortage, according to the Swiss daily newspaper Tribune de Genève. Currently, military service for men is compulsory once they reach adulthood.
A report presented by a parliamentary commission before the Council of States, the upper house of the Swiss Legislative, found that in the event of a mobilization, only 80% of soldiers could be called to duty, or about 80,000 out of the 100,000.
The commission offered two alternatives to increase the army size: merging the armed forces with civil protection services or making military service obligatory for all able-bodied women aged 19.
…and Google searches for “how to undo gender change” absolutely explode! 😆😆
Friday loony left humour.
Animal Rights Group Say Men Who Eat Meat Should Be Banned From Having Sex
All men who eat meat should be banned from having sex to help save the planet, according to an animal rights group.
The German branch of Peta also claim that eating meat is a symptom of ‘toxic masculinity’ and that men contribute significantly more to the climate crisis than women, mainly because of their meat consumption.
Heh..having seen some pictures of these PETA activists, abstinence would be a blessing. 😆
Maybe the meat eating men should just hang out with meat eating women? oh wait, they probably already do
These people must think they have their own lives really well squared away if they can spend so much time telling others how to live. Lucky them.
Well, what could go wrong… These are taken from the article about the new American health version of DARPA, the secret military research unit they pour billions of dollars into every year-
“Far from “ending cancer” in the way most Americans might envision it, the proposed agency would merge “national security” with “health security” in such as way as to use both physical and mental health “warning signs” to prevent outbreaks of disease or violence before they occur. Such a system is a recipe for a technocratic “pre-crime” organization with the potential to criminalize both mental and physical illness as well as “wrongthink.”
This new agency, set to be called ARPA-H or HARPA…would differ in that the projects it funds would not be peer reviewed prior to approval; instead hand-picked program managers would make all funding decisions….the flagship program of HARPA would be SAFE HOME, short for Stopping Aberrant Fatal Events by Helping Overcome Mental Extremes. SAFE HOME would suck up masses of private data from “Apple Watches, Fitbits, Amazon Echo, and Google Home” and other consumer electronic devices, as well as information from health-care providers to determine if an individual might be likely to commit a crime.
Lots more-
..and how to spread your chosen bioagents right through the countryside to make sure EVERYONE gets exposed-
“USDA announced a new program to mass distribute oral vaccines into the wild, sprawling across rural areas in multiple states. The program will unleash approximately 3.5 million doses of an experimental rabies vaccine called Onrab…. The government believes they can drop whatever they want from the sky and pollute entire swaths of the countryside with experimental vaccines. These mass experiments are justified because government officials think that they can stop the spread of rabies where it hasn’t been found or isn’t widespread….The CDC warns the public not to come in contact with the baits, because the live vaccines can adversely affect humans.”
So don’t get bitten by an animal who has just eaten the vaccine.
Just when you thought the IQ of humans was increasing, along comes PETA.
UN says Australia’s climate inaction violated Torres Strait Islanders’ rights
Oh good grief.
Is the Sydney Morning Herald still being published?
So they weren’t adversely affected by their claim that (all of) the Great Barrier Reef would be dead by Christmas 1971.
WTH is “climate inaction” ?
Please use terms you can actually define and that have a sane, rational, scientific meaning !
Nothing Australia has done or will do, will make one tiny infinitesimal difference to the global climate.
Stop all aid to the Islands asap then and let them row to the mainland for supplies , after all we can’t have all those boats and ships adding to the problem. No more diesel for power generation and sailing ships or row boats only .
The UN is having a laugh, surely! Torres Strait depends ENTIRELY on diesel power for it electricity !
“A Canadian woman who died within 15 minutes of receiving a COVID-19 booster shot was in good health, according to her daughter, who blames the vaccine.”
“Institute of Public Affairs- Australia’s Covid-19 Pandemic Response Failed Us”
ESG = Extreme Shortage Guarantee.
The actions of the ESG meme are destroying supply chains and availability of products throughout the world.
It has to be stopped,
… for the future of all your children and grandchildren, who are destined to suffer harsh deprivation if this inane self-serving virtue-seeking continues.
The future of electricity, transportation, food supply, water supply, etc is all coming under dire threat.
Perfect words from the BBC. Unity is our great strength, and Queen Elizabeth united us.
The closing monologue from the BBC was word perfect. 1 min 33 secs
From the collection of recent NASA James Webb telescope photos, pictures 10 of 12, STEAK IN SPACE.
God was not a vegan.
Scientists at America’s top nuclear lab were recruited by China to design missiles and drones, report says
“China is playing a game that we are not prepared for, and we need to really begin to mobilize,” said Greg Levesque, the lead author of the report by Strider Technologies.
At least 154 Chinese scientists who worked on government-sponsored research at the U.S.’s foremost national security laboratory over the last two decades have been recruited to do scientific work in China — some of which helped advance military technology that threatens American national security — according to a new private intelligence report obtained by NBC News.
The report, by Strider Technologies – 32 Page PDF, describes what it calls a systemic effort by the government of China to place Chinese scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory, where nuclear weapons were first developed.
Many of the scientists were later lured back to China to help make advances in such technologies as deep-earth-penetrating warheads, hypersonic missiles, quiet submarines and drones, according to the report.
Scientists were paid as much as $1 million through participation in Chinese government “talent programs,” which are designed to recruit Chinese scientists to return to China. Such talent programs have long been identified as a source of concern, but U.S. officials said they had not previously seen an unclassified report that described the phenomenon in such detail, naming specific scientists and the projects they have worked on.
The talent transfer “poses a direct threat to U.S. national security,” said Greg Levesque, a co-founder of Strider and the lead author of the report. “China is playing a game that we are not prepared for, and we need to really begin to mobilize.”
Although a former Los Alamos scientist pleaded guilty in 2020 to lying about his involvement in a China recruitment program, most of the conduct described in the report appears to have been legal. Moreover, U.S. officials and experts say most Chinese scientists who immigrate to the U.S. remain here — and many have made significant contributions to U.S. defense technology.
But current and former U.S. intelligence officials said the Strider report shows how the Chinese government has been using talent recruitment programs to acquire insights into U.S. technology to help build a military that poses a significant threat to U.S. national security. The officials added that China’s hard-line turn under President Xi Jinping is sparking a re-evaluation of the long history of scientific exchange between the two countries.