A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Subpoenas issued for Michigan
and Arizona
To surrender hard drives, emails, absentee voter counting board laptops and other election-related materials; a forensics exam of voting machines in Maricopa County.
A lot of smoke? It’s a fire-storm and most people still can’t see it. They will soon won’t be able to ignore it if and when Trump starts dropping his water b0mbs on the traitors.
A few things in here that I hadn’t given much thought to . . . . . . a good read . . . . .
‘One Little Problem with the “All-Electric” Auto Fleet- What Do We Do with all the “Waste” Gasoline?’
That article isn’t totally accurate. You can reform or crack the “petrol” fraction hydrocarbons into less or more volatile fraction hydrocarbons, respectively, and even reshape them to some extent to produce specific chemicals.
This is only done to a limited degree in refineries because you need process heat and catalysts to drive the reactions which reduces output of product but if half the crude content was otherwise unusable, they would do it.
Fun fact – a fair amount of the hydrogen used for margarine production, electric generator winding and rotor cooling other large scale processes comes as a byproduct of petroleum refining.
The US election must be overturned, to ignore the cheating would encourage left wing parties, the ALP, British Labour, Canadian Liberals and NZ Labour and the Democrats to use CCP resources to ensure they are never removed from office allowing the loonies free reign to destroy each country.
I work on every Australian election – federal and state (in Victoria) … the CCP couldn’t affect what we do.
Also – is there any evidence at all that the CCP had any input into the US presidential election? Did they even have facebook hacks / fronts?
Evidence of CCP intervention would be good … I think it’s reasonable to assume – absent evidence – that Joe Biden (lousy candidate that he is) won because a lot of people were sick of Trump. I think that’s the most sensible position.
You have just outed yourself as not knowing a thing about Australian politics, the CCP have been an influence in Australian politics for a long time , the greens and labor are beholden to the CCP and they have also snuck into the Libs .
Are you seriously going to argue that the current export bans that China have implemented have nothing at all to do with politics ?
I have been an avid student of Australian politics my whole life, and have worked within the “Oz deep state” in a number of capacities. I know a lot … more than you will ever guess.
One thing I have learnt is to be very sceptical about hearsay, gossip, rumour, and scuttlebutt.
It has served me well – as it continues to do so on this forum.
I agree we need to tread carefully in our relationship with China, so we keep making serious export income … we need to be skilful working both sides of the street.
And we should be careful because ? You just can’t admit what China is doing is political can you and Labor and their mates the Greens gain from any tantrum China throws ?
So you work on fed and state elections and are an apologist for the CCP but claim they have no influence?
In your statement, ” … we need to be skilful (sic) working both sides of the street.” you prove Mr. V. Lenin’s prophecy to be true:
“The capitalists are so greedy, they’ll sell us the rope we’ll use to hang them.”
Have a nice day,
I am told by an educated friend (attorney) here in the US that you persons in OZ have had fewer V deaths than us because Australians trust their government.
I understand your government is enlightened and you are happy unlike us Americans that suffer under evil Orange Man.
Is this true?
No. Australia has had fewer deaths than the USA probably because the population understood that, until a better system was developed, lock-down, quarantine, mask-wearing, testing and tracing was the way to go.
Borders were closed early and people returning from overseas were quarantined either in quarantine enclaves or at home. Plus we were lucky; we ran into the spring/summer period which seems to inhibit the spread of this Chinese virus.
Thanks …
but was kinda more interested in the ‘trust your government’ part.
Your government has honest numbers that don’t seem to support draconian lockdowns.
Our government produces fake numbers to support draconian lockdowns.
Democrats constantly tell us conservative Americans that we are the crass, bigoted, willfully ignorant, gun toting ruffians preventing them from joining the nice civilized English speaking world of OZ, NZ, Canuck, and UK.
So we could all trust government in togetherness.
Johm, what is fake? Sure there is dodgy data in the USA because some incentives are screwed regarding Covid reporting. Agreed.
But the bottom line is US testing is still inadequate and the USA is missing far more real covid cases. Only 3 US states are in the Australian test category of test positivity under 4%,
Test positivity in Australia = 0.27% overall. Worst rate this year was in Vic which peaked at 3.5% briefly.
While the false reports are false, they are outdone by missing reports. Check the Excess death rate in the USA. It’s far above the covid tally.
Test positive?
Equals a ‘case’?
(I’ve listened to Kary Mullis which makes me a ‘conspiracy theorists’ as listening to Nobel Prize winners will do)
Has there ever been an historical situation where mass testing for viral exposure was performed on folk with no symptoms?
Has there ever been actual numbers for simple exposure?
If this is the new standard then we are all sick all the time.
Just like ‘climate change’ is the perfect perpetual crisis.
The use of the word ‘case’ is political and designed to scare the world.
You trust establishment data like IPCC?
Still no answer to my question about trust in government.
I think Australians are afraid to say.
It’s not that I blame you.
Australia shut down very early to “flatten the curve”, but that worked so well that they tried to eradicate the disease. As a result there has been no pandemic in Australia yet. So, very few deaths to date.
I keep hearing reports that despite the pandemic, total death numbers in some countries are down to a remarkable degree. This suggests that measures being taken to guard against CV19 are inhibiting the transmission of other diseases, e.g.flu.
The statistic that I would like to see is the comparison of total death numbers this year with last year and previous years.
PCR Tests have been used for 35 years in millions of cases of illness, thousands of court cases, and come from hundreds of labs on five continents. They’re used in forensic work, paleolithic studies and scientific research.
If the test is a scam it’s the biggest conspiracy in science involving tens of thousands of people, multiple corporations, many lawyers who could have but didn’t uncover the giant worldwide fakery that is PCR. Or just maybe the test works?
It’s hard to explain how the same PCR test was used in Australia and had an uncanny ability to predict who would go to hospital (1 in 7 positive tests).
500,000 tests done in Western Australia and none, zero, nothing detected in the community in the last 200 days. But regular positives from hotel quarantine.
It looks like a useful test, smells like a useful test and performs like a useful test.
Check out Nextstrain. Look at the tree created from results across the world from hundreds of labs. Are all those labs in on the scam?
Faking a diagram like that, from so many independent sources, with so many different tests to identify tiny ongoing changes in the virus would be one hell of a global conspiracy.
Australia was founded as a series of harsh penal colonies, and the transportation continued for more than 75 years.
Many of us (including me) are directly descended from convicts, and this leads to two often contradictory cultural norms:
(1) We can be strongly anti-authoritarian, and see “government” as an oppressive force in many myriad small ways
(2) But also, we are dependent on “government” for a great deal, and we expect them to act wisely and for the good of the people.
We are a wealthy place overall (thanks China and Japan!), and the chip on our shoulder has grown smaller with prosperity.
Our compliance with anti-pandemic restrictions actually surprised me a fair bit, but we did become good at masks, social distancing, and in many other ways doing as we were told.
Our success in keeping the virus numbers low have retrospectively justified the tight lockdowns – even though they came with a lot of economic and lifestyle pain.
But overall, we do not have that “give me liberty or give me death” mentality here – our far-right is very tiny.
Plus our political leaders took it seriously, and never made statements of the Trumpian type – about hoax, over-exaggeration, and it will blow over by May, etc.
But as others have said, we were lucky – not the least because we’re an island, we stopped inbound travel stone dead, and we had the seasonal advantages of being in the Southern Hemisphere.
But yes – the vast majority here obeyed the lockdown rules … and we still do.
Australia succeeded because it closed the borders. The US and UK kept flying in the virus and wondering why their lockdowns didn’t seem to work.
Australia is probably still a “High Trust” society because our Swamps are not as deep and corrupt as the more mature democracies of the UK and US. We are just 10 – 20 years behind the “pace” of corruption. Hence Australians were more likely to trust official rules. In the US and UK it was also blatantly obvious that locking down people whilst inviting people to fly in with the virus was hypocritical.
In Australia within two weeks of lockdowns the new cases peaked and started declining. Protecting islands is easier than the USA. But the UK has no excuse.
The USA needs to build the wall. When will the RINO’s allow that?
Wall building is underway.
Hopefully RHINOs will be gone or cowed after this election is resolved.
Australia has had fewer reported deaths than the US because when someone dies in a car crash in Australia it isn’t recorded as a covid death.
Besides, the CDC says that only 6% of covid deaths in the US are due to cov-2 alone, the rest have comorbidities. That means the actual death toll from covid is around 18,000.
But that doesnt matter, Orange Man still bad. Right?
Translation: Comorbidities = Low blood levels of Vitamin D 3 like: Deficient and espec. Extremely Deficient and the individual contracts, because of the low V-D-3 levels.
pneumonias and other respiratory tract infections.
Insufficient = < 75nm/L
Deficient = < 50nm/L
Seriously Deficient = < 25nm/L
Australia is a tad more cohesive. We have struggled to integrate the large number of recent immigrants who are suspicious of government motives or simply do not comprehend English language.
It was the recent immigrants, particularly from sub-saharan countries living in multiple generational households that supercharged the second wave in Victoria.
We are also in the fortunate position that China needs our exports. Our trade balance with China strongly favours Australia. They have been trying to reduce the import of what might be classed as non-essential so they can redress the balance due to their need for iron ore.
Australia is blessed with a lot of space. The only housing that comes close to conditions in New York are the high rise social housing where many of the new immigrants find housing. And they were the locations that started the second wave.
The federal government stood up with handouts to keep non-essential workers housed, fed and with access to essential services. Current conditions are:
1. Deaths from all causes are lower this year than previous years.
2. Suicides are lower this year than previous years.
3. The current account is stronger than any other time this century.
4. Unemployment is up slightly but reducing.
5. Violent crime and robberies are down.
6. There are reports of increased domestic violence but the 51 deaths to December this year is well below the 74 total for last year.
I understood that Daniel Andrews signing the Belt and Road MOU established that the CCP has the state of Victoria very firmly in its grip, so firmly that after the removal of Adem Somyurek the local BRI expert Danny Pearson was promoted into cabinet against factional numbers.
I suspect that Daniel Andrews’ agreement with a foreign government may be overturned Constitutionally. The Commonwealth is exclusively empowered by the States via the Constitution to make external treaties, etc.
China attempting to make such agreements with State and even Local governments is an attempt to undermine Westphalian sovereignty; something which the Constitution sought to protect by allowing only the Commonwealth to make agreements with foreign powers.
I have been a scrutiniser at several elections and the ALP representatives need to be watched like a hawk. They will cheat at every opportunity and try to falsify resulte. Also the CCP were given the Queensland electoral roll so they could assist the ALP in getting the CCP’s desired result. Anyone who thinks Paletstack won the election is either a no nothing imbecile or a dead set communist puppet of the CCP.
Seems as though now Cargill has been caught out he wants to change the subject !
How so, comrade? I’m happy to discuss any subject if I have something to say.
Some evidence would be good – that the Chinese have infiltrated the ALP and Greens, and even controlled election outcomes.
I would think the Greens find it anathema that we export so much coal and iron to China.
The ALP are realists – and understand that having healthy and diverse trade with China is critical to jobs and prosperity for Australians. They hold their nose on human rights, HK, and so on.
As someone wise once said, no-one wins a trade war.
Nonsense. Your tedious CCP paranoia is unfounded but eternal. When this blog returns to reporting on substantial issues like climate you’ll still find a way to weave the CCp into the narrative.
Woof, woof, woof.
Is that running dog still barking?
A bit like you and Fitzroy leaf , when caught out nothing but crickets .
what do you mean caught out? If I am incorrect I will admit it. That’s not caught out though.
Humble apologies leaf you never make mistakes, although you thought you did once but were wrong.
this is not true. If I get something wrong I don’t continue promulgating false information.
Asking once more – how is being corrected for an error mean “caught out”?
No you go silent probably with shame and embarrassment but I digress , I see the ABC are having a shot at your beloved CCP comrades .
Now I’m wondering could their problems be due to the radical approach to low emission technologies they have implemented with solar and wind or could it be not enough coal ?
‘When this blog returns to reporting on substantial issues like climate you’ll still find a way to weave the CCp into the narrative.’
Climate change is a Chinese hoax.
Of course it is. Trump has told us so.
It sounds like a storm in a teacup:
Without the full facts yet, it doesn’t seem to be too dramatic or out of the ordinary.
On the question of sea ice extent.
‘A wealth of new research in glacier and sea ice extent show modern Iceland is 2-4°C colder than all of the last 8000 years except for a slightly colder late 19th century. Even the 1700s were warmer with less ice than today in and around Iceland.
‘A new study (Geirsdóttir et al., 2020) now affirms peak Holocene warmth at least “∼3–4 °C above modern in Iceland” prevailed throughout much of the last 8000 years. Data from tree growth, glacier-induced soil erosion, algae productivity, sea ice biomarker proxies (IP25), and other climate indices affirm these conclusions.’ (Notrickszone)
That’s our current interglacial.
Yes, its an indication that the Holocene has reached its end and CO2 cannot save us.
If the interglacial has reached its end of life, it presents us with an interesting quandary. While it would be great to have the climate alarmists finally proved wrong, a slide into a drop of 10 C would create vast human misery and huge unstoppable migration to warmer climes, including Australia. We need to be careful what we wish for.
I Fear that any reduction in Global Temps will give the Alarmists cause to gloat over how successful their push for emissions reduction has been,…and reenforce a call for even more “green” policies !
….even as CO2 levels continue to rise !!
Well the globalists will get the population reduction they are after, either way
G4 there is no reason to be concerned, a drift into glaciation will take hundreds of years. What we want is a return to the 1950s and 60s, a time of global cooling for two decades.
Here we see a regional cooling signal.
‘A large swath of the northeastern United States has been blanketed in snow, with New York City receiving a higher snowfall in one day than it did in the entire winter season last year.’ (
Addendum: The 1950s and 60s were cooler in the Northern Hemisphere.
‘Australia’s mean surface air temperature has increased by more than 1.4°C since 1910. Since 1950, every decade has been warmer than it’s predecessor.’ WUWT
The idea of a global temperature is ridiculous, we are dealing with two entirely different hemispheres.
So the drivers of world temperature are ENSO, PDO, AMO and NAO, all teleconnected to solar activity. Right now La Nina will drag the PDO into negative and the AMO will drift into neutral conditions.
Typically the NAO should go negative about now, I’ll take a look.
10C! Even 2C would devastate the harvest in Canada and Ukraine.
Would possibly prove that the viking settlers were able to grow wheat, not just barley and oats (and rye?). But barley growing only restarted around 1925 after a hiatus of 400 years in the little ice age.
Wheat has been grown in Iceland for the last 10 years but only near the coast and with a special variety of winter wheat.
Say a little prayer for Fiji if you are so inclined. They are currently being lashed by cyclone Yasa with winds to 240 kph.
Those winds would test out Queensland homes constructed to today’s standards.
I always use windfinder to check.
Nuclear power is now acceptable as long as its only used to produce Hydrogen, must be one of those Baldrick cunning plans !
It’s ALL a Marxist-Democrat scam – false enviro-hysteria including the Climate and Green-Energy frauds, the full-Gulag lockdown for Covid-19, paid-and-planned protests by Antifa and BLM, AND NOW the mail-in ballot US election scam – it’s all false.
We published that the Climate-and-Green-Energy scare was a false narrative in 2002, and by 2009 I wrote that there was a covert agenda, Now the radical greens are admitting that “Global Warming aka Climate Change and Green Energy” was false propaganda, a smokescreen for their neo-Marxist objectives – see recent statements from environmentalist Michael Schellenberger, from Saikat Chakrabarti, former chief of staff for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the latest movie trashing green energy scams from Michael Moore, “Planet of the Humans”.
I called Covid-19 correctly on 21March2020 – NO LOCKDOWN! Covid-19 was a relatively mild flu except for the very elderly and infirm. Covid-19 is less dangerous than seasonal flu’s of recent decades that nobody remembers – the lockdown was not just a huge over-reaction, it was a global scam.
The UN, the WHO, the IMF and the World Economic Forum (WEF) are using the Covid-19 false crisis to reshape the global economy into their neo-Marxist model – the Great Reset.
In October 2019, Event 201, sponsored by the WEF, the Bill Gates Fdn, etc. simulated a global coronavirus pandemic.
Just months later a relatively mild Wuhan-lab-manufactured coronavirus flu was overblown into a false global pandemic, promoted by the WHO into an economy-destroying global lockdown.
The Covid-19 lockdown enabled the huge mail-in vote – the Dems produced millions of false ballots.
The radical green objective is to destroy prosperity and move the USA to a planned economy – with a few rich at the top looking down on the peasants – that describes most countries, and the USA is next if Biden wins.
We stand at the abyss. If Biden wins, it will be the end of freedom. Europe and Canada have already fallen far down that “poverty road to Venezuela”. If America falls, there will be nowhere left to run to.
What’s your take on the push for universal vaccination? Could it be related to this treatise perhaps?
Surely there’s never been a time with so much “reason and madness mixed” as evidenced in robert rosicka’s post about producing hydrogen with nuclear technology –oh yes, be in no doubt, nothing is so far fetched that our spiritual leaders at the WEF cannot make it up and educate the public at large to believe it.
We’re exiting the second decade of the twenty-first century and I wonder after the avalanche of similar and worse absurdities to come if anybody’ll notice as we exit the century’s third decade, timmekeeping having long ago been criminalized.
The blog’s Pangloss, el gordo will no doubt see an upside to the foregoing.
Biden got millions of fraudulent votes
I recommend Ed Berry’s new book “Climate Miracle: There is no climate crisis Nature controls climate”
My review:
5 Stars.
An excellent, readable book that destroys the scary global warming / climate hypothesis.
Reviewed in Canada on November 11, 2020
Verified Purchase
Author Dr. Edwin Berry demolishes the IPCC’s very-scary catastrophic man-made global warming hypothesis. Ed proves from basic principles that the growth of CO2 in the atmosphere is primarily natural, not man-made. Berry’s analysis is consistent with my 2008 publication that atmospheric CO2 cannot significantly drive temperature, because changes in CO2 lag temperature changes in the modern data record, as they do in the longer-term ice core record. Kuo et al (1990) and Keeling (1995) made similar observations in the journal Nature, but have been studiously ignored by global warming propagandists. “The future cannot cause the past.”
By Allan M.R. MacRae, January 2008
More on Ed Berry’s recent book “Climate Miracle: There is no climate crisis Nature controls climate” and his landmark paper at
The world is a big place, and the carbon cycle is never in equilibrium – it chases gradients as they occur, all over the planet. Henry’s Law does work – but locally.
Note the people who contributed strongly to Berry’s paper: Ed Berry, Richard S Courtney, Will Happer, Murry Salby, Hermann Harde and others – I know most of them, and they are certainly among the most intelligent people on the planet. It would be foolish to dismiss their conclusion without doing the work and locating a fatal flaw – which I suggest none of the detractors have done.
It is too easy to shoot-from-the-hip and miss the target. Many years ago, someone called this remarkable relationship “spurious correlation”. It supports Berry’s hypo and is not spurious.
Atmospheric CO2 cannot significantly drive temperature, because changes in CO2 lag temperature changes in the modern data record, as they do in the longer-term ice core record. Kuo et al (1990) and Keeling (1995) made similar observations in the journal Nature, but have been studiously ignored by global warming propagandists. The very-scary Catastrophic Human-made Global Warming hypothesis is falsified, because “The future cannot cause the past.”
Regards, Allan
Financial Post, 16 December 2020
Greta Thunberg Slams New Zealand’s Unambitious Climate Emergency
WA “Solves” the Solar Energy Duck Curve by Raising Evening Electricity Prices
Western Australia has a high usage of home solar systems that does impact the grid stability, particularly during spring and autumn when power usage is low and solar energy is high. This new idea makes no sense, as WA already has reasonably cheap and abundant energy from both coal and gas, with gas peaker plants for the peak times.
The Replication Crisis
Claim: We’re Closer to 1.5C Global Warming than You Think
Winter Blast Dumps More Snow In Some Parts Of Northeast Than All Last Season
Tens of millions of Americans in Mid-Atlantic and Northeast states were blanketed with more snow in one setting than the 2019-2020 season.
The major winter storm dumped more than three feet in some parts of New York and Pennsylvania, led to airport delays, power outages, and travel disruptions.
By Thursday morning, many looked out their windows and saw a winter wonderland, just in time for Christmas next week. Others woke up this morning and saw utter hell, like those in New York cities of Binghamton and Endicott and Litchfield, Pennsylvania, who received upwards of 40 inches.
The National Weather Service (NWS) said about 10 inches of snow and sleet covered New York City, exceeding the measly 5 inches recorded in all of 2019-2020 season.
Its a national emergency in Japan.
I have ‘found’ out something that is a paradigm changer.
We assumed covid is either ‘natural’ or we assume covid was a mistake that got out of a lab, in China.
Covid has a detailed biochemical structure ….That can only be produced using the new field of biology Digital Biological Engineering to produce. China is a world leader in the new field of Digital Biological Engineering.
Digital Biological Engineering means someone made a digital representation of the three different species of virus which covid is ‘made’ from… And then created a new digital representation of the three combined virus entities.
… and then using software simulation; which is a perfect representation, at a biochemical level, of the immune response and cellular response; to the biochemical attack of any virus like entity, on each of the bioactive regions of the body…. Throat, stomach, brain, heart, and so on.
The team of digital biology scientist, ran the software representation of the proto type covid virus… … to ‘evolve’ the code representation of the covid proto virus. ‘Evolve’ is the biochemical changes a virus makes/learns by infecting hosts and then changing, which are required to defeat the human immune system.
If the virus like entity is not ‘evolved’ it will be immediately stopped by the human immune system.
After this software run, the code for one enzymes was changed back to unevolved as that enzyme is perfect to enable covid to attached to the ACE-2 cell and replicate in humans. It is that switch which cannot happen in nature.
The field of Digital Biology has found a way to produce; a perfect software simulation of any virus or virus like entity.
The same field of science using 20 years of research and massive amount of data created; A perfect biochemical representation and simulation of a representation of the biochemical response of a general or a specific group of humans.
This high-tech digital software enables in software to simulation the biochemical reactions of the virus like entities and the body, to software ‘evolve’ the digital representation of the ‘virus’, changing it to enable it to defeat the immune response of a human when after software runs the software representation of the entity is turned into a physical virus in a wet lab.
In nature or in a wet lab, this would be done by infecting humans with viruses and then cutting in splicing them. That takes time, people will get sick, so evolving viruses in humans stopped ….
Covid has designed to have three biochemical features for tactical reasons. Covid was designed as a tactic unrestricted warfare weapon.
Covid is the only ‘virus’ like entity that anesthetize the throat to enable the entity to replicate in the throat with causing pain which would enable the person to know they are covid sick and isolate.
In the tactical plan… covid is required to be both contagious… the anesthetize the throat biochemical feature makes covid contagious as the when the virus is replicating in the throat there is no pain and then it moves on to the lungs and brain to cause blood clots which are caused …
As covid causes a body immune problem that causes blood cloats.
And lastly covid causes in 0.05% of the population, the body to produce antibodies that attack the body rather than help the body defend against covid using some sneaky biochemistry…
Isn’t science wounderful?
Can COVID-19 kill pain? That is the possibility raised by University of Arizona researchers who found SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, might function as a pain killer.
If that theory proves to be true, it might be one of the reasons so many infected people walk around unaware they have the disease.
Long have I suspected that covid 19 was a biological weapon manufactured by the CCP.
It was designed as a first strike weapon, but a larrikin at the Wuhan lab released it prematurely. Anyway it worked perfectly, brought the US and Europe to their knees.
Science justifies itself. It is not offensive to create a new virus for scientific purposes.
It is, however, a grave offence to allow a harmful artificial pathogen to escape control.
Biological warfare was universally banned in the 1970s, mutually assured deterrent, but Beijing didn’t get the memo.
based on the foreign policy of “Go abroad and bring in foreign intelligence,” -Wuhan Polytechnic U.
Odd there seems to evidence of a Chinese plot concerning covid. Could there be more to come? Q has a smart, non-violent, plan to help ua all. Jan. 15 th is the date to mark on the callendar.
Report: Xi Jinping Asked W.H.O. Chief Tedros to Delay Pandemic Warning
China states officially that the covid virus is not contagious among humans
Xi Jinping at World Health Assembly: China to Build ‘Global Humanitarian Response Hub
Communist officials in China hid the extent of the coronavirus outbreak during the early stages of the epidemic, jailing and silencing whistleblowers, a move that allowed the virus to gain a firm hold. The ruling communist party, however, has hailed the recent slowdown of the outbreak as a sign of the superiority of its authoritarian political system.
China using their money to bribe corrupt US university professors to steal US technology.
“Under the terms of the Foreign Investment Protection Act (FIPA), a bi-lateral treaty ratified with China by the Trudeau government in 2019, Chinese security forces can be stationed on Canadian soil to protect vital Chinese investments, without the knowledge or consent of local authorities.”
Chinese troops were spotted in Western Canada in October, allegedly guarding the port they now own.
A repost, as I did not see a Thursday thread had been opened.
ET Radio.
I don’t know what is actually causing these radio waves to come from that planet, but the simplest stereotypical explanation is lightning bolts in that planet’s atmosphere. High charge current raises gas temperature, thermal energy boosts electron orbits and ejects some of them making a plasma, electric potential equalizes so current dies off, plasma condenses, electrons crash back to the old levels and release the borrowed energy as electromagnetic radiation of various frequencies. That’s also how earthly lightning strikes are detected at long range.
That’s the most likely way this extra-solar planet functions as an extraterrestrial radio like Jupiter does.
Easy: it’s got a significant magnetic field and it’s rotating at a more tha a snail’s pace.
you know what this is right?
Bombshell Report: 90% of Positive COVID-19 Tests Should Be Negative
Australia to File Complaint Against China at World Trade Organization
China Scolds New Zealand for Meddling in Conflict with Australia
China is the world’s new bully. If we in NZ can help AUs stand up to them, we should.
Just as a note: China is in dispute with all of it’s neighbours. It’s even trying to claim Vladivostok. It got it’s nose recently bloodied by India along their border. (in the Himalayas) Cheers for India.
I’m seeing reports of massive blackouts in China and some are claiming it’s because they are not unloading our coal and running out in some areas !
I’m curious about that coal. I have assumed all coal/iron ore shipments are FOB, in which case it would be China’s coal and China hiring the ships.
You would hope that it was fob but you never know.
The cost of having a ship sitting there stationary is about $10,000 a day.
That sounds like that’s their problem. You guys aren’t going to run out so why worry? Just ensure they pay you cash in advance for it seems they may be running out of cash right now. 😀
There’s a lot of pies China has been cultivating which have blown up in their faces this year. I can’t say I have any sympathy for them: it’s all been self inflicted, as far as I can see.
The first thing you can do is stop importing dangerous Chinese foodstuffs, repackaging it and selling it here as “product of New Zealand”.
We don’t want no stinkin’ Chinese food!
It is true that they are having blackouts if you can believe their ABC .
Somebody moved the goal posts, it seems like only yesterday that Beijing told the world it would be carbon neutral by 2050.
‘While the country is the largest consumer and investor in renewable energy, it is also by far the largest consumer of coal on the planet.
‘This makes it the world’s largest emitter of greenhouse gases, while also being a renewables superpower committed to being carbon neutral by 2060.’
G’day r r,
Sometimes their stories are reliable, but I’d always check. Or guess at what may really be happening.
The cricket scores are probably accurate.
Dave B
For those interested in the latest situation re Geothermal Enerergy, here is a recent article that sets out the state of the technology, its current status, and future potential..
..many interesting possibilities
Would that be the most inane statement ever made? There is enough heat down there to destroy us all. Only that thin crust saves us.
.. True, but so what ?
Yeah, tapping into Yellowstone could be fun.
It’s only an active super volcano, nothing to worry about …
… it’s going through a quiet phase at present, like Campei Flegrei under Naples …
..i guess you missed the part in the article about siting plants ANYWHERE…no volcanoes required !
This Hitler meme of Trump must have been watched by a few of our socialist left friends .
Sky News exposes the “Great Reset” the latest wild scheme from the World Economic Forum (WEF) .
Listen to assorted lunatic villains straight out of a James Bond film tell us how we have to abandon capitalism in favor of Marxism, the greatest political disaster of the 20th Century, where countries like Stalin’s Russia and Mao’s China killed ~200 million of their own citizens “to maintain order and control the masses”. Neo-Marxists tell us “It will be different this time. No, it won’t!
Klaus Schwab, the founder of the WEF, plays the part of “Doctor Evil”, straight out of Austin Powers, but if anything Dr Evil sounds much less loony.
The WEF plotters have linked the global warming/ climate change fraud with the Covid19 lockdown fraud, and say the only solution to these twin frauds is the “Great Reset” – the rejection of capitalism in favor of Marxism.
The WEF is relying on the stupidity of the populace to buy into their lunatic schemes – they have captured the minds of many of the world’s political and business leadership and many famous celebrities, proving that you don’t have to be intelligent to be rich.
George Carlin explained it thus: “Think of how stupid the average person is; and then realize half of them are stupider than that!”
‘Neo-Marxists tell us “It will be different this time. No, it won’t!’
Yes it will, mind control keeps the masses in place more effectively.
When it comes to getting the COVID-19 vaccine, I keep saying the same thing:
I will be the most polite guy on the planet, at the back of the line for the COVID-19 vaccine, saying “No no, you go first, I insist”.
I will take yr Inverectin, yr Hydroxychloroquine, yr zinc, yr vitamins D ‘n C.
I will NOT take yr Globalist Covid 19 vaccine…nope, no way, zilch!
I’ll even take Invermectin, mmm!
I believe ivermectin comes in mint flavour just for serfs !
Oh mint! Oh Mr Bond…James! )
Oh mint! Oh Mr Bond…James! )
Oops, sorry Jo.
Wuhan wet market under investigation.
‘A World Health Organization (WHO) investigation that kicked off in October will now look again at the market to try and reconstruct the outbreak, as Beijing promotes a view that the virus could have originated outside China.’ (SCMP)
‘While contact tracers work tirelessly to find the cause of the Avalon outbreak, the rest of Sydney are still puzzled as to how the virus got outside the ‘Insular Peninsular’ to begin with.
‘Joel Joelson (33), local Newport resident says he can’t believe the virus would bother to make the ‘trek’ into the city.
“To be honest I thought the virus would just stick around here”
“Don’t know why it would leave, no one else does”
“Why would ya”
Betoota Advocate
Finally the WHO recognize that the PCR tests are NOT the gold standard test that many believe them to be.
The idea of WHO having anything higher than a pewter standard is challenging enough aside from all the other falsity which attends the china virus starting with the Croaking Paradox which has covid death median age of eighty-six compared to all death median age of eighty-two which can only obtain because of the rarity of covid death before seventy-five and yet we lock up the entire population.
There was a Natural News article I stumbled upon which would have me believe the aspiring gerontocrats at WEF envisage a sustainable human population of no more than five hundred million and there we be on a clear trajectory to nine thousand million… Hence or otherwise the WEF ordains culling the herd.
Towards this laudable goal labours have begun and unfortunately for its denizens Victoria was chosen for the beta testing of population compliance with curfew, tether and mask and one can only guess at the courage rating that has been deduced since the assignment of a $1652 summary penalty per infringement set the bar too high for ritual gestures of civil disobedience.
I thought I heard that players at the Australian Open will be covid tested five times a day and was saddened that the group is so cowed it submits as if indentured in a military force with firing squad –those player contracts would be commercial in confidence eh.
Forget all ideas of personal autonomy as we enter the next decade of the twenty-first century, just sit tight and hope to escape the cull over the coming decade –or not, who’d want to live in a world dreamed up by Schwab, Soros, Prince Charles et al?
What would the half a billion have to live for? Leacock’s “The Man in Asbestos” or the troglodytes in “The Immortal” by Borges have the same conundrum of being unable to die in a world in which there is nothing to strive for. I don’t think the gerontocrats will be dispensing eternal life to the chosen ones but who knows what has been cooked up by a presumably cyberised Maurice Strong in his new life in the PRC?
🙂 🙂
And of course, don’t forget the role the UN (not just the WHO) plays in this Neo-Marxist drive for world domination. The IPCC, WMO, UNESCO, UNHCR and even UNICEF are all in on it. I’ve always thought the greatest mistake of the 20th Century was the creation of the UN in 1945. The old League of Nations was a toothless tiger. The UN learnt from this, and has been successful in working out which tribes (ie: countries) would be the most useful in supporting their one-world view. The triple threat of the UN/WEF/CCP should be enough for everyone to shiver.