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Hmm? The historic archive of the Internet is hacked out of action in these critical weeks

books, ancient, history, knowledge, study, library. Door.

Image by Nino Carè from Pixabay

By Jo Nova

Four weeks before the biggest election in history, the The Wayback Machine, was hacked in a major DDOS attack. The site was restored partially, but for the moment operates as “read only”. It is not possible to ask the archive to save a page. In a strange coincidence, Google caching stopped earlier this year and officially ended in September. So there is suddenly no recognised source of common shared truth about the history of the internet at the moment. Officially, supposedly, they will be back in action, sometime, one day, and theoretically they are copying the same pages they normally copy, they just can’t update yet, or archive new pages…

Imagine how convenient that might be if someone were planning to lie, cheat, or change their story after the election?

So please, everyone, “keep a copy”, and tell your friends to keep copies too. Capture the screenshots. Save the page. Download the youtubes and save them. You never know when an election promise, a counting tally, a prediction, or a gaffe might disappear down a memory hole.

Is it just a coincidence or was this the deep state blob at work? As Jeffrey Tucker says, the timing is perfect, but we just do not know.

Deleting history helps people who want to cheat:

They Are Scrubbing the Internet Right Now

By Jeffrey Tucker, Brownstone Institute

Incredibly, the service Archive.org which has been around since 1994 has stopped taking images of content on all platforms. For the first time in 30 years, we have gone a long swath of time – since October 8-10 – since this service has chronicled the life of the Internet in real time.

As of this writing, we have no way to verify content that has been posted for three weeks of October leading to the days of the most contentious and consequential election of our lifetimes.

Crucially, this is not about partisanship or ideological discrimination. No websites on the Internet are being archived in ways that are available to users. In effect, the whole memory of our main information system is just a big black hole right now.

What this means is the following: Any website can post anything today and take it down tomorrow and leave no record of what they posted unless some user somewhere happened to take a screenshot. Even then there is no way to verify its authenticity. The standard approach to know who said what and when is now gone. That is to say that the whole Internet is already being censored in real time so that during these crucial weeks, when vast swaths of the public fully expect foul play, anyone in the information industry can get away with anything and not get caught.

Without the Wayback Machine Chris Gillham couldn’t have shown how the second round of adjustments in our national climate database wiped out even more historic hot days. (See the graph changes below).

The animated graphic below shows very hot days from 1910 to 2015 in the ACORN 1 dataset source archived bureau pages within the WayBack Machine when compared to very hot days from 1910 to 2018 within the ACORN 2 dataset sourced to current readings at the BoM website.

Sweeping changes in record hot days? The Bureau of Meteorology adjusted raw data to make ACORN 1 and has adjusted that further to make ACORN 2!

Without the Wayback Machine we might not have a copy of the Victorian Government paper pushing for offshore wind power which accidentally admitted that all the onshore wind and solar plants they needed would require up to 70% of all agricultural land in the state.

Without the Wayback Machine we wouldn’t have a link to the original government report that listed the climate models biggest prediction and the results that showed it was a complete failure. The missing hot spot is probably the most important feedback within the climate models. All the models predicted the most rapid heating would happen 10km over the tropics, but 28 million weather balloons hunted for that signal and found it never happened. This shows water vapor doesn’t amplify the warming, and there was no catastrophe coming. After skeptics pointed out the failure, the large 6 Chapter Report from 2005 quietly disappeared. All my links to references broke, but there was a full copy on the WaybackMachine so I could update that post.

Every time government agencies screw up they want to hide the evidence. That’s why we need the Wayback Machine, and it’s why they need to shut it down.

h/t Bally, Skepticynic, and Simon Thompson.



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