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An Australian local council calls for suspension of all mRNA vaccines due to DNA contamination

Media pollution

Port Hedland Council had a special meeting on Friday Oct 11, where they voted to call for the immediate suspension of Moderna and Pfizer COVID vaccines and to send letters about this to the Prime Minister, the State’s Premier, and  to every other council in Australia telling them why they should do it too.

Port Hedland is the largest iron ore export port in the world, in the far north west Pilbara area of Western Australia.

Port Hedland Council carries vaccine contamination motion

The motion, based on a recent report by Canadian virologist David Speicher and letters from MP Russell Broadbent to Anthony Albanese, calls on council to send a letter to the Prime Minister supporting Mr Broadbent’s call for the immediate suspension of Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines.

Deputy mayor Ash Christensen, who once described fighting against COVID vaccine mandates as akin to the ANZAC’s battle at Gallipoli, voted for the motion alongside councillors Adrian McRae, Camilo Blanco, Sven Arentz and Lorraine Butson.

There was resounding community support for the motion, with more than 10 residents delivering speeches at public statement time, referencing a range of COVID vaccine conspiracy theories.

The man who moved the motion, Councillor Adrian McRae, said that national vaccine policy was not the councils job, but said that the state and federal governments had failed the community. The council has “grave concerns about the health impacts that could arise from contamination, including genomic instability, cancers and potential effects on future generations.”  (Annexure 1)

ABC, Public Broadcaster, news, media, alternate logo, Australia

The council shared a video made by Professor Angus Dalgleish for the Australian audience.  The English oncologist explains he has personally seen a dramatic shift in inexplicable cancers among some of his long time patients who had vaccine boosters.  He pointed out that a Canadian virologist, David Speicher, had studied vials of Australian vaccines and found levels of DNA contamination 145 times the permissible limit. Dalgleish also talked about recent results from Japan, The Czech Republic and Italy which all showed the number of boosters was associated with an increase in cancer. He described the risks of giving children contaminated vaccines en mass as a “disaster” worse than thalidomide.

The Australian ABC didn’t think this extraordinary meeting, contaminated medicine, or the possible deaths of Australian children was noteworthy enough to report on, even though they practically charter a plane to report on Councils that want to change the global climate. Those councils that lead the way in soaking up subsidies and wasting ratepayers money on grandiose schemes to cool the world are treated like stars. If a far flung council runs a personality test on their residents to prepare for a Hydrogen Boom fantasy, the ABC will be there. If our government agencies turn out to be corrupt clubs funded by the perfidious industries they are supposed to regulate, the ABC will be running cover for the bureaucrats.

The story only became newsworthy when the State Premier responded with petty insults, saying the council had “gone off the rails” and telling them to “stick to their knitting”. We look forward to the day Roger Cook, with a BA in Public Administration,  meets Professor Dalgleish, of St Georges University of London, to talk about their slip stitch. Dalgleish has published 495 medical papers and been cited 21,000 times.

The council is raising laboratory results that show we may be harming the gene pool of Australia, and the Premier (and ABC) offer childish ridicule in return. It’s a “let them eat cake” moment.

Why isn’t the TGA (Australia’s “FDA”) even keeping track of cancer cases in people who have had 1 – 4 booster shots?

It’s just another misinformation sausage from the Butcher of news — our ABC.

The ABC writers (not naming any names, Charlie McLean and Jessica Shackleton) de facto declared the studies raised by the Canadian virologist and the Oncology Prof “conspiracy theories”.  They didn’t bother to interview either of them, (or read the studies) they just implied the DNA argument was an old one, and said it had been discredited by “international bodies” they couldn’t be bothered naming, and the “Australian Department of Health and Aged Care.” To show how little they cared about making sense, they quoted an irrelevant paragraph from the Department’s website about how DNA is in the nucleus of our cells, and mRNA can’t get in there, or affect or combine with our DNA. Since the council was talking about DNA contamination of the mRNA vaccines, this was wholly superfluous misdirection.

This is the kind of research taxpayers are forced to pay for to cover up government failures. But the more they censor the more we can use it against them. Don’t forget to mention to friends and family about things like this and Elon catching the largest rocket that ever flew yesterday.  Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to undermine the authority of our inept parasitic public news service, every chance you get.

The letter the Council is sending to the PM and all the other councils contains very specific details about the reasons the TGA has failed to detect the DNA contaminants in the vaccines.

Vaccine vials for testing. Australian mRNA. DNA contamination.


My rough notes from the speech by Professor Angus Dalgleish:

Canadian virologist, David Speiker has found synthetic DNA contamination, in Australian vials of mRNA vaccines. The sheer level of contaminants detected — up to 145 times the permissable limit —  means  the vaccines are a form of gene therapy.

Professor Angus Dalgleish reports that we are already seeing effects of this in real patients. “Patients who had been cancer free for many years, were suddenly showing rapid progression”. They had been completely stable for 5, 8, 10, or 18 years. “I am used to seeing people progress when they face severe depression, for example during divorce, bereavement, debt etc, but all these patients had only one thing in common. (3:20)  They had been forced to have a booster vaccine.”

It is not an isolated issue. His own research shows the boosters suppress the T Cell response and switch the antibody response to tolerizing [the kind of antibodies that reduce the immune response rather than ramp it up]. That means it’s the perfect example where we have part of the immune system turning off the policing of foreign invaders and cancer.

Australia has administered more than 60 million vaccines, but the Australian public health agencies are not tracking cancers in patients.

The Dept of Health and the TGA have chosen not to monitor the cancer incidence in people post vaccination.

It is troubling that the Dept of Health has not made data on cancer trends publicly available.

Each booster increases the chances of cancer across the board. Studies from the Office of National Statistics of Japan, and Checkoslovakia and Italy, and in all these countries shows an increase in all cancers across the board and they are associated with the number of boosters.

The contamination of this vaccine with DNA should have been picked up before they were administered. But the first thing we should do is stop all doses of the vaccines at the moment. This could be an unmitigated disaster, that would make the thalidomide disaster, previously, look very small beer in comparison.


For anyone dealing with cancer now, or vaccine injuries, my deepest sympathies. There is a lot you can do. In addition to discussing it with your own doctors, study the FLCCC site for their cancer treatment protocol and their Covid and vaccine recovery protocols. The FLCCC are a team of top specialist doctors in the US like Paul Marik (currently touring Australia) and Pierre Cory. They explain and list the drugs and vitamins they recommend with reasons and all the references.  These are excellent resources.



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