By Jo Nova
Lets meld climate and health into one giant government quasi religion. What could possibly go wrong?
The medical industry leapt into politics and medical witchcraft on Saturday, calling to fuse human and planetary health into the one all-purpose emergency.
This is despite humans living longer now than they’ve ever lived, eating more food than they ever have, and being less likely to die in storms, floods and cyclones.

Climate disasters are less costly, less deadly | Graph — Global death rate from disasters last century, per capita. Our World in Data. Hannah Ritchie and Max Roser.
This is despite a truckload of papers on 74 million people showing 6 to 20 times as many people die in cold times rather than warm ones. Rather than being dangerous, global warming saves 160,000 lives a year. All over the world, people die in winter more than summer, year after year. Even in hot cities like Brisbane, cold weeks are the killers, not the hot ones. Room temperature is linked to mortality, and there’s no heatwave on Earth that can’t be solved with more air conditioning. Give the poor and downtrodden more fossil fuels, not less!
The illusion of millions of doctors:
Calls went out on the weekend supposedly from “the doctors of the world” and 200 health journals, but in reality this is just self-selecting upstart committees or conglomerate publishing houses presuming to speak for 3 million doctors, nurses and ambulance drivers without asking any of them.
The world’s leading GP and health bodies, representing more than three million health professionals worldwide, will deliver an open letter on Saturday calling for urgent action against climate change to protect the health of communities.
“We the family doctors, doctors and health professionals of the world call on world leaders to take urgent action to safeguard the health of global populations from the climate crisis,” the open letter reads.
Our science associations are looking more like sacred medieval guilds than select groups created to serve their members.
In the world we thought we lived in, doctors and nurses who disagree would be writing to their association, howling in protest at the pagan politicized science of it all, but many will stay silent, thinking they are alone, or afraid of being called names like “climate denier”. Thus and verily, not through reasoned debate but kindergarten bullying do the great pretenders of science get away with rank nonsense in supposedly our most esteemed modern professions.
Journal editors, God Emperor of the world, What’s the difference?
It’s hard to believe but editors of supposedly the most hallowed science journals decided it was their job to speak out as the chosen ecologists, climate scientists, energy experts and government of the world.
But then medical journals have had low standards for years. The Lancet is the world’s highest impact medical journal and that didn’t stop it shamelessly stretching the axis of a graph for political impact.
Listen to the experts, they say, which means, them, for everything. Who needs energy experts, or nuclear engineers when you could ask your gastroenterologist?
What kind of emergency is it when everyone lives longer?
Thanks to Climate Depot