Remember when Uni students were “repulsed” at the idea that Bjorn Lomborg, an economic but not even a science skeptic, might get $4m from a legally elected government to set up a centre that was passively or actively rejected by every university in Australia?
How dangerous was that $4 million?
John Doerr gives $1.1 billion to Stanford for new climate school; largest gift in Stanford history
In the largest gift ever to Stanford University, Silicon Valley venture capitalist John Doerr and his wife, Ann, have agreed to donate $1.1 billion to set up a new school on the campus devoted to the study of climate change and its solutions.
These are not funds seeking to understand the climate. The people who work for him know exactly what he wants them to find. He’s a longtime “clean tech” investor. His website is “SpeedandScale” and it’s 100%-non-stop-Decarbonium. What happens, if theoretically, one of his researchers (or even someone else at Stanford) discovers the Sun drives climate change?
How can science flow unimpeded when it comes pre-packaged with funding for all the solutions to the “answers” the science is supposed to discover, and from a man who makes money on those solutions?
The gift, announced Wednesday, ranks as the second largest donation to any university in American history, behind $1.8 billion that former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg gave to his alma mater, Johns Hopkins University, in 2018.
The school is expected to propel Stanford, which already has considerable facilities researching energy and the environment, to the forefront of climate research among the world’s universities. It will be called the Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability.
Billionaires everywhere:
In addition to the Doerr’s gift, Stanford also received a staggering $590 million for the new climate school from other donors, many of them tech titans. Among them are billionaire Jerry Yang, the former CEO of Yahoo! and his wife, Akiko Yamazaki; David Filo, co-founder of Yahoo! and his wife, Angela Filo; the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation; and Susan Orr, daughter of Hewlett Packard co-founder David Packard, and her husband, Lynn Orr, a professor of engineering emeritus at Stanford.
John Doerr is another tech bubble guy:
He left in 1980 to join Kleiner Perkins, a venture capital firm on Sand Hill Road in Menlo Park. Since then, he rose to become chairman, helping lead early investments into companies such as Google, Amazon, Sun Microsystems, Compaq, Netscape, DoorDash and Slack.
And where does this kind of vast money come from? Not necessarily from people who provided widgets that other people needed:

US St Louis Federal Reserve, Money Base graph 1918-2008
Inflation starts with money supply and creates a wave of misallocated resources.
The graph comes from the post I wrote on January 2nd: 2022: The Year of Inflation.
And they say skeptics are funded by fossil fuels. If the science is so strong why are they so incredibly afraid of any tiny funding to check it?
h/t Marc Morano