Is your Minister of Health interested in saving lives, stopping infections or reducing the burden on hospitals? Did they ban ivermectin or study it?
A study in a small Brazillian town suggests that half of all hospitalization of Covid cases and 70% of the deaths could be avoided at a cost of 10 cents a week.

Itajai, Brazil. | Eduardo Marquetti
How super low dose ivermectin still reduced infections by half
A whole town in Brazil of 220,000 people was invited to take part in an ivermectin study. In Itajaí 159,000 people said “Yes” to taking part in a study of a bizarrely low dose infrequent form of ivermectin to see if it prevented people catching Covid. They were asked to take the 0.2mg/kg/day dose two days in a row but only once every two weeks. Since the half-life of ivermectin in humans is only 12–36 hours, those taking it in the study were effectively left unprotected at least half the time. Our livers convert ivermectin into chemical bits and pieces that have half-lives of three days, so those downstream metabolites, if they matter, might kick around a bit longer. More bizarrely, participants were asked not to take ivermectin if they got ill. This study appears to be purely about prevention. Despite all this, it still worked.
Compared to all the other towns in the Santa Catarina State of Brazil, Itajaí has the lowest mortality rate, far below even the second lowest.
The iMask prevention plan by the Frontline Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance suggests using the 0.2mg/dose twice a week long term. Those ICU doctors recommend you double the dose if you think you’ve been exposed for real.
44% lower infection rate
So 113,000 people took ivermectin this way, 45,000 didn’t. The infection rate in the ivermectin users was 3.7% which was quite a lot lower than the non-users, of which 6.6% got infected. Imagine if they’d taken ivermectin two times a week instead? The rates of infection in the ivermectin group might have been much lower.
70% lower death rate
The regular use of ivermectin (albeit, very low and infrequent) still saved a lot of lives. The death rate in the ivermectin group was 0.8% compared to 2.6% of the non-users. They controlled for age, sex and co-morbidities.
56% reduction in hospitalization rate

Itajai is in Santa Catarina. Google Maps
It wasn’t a randomized study, but most of the biases should underestimate the benefits. Not only was the dose lower than recommended, but the people who signed up to try ivermectin were slightly older and higher risk. People also weren’t supervised and so if they forgot to take their dose, no one was there to remind them. The reductions in everything could only get better with a more serious approach.
“An important conservative bias was present. Major risk factors for severe COVID-19 and mortality due to COVID-19, including aging, diabetes, and hypertension, were more present among ivermectin users, which may have underestimated the benefits measured Ivermectin was demonstrated to be particularly effective in subjects above 49 years old in terms of reduction of absolute risk, which corresponds to the group at the highest risk for COVID-19. This allows the understanding that prophylactic use of ivermectin can be particularly impactful in older subjects. In addition, ivermectin seemed to reduce the exceeding risk of hypertension, T2D, and other diseases.”
And just in case you were wondering:
“All subjects were recommended not to use ivermectin, nitazoxanide, hydroxychloroquine, spironolactone or any other drug claimed to be effective against COVID-19.”
It’s interesting to see a list that Brazillian researchers think will muck up their results by saving lives inconveniently.
UPDATED: The wonder drug that disappeared
My repeat Go-To summary of Ivermectin, for Wes.
If you only email friends one link — make it this story. It’s the biggest medical scandal since 1850— Why is a cheap safe drug being actively surpressed– because it threatens the Emergency Use Authorisations for all experimental vaccines, an industry worth around $100 billion. The Australian TGA admitted it banned the safe drug because people might not get vaxxed. Pfizer and other companies would be crazy, nutso, bonkers, and doing their shareholders a disservice if they did not lobby, cajole, scare, smear and call in all their favours to make sure there would never be a cheap safe alternative.
In desperation, some Americans are going to court to get rulings to order doctors to use Ivermectin on their loved ones. One family hired a helicopter to take their mother away from intensive care in a hospital that refused to give Ivermectin and saved her.
Ivermectin is so safe doctors fed it to primary school children to treat lice in Canberra. It has been used to virtually eliminate Covid in Japan, Uttar Pradesh, and in Indonesia where it cut Covid by 98% at the same time cases in Australia grew 500% with Lock-n-Vax. There are also success stories from Peru, Brazil, and Mexico.
For peer reviewed studies read: The BIG Ivermectin Review: It may prevent 86% of Covid cases. In vitro, Ivermectin reduces viral loads 5000 fold in 48 hours. There are no less than 73 studies involving 56,000 people that show improvements in over 80% when used prophylactically, 67% when used early and even as many as 40% with late-started treatment. There are 20 known mechanisms of action: IVM binds to ACE2, the spike, and TMPSSR2, it is a zinc ionophore, it binds to a protease the virus needs, prevents key viral proteins getting into the cell nucleus which would normally allow the virus to shut down interferon signalling to warn neighboring cells. It’s anti-inflammatory, it blocks the NF-κB pathway, which will reduce Akt/mTOR signalling, which inhibits PAK1 which reduces STAT3 and IL-6. STAT3 induces C-reactive protein (or CRP). It’s impossible for Covid to mutate around all these mechanisms at once. No leaky vaccine should be given without an anti-viral because it risks the mutation of a nastier virus that escapes our immunity. Read the horror of Marek’s disease in chickens. 50 years of leaky vaccines created a disease worse than Ebola. It’s 100% fatal in ten days for unvaccinated chickens.
The FDA and others will say there is little evidence of success so far, but that’s a scandal in itself. Why are there no large trials? And why are other drugs like Remdesivir approved with only one trial and iffy results? Ivermectin is so safe some 3.7 billion doses have already been used around the world. The inventors won a Nobel Prize for its discovery in 2015. By July last year there were already signs Ivermectin could save as many as 50%. Why were large trials not started then? The UK trial was designed to fail from the start.
Why are all the vaccine contracts secret? Say hello Serf to your new Head of State, Mr Pfizer?
Kerr, Lucy et al (2022) Ivermectin Prophylaxis Used for COVID-19 Reduces COVID-19 Infection and Mortality Rates: A City-Wide, Prospective Observational Study of 223,128 Subjects Using Propensity Score Matching, Link
Cost of Ivermectin: Random example of Indiamart 100 x 12mg tablets for ₹ 300 = $4US or $6AU and would half the risk of infection for about 100, 65kg-adults each week. Rounded up to 10 cents a week.