Back in 2010 some 700 children were enrolled in a trial to control head lice in two schools in Canberra. The most lice infected school not only gave ivermectin doses to 93% of all the children, but sent the drug home for their brothers and sisters too. The exact details are behind a paywall, but similar trials like this use oral doses of 200 micrograms per kilogram, which is, as it happens, the same dose the FLCCC recommends for adults to use for prevention against Covid.
At the end of the school trial, six months later, lice infestations were down by 87% and “No adverse events were reported. ”
But wait, what about all the diarrhea, vomiting, seizures and coma that may have befallen all these poor children? Who would be so reckless as to hand out this drug hither-thither with just a “fact sheet”?!
This is, after all, what the experts at University of Sydney, one of our”top” universities, are saying about ivermectin in 2021:
Taking a scientific approach to misinformation about unproven and potentially dangerous covid ‘treatments’, Sydney experts explain that side-effects range from vomiting and diarrhoea to seizures and a coma.
What does it do to your body?
We know very little about what the drug does to humans, and the little we do know mostly comes from its use in animals.
Who were these fools, ignorant of 3.8 billion doses of ivermectin given to humans, plus a Nobel Prize, and the title “wonder drug”? They were Doctors of Pharmacology: Associate Nial Wheate, Professor Andrew McLachlan and Slade Matthews from the University of Sydney. Researchers who apparently slavishly adopt FDA twitter campaigns, but don’t even know how to look up Wikipedia?

The kind of experts you get on The Conversation where the article started.
The TGA know this drug is safe when prescribed by doctors, yet they won’t let doctors prescribe it?
Ivermectin has been used successfully in Australia, India, Brazil, and Mexico in clinical trials to reduce head lice. And it’s been used in India, Mexico, Peru, and Indonesia to save lives from Covid. The risk is low, and Australians want the right to discuss it with their doctor. If the TGA hasn’t reviewed some of the 65 studies on ivermectin against Covid, isn’t it about time it did?
Does the government serve the people or do the people serve the government?
h/t OriginalSteve
A pilot study of the use of oral ivermectin to treat head lice in primary school students in Australia
Marian J Currie, et al.
Head lice are a common, costly public health problem worldwide. We aimed to determine the feasibility of an ivermectin intervention program. Consenting students in two schools were screened for head lice. Infested students and siblings at one school were offered a head lice fact sheet and two doses of oral ivermectin, 7 days apart. Parents of infested students in the other school were given the same fact sheet and asked to treat the child and siblings using their preferred topical treatment. Seven hundred two of 754 (93.1%) students enrolled in the two schools were screened; 40 (5.3%; 95% CI 3.7-6.9) had head lice; 31 (9.4%; 95% CI 6.1-12.2) in the intervention school and nine (2.5%; 95% CI 1.1-3.8) in the control school. Subsequently 93.6% of children in the intervention school were treated with oral ivermectin. No adverse events were reported. At 6 months the reduction in the head lice infestation rates for the intervention and control schools were 87% and 56%, respectively. This pilot study suggests that school wide screening for head lice and the administration of oral ivermectin is feasible and acceptable. A randomized controlled trial at 20 schools is planned.
Bryant, Andrew MSc1,*; Lawrie, Theresa A. MBBCh, PhD2; Dowswell, Therese PhD2; Fordham, Edmund J. PhD2; Mitchell, Scott MBChB, MRCS3; Hill, Sarah R. PhD1; Tham, Tony C. MD, FRCP4 (2021) Ivermectin for Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19 Infection, A Systematic Review, Meta-analysis, and Trial Sequential Analysis to Inform Clinical Guidelines
American Journal of Therapeutics: June 17, 2021 – Volume Publish Ahead of Print – Issue –
doi: 10.1097/MJT.0000000000001402
Munirathinam et al (2009) Impact of ivermectin drug combinations on Pediculus humanus capitis infestation in primary schoolchildren of south Indian rural villages, Int J Dermatol,. 2009 Nov;48(11):1201-5. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-4632.2008.04059.x.
Sanchezruiz et al (2018) Oral ivermectin for the treatment of head lice infestation, Am J Health Syst Pharm
1;75(13):937-943. doi: 10.2146/ajhp170464. Epub 2018 May 22. doi: 10.2146/ajhp170464. Epub 2018 May 22.PMID: 29789316 DOI: 10.2146/ajhp170464
Ameen et al (2010) Oral ivermectin for treatment of pediculosis capitis, Pediatr Infect Dis J, Nov ; 29(11):991-3.
Pilger et al (2009) Household-wide ivermectin treatment for head lice in an impoverished community: randomized observer-blinded controlled trial Bull World Health Organ, Feb;88(2):90-6. doi: 10.2471/BLT.08.051656. Epub 2009 Dec 21.