One of the most famous skeptics in the world just died — but who’s going to mention that

They couldn’t cancel Prince Philip, but the media have cancelled that he was a skeptic of climate change.

Prince Philip not only read Ian Plimer’s books, and said good things about him, he wrote, thanked and endorsed him on official letterhead. He organised a speech for Plimer at the Royal Society of Artists (which then cancelled by other people).

The Duke of Edinburgh was a fan of David Bellamy and Christopher Booker too. He invited Bellamy to give a lecture at Buckingham Palace and wrote a “long and thoughtful” letter to Christopher Booker.

So while the BBC et al are lavishly and justifiably praising the Great Duke, they prefer not to mention that he thought wind farms were “useless” “monstrosities” that were ‘completely reliant on subsidies’ and ‘would never work’. The Australian ABC found time to say that he once made a joke asking whether Australian Aboriginals still threw spears at each other. The ABC called it a “faux pas” as if the Duke might have been asking it seriously, or aboriginals might not have a sense of humor? (There’s that soft racism again).

So his opinion on national energy policy is not worth discussing, but a one liner from […]