Doctors are at it again trying to scare people about “climate change”. But all around the world, in every study in every city humans die more from the cold than they do from the heat (and by six to 20 times more). That’s thousands of lives and it happens every single year. Don’t these doctors know anything?

Attributable fraction of deaths: Heat, cold and temperature variability together resulted in 42,414 deaths during the study period, accounting for about 6.0% of all deaths. Most of attributable deaths were due to cold (61.4%), and noticeably, contribution from temperature variability [TV] (28.0%) was greater than that from heat (10.6%). Cheng et al.
Break my heart, if “climate change” is real the only thing the docs have to worry about is whether they’ll earn less money in winter.
Here’s the headline:
Health system needs to be protected from climate change: doctors
Here’s the real news: The health system needs to be protected from climate-change-doctors. We can’t afford to have medico’s who don’t understand the scientific process, who think “models” provide real evidence, or who will use their positions of trust to falsely scare people for the sake of their own financial gain or political and religious infatuation. We can’t afford to have doctors who don’t understand what the error bars mean on rare events or that correlation is not causation. Who would put their life in the hands of gullible fools who follow groupthink or who get their medical knowledge from watching the ABC?
At the very least, we expect these docs would do a basic competent literature search on the topics they profess to lecture us on. Even a freshman doctor straight out of med school should know deaths are higher in winter.
That said, there are many skeptical doctors around. Many of my top supporters are GP’s and Specialists.
What incompetent doctors are saying in the media:
“With heatwaves more people will die and get sick from things like respiratory illnesses, strokes and things like that, as well as dehydration.”
Higher temperatures also provide vectors for disease, especially mosquito-bourne illnesses, with the insects travelling further south than usual.
That was on top of more frequent natural disasters putting a strain on the health system, he said.
“With heatwaves more people will die and get sick from things like respiratory illnesses, strokes and things like that, as well as dehydration.”
Shame we didn’t have more competent journalists to ask them real questions.
It’s not the extremes that pose the biggest risk, it’s “moderate cold”:
Dang statistics tell a different story.
Heatwave deaths in Australia are trending down
Posts on health and mortality:
- Forget extreme temperatures: Nothing kills as many people as moderate cold
- Despite record heat, six times as many people die of cold in Australia not heat
- 7,000 excess winter deaths in Australia and 1,500 in New Zealand each year
- Last winter 9,000 more British pensioners died than usual — how many were due to high heating costs?
- Deadly winter kills 20,000 more British than usual — if only CO2 caused more warming
- Airconditioners save 20,000 lives in USA each year
- As it got hotter in Spain, less people died. Thank air conditioning and electricity.
- Evidence suggests global warming is good for our health
- Cold times means more death, war, rebellion, drought and flood in China
- Global warming saves lives in Stockholm — but bad assumptions feed scary headlines
The benefits we can derive,
From warming, helps keep us alive,
While our true foe is cold,
Killing both young and old,
Who with warming would otherwise thrive.
– Ruairi
Achebak H, Devolder D, Ballester J (2018) Heat-related mortality trends under recent climate warming in Spain: A 36-year observational study. PLoS Med 15(7): e1002617.
Antonio Gasparrini et al. (2015) Mortality risk attributable to high and low ambient temperature: a multicountry observational study. The Lancet, May 2015 DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(14)62114-0. Full PDF.
Cheng et al (2019) Impacts of heat, cold, and temperature variability on mortality in Australia, 2000–2009, Science of The Total Environment,Volume 651, Part 2, 15 February 2019, Pages 2558-2565,