- JoNova - https://joannenova.com.au -

Other information on Jo

The long gone archives of an odd career… “stuff”  (more than you want to know).


Joanne has given keynote addresses and dinner speeches at national conferences and launches, for groups like CPA’s (Certified Practicing Accountants), Transplant Nurses Association, Aged Care Australia, BDS Accounting, The Australian Science Teachers Association, The Australian Science Festival, ACTEW (ACT Electricity and Water), and Amnesty International.

Topics included anti-aging, genetics and the future of medicine, as well as on the science of  “funny”. Her favourite topics include discussing the medical revolution and how we may all outlive our superannuation. Since 2008 Joanne has focused on the science of monetary systems, financial history, the gold market, and has also become heavily involved in communicating the science of carbon’s role in “Climate Change”. Joanne attended the UNFCCC in Bali Dec 07, has spoken in New York at the International Climate Change Conference, and to Senate staffers  in Washington DC, as well as to Australian leaders of business and banking at Consilium, for the Centre for Independent Studies.

Over the years Joanne  performed for over 50,000 students around Australia. The science shows got rave reviews.

On Radio

Currently Jo presents a weekly spot with Laurie Atlas of 4RO in Queensland at 10:10am on Thursdays. Years ago, Joanne talked each week on 2CN in Canberra as well as other stations in country WA, Geelong, Brisbane. In the five minute prime-time spot she discussed the news and science of things like sperm, cooking, health and sleep. Joanne once filled in for the ever popular Dr Karl Kruszelnicki on ABC stations around Australia.

“I always dread any of our regulars going away… If you’re keen to come back it means we can now rest a bit easier next time Karl takes the family back of Bourke. You really excelled at a tough gig.”
Jen Oldershaw, Triple J
“Should the big fella ever fall under a bus, we’ll be knockin’ at your door….”
Craig, Jen’s producer

On Television

Joanne hosted the first series of Y?, a children’s science program. The 65 episodes of ‘Y?’ screened on Channel 9 at 4 p.m. each day from Nov 1999 to Feb 2000. In the studio Joanne did everything from popping lids off tins, to making slime with laundry cleaners, as well as research and scripting. Joanne has also been a guest on Good News Week, and worked for a while on TV1’s Space Cadets — Foxtel’s sci-fi lovers show. She has been a guest on Midday and 11AM.


Joanne Nova finished her Bachelor of Science degree with first class honours, A+ grades and both the FH Faulding, and The Swan Brewery Prizes, at the University of Western Australia. She majored in Microbiology, Molecular Biology and doing honours research into DNA markers for use in Muscular Dystrophy trials. She also has a Graduate Certificate in Science Communication from the ANU, and worked for three years as an Associate Lecturer for the Graduate Diploma in Science Communication program at the Australian National University.

If you want to get a message to Jo it’s best to email joanne “AT” joannenova.com.au

The joannenova.com.au website, was registered way back around the year 2000.

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