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The almost-coup: Giving away the nation to attract future Democrat voters with the Entitlement Magnet

Crowded bus.

By Jo Nova

Isn’t it time we talk about The attempted Coup (and the media)?

The Media is the problem. Magnifying Glass.

In the two weeks since Elon Musk spoke to Joe Rogan for three hours, the media has ignored it,  trivialized it, or reduced it to “Elon tries to explain his Nazi salute”.  Here was the richest man in the world, best friends with the most powerful man on Earth and he’s talking without an autocue, walking through the underbelly of the US government and describing the “greatest scam in human history” and the media are discussing the weather.

Thanks to DOGE we now know that the US government spent $270 million on 6,200 journalists, which presumably buys a lot of “Nothing to see here”. Which is exactly why I feel an urge to pass this on.

What Musk describes is the ultimate pork barrelling

Instead of giving our tax dollars to buy votes in marginal seats, it looks like the Democrats were giving away the country, to buy voters to fill marginal states, so they could stay in power. By offering up free houses, free healthcare and free citizenship to non-citizens,  as Musk describes it, the Democrats (really, the whole Blob) hoped to gain enough permanent Democrat voters so they could win, not just one election, but every election. And of course, the houses, healthcare and lifestyle they were giving away was largely that of the working class. The elites would live on in their private estates, fly on their private planes and visit their private hospitals.

“It is an attempt to destroy Democracy in America… to make it a permanent one party state” — Elon Musk

At one point, Rogan mentions a whistleblower who claimed her job was to turn illegal immigrants into social security or disability “clients”. This hits a nerve with Musk, who gets animated, saying that entitlements fraud is the main reason the Democrat propaganda machine was “so fired up to destroy me”. The way he describes it, the thing they hate the most is that he is turning off the magnet drawing illegal immigrants in and keeping them there:

Entitlements fraud for illegal aliens…  like Social Security Disability Medicaid   … is what is serving as a gigantic magnetic force to pull people in from all around the world and keep them here.  Basically if you if you pay people at a standard of living that is above 90% of Earth then you have a very powerful incentive for 90% of Earth to come here and to stay here. But if you end the illegal alien fraud, then you that you turn off that magnet, and they leave, and they they stop coming, …and the ones that are here — many of them will simply leave and if if that happens, they [the Democrats] will lose… a massive number of democratic voters and if it didn’t happen they would turn those people into voters.  — Elon Musk  [Edited for readability from the transcript]

He explains that it’s not just theoretical, it’s already happening. In New York state illegal aliens can already vote in state and city elections* (pending a legal case) and something like 600,000 illegal aliens are registered to vote. Some of these are staying in expensive hotels which are being paid for by FEMA, a government agency.

*UPDATE: The number is 800,000. New York lawmakers approved the bill in 2021. Courts struck that down in 2024. But the legal battle goes on Feb 2025. Democrats really want this. Indeed, parts of California, Maryland and Vermont already allow non-citizens to vote in local elections. Once they can vote in local elections, obviously, the next step is to change Federal voting rules.

The best short summary is by Tony Thomas at Quadrant :The World According to Elon Musk

Here’s Musk’s analysis (transcript lightly edited):

Musk: They’re buying voters. it’s like a giant voter-fraud scam. A lot of people have trouble believing this, but it’s not just real, it’s an attempt to destroy democracy in America.

If you take the seven swing states, often the margin of victory there is maybe 20,000 votes. If you put 200,000 illegals in there, they have an 80% likelihood of voting Democrat. It’s only a matter of time before they become citizens, and then those swing states will cease to be swing states — we’ll become a permanent, deep blue socialist state.

Rogan: That was the game plan?

Musk: That’s still the game plan. They almost succeeded. If, if, the machine of the Kamala Puppet had won, it would have happened within four years. They would win the Presidency, the House, the Senate. They would create States out of Washington DC and Puerto Rico to achieve four extra Senators, and a majority big enough to pack the Supreme Court.

And then they would keep importing more illegals to cement that outcome. Basically, the same as already happened in California.

It would be the end: an obvious fork in the road. That’s why I went so hardcore for Trump. And that’s why the Democrat machine is so intent on destroying me. And they probably would institute some central bank digital currency and some social credit score system. And censorship, of course.

They’ve been doing this for years in California:

Musk: Yes. The Democrats were doing this under the guise that they’re the kind, compassionate, progressive people. But it’s just about hijacking power for money and control.

California is now a super-majority [60–19 in the 80-seat Assembly]. California  last year made healthcare free for illegals. Obviously, that’s a gigantic magnet for more illegals. If you’re anywhere on earth and you need any operation at all, come to California and have it free.

The tax burden for healthcare for illegals was supposed to be $3 billion. They now estimate $9 billion. That number will scale to infinity.

Read it all The World According to Elon Musk. Or watch the interview below: The parts described above start at 1:04 or so.

We note the Blob didn’t offer free citizenship to just any foreigner — they didn’t seem to want gun-loving Australians or British asylum seekers who wrote offensive words on facebook. They weren’t even trying to get political prisoners out of North Korea. The foreigners the Democrats wanted were apparently the people desperate enough to walk through Mexico. What they were aiming at, presumably, were dependent people, who are more likely to vote to live in a big socialist state.

The Blob clothes itself in compassion and kindness when it talks about immigration, but there is nothing compassionate about selling out the blood, sweat and tears of your fellow  citizens, putting their health, wealth and homes at risk, just so you can keep your own career and castle.

And if the Blob cared so much about Africa or Ecuador they could always try to help them in their own countries — keeping families and culture intact and all. But all the billions in USAID funding largely ended with barely any protests from the Third World and nothing to show for it? It’s almost like nearly all the foreign aid money was spent to serve The Blob and their friends, and not the poor. Where is that outrage? Who, exactly, were The Blob helping?

Africa before $2.6 trillion Africa after $2.6 trillion in aid.

… https://x.com/BLAIMGame/status/1887773277055033417

The big question of course, is if this was happening, what would stop it? All rich countries have political parties with an incentive to grow that half of the population that votes for Big Government. That party would be perpetually tempted to give away the wealth of the nation to foreign new simpatico voters. The only thing that would stop this is if the native population found out about the plan…    and so we come back to the State of The Media.

Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay




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