- JoNova - https://joannenova.com.au -

Doctors are still suspended in Australia for using ivermectin and still fighting for justice

By Jo Nova

Dr My Le Trinh


Dr My Le Trinh lost her mother, and escaped Pol Pot in a fishing boat as a child and came to Australia looking for the freedom. But after prescribing safe, cheap ivermectin as a GP and hurting no one, she was suddenly suspended indefinitely. It’s been three years with no end. No complaints had been made against her in 27 years of being a GP, then two appeared in one day. ( One by Dr Gunja’s intern and one by “John Smith“). The punishment is not just undeserved, but abjectly surreal.

This is not just about one woman and her career, it’s about every one of us, and our right to choose the doctor we want to help us.

It looks, smells, and quacks like they are making an example of her in order to frighten thousands of other doctors into obedience and silence. The last thing the Big-Pharma-Bureaucrat Blob want is for doctors to be able to say what they really think, or even ask good questions in public. Few other professionals could magnetize the public as fast as outspoken doctors could.

All she is asking for in this petition is a public livestream of the tribunal from Tuesday to Thursday this week. She explains why this is so important on X.

If they have the evidence to justify her suspension they wouldn’t need to hide this tribunal behind closed doors.

Please sign the petition so that Dr My Le Trinh’s NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT). Follow her at her X account or facebook. She says: “I’ll be on 2SM Monday morning at 9:30 AM with @chrissmithonair  to encourage Sydneysiders to attend my hearing.

Dr My Le Trinh writes:
I am facing tribunal proceedings initiated by the HCCC for prescribing ivermectin during the COVID-19 pandemic. No patients were harmed, and no complaints were made. The case was entirely manufactured by the HCCC to punish me for my medical decisions. The HCCC is prosecuting me for not following a guideline that is not legally binding, setting a dangerous precedent for all doctors in Australia.
🔹 NCAT must explain why they want this hearing behind closed doors.
🔹 The public deserves to see the truth—SHARE THIS POST!
People died who could have been saved if they had not been denied cheap effective treatments.

BTW — Where is DEI when you need it? Hyperspace. It was never about diversity, or asylum seekers, or compassion, it was just another tool to fight a culture war while pretending not to.

Dr William Bay suggests speaking up!

📞 Call NCAT: 1300 006 228
📧 Email NCAT: [email protected]
📬 Write to NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT)
John Maddison Tower, Level 10, 86-90 Goulburn Street, Sydney NSW 2000
🐦 Tag @NCATNSW on X (Twitter) and ask: Why are they trying to hide this case?
🔹 Case Number: 2023/00254671

H/t to Willie Soon, Craig Kelly, and a brave doctor I know.


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