By Jo Nova
People with a good education are hard to fool, which is why the curriculum buries the good stuff until it disappears under a kiloton of culture, engagement and sustainability blah. Then the media (with US government Blob funding) repeats the hypnotic trance line “seas are rising due to climate change” until anyone who was accidentally taught real science, forgets it.
How many children (how many adults) think that sea levels have been the same for a million years? The travesty of 12 years of education is that 99% of people know nothing about 99% of history, and even less about prehistory. Every one of these defenseless souls is so easily fooled into panic attacks about seas rising a millimeter a year. “Unprecedented” they say! Don’t use the hair-dryer!
Willie Soon has some fun in his time machine zipping through ancient Greece and Roman history, where ports were built 6 crazy kilometers from the sea…
As Willie mentioned, it’s awkward that the rise started 100 years before cars, and coal power plants existed.
And after two world wars, 1.5 billion cars and 35 million planes a year, the rate of sea level rise is pretty much the same as it was in 1860 or so. It’s like we are irrelevant…

[Graphed by Joanne Nova based on data from Jevrejura et al located at this site PMSML]
The fact is, according to 1000 tide gauges, spread all over the globe, sea levels are rising slowly at around 1 sole mm a year. And a nerd-level intense study of 60 beaches in Northern Europe showed a similar rise. By a strange coincidence the Topex/Poseidon satellite sea-level data set also showed the same tiny rates of sea level change in the 1990s — right up until they tortured the data to fit climate models. (We hear they calibrated the satellites to one sinking gauge in Hong Kong).
Other posts on Sea Levels
- Sea level rise less than 1mm for last 125 years in Kattegatt, Europe — Nils-Axel Morner
- Are sea-levels rising? Nils-Axel Mörner documents a decided lack of rising seas
- Man-made sea-level rises are due to global adjustments (Envisat data is also adjusted up).
- It wasn’t CO2: Global sea levels started rising before 1800
- 10% of sea level rise is due to land rising too. Got that?
- South Pacific sea levels – Best records show little or no rise?!
- Mass carbon emissions, yet Australian sea levels rise at similar speed as 1920 – 1950
- Climate change creates free real estate in Tuvalu: “climate refugees” can all go home
- Rising sea-levels in the Indian Ocean due to man-made “adjustments” not CO2
- Kiribati sinking “like Titanic” but 59 million times slower
- Asian sea levels changed rapidly 6,000 years ago — natural sea level rise “unprecedented”