Finally, the rebellion begins in the business sector
After years of silence, the first large industry body has broken the Climate Stupid Spell and said the obvious. There is a “national energy emergency” pushing up the price of food, and the cause of high energy prices is Labor’s 82% renewables target.
The Independent Food Distributors Australia (IDFA) which supplies food to 60,000 shops and markets in Australia has broken with other large industry bodies and said the government should drop the “ideological” renewables target and upgrade our coal power plants and install new gas plants.
For years, only schoolgirls were allowed to dictate national energy policy, now adults in business can too!
The food industry lives and breathes on fossil fuels for their fridges, freezers and trucks, and electricity costs have gone up 50% since Labor came into office. So two weeks after King Trump takes office, and with only weeks or months until our own election, finally they brave up enough to say the Renewables Emperor has no clothes. Give Richard Forbes (the CEO) a medal — he is blistering and blunt. He didn’t just ask the Labor Party to slow the rush, but to “drop it” because of the “damage being done”. He said the Labor Party must take responsibility for the cost of living crisis.
Calling climate change targets ideological is a blasphemy like burning the climate bible. There’s no pandering in that word. Forbes could have said the Labor Party target is too ambitious, or unrealistic. But instead he used the word ideological — thus declaring the net zero push it’s irrational, and driven by religious zeal.
The managing director of Godden Food Group went even further, calling on the Opposition leader in Australia to “join Donald Trump in leaving the Paris Agreement”. Some of his four year electricity contracts have been renewed in NSW at 238% higher cost.
This is dynamite in an election year:
Food firms revolt over Labor’s energy plan
Employers supplying food to major supermarkets and thousands of cafes, restaurants and pubs have launched a revolt against Anthony Albanese’s energy policies, urging Labor to dump its 82 per cent renewables target and focus on ramping up more gas and coal production to bring electricity prices down in the short term.
Business owners in the sector have told The Australian they want the government to drop its “ideological” approach to energy and instead support upgrades of existing coal-fired power stations while bringing on new gas peaking plants.
Employers also want the government to fast track the approvals of new coal mines and gas fields to lower the price of baseload power, disagreeing with Energy Minister Chris Bowen’s claim that new renewables projects are the answer to lower prices.
IFDA chief executive Richard Forbes said there was a “national energy emergency”, arguing the government’s policies were driving up the price of food for consumers.
“Food businesses are sick and tired of hearing the government saying they are doing something about the cost of living, when their costs, particularly energy costs, are soaring.
“The government must take responsibility for a portion of the cost-of-living crisis, which is the cost of doing business, which is energy.
In reply, the Minister Chris “Blackout” Bowen sticks with the ideological fairy tale, blaming failing coal plants for high prices:
Rejecting the push from food distributors, a spokesman for Mr Bowen said experts had found that “unreliable coal generators are driving price spikes”. “Extending them further would be a recipe for disaster,” the spokesman said.
He speaks as though aiming for “no coal plants”will fix a problem caused by a lack of coal plants. The argument is so self-evidently stupid, as long as it is played out in public to its obvious end, the Labor Party will be fried on screen.
This is the dead-end electricity hole the innumerate dullard left have galloped into. They think that magically generating a $650 electricity rebate is the same thing as generating electricity. One method makes us stronger and richer while the other just steals tax or purchasing power from average Australians to hide the real cost.
The Labor tools of oligarchs, renewable investors and foreign powers couldn’t see past the namecalling and word-games, and fell for every kindergarten trick in the Book of Woke. If the conservatives (which fell for most of the same tricks) can get their acts together and copy Trump, there could be a bloodbath.