A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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The corporates make the profits, while the people take the risks and pay the penalties and compensation.
It wouldn’t be necessary if the “vaccines” were “fully safe and effective”.
And they made plenty of profit to cover the risk, US$90 billion in 2021 and 2022 alone, see link below, much of it attribitable to taxpayer grants in R&D. And in the extreme Nanny States like Australia we had compulsory multiple vaccination to further enhace their profits.They don’t need further immunity.
Also, those profit figures don’t cover the administration and sale of antivirals nirmatrelvir and ritonavir (Paxlovid) and molnupiravir (Lagevrio). In Australia these cost about A$1000 and A$1100 per “treatment” (US$616 and US$678) respectively. And that’s because effective covid antivirals like IVM (taken according to appropriate protocols) was banned. Why use a cheap, safe and effective generic drug when you can use an expensive ineffective one?
Note to Leftists: time to get your 38th booster.
Any junkie can tell you that no injection is ‘fully safe’. The assumption that there can be such a thing was the wrong starting point.
They even managed to injure people seriously with the tests:
Interesting to see the complete about-face of the Daily Mail readership on this matter – 463 comments and I can find only one (although not promising I went through every chain of replies) coming out in favour of the vaccines and it was the most down-rated.
Daily Mail readers were wanting stricter border closures, vaccine passports and no health care for the vaccinated not so long ago…
What has happened to those people I wonder?
The only ‘immunity’ these jabs provided was for their manufacturers… from the comments at
Covid-19, in brief, was meant as the beginning of the end.
The ‘vaccines’ would drive demand for the ‘Vaccination Certificate’, which Alan Gelb in February, 2021, outlined was Digital ID.
Digital IDs would then enable Central Bank Digital Currencies.
Through normalising lockdowns, people would down the line come to accept ‘climate lockdowns’, and other such nonsense.
These would logically lead to 15-minute cities21, with these little ‘Berlin Walls’ springing up everywhere.
CBDCs could down the line be backed by carbon emissions (or sequestration), satisfying 2 of 3 pivotal concerns of the SDGs; addressing economics and ecology through one instrument.
Carbon-backed CBDCs and 15-minute cities could then through highly targeted lockdowns and tailored taxation policy (depending on skin colour, sexuality, gender and so forth) be further of use to facilitate a full Social Credit System.
At this stage, the game would centre around taking full control, which would entail stripping the population of assets. This could be engineered by indebting the Western populace to a such extent, that taxes would always increase, while the quality of service would gradually decline… continuously.
This would further destroy private enterprise, ensuring the populace as a whole would come to accept the harsh conditions attached to welfare payments.
And this could all be facilitated through driving up public debt levels, facilitated by the global central banks. And eventually, with global interest levels at all-time lows, it would just be a matter of allowing the markets to catch up with long-term averages.
Pay Up, Mr. Mann
For more than eight years, the climate scientist Michael Mann harassed National Review through litigation over a blog post — until, eventually, the First Amendment brought an end to his attack. This week, a court in our nation’s capital ordered Mann to pay us $530,820.21 worth of attorney’s fees and costs, and to do so within 30 days. It is time for him to get out his checkbook, and sign on the dotted line…
Just as Leftism, wokeness and DEI BS is coming to an end, I hope this is the end of the related scam of anthropogenic global warming.
Hope is not a strategy David.
What was it Planck said about science changing its view one funeral at a time?
Hmmm… maybe not:
I still think Kuhn said it best in The Structure of Scientific Revolutions.
TRUMP posts hilarious video about what he and Barrack Hussein really spoke about at Carter funeral.
I have to agree – that video contains some very funny, laugh out loud moments.
The long shot of a hatchet-faced Hilary prompted me to think that profile should be chiselled onto Mt Rushmore.
Clinton 2 terms, Obama 2 terms, Trump 2 terms, Joe Biden 1 term, Bush 1 term. 32 years where Hillary was not President. And Kamala as the worst candidate in living memory, unskilled in anything. And utterly ignorant of the world, the basic job of President. She did not even know the first words of the Pledge of Allegiance, which is quite amazing. It is used to open all Congressional sessions.
“”I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all”
Although that should read Obama 3 terms, Biden 0. Biden was either asleep or at his beach house learning to ride a bicycle.
Biden 82, Bush 79, Clinton 78, Hillary Clinton 77, Trump 78.
In four years
Biden 86, Bush 83, Clinton 82, Hillary Clinton 81, Trump 82. All OBEs. And the passing of an era. Obama 67 will still be in the wings as puppet master.
Dr John Campbell talks about the latest, “scary”, (not) new virus from China.
Rudd + Wong will cause a pong
How long will a gasoline engine last if it is fed unlimited fuel?
Copied from Quora Digest.
The grey motor in the old Holdens was not a masterpiece of engineering, maybe the reverse.
In private hands it would need a valve regrind before 25,000 miles and be clapped out before 50,000. Cabs easily doubled that.
And only five bearings on the crankshaft. Later Holden motors had seven.
Less than that, only four main bearings, but with only 65 hp from 2.2 L, that’s all they needed.
If they were fitted with a full flow spin on filter, their life would have doubled.
High speed combustion engines usually have major service intervals of 5000 hours. The slow sped marine diesels probably closer to 50,000 hours but they require more frequent servicing on auxiliaries. The marine generators have mandated schedules. The shortest is 250 hours.
Apparently the Voyager satellites will stop working this year. They started in 1977 so 48 years continuous. They run on heat from radioactive decay.
There have been long running solar/battery systems in space but the batteries ultimately fail. GOES-3 operated from 1977 to 2016.
My solar/battery system has been maintenance free for 13 years but there has been about 20 days that it did not supply enough power to do its daily job. It restarts automatically once the battery threshold is reached.
The sun is a long running continuous source of power and the devices to convert it to usable energy are maintenance free with long life. Battery storage still has a long way to go in terms of long life but less maintenance than a reciprocating engine. Nuclear decay is probably the energy source of choice for longevity and low maintenance given the Voyager experience. Maybe we will eventually see Voyager style household power sources at domestic prices.
You’d probably need to repeat that with the modern B & S versions!
But then with modern gimmicky cylinder deactivation or shutdown engines, owners will be up for new engines not long out of warranty, and won’t manufacturers be happy about that with our ACL laws.
Uneven heat distribution is a killer.
What is a “constant flow of clean oil “ ?..and how is it organised ?
I wonder why they did not use diesels ?..simpler and longer life .
Video about the end of trans entitlement.
It’s alll about a return to traditional values brought about by the TRUMP Revolution.
Familiarisation with Moonbase [from UFO TV series (1970-71)].
When R.F.K. Jr. becomes Head of TRUMP’s Health and Human Services Dept. I would like to see him:
1) Promote the correction of common Vitamin D deficiency.
2) Promote keto and carnivore diets.
3) Allow the use of ivermectin and HCQ as appropriate.
4) Make sure there is evidence of efficacy of new and existing drugs.
5) Do random financial audits of senior FDA officials.
‘2) Promote keto and carnivore diets. ”
The wife watches videos on the English language and the origin of its words… The word for what we ate before it was called food, was ‘meat’. From an animal it was just ‘meat’, and veges were called ‘green meat’.
X/Twitter inundated with posts along the lines of
Of course, ignoring that preparing to protect urban areas from a fire well and truly foreseen is the real issue. Clearing of fuel between homes and forested areas of doesn’t require much. Partially filling an empty reservoir in the days before the predicted Santa Ana winds hit.
The fires started before winds were too high for aerial bombardment. Not a lot of water needed. Just competence
Probably nothing would have stopped the fires but they could have been substantially mitigated by
Fuel reduction burns during safe periods.
Checking that there was water in the hydrants (regular checks) plus there was sufficient capacity to deliver the required amount of water in a worst case scenario.
Maintaining reservoirs with water or switching in alternative supplies if one was empty for maintenance.
Not demolishing dams.
Not focusing on DEI but development of firefighting skills and checking hydrants and analysing and correcting systemic weaknesses etc..
Making houses more fire resistant, often with simple and inexpensive measures.
Allowing tree clearing to an appropriate distance from houses (a problem that has caused a lot of home losses in Australia).
In vulnerable areas make sure houses have generators to run pumps to utilise water from their swimming pools (or gasoline operated water pump, checked regularly).
There were a few examples of men staying behind and fighting embers and small fires just with a bucket of water from their pool or jacuzzi or a hand held garden hose, and saving their house plus the neighbours as well.
Much of the “fuel” in those suburbs was the actual property structures
..Timber construction, shingle roofs, furniture, etc
Endless traveller to Africa, Mayor Bass made a campaign promise not to travel overseas at all. And meant not a word of it.
““Not only would I of course live here, but I also would not travel internationally — the only places I would go would be D.C., Sacramento, San Francisco and New York, in relation to L.A,” she said.
It was at least the fourth trip.
“Bass had been visiting Ghana in Africa at the time of the wildfires, despite having over 24 hours’ notice ahead of what experts predicted would be the worst windstorm to hit Los Angeles since 2011.”
So those 100mph winds were known to everyone from the Mayor down. And yet they plead ignorance. Nothing could have been done. No one saw it coming.
At least the lying is totally consistent.
I’ll add that someone compared this to the hurricanes that hit Florida. Pointless replying to him but the equivalence of these fires would be De Santis stopping the imports of plywood so that people couldn’t board up their windows, then his sychphants claiming there was not enough wood in the world to divert the hurricane.
California’s Wildfire Climate Excuse
Gov. Newsom tilts at carbon emissions, not fire mitigation.
By The WSJ Editorial Board
Look out for “hydroclimate whiplash” coming to a media website near you. That’s the term the climate left is suddenly using to explain the Los Angeles wildfires, or to put it more baldly, to change the subject from the failure of the state and local government to contain the fires that often accompany Santa Ana winds.
The theory is that climate change caused two especially wet winters in California in 2023 and 2024. This led to lush vegetation growth. Perhaps you recall the ebullient stories about the blooming desert and wildflower explosion. But in recent months, the theory goes, climate change has also caused a dry spell that has turned that vegetation into tinder for fires. Ergo, “hydroclimate whiplash.”
So climate change explains wet and dry seasons, which follows the progressive line that climate change is responsible for every natural disaster except for perhaps earthquakes. In today’s climate orthodoxy, bad weather is always man-made.
This ignores that California’s climate has long been variable with dry years following wet ones. The nearby chart from the California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment shows precipitation in the state going back 130 or so years. There are wet and dry spells. The last couple of decades have had more dry years, but then so did the 1910s and 1920s when carbon emissions were far less than they are today.
Woke DEI + Green Nihilism = Dresden In California
Firebombing on the Pacific
Over 25,000 acres are ablaze in Los Angeles in the Pacific Palisades fire, a veritable living hell.
Some 12,000-plus structures were incinerated. More than 250,000 souls have been evacuated and are in need of shelter.
No one has really taken charge yet. And now even the woke culprits for the catastrophe are blame-gaming each other to determine who was the more incompetent, which in this case translates to the most woke.
No one knows how many have died; all know the number will escalate in the next few days.
The eventual price tag of the ruin will exceed $200-300 billion and outstrip the billions of dollars given to Ukraine.
And there are still some fires that are completely uncontained.
The Los Angeles apocalypse was a multisystem, green-woke collapse—and a disastrous reminder that when Soviet-style, anti-meritocratic ideology permeates all aspects of modern life in California, disaster is inevitable.
Note that all California statewide officeholders are left-wing. The California left holds supermajorities in both houses of the state legislature. Only 17 percent of California’s huge congressional delegation of 52 seats is Republican. California’s judiciary is the most left-wing in the country. There is not a single Republican on the 15-member Los Angeles City Council.
Add it all up, and the woke socialist state has been eagerly deindustrializing, decivilizing, and retribalizing its way into what is now a veritable peacetime Dresden on the Pacific.
Again, there is no one else to blame, because California is one of those rare states in which Republicans have de facto zero political power.
All the state media, the legacy newspapers, the Silicon Valley daily online news sites, the Bay Area-based Apple, Google, and Facebook monopolies, and the local news outlets are parrots of the woke-green mindset.
RB, that’s why every Royal Commission after every deadly bushfire in Australia for the last 70 years has recommended big future programs of fuel reduction burns. A number of them even stipulated the % areas needed to be burnt every year. Basically, you can’t “ fight” those big atomic bomb equivalent bushfires. At best you manage them around the edges and then wait for more favorable conditions. Virtually, every state government after those RC’s ignored those recommendations. Stupid has to hurt for things to happen.
Clearing of fuel between homes and forested areas of doesn’t require much.
Especially when the distance between houses/homes is less than five meters?
Perhaps Australian zoning regulations should take notice?
If the federal/state governments want to reduce the cost of new housing in (safe sized blocks) they should subsidize the cost of the facilities which are mandatory (roads, water, sewer, communication).
A lot of the nutritional problems in the West arise from differences between ancient and modern wheat. Ancient wheat appears nutritionally superior due to more protein, more fibre, more vitamins and less starch.
Of course, modern wheat has superior disease resistance, harvestability and drought resistance.
Einkorn is an ancient variety of wheat which can be purchased but very expensive and apparently not grown commercially in Australia and possibly may not be imported under biosecurity laws.
I once spoke to a farmer in WA who had planted einkorn but his entire crop got wiped out in a flood.
Summary from Goolag AI as follows:
You might have to try Emmer (parent of Durum), Kamut and Spelt.
I believe that Durum and Spelt are grown in Australia.
Unknown to the majority of the population is that most western countries have been adding folic acid to commercial flours since about 1998. Including Australia and the process is regulated by Food Standards Australia and New Zealand (FSANZ). A mandated solution to increase the Vitamin B nutrition of the population. Problem- yes. A significant proportion of the population can’t metabolise folic acid into folate. I’ve seen figures of between 20-40%. Hence, a lot of gluten intolerance may be due to this fact. There are some European countries who have not mandated the folic acid addition eg Italy. I’m not saying that this is wholly the problem with modern western diet but it could be a factor. We know that anytime governments mandate actions, bad things happen. Try doing a little research, there’s quite a big rabbit hole out there.
If we’re having such huge nutritional problems, how come we’re living so much longer?
We’re becoming better at selecting our parents?
Water and sanitation. Antibiotics. Less dangerous jobs. There is always a lot of things happening at once.
I’m also not sure we can really trust the stats.
“I’m also not sure we can really trust the stats.”
Of course you can!! You just have to pick the right ones for your job..
We are living longer, more miserable, more sick lives.
Life expectancy numbers improve(d) greatly when the child mortality (up to 5 years) became mostly a 100 year old historical record.
But yes, at age 70/80, compare your photo image with those of your grandparents at age 50/60.
Just heard on local radio that the Allan government in Victoria has released the discussion points for a treaty with the first peoples of Victoria. The content of this “discussion” paper is exactly what the majority of Victorians voted AGAINST in the Voice referendum. So much for democracy.
While this document was read out by the radio presenter, I think it was printed in the Herald Sun which I do not subscribe to.
There does not appear to be any reference to this at, probably not important enough to tell anyone. A test for the new leader of the opposition will be if he opposes this .
More ammo for Trump.
NOAA’s “no evidence” that wind kills whales violates the Information Quality Act
By David Wojick
The beginning:
“NOAA persists in claiming there is no evidence that offshore wind development is causing whale deaths. This is a false claim that is repeated endlessly in the press. There is lots of evidence some of which I have documented over the last two years.
It is actually illegal for Federal agencies to make false claims like this. There is a 25 year old law called the Information Quality Act (IQA) enforced by OMB’s Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. IQA mandates that agencies provide accurate unbiased information.
Here are the two key definitions from NOAA’s IQA guidance:
1. “Quality is an encompassing term comprising utility, objectivity, and integrity.”
2. “Objectivity consists of two distinct elements: presentation and substance. The presentation element includes whether disseminated information is presented in an accurate, clear, complete, and unbiased manner and in a proper context. The substance element involves a focus on ensuring accurate, reliable, and unbiased information.”
Unfortunately NOAA’s repeated claim that there is no evidence of wind development causing whale deaths is neither accurate no unbiased. It is false and typical of NOAA’s actions biased in favor of development.
Moreover this wind-whale information falls under the special IQA category of influential scientific information which NOAA defines as “Influential scientific information (ISI) means scientific information the agency reasonably can determine will have or does have a clear and substantial impact on important public policies or private sector decisions.”
In fact it qualifies as highly influential scientific assessment: “The term Highly Influential Scientific Assessment (HISA) refers to a subset of Influential Scientific Information and means an influential scientific assessment that: …. (i) could have a potential impact of more than $500 million in any year, or (ii) is novel, controversial, or precedent setting or has significant interagency interest.”
The viability of the multi-billion dollar a year offshore wind program crucially depends in part on this wind-whale information. This evidence assessment is a HISA and IQA guidance rightfully calls for extra care and caution in making such assessments.
This HISA care is clearly not being given. NOAA has conducted no systematic studies on the issue of evidence. They have simply shrugged off the issue in favor of wind development. This is a glaring violation of the Information Quality Act.”
Lots more in the article including some glaring examples. Please share this article.
NOAA’s blatant violation of the Information Quality Act by ignoring the evidence that wind development is killing whales needs to be investigated and corrected.
Another day, another SMH article attacking Musk…
“As the fires took hold, so, too, did misinformation on social media platforms…Distinguished professor and climatologist Michael Mann told this masthead he was leaving X because “agents of disinformation” aimed to “further an agenda of fossil fuel extraction [and] these individuals are guilty not just of crimes against humanity but crimes against the planet”.
“I have certainly seen an uptick in anti-science disinformation in recent months and I attribute that to Elon Musk and his close relationship with Russia and Saudi Arabia..”
However, the good news shines through the dark-
“academics from the Australian National University proved that repeated exposure to climate scepticism and denial increased the perceived truth of those claims. Even the most committed climate science believers could be swayed by hearing repeated scepticism, researchers showed and sceptics could be affected by repeated statements of science.”
Well, its just a matter of which “anti-science disinformation” get repeated the most!
Hmmm. Committed believers swayed by scepticism.
One fine day they’ll hear a story that in ancient times science was an entirely sceptical activity.
Cognitive dissonance is your friend in learning. I can hear the popping sound of heads exploding now.
Well, Michael Mann knows a thing or two (or more) about disinformation and anti-science.
How many more attacks before Australia defends its Jewish community? – editorial
Just this weekend, two Sydney synagogues, a home, and cars were vandalized, as part of the latest in a series of antisemitic incidents in Australia.
JANUARY 13, 2025
The Australian Spooner Cartoon on Penny Wong Foreign Affairs Minister sums up Labor Party Approach to Israel
Labor have a special on their T shirts. Buy one, get Wong free.
From the Comments
OldOzzie, #15,
____How many of these vandalisings are done in line with the Jussie Smollett doctrine?
____I gather the investigation into the Melbourne event has gone quiet.____Budgetary constraints?
How that went –
“North America’s first solar community comes to an end in Okotoks
Okotoks’ internationally-recognized Drake Landing Solar Community is set to be fully decommissioned by the end of 2025.”
Opened in glory 2006
Closed 2025
Looks like the reasons it is closing are highlighting that 20 year life of solar endeavours
“The majority of the homes have since had their heating systems converted to natural gas furnaces.”
When officials are asked, they will say “We learned a lot.”
What they learned, but likely won’t admit, is that these schemes do well with other people’s money (OPM) and when that runs out, they cease. I’m shocked!
“the perception that the project was a failure”
“thanks go to the homeowners and residents who have been a part of this success story”
No matter how big the fiasco is, just declare victory and move on
The “sub-community” of 52 project homes is within the very sizeable Drake Landing, yet apparently it never expanded to more houses in the 18 years since launch. Was this by design?
(A satellite view of Drake Landing – select an option of the 3 below the landing page picture).
Surely in Canada home heating is an expensive exercise and according to the Western Wheel article (Another Ian, Thank you) currently each household pays $85 per month to power and heat their home so you would think people would have been queuing up to join.
But then the same article goes on to state that the community gets “over 90% of residential space heating needs met by solar thermal energy”. Sounds like the Tasmanian King and Flinders Islands “success stories” which have diesel generators always on standby to support and make up for system that uses BOTH wind and solar and still can’t maintain 100% of supply.
So Drake Landing located in Okotoks, Alberta, Canada approx. 50 km south of Calgary is clearly a popular and growing community particularly since Western Wheel article also states that the land where the Drake Landing Solar Community Energy Centre is located is going to be sold and probably redeveloped for more housing.
No matter how big or (in this case) small your cheap renewable clean energy project is given its ongoing escalating lifetime operational costs it is never cheap enough to sustain.
CLINTEL registry update.
Clintel have sent out a request to check their member’s list. You can download the xlsx file here to check if they have matched your name with your email:
You may be be getting emails but they do not have you on their registry email list. If you have changed your email then you will be missing notices.
CLINTEL is an influential organisation in the efforts to eliminate the climate scam. Anyone wanting to register with CLINTEL to become a signatory to the “No Emergency” declaration can do that here:
Thanks Rick.
Katie Hopkins does the news
I wrote this several years ago. The US is becoming much less censorious now due to TRUMP but Australia is getting worse.
It is as though the political magnetic poles have flipped.
FWIW – more covid news
“Daily Sceptic- Dozens of British Women Have Seen Their Breasts Grow After the Covid Jab”
“The revelation comes days after shocking images showed how a 19 year-old Canadian woman’s breast quadrupled in size in what experts believe is a rare reaction to Pfizer’s Covid jab dubbed the “Pfizer boob job”. ”
Link at
What is the proposed mechanism by which this occurs?
As per the article:
“Gigantomastia is a rare condition characterized by rapid, diffuse, and excessive breast growth. The etiology of gigantomastia is incompletely understood, but triggers have been classified into idiopathic spontaneous growth, endogenous hormone overproduction, and pharmacological agents.”
Accounts have been reported since Fakevax ™ was released.
It messes with everything, from immune system to hormones.
Medical Industry/Govt propaganda to get women to have their boosters… After all, what young women wouldn’t want bigger boobs, and what boyfriend wouldn’t encourage his GF to get a jab if it had that effect!
‘Oh no darling, don’t get the booster, it will make your boobs bigger..’ Yeah, right!
From the photos-
“On Sunday a 23-year-old Sydney woman took to the platform to explain she had a ‘free boob job’ after receiving the Pfizer vaccine…”
Lousy pictures.
latest Kunstler on the LA fires
“Climate Jeezus Taketh Away”
Fendendazole and Cancer
Quite a few people will have seen the short YouTube video by Dr John Campbell where he discussed a recent publication detailing 3 case reports in which regression or cure of urothelial cancer was ascribed to taking oral Fenbendazole (a dog dewormer).
I have been taking an interest in this therapy because I have a friend with stage 4 breast cancer who has started a regime of Fenbendazole, Ivermectin, curcumin and milk thistle, so far with encouraging results (slight improvement on her PET scan).
Medical interest in the subject goes back to about 2009, but there have been no clinical trials yet and Fenbendazole is not approved for human use. The best available evidence is case reports, which are few and far between and not well documented, especially as far as dosage is concerned.
Here is a further collection of case reports for those who may be looking for information.
Sadly, I can’t see such a regime being properly researched or approved in Australia as drugs like fenbendazole and ivermectin are out of patent, inexpensive, safe and possibly effective for cancer treatment.
The TGA (equivalent to US FDA) as the marketing arm of Big Pharma in Australia won’t allow it. Just look what they did with HCQ and IVM during covid.
You are probably right David, but the failure is more than just the TGA and government bureaucracy!
The oncologists are all members of the college of Physicians (RACP).
They should demand the right to prescribe repurposed drugs as they see fit for the benefit of their own patients. In other words they need to stand up for their responsibilities and the ethics of their profession.
If they did that they could organise their own trials of alternative treatments.
It is the moral failure of the doctors and especially those in leadership positions that is the cause of many of the problems we have now.
Oncologists have lots of patients with stage 4 cancer.
Almost all of them are going to die of their cancer, generally within a few months or at best a few years. That is what happens, even when the most aggressive treatments are used eg chemotherapy.
That is why these case reports are so important. Reversal of stage 4 cancer just doesn’t happen in the normal course of events. So any reports of tumour reversal should be taken seriously!
You have these experts coming out and saying that there is no evidence of effectiveness for Fenbendazole, but there is. There are case reports. When they (the experts) say there is no evidence they mean that there are no trials.
A trial of any sort would be great and it doesn’t need drug company funding to organise a trial. What is required is the will.
And it is the will that is lacking.
If the TGA had been i charge we wouldn’t be at leeches yet.
Convince me that is wrong
The TGA are in charge. The doctors have failed to defend their own profession from the interference of Government.
Tell your friend (if she’s in Australia) that the human equivalent of fenbendazole is mebendazole and that you can buy it OTC from any chemist. Then just do a quick Google or AI search and you will find the equivalent dosing. I could tell you, but I ‘m not a doctor etc, etc. Or try looking up Dr William Makis.
Maybe people should stock up before it’s banned or restricted.
You need a prescription now, according to info online.
TPTB seem detirmined to obstruct any self reliance, don’t they?
I was surprised that it might be OTC. However:
I dont think that would cover the quantaties needed for anti cancer treatment.
Also covered in his interviews with prof Angus Dalgleish, oncologist, who provides insight into how it works re gut health and invigorating the immune response. I think they mentioned that vit D helped kickstart or supported these treatments. It’s a fascinating insight into controlling and remission of a broad range of cancer.
FWIW – a forecast –
“Trump’s Trolling Will Rise to Another Level During the Inaugural Parade”
That’s awesome.
Not quite as bad as Gough but it’s close
The Albanese government provides no rationale or narrative for its disconnected actions. Everything is spin. We’ve seldom seen a government this poor in such critical fields at such a dangerous time.
GREG SHERIDAN – Foreign Editor
The Albanese government has emerged as an unmitigated failure, if not outright disaster, in foreign affairs, defence and national security. It’s one of the worst governments we’ve had.
The Australian military is weaker and feebler than when Labor took office. Anthony Albanese and Defence Minister Richard Marles talk big about the future but deliver nothing. Australia’s regional standing has declined sharply. Once we were seen as a powerful country getting stronger; now we’re seen as weak, confused, living off past riches.
Australia has little influence in the Middle East. But the Albanese government, led by Foreign Minister Penny Wong, has failed to identify principles or national interest, so policy is incoherent and ineffective. It has alienated our oldest regional friend, Israel, and joined the opposition to the US at the UN.
The government provides no rationale or narrative for its disconnected actions. Everything is spin, frequently designed to appease Greens voters and the Labor Left. As a result of the government’s moral confusion and lack of political leadership, Australia is gripped by an anti-Semitism crisis the likes of which we’ve never seen before. The government is not remotely anti-S@mitic. Its failure in leadership has allowed anti-S@mitism to flourish.
What’s worse, China demanded the government muzzle ASPI.
Any Australian government with a skerrick of self-respect would as a result have guaranteed ASPI’s funding for the next 20 years.
Just as when Beijing told Howard, as a new prime minister, that he must not meet Tibet’s Dalai Lama, that guaranteed Howard would meet the Dalai Lama.
The problem is the Albanese government does not have a skerrick of self-respect. Nor much respect for Australia. It has cravenly bent the knee to Beijing’s bullying over ASPI.
California’s water and who controls it.
[Instead here’s a better link with the info, but without the religious distraction. — Jo]
Good article, like this bit.
Through their foundation, the Resnicks have donated substantial sums annually to the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), primarily via the American Friends of the Israeli Defense Forces. Between 2015 and 2022, their contributions amounted to approximately $2.4 million.
Beyond direct military support, the Resnicks have funded educational institutions closely linked to Israel’s military and intelligence sectors. Notably, they have contributed to the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya, an influential think tank with strong ties to Israel’s defense establishment. Additionally, they have been involved with the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, a think tank that originated as an extension of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and advocates for pro-Israel policies in the US.
So you are not posting about “the water and who controls it”? Why did you intro it that way — to ambush people?
We take a dim view of deceptive commenting behaviour and of anti-semitism.
FROM 2022.
Just when you thought things couldn’t be any more crazy.
Trump Speaks Truth to Wind Power
He says wind farms only work because of subsidies. He’s right.
By The WSJ Editorial Board
Every once in a while Donald Trump says something that shocks Washington with its blunt truth. So it was during last week’s discursive press conference when he observed that wind power isn’t economic without subsidies.
Wind farms “only work if you get a subsidy,” Mr. Trump mused. “The only people that want them are the people that are getting rich off windmills, getting massive subsidies from the U.S. government. And it’s the most expensive energy there is. It’s many, many times more expensive than clean natural gas. . . . You don’t want energy that needs subsidy.”
The media’s fact-checkers pounced and proclaimed that wind energy is among the cheapest and fastest-growing power sources. But that’s only because of rich subsidies, which were sweetened by the Inflation Reduction Act. Federal tax credits can cover 50% of the cost of building an offshore wind farm and more than 80% of the cost onshore.
Even the Biden Energy Department, in a 2023 report, estimates that power from new onshore wind farms costs more than from gas-fired plants on a per-megawatt-hour basis if you exclude subsidies. Wind with tax credits is about 25% less expensive. On the other hand, offshore wind costs two to three times more than gas power even with subsidies.
These estimates notably don’t account for the cost of backing up wind generation. Power from so-called peaker plants and batteries costs three to four times more than from baseload generators. It’s far cheaper to run gas, coal and nuclear plants around the clock than to use wind (and solar) some of the time and have to back them up with other forms of energy.
The reality of power and China
Anyone who believes, as we head towards the federal election, that net zero is an easy or even achievable goal for Australia has much to learn from North Asia correspondent Will Glasgow’s remarkable report on Monday about China’s “everything, everywhere, all at once” approach to its gargantuan energy needs.
It may be, as Glasgow reported, that in its zealous pursuit of all options to meet those needs, China, the world’s mightiest one-party state, has the advantage of being able to do things on its own terms.
There are no naive university students or disingenuous former government ministers in kayaks blocking its coal ports. It is unencumbered by any pesky democratic institutions that otherwise may stand in the way of the monolithic Chinese Communist Party doing what it wants. China is blessed with huge coal reserves, and the difference between our two countries on net zero is that the Chinese are unapologetic and unabashed in their determination to make the most of those coal reserves as well as their gas reserves. Australia should be, too.
China, as Glasgow reported leader Xi Jinping saying, is determined to follow the principle of “building the new before discarding the old”
that is an approach that should commend itself even to those environmental extremists in Australia who short-sightedly believe the priority is to abandon coal, whatever the cost to the economy and jobs, without having viable alternatives in place.
Newspaper Cover sums up TEALs in Australia
A second arsonist was arrested in LA.
So much for “climate change”.
The Palisades resident who defied evacuation orders and saved his home
“Some things in life are worth fighting for, you know. If I were to lose this house, it would be very difficult to afford to build a new house, to pay the enormous property taxes they have here. What would I do?,” he said.
As the fire began to encroach on his backyard Carr said he sprang into action, jumping fences to tackle spot fires from all directions using his hose, not only on the flames but also himself.
“I was awake all night, all day. I got a little bit of sleep after things calmed down a little bit, after all the houses all burned down. I did probably hurt a rib jumping a fence over there.”
He only wishes the Los Angeles Fire Department put in the same effort as he did.
Carr said “If they had had some fire trucks and just put a squirt here, a squirt there and kept an eye on things, all these houses would be here now. I’m telling you right now. I saw it with my own eyeballs. All these houses. The houses behind me they’re all gone. They started with one little spark, one little small fire. They just squirted those out, had a few people out there, they’d all be here now.”
After saving his house, does he think he was brave or reckless?
“Well, you know, I’ll leave that to other people to decide. I did what I needed to do, I did what I wanted to do, I did what I thought I could do and that’s what I did,” he said.
To his neighbors, Carr is a hero.
“Oh, actually they’ve been very gracious. The neighbor over here thanked me for saving his house and the neighbor over here thanked me. So, you know, thanks is plenty.” — Reuters
Who’s on first?
Oops! Wrong place.
Look it up, though, and laugh.
Carrie Underwood to sing “America the Beautiful” at TRUMP’s inauguration.
Leftoids in meltdown.
The Village People to perform at multiple Trump event. Trump is peerless when it comes to trolling the left.
The LA fire are, by definition, not wildfires. They may have commenced as wildfires but became predominantly house and contents fires. So knowing how houses catch on fire provides useful insight into preventing them.
I have annual maintenance on my gutters and roof valleys. Last year I sealed gaps between the tiles and some valleys because I found it a source of fine litter ingress into the roof space. The fire rated foam is not cheap and it takes a couple of bottles to do a single valley. I found placing a length of aluminium box section wrapped in freezer separation film into the valley confined the foam so that it worked up the gap rather than filling the valley.
I will do more valleys this year as it is not only a matter of excluding leaf litter but also excluding burning embers.
Today, I identified an emerging risk with my solar panels. These are mounted high enough to allow leaf litter to wash under the panel mounting rails when it rains. However the panels that are closest to the neighbours tree that drops most of the eucalyptus leaf litter has twigs damming the flow of water under the panels. That has resulted in leaf litter building up beneath the panels and it is not easy to remove. The twigs have to be pulled out by hand and then the rotting leaf and dust residue hosed out to get back to clean and clear.
Private insurers have been pulling out of fire prone areas of LA for a number of years. California has a government run insurance plan for some owners who could not get private insurance but there were still plenty of lost homes that did not have cover.
I expect Pacific Palisades will not look like it did a few weeks ago for many years to come. It will be an expensive and long recovery process. Newsom is already talking about tighter building regulations.
1,000 years ago, there were still fires there. However, there were no arsonists or houses/businesses/buildings to burn down. Maybe a few tents/teepees.
Here is some free advice. Do not build your home in a fire prone area. Do not build your home on a flood plain. Do not build your home anywhere near a volcano.
Think. That is what your brain is for. You may well live longer.
Newscum is a fruit loop. He will not be the Guv’nor for very long. And nor should he be. A complete waste of space with NFI,
FWIW – for analysis
“What is the truth about alcohol consumption
I take a deep dive into the question: How much alcohol should a person drink”
I know when I have had enough. I either run out of money or I fall over.
I should be long gone. Lies, damned lies and statistics.
Note: I have ALWAYS stayed “straight”.
Could become fashionable?
The Joe Rogan podcast has
become a sort of Absolution
Booth where elites under go 3
hours of ritualistic Bro-Talk before
being born again as the common
Failure to fire.
The northern monsoon in Australia is still MIA in 2025. Most of the ocean around northern Australia is above the 30C sustainable limit but the monsoon is yet to fire:,-27.12,1015/loc=118.123,-19.005
Very high convective potential is developing over land due to atmospheric moisture being drawn southward:,-27.12,1015/loc=141.836,-21.136
I wonder if a tropical depression will form over the land like last year or if a cyclone will spin up off the coast and then move toward land. There is a lot of energy in the northern oceans that needs to vent.
FWIW – Suggestions of something like that at WXMaps
From Watts up with that
Aussie Government ABC Struggles to Explain High Energy Prices
Essay by Eric Worrall
Australia already has a Gas Reserve Policy and the Legislation already exists. However, the ‘Pollies’ who all need to go to ‘SpecSavers’ cant see it and don’t know it is there.
Victoria needs to ‘Drill Baby Drill’ and make money to pay off the crippling State Debt and NSW needs to do the same. At least QLD, NT and WA are smart. The rest are bozzos.
The Bots, Borgs, & Humans Welcome You to 2025 A.D – NASA’s vision
The “experts” said quantum computing was decades away, 2040ish and that cracking RSA encryption would take billions of years, longer than the universe has existed, but was cracked in 2024 in 5 MINUTES.
I’ve said it’s all imminent not decades away
The future is now, and we aren’t ready.
I’d like to know why Cricket and EPL players have high numbers on their shirts when there are only 11 players in each team? Does the number represent their IQ or how many players they have in the Reserve teams/Substitutes?
Have you asked basketballers that?
Yeah, they said to ask the cricketers.
A better system
“Do Not Vaccinate Health Care Workers First.
If It Fails , We Are All In Trouble.
Vaccinate Politicans First,
If We Lose A Few Of Them It Won’t Matter.)”
Just give IQ tests first. That should do it.
‘How the War on Farmers Threatens Western Values and Global Food Security”
Activists try to devalue humans to second place behind everything in nature eg like little fish threatened with extinction in California, or sharks taking humans for meals. They seem to believe humans are a plague upon the earth that needs culling (said in less direct terms). They are not worried by Global Food security. Now the planet feeds 8Billion to the best standard ever, food shortages are the next best weapon to wipe a couple of billion off the planet Gaia. Mother Earth and all that.
Of all humans on the planet it appears we of the West are the least desirable due to our expertise in negotiating most natural problems. Its where the ‘racial supremacy’ slur comes in. Activists must pull their hair out seeing the collapse of overall global misfortune from natural disaster type events. Activists warn the reverse will be the case. Proven misinformation! They grabbed the AGW theory to be their four horsemen of the Apocalypse. What else can go wrong in their story of a hoped for armageddon in the West? The Earth, mother Gaia, GREENS!
For true believers and the bevy of authoritarian desiring global elitists, food shortage is just the next weapon to hatch up to clean up the planet. It is not something they would consider a problem at all. Its a means to an end imo.
China: TRAPPED in a 15 minute city by biometric scanners
The future is now. 😎
“Does Optus, or Vodafone, or Google, or Microsoft, or……..They just don’t like Elon Musk’s freedom of speech.”
FWIW – more “tangled web”?
“Mobilization Mania Overtakes Ukraine”
It was Simplicious or The Busker who went over it last week, and the number of soldiers they will get is far lower than what they are talking about, not to mention what it will do to Ukraine as a country whether it wins or loses. What will they do, replace all reproductive men killed with Muslim immigrants?
I love the head of NATO moaning about Russia versus NATO in weapons production-“In three months they make what NATO make in a year…You can buy a lot more in Russia with the same money because they do not have our high salaries, they do not have our bureaucracy, they can move at a higher speed..”
Welp, he can see the problems, will he do anything about it??
The UK Defense Secretary is laying the propaganda on thick as he argues for kids to be sent to the Ukie front lines!- “If you are against an enemy that wants to annihilate you, as Adolf Hitler did,..”
No, he didn’t want to kill all the British, he just wanted to kill those in charge.. That sounds like Putin right now, a change of power is what he wants, not to kill civilians. Anything to get America away from Russia’s borders.
Of course EVERYONE calling for more mobilisation in Ukraine will never get called up and sent off to die, so its easy for them..
When we experience the full spectrum of human emotion, from the depths of despair to the heights of ecstasy, we touch something transcendent, something that connects us to the cosmic dance of creation itself.
Yet here we stand at a precipice, seduced by the promise of a more manageable existence, reaching for pills and processors to modulate our consciousness, to smooth out the peaks and valleys of human experience.
With each technological intervention that distances us from our raw, messy, beautiful humanity, we sever another thread connecting us to our divine nature. The pills that numb our pain also numb our capacity for rapture. The algorithms that simplify our choices also diminish our capacity for wisdom. The neural interfaces that promise to enhance our minds may ultimately separate us from our souls.
Old age does all that, and the pills of old age are for different things…
There’s some great SciFi that talks of people living to 400-500years old or more, and the ennui it brings, with social opinions heavily against a re-lifer getting involved with a first-lifer, which of course is exactly what people would want..
FWIW – more covid scene
“Cancer is soaring, and still they deny the vaccine connection”
“Cancer is, essentially, a disease which depends on disordered replication of DNA, so-called mutations, when cells divide. There is therefore a plausible explanation for how covid vaccines could lead to cancer and, as Professor Dalgleish stated in these pages, ‘the link between covid vaccines and cancer can no longer be ignored’. Sadly, it has been.”
What are you worried about – you don’t need to die from Cancer any more, they sorted that out already:
Sheesh – you people and your ideas of what a public health system should be! (sarc)
Dr Peter Daszak of New York’s Eco-Health Alliance thinks that new strains of the virus have the potential to cause future pandemics. He spent years in the Chinese countryside looking for the coronaviruses that could jump from bats to humans.
Here he is talking to the BBC World Service programme, Science in Action…
Dr Peter Daszak
It would have been great to have found the precursor to SARS 2, but what would have been even better was to have found it before SARS 2 emerged and raise the red flag on it and stop the outbreak. But we didn’t do that. What we were looking for were… at the time … our hypothesis was that SARS 1, the original SARS virus which we all thought had disappeared , was still out there in bats – and that was what we were looking for. So we found a lot of SARS 1-related viruses.