The Week after Trump 2.0: EU suddenly realizes they have too many Green rules

By Jo Nova

The dam has broken

Trump has only been President for a week, and already policies on the far side of the world are shifting. Just like that, the European Union has realized they might have too many green regulations.

It’s only a “leaked draft” of a five year economic plan — but the favored hyperbolic term du jour “unprecedented” now applies to deregulation, not climate change: ““This Commission will deliver an unprecedented simplification effort…”. And apparently, next months unprecedented effort is just the first round of simplifications.

The draft document says they need to adapt to “new realities” — like possibly that the US economy is about to unshackle itself from the Net Zero ball-and-chain-fantasy and eclipse the EU.

EU’s new economic vision is speaking to Green Deal critics

A draft document shows Brussels putting deregulation before decarbonization.

Zia Weise, Politico

BRUSSELS — The European Union’s new economic “compass” has a north star the burgeoning movement to revoke stringent green rules will love.

A leaked draft of the European Commission’s competitiveness compass — an economic doctrine to guide the EU executive’s work for the coming five years — […]