By Jo Nova
The whole guilt trip about how the rich nations have ruined the world and need to pay reparations to the poor is rapidly losing currency.
The British may have started mining coal in third century, invented coal fired steam engines and made the first coal fired power plants, but by 1998 China had already burned more coal than Great Britain. In terms of cumulative coal burning, by 2018 China overtook the EU, and by 2020 it surpassed the US. China has now burnt more coal than any nation on Earth.
China has become the world’s coal furnace and no one gives a toss. Everyone in the West pretends to save carbon dioxide while they ship their factories to China, and buy the same things back from them. When will China have to pay reparations? Answer — Never. Because it was never really about CO2.
Cumulative CO₂ emissions from coal:
Coal is the largest single source of human CO2 emissions. In terms of the cumulative human emissions of CO2 from all sources, the USA is still the world leader. China almost certainly overtook Europe in the last twelve months, and it’s just a matter of time before China could theoretically take the blame for “man made global warming”. (If that title meant anything).
The point of this post, is to highlight how absurd the situation is. The white guilt for “climate change” is the point — not the gigatons of CO2. No one really gives a damn about carbon dioxide or they would be trying to solve “the China problem” as if life on Earth depended on solving it.
The whole planet and every koala will die, but no one has the time to add up a few sums and start talking about trade embargos, or boycotts, or even writing a strong letter to President Xi…