By Jo Nova
And so it begins, scientists start peeling off the climate change labels from the ideology
The Trump clean-out has not even started and the bow wave is washing off some of the faded advertising.
Just as ESG and DEI are quietly disappearing into the bushes, soon, “climate change” will vanish too.
One day most scientists will say “we always knew it was overdone”. But right now, brave scientists are sticking to their beliefs … playing the victim card and adopting new advertising to keep their funding.
Anxious scientists brace for Trump’s climate denialism: ‘We have a target on our backs’
Oliver Milman, The Guardian
The prospect of an even more ideologically driven Trump administration slashing budgets and mass-firing federal staff has given America’s scientific community a sort of collective anxiety attack. “We all feel like we have a target on our backs,” said one National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration scientist, who added that agency staff are already seeking to “pivot” by replacing mentions of the climate crisis with more acceptable terms such as “air quality”.
“My god, it’s so depressing,” said another federal scientist about the incoming administration. A doctoral candidate, when asked about entering the workforce under Trump, simply puffed her cheeks and groaned. “If someone offered me a departmental position now, I’d jump,” said one Nasa researcher.
It’s not like modern science is a lap-dog serving whoever feeds them the biggest biscuits…
Science is in such a crisis, even the Guardian staff realize something is wrong:
But scientists in the US face a broader crisis beyond the next president, amid a swirl of misinformation and declining trust in the profession among the American public. Overall trust in scientists has fallen by 10% since the pandemic, Pew polling has shown,…
And the AGU President, who helped turn science into a religion, accidentally explains some of it:
“When we get that kind of polling data, it is concerning,” acknowledged Lisa Graumlich, a paleoclimatologist and the current AGU president.
“The conspiracy theories are out there, the misinformation is there,” said Graumlich. “Social media engines and the algorithms can take a person that isn’t necessarily prone to a conspiracy mindset and have them end up in this rabbit hole of misinformation.”
Where was Graumlich when NASA and NOAA were spreading misinformation that science is done by groupthink and consensus? Or when they pretended evidence came from computer simulations of Earth, and not the real thing?
And yet, already, in The Guardian desert of journalism — one tiny sensible shoot appears:
Some researchers think scientists should adapt to this hyper-partisan environment by sticking to unadorned facts, rather than anything that could be seen as campaigning. “We have been come to be seen as just another partisan lobbying group,” said Ken Caldeira, a climate scientist.
That’s a good start.
H/t to Willie Soon.
Alarmists must be feeling the shock,
As ‘settled science’ now hits a roadblock,
Fearing their climate pipe dreams,
Will come apart at the seams,
With Donald Trump in charge, taking stock.
Image by Helen Boulton from Pixabay