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Like a bomb: Trump tells Robert F Kennedy Jr to “go wild” on the CDC, FDA, NIH, Big-Food, and Big Pharma

By Jo Nova

It’s a war on The Blob

Trump has endorsed the man they call the anti-vax conspiracy theorist, the one who wrote the book accusing Anthony Fauci of abusing his power for thirty years. (Something Fauci has not sued him for). RFK Jr has relentlessly criticized the CDC, the FDA, and the NIH for more than twenty years, while they’ve mocked him and refused to give him the data, and now he’ll be in charge of them.

This move has been telegraphed for months, and happened exactly as promised, yet shares in vaccine makers GSK, Moderna, Pfizer, and Sanofi fell  three to seven percent today anyhow.

It’s a moment of master trolling. The far right extremist Donald Trump has put a Democrat environmentalist in charge of health and told him to “Go wild”.

RFK condemned as clear and present danger. Trump.


Despite the so-called “controversy” of this decision, everyone seems to have forgotten that only six weeks ago the former head of the CDC, Robert Redfield, admitted that Trump and Kennedy were both right. In a blockbuster Newsweek article, the man Kennedy had criticized said:

“All three of the principal health agencies suffer from agency capture”. “A large portion of the FDA‘s budget is provided by pharmaceutical companies. NIH is cozy with biomedical and pharmaceutical companies and its scientists are allowed to collect royalties on drugs NIH licenses to pharma.

“Donald Trump Has a Plan to Make America’s Children Healthy Again. It’s a Good One.”  Trump, he said, “has chosen exactly the only person who can do this, Robert F Kennedy, Jnr.”

Staff within the CDC and FDA are so concerned about decisions to vaccinate babies, but afraid to speak up, they say “It’s like a horror movie I’m being forced to watch”.

Government institutions have been rotting for decades. Way back in 1969 the retired FDA Commissioner Dr Herbert Ley warned us:

“The FDA protects the big drug companies… and attack those who threaten the big drug companies. People think that the FDA is protecting them. It isn’t.”

” Ley stated that he had “constant, tremendous, sometimes unmerciful pressure” from the drug industry”

Kennedy’s core point — there were no placebo controlled studies before licensing any of the 72 childhood vaccines

As Kennedy says in the video below: Every other medication requires that the company performs a safety trial that compares health outcomes and placebo group and a similarly situated vaccine group. My assumption was done for vaccines, but we found out that they weren’t.

To simply get this answer he had to ask for the data, get publicly scorned, sue the HHS, and it took a year of litigation to get a letter confirming they were not able to locate a single trial.

These are zero liability vaccines.


Kennedy is such a radical he thinks it’s a problem that nearly one in every five teenagers has fatty liver disease, one in four women are on anti-depressants, 40% of teens have a mental health diagnosis, and fifteen percent of high schoolers are on amphetamine. In other words, he’s as mainstream as anyone in health could get.

Who are the crazy people:

Luckily, there is a solution for Trump Derangement Syndrome:

(Don’t stop at the logo, there’s more.)

Wow. The rise of AI satire. One day we will wonder how we filled 24 hour television with no AI.


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