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Record numbers are not buying the narrative: Nearly 70% of Americans don’t trust The Media

By Jo Nova

The Blob are losing control of the message

Even Gallup admits the US is suffering from a crisis in confidence in their institutions, and the least trusted of all is “the media”.

For some reason, telling readers that they are selfish, small minded people who are screwing up the world isn’t resonating with the Rednecks. In 2020 40% of US Citizens thought the media was trustworthy, but now only 31% do, an all time record low. This is the same media that told us elections were secure, vaccines were safe and effective and Joe Biden was sharp as a tack right up until the day everyone discovered he had dementia.

The Pullitzer-prize-guys fell for every bureaucratic lie they could —  Hunter Bidens laptop was Russian disinfo, ivermectin was horse-dewormer, and an unarmed mob with a horned hat and flags staged an insurrection against the  largest military power in the world.

There’s a price to pay for lying and the media have barely began to pay it.

Obviously they need to censor blogs and social media

The big question is why do 31% still trust the media?

Possibly their paypacket depends on believing the program. And welfare is so much easier to take with a dose of Media entitlement-sauce.

It’s a long term decline

The full graph shows just how different things used to be. Once upon a time, 70% of the people believed the media.

Imagine a tool so effective, with such a brand, that 70% of voters believed it. Such a tool would be a magnet for the rich and powerful to control for other purposes, and so it has come to pass…

Americans' Trust in Media Remains at Trend Low


The media are impartial professionals, of course, but for some reason the audience are biased:

Over half of Democrats like what they hear, but only 1 in 8 Republicans do.

Americans' Trust in Media Remains at Trend Low


Trump’s Fake News meme in 2016 hit a nerve with Republicans and it stuck. The hate campaign against him only proves his point to Republican voters.

Since the media are supposed to be the watchdogs, the graph is almost a proxy for the decline of The West.



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