Life on Earth is about to collapse but the government may have to keep their 2035 emissions target a secret until after our next election. Shucks…
The government was supposed to release the “2035 update” by February next year. It was part of the sacred Paris Agreement that they pump up the NetZero promises every five years, which means by February 2025. But when The Australian newspaper asked if the government would keep that deadline, the spokeswoman pointedly did not say “Yes”.
When asked by The Australian if the government would stick to its February deadline, the spokeswoman said: “The Albanese government is working to bring down energy prices and emissions after a decade of delay, dysfunction and denial – but our progress is precarious.
— by Rosie Lewis, The Australian
Australia will, of course, be caught in the wake of the US Election with our election due by May next year. It will be impossible to run on climate piety if Trump wins (beyond the margin of cheating). And the rise of skeptical parties in Europe is surely spooking campaign managers.
Suddenly climate activists don’t want climate on the agenda
In tandem, ‘o-so-conveniently, the chief climate propaganda unit simultaneously announced they might have to delay giving their “frank and fearless advice” until after the election too, proving they are not frank or fearless at all. They’re scared the voters will drive a pike through their climate balloon.
They all know the public won’t vote for the Labor Party if they reveal their extortionate plans. The only way for the blob to get what they want is to hide it. They are just copying “the Team-Kamala Plan”. (Don’t mention the Climate.) In the US, Kamala is saying nothing about the climate, and the Greens fully endorse her silence. The only way to solve that paradox is to assume Kamala plans to deceive the voters, and the Green approve of the deceit.
For the same reasons, The Climate Change Authority (CCA) (the Australian propaganda unit) also realize that if they lay out the path to Net Zero by 2050 before the election, the Prime Minister will be put on the spot, and forced to deny or admit the points on the list, and they don’t want that. He might have to agree to let Australians buy the car they want, eat whatever they like, and even install gas stoves. That won’t stop him doing those things after the election, but it will make it more embarrassing. It’s harder to win the subsequent election if the opposition can play an annoying reel of him saying “there will be no carbon tax under the government I lead” and that sort of thing. It’s so much better to lay low, then spring those horrible plans later, after a storm or a flood.
Look at the vapid excuses the Climate Change Authority make for delaying the “advice”:
CCA chair Matt Kean, who was hand-picked by Mr Bowen [The Minister], said the release of the advice wouldn’t be “dictated by domestic political timetables”, leaving open the possibility of it coming after the federal election.
In other words, it is absolutely being dictated by domestic political timetables.
“The Climate Change Authority’s role is to provide independent, frank and fearless advice to the parliament and to the government of the day, irrespective of political colour,” Mr Kean, a former NSW Liberal treasurer, said.
“That advice needs to be informed by all of the facts and that’s why we will take our time to do the appropriate work to ensure the recommendations we make are as robust as possible.”
— by Rosie Lewis, The Australian
Never in history did they wait for “all the facts” before telling everyone what to do.
The only voters who want NetZero targets are the billionaires who invest in unreliable power
There are no school-girls screaming for climate action any more, just investors:
As the Climate Change Authority prepares to release a review into what actions key sectors could take to reach net zero by 2050, Investor Group on Climate Change policy managing director Erwin Jackson said businesses needed stability.
“Investors are looking for all governments to announce strong 2035 climate targets well before the COP in Brazil at the end of next year,” he said.
“Failing to act on climate change will make the job of Australian farmers, businesses, communities and investors even harder as they face more extreme weather events and an increasingly volatile future.”
When they say “businesses need stability” they really mean “businesses need subsidies”.
Climate plans will not be released,
Until after elections at least,
As talk of emissions,
Raises voter suspicions,
Whose skeptical views have increased.