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The oceans are overflowing, give us a trillion, says UN witchdoctor Guterres

By Jo Nova

And where was the ABC, the BBC, the CBC…

This week UN was scaring the kiddies again in order to increase the river of funds that it feeds from. Harder to understand,  science journalists were rushing to sell-out their homelands and repeat their incantations. We’re worrying about a 3mm annual rise (at most) but while Grok was inventing the wheel circa 5,000 BC, oceans were 2,000 millimeters higher. That surging water left clues like piles of giant oyster shells that are still 20 kilometers inland at Taiwan.

In the frozen depths of the last ice age, the water piled up at the poles in the ice caps and the oceans shrank 125 unthinkable meters below where they are today. We’re getting precious about losing a sand dune, but Mesolithic people lost entire continental shelves.

Only a poorly educated high schooler, or a UN Secretary-General, might be silly enough to think that the oceans had stayed the same for a million years and just jumped up 20 centimeters…

Science communication is a train-wreck. When will the “journos” discover the Pleistocene.

UN Secretary General warns "ocean is overflowing"

Axios https://www.axios.com/2024/08/27/un-sea-level-rise-antonio-guterres

The prophesy reads like a new Bible:

UN Secretary-General António Guterres warned Tuesday that rising sea levels will “soon swell to an almost unimaginable scale with no lifeboat to take us back to safety,” highlighting the dire threat the crisis poses to Pacific Island nations.

The UN wants to be your God and they need your money:

A coalition of NGOs used the forum’s backdrop on Tuesday to release a report claiming at least $US1 trillion in climate finance is needed to support low-income countries.

While seas have risen in Tonga they have barely shifted in places like Kiribati, Fiji or Tuvalu. Does the money follow “the tide gauges”? Will the BBC or ABC ever ask Guterres a single hard question.

Monthly Sea Level Rise, Kiribati, Pacific.


According to 1000 tide gauges,spread all over the globe, sea levels are rising slowly at around 1mm a year. The rise started long before human CO2 output increased, and there is no sign of acceleration with rapidly increasing human emissions of CO2. Careful analysis of 60 beaches in Northern Europe to find one of the most stable gauges in the world agrees.  The Topex/Poseidon satellite sea-level data set also showed similar rates until they were adjusted up to fit climate models (or one sinking gauge in Hong Kong). Likewise the Envisat sea-level satellite data was also adjusted up. Vincent Gray graphed sea level around many South Pacific Islands. There is no CO2 induced disaster.

Sea Level

[Based on data from Jevrejura et al]

And for the record, below is the latest data on all the South Pacific Islands monitored by the Bureau of Meteorology. Natural variability surges according to it’s own beat. The Pacific Ocean slops back and forth, and the ground beneath the islands shifts too.

Pacific Sea level rises 1992 - 2024. Kiribati, Tuvalu, Samoa, Fiji, Tonga, Cook Islands, PNG.

From the Pacific Sea Level and Geodetic Monitoring Project Monthly Data Reports


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