Doctors-committees call for Joint Global Health Emergency (even though global warming saves lives)

The Guardian via Climate Depot

By Jo Nova

Lets meld climate and health into one giant government quasi religion. What could possibly go wrong?

The medical industry leapt into politics and medical witchcraft on Saturday, calling to fuse human and planetary health into the one all-purpose emergency.

This is despite humans living longer now than they’ve ever lived, eating more food than they ever have, and being less likely to die in storms, floods and cyclones.

Climate disasters are less costly, less deadly | Graph — Global death rate from disasters last century, per capita. Our World in Data. Hannah Ritchie and Max Roser.

This is despite a truckload of papers on 74 million people showing 6 to 20 times as many people die in cold times rather than warm ones. Rather than being dangerous, global warming saves 160,000 lives a year. All over the world, people die in winter more than summer, year after year. Even in hot cities like Brisbane, cold weeks are the killers, not the hot ones. Room temperature is linked to mortality, and there’s no heatwave on Earth that can’t be solved with more air conditioning. Give the poor and downtrodden […]