Great Barrier Reef in record coral cover but 97% of Australians don’t know it

By Jo Nova

Only 3% of Australians know the true state of the Reef!

Ten years ago, coral cover on the Great Barrier Reef hit record lows. The news has been full of dire reports of bleaching ever since, but quietly, a phenomenal recovery was blossoming across the full 2,000 kilometer span of the reef. Last year coral cover hit a record high — better than any year since records began in 1986. Corals are thriving but Australians are spending half a billion dollars to save them?

I’m a Director of the Australian Environment Foundation, and after this new record, I worked with fellow Director Peter Ridd to arrange surveys to find out whether Australians had heard the news. What we found was a nation mis-informed.

I am honored to issue the report below. Please forward it on, send letters to the Editors and tell the world. Consider joining the AEF to help us get more science into environmental debates.

— Jo



Great Barrier Reef in record coral cover but 97% of Australians don’t know it

Australian Environment Foundation (AEF)

23 April 2023
