Are young Americans growing out of the climate religion?
In a healthy sign, young adults aged 18 to 29 are much more skeptical now than they were five years ago. A 17% decline in the number who think climate change was mostly or entirely man-made is a major fall, especially in a large survey of 5,400 people.
Across all age groups American belief that climate change was mostly or entirely man-made fell from 60% in 2018 down to 49% in 2023. The fall was almost entirely in Democrat and Independent voters.
Republican voters were much more skeptical to start with and haven’t changed at all, which EPIC described as “stable” because that sounded a lot better than “skeptical”.
Democrats are persuaded by scientists, storms, and hot weekends, Republicans, not so much:

Source: EPIC
Suggestible people who are primed to see hurricanes, floods and heatwaves as evidence of man-made climate change will believe they were influenced by the weather. Obviously, it’s circular too: those primed to believe a normal downpour is a rain-bomb will also believe they have experienced “extreme events”.

Source: EPIC
The only thing this graph shows is that the profoundly unscientific trick of calling every event “climate change” works like a form of mass hypnosis on about 20 – 30% of the population.
Hardly anyone acts like we are facing an existential threat
In other news, despite 74% of Americans thinking climate change is happening, and 50% thinking it is mostly man-made, most Americans can’t be bothered, or didn’t want to pay the cost of using electricity made from renewables.
In other words, three quarters of Americans use an electricity supplier that is probably mostly fossil fueled or nuclear.
Only a third of Americans are even willing to spend $10 a month on climate change:
It’s only a phone survey, not an invoice, but 70% of Americans don’t want to spend a mere $2.50 each week to save the world from climate change. How much do they care?
Despite this resounding lack of passion on the part of voters, the Uniparty will continue to offer climate policies at elections which most voters don’t want or barely have an interest in.
Let’s start using these poll results to hammer the disconnect.
h/t Climate Depot with thanks to The Liberal Patriot.
The AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. (April, 2023). “Americans’ views on climate, energy policy and electric vehicles” [] Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago
This nationwide poll was conducted by The AP-NORC Center and the Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago (EPIC) from January 31-February 15, 2023, using TrueNorth®, which combines a sample from AmeriSpeak, the probability-based panel of NORC at the University of Chicago, with a non-probability panel sample. Online and telephone interviews using landlines and cell phones were conducted with 5,408 adults. The margin of sampling error is +/- 1.7 percentage points. A full topline is available at