Christmas Eve Open Thread

Wishing everyone a Very Merry Christmas

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109 comments to Christmas Eve Open Thread

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    Merry Christmas to everyone.


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      One of my favourite places, but could do with improved signposting. Back on the track again in 2023 for another short walk.


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    John Connor II

    JC2 xmas weight loss tip: Just 11 minutes of walking ‘inefficiently’ provides same benefits as vigorous exercise

    PHOENIX, Ariz. — Monty Python’s “Ministry of Silly Walks” may have had it right all along! A new study has found that walking inefficiently actually provides the same benefits as vigorous exercise.

    With that in mind, researchers discovered that “silly walking” for just a few minutes a day, just like comedian John Cleese’s character Mr. Teabag, can boost cardiovascular fitness and increase overall activity levels. Interestingly, study authors say the way to help inactive people reach healthy exercise goals is by making simple tasks like walking as inefficient as possible!

    “Our analysis of the energy consumed during different styles of walking seeks to empower people to move their own bodies in more energetic—and hopefully joyful—ways,” study authors write in a media release. “Efforts to boost cardiovascular fitness should embrace inclusivity and inefficiency for all.”

    What about Mr. Putey’s silly walk?
    Researchers note that physical inactivity rates really haven’t budged over the last 20 years. In an effort to change that, they took some inspiration from the classic 1971 comedy sketch, featuring Cleese as Mr. Teabag and Monty Python co-star Michael Palin as Mr. Putey.

    Study authors gathered 13 healthy adults (six women, seven men) between the ages of 22 and 71 (average age 34) with no history of heart or lung disease and no trouble walking. They all watched the Ministry of Silly Walks sketch before participating in three five-minute walking tests. On an indoor track, each person walked normally at their own pace, then they did their best impression of Mr. Putey’s silly walk, before finally trying to do Mr. Teabag’s silly walk.

    Results show that walking “Teabag style” led to significantly greater levels of energy expenditure — roughly two and a half times more than a normal walk! Specifically, researchers found that participants walking normally had an oxygen uptake of 11.3 mL/kg/min (or 3.2 METs).

    That was very similar to Mr. Putey’s walk, which led to an oxygen uptake of 12.3 mL/kg/min (3.5 METs). On the other hand, mimicking Mr. Teabag’s silly walk led to an oxygen uptake of 27.9 mL/kg/min, or 8 METs! That qualifies as vigorous-intensity exercise.

    Follow me for fitness tips.
    The footpaths should be interesting in January.🤣


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    John Connor II

    Well, that’s not very Christmassy!

    A sign of what’s coming.
    Reading the comments, Whole Foods is in big trouble, of their own making.


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    John Connor II

    Congrats and a merry xmas to one polly in Slovakia, standing up to the nonsense


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    Happy Christmas to you all.

    And very best wishes for 2023 but I wish I felt confident about next year because we face many problems as a nation and globally.

    But Blackout Bowen the Prince of Darkness and Each Way Albo believe that the solutions are build more Wind Turbines, maybe their defence recommendations will be build timber sailing ships for the RAN?


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      Yes Dennis, I agree.

      And Economically speaking there are essentially two options for next year:

      1. Central banks continue to ramp up interest rates to get the inflation devil back into his box (target range); in Australia that’s 2.0 to 3.0%;

      2. Central banks lift the target range for inflation (in Australia say to 3.00 to 4.00% or higher) and back-off on the interest rate increases, keeping them under the inflation rate.


      Option 1: inflation is mitigated, but the economy contracts and we have a full-on recession, with all that implies.

      Option2: Inflation stays high (and possibly grows); interest rates stay below the inflation rate (negative rates) helping governments pay off their debts as inflation does its work, while the economy muddles along with higher unemployment and falling standards of living.

      Either way you can thank the green-left for a replay of the disasterous Whitlam years. Mr Khemlani is in the wings, waiting.

      Happy New Year.


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        Graeme No.3

        What makes you think that the government intends paying off the debt?

        I hope that doesn’t spoil your Christmas.


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          Each Way & Comrades have no intention of paying off the Federal debt that contrary to them deliberately misleading people again, the gross debt that Labor inherited as recorded in the Coalition 2022/23 Budget Current Accounts was round $900 billion (ABC Fact Check confirmed this, not my favourite but least likely media source to contradict Labor), the $1 trillion often repeated is Forward Estimates of future debt level.

          Also Labor will not admit that over $400 billion of the Current Account Debt is their responsibility handed over to the Abbott Coalition Government in September 2013 and consisting of borrowing exceeding Labor’s debt ceiling limit, they also under estimated their last budget deficit in their 2013/14 Budget as the independent auditors revealed, and the debt required to pay for Labor’s 2013/14 very expensive budget commitments agreed to with the State governments, NDIS and Gonski grants. Treasurer Hockey of the Abbott Government announced a new debt ceiling of $500 billion to fund NDIS and Gonski with a contingency factor just in case there was more to pay for.

          State Labor debts, notably QLD and VIC are also a major concern, for example VicGov have committed to the most expensive infrastructure project ever, a railway line link including Tullamarine Airport on the route and together with Albanese Labor a new State Electricity Commission to build offshore Wind Turbines and onshore, new transmission line for them and other high cost expenditure, and that’s only for VIC.

          The gross Federal debt by the 2025 election will be heading towards $1.5 trillion or more, and also consider essential at this point in history defence expenditure recommended by the Inquiry due to announce recommendations first quarter 2023.


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    Andrew McRae

    In SEQ the temperatures have been relatively cool for this time of year.
    e.g. 3pm temperatures at Brisbane airport. Historic average of 26.5°C, running avg for last 24 days 25.1°C.
    And it’s been noticeably cooler than normal the last 7 days.

    Bloody supply chain shortages.
    Can’t even get a decent summer any more.


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    Peter C

    Jo is too busy this year to find a Christmas card?

    Here is a Christmas Carol;

    Hodie Christus natus est
    hodie Salvator apparuit:
    hodie in terra canunt Angeli,
    laetantur Archangeli:
    hodie exsultant justi, dicentes:
    Gloria in excelsis Deo, alleluja.


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    John Hultquist

    The source of the song “Last Month of the Year” seems to be Adele “Vera” Hall:

    The names Ruby Pickens Tartt and Alan Lomax may appear but they are the folks that documented and recorded songs, not the authors.
    An album – not very successful – by the Kingston Trio, had this as the last song on the album of the same name. It was released in 1960; I was in high school.

    I’m writing on Christmas Eve – Eve.
    Merry Christmas


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    John Connor II

    Xmas funny: Buying a clothes iron. Liberal version


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    John Connor II

    WEF Wants To Cancel Christmas To Fight Climate Change

    The World Economic Forum is now calling for Christmas holiday traditions to be canceled in coming years as part of an effort to save the environment.

    The WEF has ordered mainstream media outlets to begin pushing the anti-Christmas narrative and wants to introduce an international policy that will require governments to phase out Christmas traditions in their countries in favor of “carbon-neutral” celebrations.

    This year, the liberal sadists at CNN want their audience to cancel Christmas plans because of climate change. The Guardian, another globalist mouthpiece firmly under the control of the WEF, has told its readers that giving gifts and enjoying traditional Christmas meals is “vulgar” and needs to stop.

    Instead of turkey and all the trimmings, the Guardian wants you to cancel your traditional Christmas meal and replace it with insects, bugs, crickets and Bill Gates’ synthetic fake meat.

    Now, what exactly would a carbon-neutral xmas look like? I hate to think.
    Join me in giving Klaus Schwab and the WEF a giant inflatable middle finger for this one.😁😁


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      another ian

      And the usual gang want you back in the bivalent booster line “because long covid”

      One enticement –

      ” In a grotesquely transparent effort to help sell more jabs, WebMD published a ridiculous story last week headlined, “Have Long COVID? Newest Booster Vaccines May Help You.”

      Hahahahahaha! A little more spike protein will do the trick! Maybe! You never know.

      There’s a gold rush on; a race by totally neutral, unbiased scientists to help pharma sell more jabs, by publishing “scientific studies” showing that like miracle cures of old, mRNA snake oil might not stop you catching the disease but it can probably fix up your long covid. Probably. Maybe. It might work.

      To support its radical claims of the miraculous jab’s therapeutic effects, WebMD quoted totally-neutral “doctor” Stephen J. Thomas, MD, described as an infectious disease specialist at Upstate Medical Center in Syracuse, NY. Get this: the unbiased doctor was the Medical Center’s lead principal investigator for Pfizer’s original, deeply-flawed vaccine trials. Dr. Thomas helpfully explained “The theory is that by boosting, the immune system may be able to ‘mop up’ those virus stragglers that have remained behind after your first cleanup attempt.”

      Or, if the jabs didn’t kill or completely disable you the first time, boosting might clean up that problem.

      Dr. Thomas didn’t offer any specific scientific mechanism for how the lipid nanoparticles, mRNA, and outdated spikes could possibly help “mop up” any “left behind” covid virus. He might be implying that boosters can teach the body how to make antibodies to new variants, but that still wouldn’t explain how it could possibly treat “long covid,” which is supposedly the lingering effects caused by an earlier infection.”

      From today’s “Covid and Coffee Newsletter”

      Merry Christmas everyone


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        G’day a i,
        I’ve only followed the “Long Covid” story with casual interest, as I’ve hoped to avoid it completely with my Zelenko-inspired approach. That seems to be working.
        But my interest in Long Covid continues as it seems to have some of the same propaganda symptoms as “Climate Change”. In this case it’s vague definition, deliberate lack of measurement, let alone reporting of key indictors a such as vitamin D levels, and no autopsies, and suppression of ideas and people.
        And those thoughts lead to a question: since compromised immune systems are regularly mentioned, would vitamin D3 supplementation (with its cofactors etc) be a possible cure?

        Dave B


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      another ian

      Re these insects we are “going to enjoy” – a thought that came up while peeling prawns for Christmas lunch

      How do you peel the exoskeleton of an insect for consumption?

      Or, if it is all in, what is the nutritional value of that exoskeleton?

      Now our small dog does like cleaning up fingernail clippings but reckons that two hands is about enough


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        I do not underetand the logic of those not relishing the possibility of consuming insects whilst happily settling into a plate of prawns .
        As far as i am concerned, prawns are just a wet version of cockroaches, equally unapealing !
        And likwise, but more so, those “Balmain/Morton Bay Bugs !


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          another ian

          Arsenic is borderline on being an essential trace mineral. We are in a borderline deficient area.

          Prawns are high in arsenic.



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      paul courtney

      Mr. Connor: We need to give up Christmas, but the right to protest against fossil fuels is sacred.


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    Okay, it is an Unthreaded, and it is somewhat Christmas related, and it is also music related as well.

    Our Son visits often, and a year ago, he mentioned Music in his car, and how the radio is just basically ‘Talk’ these days, so he was plugging into Spotify via his phone.

    It gave me a hint as to a Christmas present for him, (last year) and basically, it was for me as well. He mentioned I have a USB Port in the (2018) Corolla I have now, and I can put music on the ‘stick’, and play that through the car’s sound system.

    So I made Playlists from my vast collection of 300+ LP’s, now long ago digitised. A task easier said than done, but it is done now.

    I had four Playlists, and 275 songs in all, and that’s enough, as I’m only half way through the third time round for all of them, after a year’s worth of travel in the car, so you never get used to it, and they’re all my favourites anyway. There were others I downloaded from Apple Music, converted from m4a to mp3 to play in the car, and they weren’t too expensive really.

    Anyway, recently he mentioned he had heard a song that was a huge hit for the recording artist, but was originally written by Bob Dylan, and he didn’t know that. So, it being Christmas now, I decided to add a new Playlist for him, (and me as well) of Dylan songs recorded by other artists, and made into huge hits no less.

    Dylan gets ‘Royalties’ every time one of his songs is played or recorded and then calculated on Album sales, Single sales, CD sales, Online sales etc etc.

    Dylan is the second most covered artist (after The Beatles) in the history of music. Just from the Royalties alone, his annual income is $20 Million, just the Royalties alone.

    Okay then ….. square one.

    It’s 1963, and a 21 year old Bob Dylan has had One album produced, and it barely broke even just. The guy who signed Dylan to Columbia Records (John Hammond) is all but a laughing stock, and Dylan is referred to as Hammond’s Folly, I mean who would buy a song from that whiner who can barely hold two notes in a row.

    Bob has just written some new ‘stuff’, and has been trying it out in the Folk Clubs. Bob’s Manager comes up to him and mentions that Peter Paul and Mary heard one of his songs in the club, and they want to record it for their new album. PP&M are already Huuuuuuuge, and a flattered Bob says okay. Coincidentally, Bob has the same manager as PPM, and he mentions how big PP&M are, and it could be a good move. They also wanted two other of his songs for the same album as well.

    I mean, with Bob’s history, he has no idea whatsoever that he is about to become the next big thing, and here, BIG BIG thing, so he agrees.

    PP&M record the song ….. in one take no less, and put it on their new (their third) album. They also release it as Single. The album and the Single are released three weeks after Bob’s new album ….. The Freewheelin’ Bob Dylan’.

    That single was Blowin’ In The Wind, and it sold 300,000 copies of that Single ….. in the first week, and went on to sell a Million copies, and was a big Number One hit for the band.

    I’m not certain, but I think Bob got between 6 and 9 cents for every copy sold, and more for the album. (with three of his songs on it)

    Imagine that very first Royalty cheque.

    From then on, when his Manager asked the question, Bob said yes to everything.

    His career took off like you could not believe, and a who’s who of other big names also had huge hits with Bob’s songs.

    So, I chased (some of) them down, and at times each song would have been recorded by up to and greater than 100 artists and bands across the years. (Blowin’ in the Wind almost 400 Covers)

    I stopped adding songs after his first 18 albums in 13 years and he took two years away after his motorbike accident, so he was really prolific. I just used some of the big ones and even then I have 14 separate artists and bands.

    Without doubt, he was the genius of the music (what can only be called now) ‘industry’.

    “Yeah! Okay! Why Not?”

    And later …… “Holy Cr@p!”



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      Tony, i followed the same path..
      ..vinyl to CD
      ..CD to digital listing ( Itunes for a while)
      Compiled playlists on memory sticks, I phones etc.
      …But then i discovered SPOTIFY Playlists and their search/save function that is so much quicker and a virtually unlimited backalbum lists.
      I now carch didtant music memory snippits on the radio or movies etc, and then search/ save from Spotify.
      My phone now has 50+ years of musical favorits available to me everywhere i go, Cars, BT speakers, aircraft ( noise cancelling Airbuds are magic)
      One of the few modern tech App that i fully approve of…( + Google maps !)


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    Three men die in a car accident Christmas Eve. They all find themselves at

    the pearly gates waiting to enter Heaven. On entering they must present something “Christmassy” to show they remember the holiday, or off to hell they go.

    The first man searches his pocket, and finds some Mistletoe, so he is allowed in.

    The second man presents a candy cane, so he too is allowed in.

    The third man pulls out a pair of panties. Confused at this last gesture, St. Peter asks, “How do these represent Christmas?”

    The man responded, “They’re Carol’s.”


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    Happy whatever.. !

    Cheers 🙂


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    Merry Christmas everyone !!

    Jo, I sent through a donation via bank transfer (not under this anonymous online name ofc), though I wish I could give more at present.

    I really hope everyone else who reads this blog frequently also decides to donate, you’re a national treasure.

    May we pray the coming year will not be the year they totally wreck the energy grid in Australia, though I’m sure the Labor Party will give it a good go, then blame any blackouts on coal being so ‘costly and unreliable’. Just as we’ve ‘always been at war with Eastasia’, we’ve also always had blackouts because of our over reliance on unreliable coal 🙂 so remember this when the milk goes bad in the warm fridge 🙂


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    Christmas eve, 51 yrs since cyclone Althea. Townsville has lived in relative peace since.

    A peaceful Christmas to all, take care.



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    A controversial christmas song by M A Numminen, a Finnish artist who started his career as a avantgarde and underground artist. The song is called “Joulupukki puree ja lyĂś”, in English: ‘Santa Claus bites and strikes’

    More about a man himself

    Song is in Finnish, but story goes somewhat like this:

    Everything is in place for Santa Claus to pay a visit. There’s a knock at the door. A big beardless man is there and he raises his fist and shouts (asking questions with a loud voice actually): ” Why are you smiling?, where’s the money and gifts for Santa? where’s drink and enormous bottle of booze?”

    Some music and then Santa continues: “Goddammit brats, I’m gonna beat you and I don’t spare papa or mama either.” Santa tackles father, pulls childrens hairs. Then he rushes to the table and steals all the food and checks the house if there’s something to steal. A family cries. At the end reindeers come inside and eat everything that is green. Finally a family runs away, Santa destroys their house and finally he leaves the village.

    I wish all of you Merry Christmas!


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    Steve of Cornubia

    Wait. It’s Christmas? Sorry, didn’t realise, what with no snow, it’s still daylight at 4pm and the windows don’t have ice on them. Plus I don’t have to shout up the stairs at kids who are too excited go to bed.

    Sorry, oldie ex-Brit living in QLD 🙂 🙁


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    Merry Christmas from at the moment sunny, ca. 11°C hot Germany


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      Currently 1F in Minnesota USA probably about -14c Damn cold and damn snowy. A county north of us was without electricity earlier today and I don’t have additional news. 70mph winds and mostly blizzard conditions.

      Why I live here is a good question…..


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    David Maddison

    An excellent recent video from Tony Heller, “Shutting Down Power Plants”.

    All politicians should watch it.

    Note, I am providing a free speech NewTube link in preference to censored YouTube.

    Approx. 4 mins.


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    Merry Christmas to all. For a taste of early Australian Christmas humour google

    John O’Brien “Tangmalangoloo”


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      Russia is abducting MANY Ukrainians and taking them to Russia.

      Is either or both true?

      If you claim the TRUTH I’ll call BS.


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        There. Have been numerous abductions. This from the UN

        The refugees here in the UK invariably know of family members and friends who have been kidnapped


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        robert rosicka

        We know the Russians did “relocate” Ukrainian citizens to Russia and we do know they were rounding up their own youth forcibly to use as cannon fodder . I would be surprised if Ukraine was doing anything other than conscription because the whole country is virtually behind this one cause and are fighting for freedom . So far very successfully by any measure considering they are fighting off a super power .


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        “Russia is abducting MANY Ukrainians and taking them to Russia.”

        If that is so, then why?

        Does Russia want kidnapped foreigners living in there, plotting against a Govt they hate?

        Does Russia want saboteurs living in its population setting fire to everything?

        Does Russia want to throw them all in jail and pay to keep them alive into the future?

        At least the Russian propaganda hasn’t got as stupid as the Yank’s yet! This kidnapping idea makes as much sense as the ‘Russians raping babies’, and that was clearly shown to be a lie.

        Obviously both sides are conscripting, they both know this is a war to the end of one country or the other. Ukraine closed the borders to all males between 18 and 60 last March as tens of thousands were trying to leave, and Russia did the same a few months ago, although they don’t want old men. They both have snatch squads grabbing people who don’t want to go.

        If you are only able to find American propaganda, start here-


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          robert rosicka

          KP even Russia admitted to “relocating” Ukrainian people , on the pretext it was for their own safety . One thing we can all be sure of the first casualty of any war is the truth . And I’m sure the Ukrainian side may have their own internal issues but since this thing started it’s the Russians who have been the aggressors and if their army were anywhere near as good as their propaganda army the war would be over by now . Probably the first week .


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      Ukraine is Abducting Teenagers and Pushing Them to the Front

      I did not hear Macgregor say that. Listen again at 33.30 and further along at 40.25.

      You seem to be verballing him in the best of the old Queensland police fashion.


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    Their team lost in an embarrassing manner but the fans continue “support” 😀
    Last Christmas


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    Big whale news:

    The greens have joined the fight!

    Here’s to a fun New Year.


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    Well, we are home alone on our island for Christmas. Spent 2 days trying to get out of Vancouver to Montreal and gave up when another storm started at the other end. Ferry cancellations all over due to staff not getting in mean we are better not to try to go to my sister’s on another island (4 ferries between here and there).

    THis was to be time to catch up with old friends as well as staying with kids and grandkids. Last 2 years we could not fly in Canada due to vaccine status.


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      We have all given up on travel from USA to Canada. The Masters don’t seem to care and I won’t put up with their stupid. My US dollars will spend just fine outside of Canada if that is what they want.


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    William Astley

    The RNA covid vaccine issue is not over. The RNA vaccines will continue to kill and injury children, university students, healthcare workers, and so on, if no action is taken. The US government appears to be planning to force (i.e. Their evil plan is to add the RNA covid vaccine to the US school vaccination program) children to be covid RNA ‘vaccinated’ every year.

    The RNA vaccines including the new bivalent vaccines, force the body to produce the Wuhan-1 oovid spike. The circulating version of covid is Omicron which has more than 50 mutations on its spike. The Wuhan-1 covid spike is deadly. The Omicron version of covid causes 30 times less death and severe illness as compared the first release Wuhan-1 covid.

    Roughly 2/3 of the RNA vaccine deaths and injuries which were entered into the US Vaccine Adverse Events system (VAERS, increased by more than factor of three.
    Dr. Jessica Rose: VAERS data being added retroactively.

    Pfizer’s RNA test data, that was released due to a court order, shows the incidence of serious side effects (requiring medical attention), in the Pfizer RNA human vaccine tests, was 1 in 800. We were told the serious side effects were roughly 20 to 40 per million.

    In the Pfizer RNA covid test, 80% of the 280 pregnant women had miscarriages. The miscarriages were not logged as miscarriages. They were logged as an event which result itself.


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      William Astley

      This is an interesting video produced by an organization of UK doctors for ethical medicine. The UK doctors are recommending an immediate halting of RNA covid vaccination, due to the unprecedented number of adverse events and excess deaths following covid RNA vaccination, in the vaccine adverse events tracking system in the UK, US, Netherlands, and so on. The severe adverse events and deaths following covid RNA vaccination, are occurring in all age groups.

      Roughly 2/3 of the RNA vaccine deaths and injuries which were entered into the US Vaccine Adverse Events system (VAERS) were not included/displayed in the US VAERS system data. The reason given for hiding/not displaying the entered RNA covid adverse events was insufficient staff to ‘check’ the newly entered covid RNA vaccine injuries and deaths. i.e. Same reason/excuse given by the FDA for delaying the release of Pfizer RNA covid vaccine test data for 55 years.

      Suddenly the number of injuries and deaths, in the US VAERS has increased by more than factor of three. Florida has started an independent review of the safety of RNA covid vaccine and the FDA failure to ensure the RNA covid vaccines were adequately tested. There are now multiple US lawsuits related to the hiding of the covid RNA vaccine adverse events and the complete failure of the FDA to take appropriate action.

      Dr. Jessica Rose: VAERS data being added retroactively.


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      Honk R Smith

      “RNA vaccines will continue to kill and injury children, university students, healthcare workers, and so on, if no action is taken”

      The only action being taken is the promotion of vaxxing to children using Santa and Disney characters, and the pre-purchase by governments of vast amounts of vax.*

      *(I’m no scientist, perhaps by grace, but pre-purchase of a respiratory viral vaccine is odd as evolution of the bug, or if the bug simply fades, is difficult to determine in advance … so?)

      Hence, the true purpose of ‘action taken’ may be revealed in the actions taken.

      You can also look for whatever the media deems a ‘conspiracy theory’ as predictive.
      It’s actually easier nowadays.

      Merry Opiate Religious Holiday of the Colonialist Oppressors.
      If you have children be advised they are property of the State.
      -Loretta R Smith


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    David Maddison

    Happy Christmas and for the Jewish members happy Chanukah which happens to be at the same time this year*.

    *The timing of Chanukah varies a bit since the Hebrew calendar is a lunisolar one and based on the metonic cycle plus intercalary months plus an intercalary year every 216 years to keep it in line with the solar cycle.

    Incidentally Easter is dated according to the metonic cycle but is these days mostly disconnected from the Hebrew calendar because of an additional requirement for Easter to be related to the equinox plus a Sunday.


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      David Maddison

      Correction. There are no extra years added every 216 years, but the error is one day every 216 years due to an accumulated error of 7 mins per year. Error is corrected with seven extra months added every 19 years.


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    David Maddison

    I triggered a Dictator Dan of Vicdanistan lover this morning.

    1) As Dan’s Christmas gift to the people and in accord with the vast amount of “free stuff” he hands out at taxpayer expense he made public transport “free” today.

    2) Due to incompetence, they forgot to turn off ticketing machines so they still accept payment.

    3) I was taking a train and was at the station and saw someone about to pay and I told them as a courtesy that travel was “free” today.

    4) I said Dirty Dan forgot to get the machines turned off. Calling the dictator “Dirty Dan” triggered a reaction from this guy like you wouldn’t believe.

    5) He started ranting and raving about how he voted for Dan and how during covid “it may have become a police state” and the “police may have been brutal” but “he kept us safe”. And he said Dan is better than the opposition “who believe in personal freedom” and think “the vaccine is dangerous” and “didn’t want to lock up the state” etc.. I don’t know who he was talking about but it certainly was’t the pretend conservative Liberal Party who were in agreement with Dan during the lockups.

    6) I remained silent but I simply couldn’t believe there were people that “thought” like that. And they vote. No wonder the country is rapidly becoming a failed state.


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    Macca on ABC radio this morning read out a report of the huge storm that hit Sydney on New Years day in 1947.
    Unbelievable sized hailstones and Bob Menzies niece was knocked unconscious and had to be rescued to hospital.
    Macca called this storm a tornado but the damage that it left behind took years of recovery.
    Some links here about the storm.


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    When is a renewable resource not a renewable resource?

    “The changes mean that native forest biomass is no longer considered an ‘eligible renewable energy source’ for the purposes of [the nation’s] Renewable Energy Target, and electricity it generates cannot be used to create tradable Large-scale Generation Certificates [for replacing coal],” Chris Bowen, Australia’s minister of climate change and energy, said in a statement. “We have listened to the community and acted to address their concerns.” (wuwt)


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      So now there is no point in growing native trees, they don’t count as carbon reducing..?

      We might as well burn the native forests and replace them with pine trees!


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        thirty or so olive trees will (eventually) produce enough fruit to make a trip to the local processor worth while – creating relatively inexpensive oil.
        And they are drought tolerant.


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    Another Brilliant commentary by Neil Oliver.
    He reminds the audience the true heroes in life are the people around you right now.

    Neil Oliver Christmas Message, We Have Each Other


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    Handel’s ‘Hallelujah!’ Chorus live at the Sydney Opera House. 600 vocalists. Impressive.


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    Sissel Kyrkjebø – Pie Jesu

    O Holy Night. Norwegian and Swedish versions. Remarkable talent.

    Sissel Kyrkjebø

    Jussi BjĂśrling


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      A translation of the Swedish to English lyrics, O Helga Natt:

      Oh Holy Night, Oh holy moment for the world
      when the son of God went down to earth
      to reconcile the worlds crimes and sins,
      for us he suffered the pain of death
      and the ray of hope passes through the world
      and the light is shimmering over land and sea

      People, fall to your knees, and happily honour your freedom
      Oh holy night, our salvation you gave
      Oh holy night, our salvation you gave

      Because our saviour carried our heavy burdens
      Our world is free, heaven is open
      In your slave you see a beloved brother
      and see, your enemy will become dear to you
      from heaven our saviour brought us peace
      For us he went down in his silent grave

      People, fall to your knees, and happily honour your freedom
      Oh holy night, our salvation you gave
      Oh holy night, our salvation you gave


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      Wonderful stuff Lance, thanks for the links. Just loving it.


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    another ian

    “New Zealand Carbon Farming”

    “In April last year, I went trout fishing to a stream that is a tributary of the Wairau River. It is also an important spawning stream for both brown trout and probably some salmon. It is also a habitat for native fish.

    At the road bridge just above its confluence with its parent river, it was a mere trickle. A couple of kilometres upstream it was dry river bed, whereas in previous decades it always had a healthy year-round flow.

    The reason was not hard to identify.

    The catchment in the main is covered in maturing pine trees and as the trees grow, sucking more and more water out of the ecosystem.

    A study in 2005 showed “about 30% less water flowed from the mature pine plantation than the pasture.” Further information says each day a 12-inch plant will absorb nearly 120 gallons of water. There are also records that the average pine tree can absorb up to 150 gallons of water a day when there is unlimited water.

    Global Warming or as it’s now called Climate Change, is a major part of recent governments’ policies.

    New Zealand especially so.”

    More at


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      “12-inch plant will absorb nearly 120 gallons of water.”

      Nope! Anyone who grows trees in pots would realise they meant to write a 12M plant will absorb nearly 120litres…

      Fascinating article, it shows the folly of planting pines or any sort of monoculture plantation. As they point out, more trees just allows more CO2 emissions, so it is counter-productive to the global warming mob.


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    Honk R Smith

    Strikes me that much of ‘Science’ and ‘academic’ culture has become intellectual Haute Couture.
    Particularly ‘climate science’ and ‘public health medicine’.
    The media celebrates.
    Celebrities celebrate.
    Politicians … “I must leave now, for there they go and I am their leader”.
    The public cringes.

    To be informed nowadays is to cringe.

    – Loretta


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    It’s Boxing Day already.


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    Still Christmas in WA


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    1. The DAM is breaking in Japan, two more professors speaking out against the vaccine
    Prof. Masanaka Nagao from Hiroshima University School of Medicine
    “We believe the vax is related to immune abnormalities”

    2. and Prof Shigetoshi Sano from Kochi University School Of Medicine demonstrating mechanism of action of adverse reaction caused by vaccination


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    another ian

    Not only the cold causing problems for your EV –

    “Great Reset: German Govt Wants to Remote Control Home Heat, Electric Car Charge”


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    Lessons from Ukraine, the current test-bed for new weapons and tactics-

    “A wide-ranging analysis of Ukraine’s strengths and vulnerabilities in the wake of the Russian invasion has been published by the Royal United Services Institute to highlight the need for further Western support for Kyiv….

    Apparently, no NATO country, except the US, has sufficient initial stockpiles of weapons for combat operations or the industrial capacity to sustain large-scale operations. This needs to be fixed if deterrence is to be credible and is equally a problem for the RAF and the Royal Navy, the Institute says….

    Unmanned aerial systems (UAS) and anti-UAS (CUAS) are essential in all industries and at all scales. Although critical to competitiveness by providing situational awareness, 90% of UAS in use are lost. For the most part, UAS should be cheap and attractive. For ground forces, they must be organic to units for both situational awareness and target acquisition purposes….

    For ground forces, the pervasive multi-target identification system (ISTAR) on the modern battlefield and the layering of multiple sensors at the tactical level make concealment extremely difficult. Survival is often ensured by spreading enough to make the target unprofitable, moving fast enough to disrupt the enemy’s death chain and thus avoid engagement, or entering hard structures…”
