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The kind of medicine where you’re lucky if you get a bad batch

This may explain why some unlucky people got such bad reactions.

Dr Ryan Cole points out that it normally takes years to perfect the mass production of a new class of drug products, but many people, he claims were lucky because they got a shot “of mush” — from harried car park pop-up clinics — if the vaccines weren’t kept cold enough they had probably already degraded.

Quality control was so poor, he claims, that batches weren’t mixed well, and some people got a dilute vial from the start of a batch. The fats in the vat float to the top, apparently, and the first vials are missing “the goods”. But by the end of the batch the last vials are high dose, and with debris from manufacturing, from gaskets, aluminum seals, and crushed glass.

“The more we look at it, the more we see bad manufacturing.”


It would be a relief to think it was just incompetent rushed quality control.

h/t Craig Kelly

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