Lawyer argues doctors breached their sacred duty to patients with vaccines

by Jo Nova

Decades ago we knew that vaccines carry risks that can’t be tested in a three month trial, or even a two year trial. Just ask Anthony Fauci…


Anthony Fauci on the AIDS vaccine in 1999:

“You take it and then a year goes by and everybody is fine. And then you say, okay that’s good, now let’s give it to 500 people, and then a year goes by and everything is fine. Well now let’s give it to thousands of people and then you find out that it takes twelve years for all hell to break loose and then what have you done?”

Australia's health practitioners

Australian Health Practitioners Regulatory Authority

Doctors and our Medical agencies should have explained this risk

There may be a legal route for vaccine victims to fight back.

We always thought the Doctor-Patient relationship was sacred, and “informed consent” meant that doctors told the whole truth, and gave their honest opinions. In Australia that was blown out of the water when the TGA banned cheap safe drugs and AHPRA  deregistered, suspended or just threatened doctors who spoke their minds. But perhaps there is a legal path open to victims of vaccination.

I’m no legal expert, but at the Covid Inquiry 2.0 on August 17, at least one lawyer argues that all along, Australian doctors were required to observe their code of conduct, no matter what threatening letters their regulatory authority issued (AHPRA). Indeed Jullian Gillespie argues that the AHPRA statement in March 2021 was illegal. That means if doctors failed in their duty to inform patients of the risks, the highly experimental approach or potential adverse outcomes, patients (or their loved ones) might be able to take action against their doctor. Their doctor (sandwiched horribly in the middle) may be able to, in turn, take action against the agencies that intimidated or harassed them. It’s a legal quagmire, but it might slow the trainwreck, and push that accountability button… and someone needs to take responsibility for what were abominable decisions.

It could potentially include thousands of medical professionals so we can expect the powers that be to protect the billion dollar interests as they have all along. “Say Hello Serf to your new Head of State Mr Pfizer?None of those secret contracts served Australians. There will be big forces ready to protect the agencies that made favourable decisions.

We in the West all thought we understood what our doctors priorities were, and what our Minister of Health was supposed to care about.

Malcolm Roberts has been a very busy man. Great to see Craig Kelly in there too.

Full transcript.

h/t to Tides of Mudgee and David of Cooyal.

Some excerpts from lawyer Jullian Gillespie:

The infamous AHPRA March 2021 statement that threatened and coerced and gagged practitioners under threat of regulatory action had no legal basis nor merit.

It was, in fact, an illegal action on the part of AHPRA and the National Boards to have created and released the statement. Neither AHPRA nor the National Boards were empowered to make the statement under the National Law, particularly as it directly coerced and caused practitioners to fail, to strictly observe their Codes of Conduct. Under the National Law. The Codes of Conduct established for each health profession are in fact deemed subordinate legislation and are more particularly called statutory rules, and as such are binding on each practitioner. As statutory rules, the Codes of Conduct for each health profession always prevailed over the 9 March statement where practitioners were always legally required to observe their Code of Conduct first, and despite the AHPRA statement.

A practitioner who does not, and did not follow their Codes of Conduct to the letter, in respect to the COVID-19 injectables, falls into and fell into, breach of the National Law. Due to the scale of the rollout it now appears tens of thousands of practitioners have repeatedly and grossly breached the National Law.

In a couple of days, a critical legal opinion I have authored with lawyer, Peter Fam, will be released publicly titled, ‘Opinion: Legal ramifications for registered health practitioners and AHPRA public officers.

Every practitioner has to generally observe public health obligations towards disease control. Medical code 7.4. Those obligations must be read along with all other obligations and responsibilities imposed upon them by their Codes of Conduct. Including that they were, at all times required, to be providing accurate evidence based information to patients about COVID-19 vaccination, both before and after the March statement….

Due to the scale of the rollout, it now appears tens of thousands of practitioners have repeatedly performed medical treatments, properly termed, gross medical and or professional negligence. With respect to patients receiving the COVID-19 injectables, where each practitioner has no immunity from government whatsoever. So these practitioners are therefore personally and professionally liable to actions for medical negligence from their patients receiving COVID-19 injectables, particularly those patients who subsequently died or suffered adverse side effects from the COVID-19 injectables.

Should those health practitioners subsequently be sued by their patients, and they have to pay damages to their patients, then those health practitioners may in turn be able to sue the public officers of AHPRA and the National Boards for coercing and threatening them to ignore their Codes of Conduct. Such illegal action, again, would be the tort of misfeasance in public office.

There’s a lot more at the full Covid Inquiry 2.0 .

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87 comments to Lawyer argues doctors breached their sacred duty to patients with vaccines

  • #

    I’m from the Government and I’m here to help ………. (me)


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    Big Pharma knew their vaccines were not fully tested and certainly knew that there were more adverse side affects than what is acceptable BECAUSE they protected themselves in their contracts with governments with “all care NO RESPONSABILITY” clause and if the government didn’t sign then no medicine.

    The Doctors are the front line and there were a small minority who called for caution and demanded alternative treatments, AHPRA and Co do need to be sued they overstepped their authority and did not support their Drs. that was their primary function.
    The Governments will be sued for the malfeasants of Big Pharma and it will all come out of your pocket and mine!

    Big Pharma thinks they were cleaver with their clause but if someone brings a case against them for manipulating the authorities and stopping alternative treatments that they knew worked then hopefully it will cost them. And they need to start suing the Company Boards and CEO’s holding people responsible and accountable for once. There are too many Dan Andrews around with poor memories and no spine.


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    Injectables… and at great risk !!

    NOT a vaccine..


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    One just have to hope the laws are appropriately applied and justice is served. It’s warming really heart warming to see Craig Kelly there, a much maligned politician (or ex politician). Maligned because he was right on almost every subject.


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      He would still be there if he had taken no 1 spot for UP in the Senate.

      Error of judgement on someone’s behalf.


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    Doctor T

    Though it may be a legal option for doctors sued for causing harm to patients from Covid “vaccines”, I feel everyone in my profession has a moral and scientific obligation to fully investigate the implications of any treatment they give.
    Putting it simply, any doctor has a right to refuse to be part of the Covid “vaccination” program, and to discuss research on Covid and treatment options with patients.
    My experience is that a high proportion of doctors have blindly accepted TGA and AHPRA edicts without doing any of their own research, and rather than maintaining a sceptical mindset, have become zealous acolytes of the health bureaucracy.


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      My experience is that a high proportion of doctors have blindly accepted TGA and AHPRA edicts without doing any of their own research, and rather than maintaining a sceptical mindset, have become zealous acolytes of the health bureaucracy.

      …and they should expect to confront the full consequence of that decision.

      The Physician’s Pledge


      I SOLEMNLY PLEDGE to dedicate my life to the service of humanity;

      THE HEALTH AND WELL-BEING OF MY PATIENT will be my first consideration;

      I WILL RESPECT the autonomy and dignity of my patient;

      I WILL MAINTAIN the utmost respect for human life;

      I WILL NOT PERMIT considerations of age, disease or disability, creed, ethnic origin, gender, nationality, political affiliation, race, sexual orientation, social standing or any other factor to intervene between my duty and my patient;

      I WILL RESPECT the secrets that are confided in me, even after the patient has died;

      I WILL PRACTISE my profession with conscience and dignity and in accordance with good medical practice;

      I WILL FOSTER the honour and noble traditions of the medical profession;

      I WILL GIVE to my teachers, colleagues, and students the respect and gratitude that is their due;

      I WILL SHARE my medical knowledge for the benefit of the patient and the advancement of healthcare;

      I WILL ATTEND TO my own health, well-being, and abilities in order to provide care of the highest standard;

      I WILL NOT USE my medical knowledge to violate human rights and civil liberties, even under threat;

      I MAKE THESE PROMISES solemnly, freely, and upon my honour.

      With some notable exceptions, the profession has not exactly lived up to these values over the last 2-3 years (possibly much longer) has it.

      A rotten head, captured and corrupted by bureaucrats, and with too few within able, or willing to resist the temptations of esteem, status, and wealth at the expense of integrity, honour, and decency.

      There is a lot of repair required to regain trust. It is probably best achieved without many of those that helped destroy it in the first place.


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        Robert Swan

        Oh God, that pledge! — it sounds like one of those bloody awful mission statements, possibly blended with some of the bureaucratese from Life of Brian. Honestly, what does fostering the honour and noble traditions of the medical profession mean? Maybe it means giving out lots of untested vaccines.

        I’d rather see it chopped after the third line. Blethering on after that just clouds it.


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          Peter C

          Unfortunately Doctors as a group have utterly failed in their moral duty.
          These two statements from the Physicians code (derived from the Hippocratic Oath) make the duty clear:

          “I WILL RESPECT the autonomy and dignity of my patient;

          I WILL NOT USE my medical knowledge to violate human rights and civil liberties, even under threat”

          What is to be done now that up to 98% of the practicing doctors in this country are exposed to prosecution and deregistration? Some sort of amnesty I suppose.
          The amnsety should not be given to Public Health Officers, Government Ministers and AHPRA officials who drafted and enforced the rules.


          • #

            Unfortunately Doctors as a group have utterly failed in their moral duty.

            The fact that doctors are on the side of demonising CO2 demonstrates they are not skeptics. All got to where they are by being good at passing exams- that is the entry requirement and it continues after entry. My middle son has just turned 40 and is still required to pass exams to reach fellowship of his college. Basically the exams require them to regurgitate what is being taught.

            The world is a complex place and we all rely on others in some way. No one knows everything about everything. Although some politicians and other influencers like journalists think they do. This is the basis of consensus science – it is the politicisation of science where there is no need for proof by physical observation but simply by the number of supporters.

            Look at climate “scientists”. These nutters still persist with predictions from hopeless models. That has got Europe where it is today. There is every chance that the European winter of 2022/23 will make covid deaths look like a tiny blip. Where is the professional integrity and moral duty among climate zealots in CSIRO and BoM?


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        Jeremy Poynton

        The Physician’s Pledge, the only one that matters

        First, do no harm


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      Cowardice has a price. Many of those Drs went along to get along. As a retired Dr in New Zealand it was painfully obvious to me that the Covid response and the Vaccine roll out stank to high heaven. At the very least they should have been questioning it and their Associations should have been at the forefront of that. The NZ Drs are more fortunate as ACC, which covers treatment injury, has created a “no fault” legal environment.


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      “a high proportion of doctors have blindly accepted TGA and AHPRA edicts without doing any of their own research,” Isn’t this a defence though, the Doctors believed what they were told by the government bodies?


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    Greg in NZ

    Rory Nairn (26) in “good health”, died 17 Nov 2021 of myocarditis, twelve days after receiving his first *jab*, an inquest at the Dunedin District Court (NZ) heard yesterday. His surviving fiancée, Ashleigh, said Rory was “not informed” of any risks at the time of *inoculation*. The case continues today (via Otago Daily Times).

    There are calls for an inquest into Jabcinda’s crockdown of Northland (where I now live) last year after an OIA request clearly shows it was based on – known at the time – faulty information. Police, and Maori, roadblocks were set up, businesses lost $millions, two weeks’ extra detention for the locals, because of bumbling bureaucratic b.s.

    Cindy’s WEF-built house of cards is crumbling. Anyone know where I can purchase a rusty pitchfork or cauldron of hot tar?


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      David Maddison

      What are “Maori roadblocks”? Is that to do with NZ apartheid?


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        They are used to regulate the flow of the Maori meals on wheels service – Kai tyre.


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        Greg in NZ

        A family branch of the predominant tribe up here fell for the colonialist white woman’s weasel words and took it upon themselves to man the blockades by setting up their own (illegal) roadblocks on the two main ‘highways’, ie. roads, north. The rainbow-promoting Police Commissioner, at the time, was non-committal as to its ‘legality’.

        Some locals, business & tourism operators, and holiday home owners were incensed (to put it mildly), yet it’s one more pile of sh!te Cindy’s Mob has swept under the mouldy carpet. South African folk here had that look of, wtf?! Ironically, *climate change* last month closed both highways when heavy rain washed-out roads and bridges… not for the first time.


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        They were real road blocks.

        Maori tribes people aided and abetted because they wanted to keep covid out of their area(s). It was all very orderly…
        and useless.


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    Honk R Smith

    One of the main revelations …
    in a Mass Formation hysteria event, the most educated and affluent are the most susceptible and most easily manipulated.
    As the hysteria wanes, they will be the least likely to admit errors in judgement or accept responsibility

    Other revelations from this likely ultimate cultural historic event* are still unfolding, and the most critical are likely unforeseen.

    *(We’ve experienced Mass Formation events before, I believe this is the first that is truly global.)


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    Australians, this is dynamite! Some will pooh pooh the information that is already a year old as having no effect. However, clearly, State and Federal Governments have realised that they may be in breach of National Law and have backed off the compulsion aspect of their tyrannical attempts to intimidate us into accepting the untested vaccines and blindly participating in a comprehensive medical scheme that may kill 3% of participants!


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    David Maddison

    This is very much a case of “just following orders”.

    “Just following orders” or the plea of “superior orders” hasn’t been acceptable since the trials of Peter von Hagenbach (1474), the trial of Australian Breaker Morant (controversial) in the Boer War, Lieutenant Karl Neumann, U boat captain in WW1, and most famously National Socialists in the war crimes trials.

    It is still not acceptable.

    Sue them.

    If a medical professional couldn’t work out that the vaccines were defective, even on the basis of information available at the time, and even if much of the information was censored, the information was still knowable. It was reported by Jo and others. And I also know GPs (family physicians) who worked it out. If they couldn’t work it out they weren’t doing their job.

    Sorry if I sound harsh, but I knew a person, a GP, who was killed by the covid vaccine injection and another person I know spent weeks in hospital due to a covid vaccine injury.


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      Mike Jonas

      More than 8 months after my Moderna mRNA jab, I’m still trying to find a doctor or specialist who can work out exactly what is going on. My condition is minor compared to many others, but having to change a large dressing every day is not a lot of fun. I had to cancel travel bookings too, at significant expense. My GP has been brilliant, but they cannot put anything in writing because of the toxic bureaucratic health maladministration. Interestingly, the health professionals that I have seen are divided roughly 50-50 between those who recognise that the mRNA caused the problem, and those that refuse to even consider that as a possibility. Over time, the evidence is building up that the latter are wrong, but actual proof is very difficult to achieve – as in climate science it seems that all results are possible.


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        David Maddison

        Sorry to hear that Mike.


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        Mike – It might be worthwhile to have a tele-consultation with Dr Pierre Cory who is now running a Telehealth service for the vaccine injured. I’m sure you can find him on the internet.


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      Sorry if I sound harsh…

      Not nearly harsh enough.

      We should all be incandescent with rage over the betrayal of trust and crimes against humanity that have been perpetrated against citizens.

      Not for the sake of being angry, but because they cannot be allowed to simply walk away from this.

      Without accountability, there is nothing to stop them from doing it again. That cannot be allowed.


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    Graham Richards

    I, for one, can never believe or trust my GP of 25+ years again. After a nasty stroke like episode which could have killed me & ongoing problems with limb control & balance issues he still tried to have me agree to a booster.
    This after a neighbour had a similar episode 3 days after being convinced to have a booster!!


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    Edward Dowd: 84% Rise in Excess Deaths Among Millennials


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      Robert Swan

      That’s interesting, but what does a percentage rise in excess deaths mean? I watched the video and the guy “explained” it, but it didn’t make sense to me.

      You have a baseline over a few years. That gives you your expected deaths. Excess deaths are the difference between expected and actual deaths and it should jiggle above and below zero. If last year’s figure was 30 excess deaths (say) and this year’s is 60, that’s 100% increase. Heavens! If last year’s excess deaths was -30, and this years was 60 what percentage increase is that? It’s like calling 5C to 10C a doubling of temperature. The important thing is the plain number of excess deaths, not the percentage change.


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        I’m a humble man but would assume that if baseline deaths = N so to have an 84% increase then deaths would = N X 1.84.


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          Robert Swan

          Yes, perfectly sensible if you refer to a percentage of baseline

          However they describe it as a rise in *excess* deaths. That means (N−baseline) × 1.84. How does that work out when N is less than baseline? Fewer than usual deaths is common enough in a good year, or in the year after a really bad year.


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    David Maddison

    As the Chicomms and other bad state actors continue to release new bioweapons or new variants of existing ones, Big Pharma will continue to be given permission to release new and untested vaccines as with covid and foolish Western Governments such as Australia will pay for them with an open cheque book / check book. As far as I know, no costings have been released as these are covered by strict confidentiality agreements.


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    Even a half competent GP would have realised the jabs were ‘problematic’.


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    Wet Mountains

    Go along with the narrative, make a little extra money on the side or be discredited, possibly lose your licence to practice medicine, maybe go to jail. You have 30 seconds to decide. Wise decision.


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      You have 30 seconds to decide.

      On average, a physician will interrupt a patient describing her symptoms within eighteen seconds. In that short time, many doctors decide on the likely diagnosis and best treatment.

      Dr Jerome Groopman investigated why doctors make poor judgements. He himself consulted 5 of his colleagues for a problem that he had and got 4 different diagnoses, one of which was completely made up.


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        Wet Mountains

        I went to the same doctor for almost 20 years, saw him at a social gathering one night, he had no idea who I was, and I had seen him only a few days prior. I have a new doctor.


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    David Maddison

    For the Canadian dictator, covid “vaccination” is the gift that keeps on giving…

    Charm Offensive: Trudeau Deploys New Tactic to Disguise Latest Covid ‘Vaccine’ Threats

    Posted on September 6, 2022 by Constitutional Nobody

    Canada’s World Economic (Forum)-controlled Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, is threatening citizens with more freedom-crushing restrictions and mandates if 80-90% of eligible Canadians are not “up-to-date” with their Covid vaccines.

    Speaking to reporters on Thursday, Trudeau warned Canadians that “there is a real risk of a serious wave of Covid” as the fall begins. He warns that the best way to avoid government restrictions and mandates is to be “up-to-date” on Covid shots.

    “If we are able to hit that 80%, 85%, 90% of Canadians up-to-date in their vaccinations, we’ll have a much better winter with much less need for the kind of restrictions and rules that were so problematic for everyone over the past years,” said Trudeau.

    As far as I know, not even any Australian Government, including the Andrews Regime is threatening people with more restrictions if they don’t get more “boosters” for the obsolete variant.

    I wonder if the upcoming state election has something to do with it…? Hmmm….


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    coochin kid

    Every story has an upside. Perhaps now the relaxed non thinking section of our population, will put some personal effort in questioning the edicts of Government and our supposed carers (medical mercenaries)
    Wake up you lazy i phone sloths , Question everything, as only you can look after yourself.’


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    Honk R Smith

    Just for comparison sake.
    Here in the US we have the 2nd amendment.
    There were 45,222 gun deaths in the US in 2020.

    Johns Hopkins estimates the more than 250,000 die annually from medical error.

    Assume all doctors are loaded and always point them in safe direction.


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    basically what he is saying is that the aphra press release on March 2021 does not override the code of conduct (subordinate legislation) or 3A of the National Law, stipulating that ‘the health and safety of the public are paramount'(NSW). i.e. you cannot change the law by press release, so any press release purporting to do so will be ultra vires (beyond power).


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      should probably say ‘statement’ rather than ‘press release’.


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        And in similar (more distant) fashion Woolies got rid of all those who refused to share their inoculation status or refused to get inoculated and for the past few months have finished their tv ads with “Covid Safe”. I note that the latest round of their ads do not have this message come up at the end. Maybe someone dropped “ultra vires” into a conversation with them too. I’m waiting for the class actions against all these businesses AND their unions in due course.


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    My doctor asked me if I wanted to get “the jab”. He said he would not try to convince me either way.

    I asked him what he had done. He said he & his mother both had the jab, his wife & kids had not. His wife had to give up her public hospital doctors job as she would not have the jab. That said a lot but was not much real use.

    My wife, a son & daughter, & a grand daughter are all unvaccinated, & none of us have caught covid. Good luck, or as you would expect? Oh, I’m 82, & we have Ivermectin in the cupboard ready if needed.


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      Good on you and your family. Very interesting point raised by your experience. It has been proven inoculation does not prevent getting covid and inoculated can still spread it. People lost their jobs for not being inoculated as they were promoted as being unsafe – some commentators even tried to blame the uninoculated for being the reason why the pandemic was still raging. Yet a doctor administering to the health compromised can closely (even intimately) associate with uninoculated people and move freely back and forth to his place of work. Yet another “logic wheel” falls off the wagon. Be safe.


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      I am the only unvaxxed one in my workplace and the only one who hasn’t had covid, despite being surrounded by double/tripple/quadruple jabbed superspreaders who have all been off sick with with covid, some twice. My work’s sick leave numbers are off the chart since the criminal mandates were introduced – the vaxx is working great lol.
      My unvaxxed neighbour has reported a similar experience. Come to think of it, I dont know any unvaxxed people who have had problems with covid, other than mild cold like symptoms, some in their late 70s.
      I know several people (under 50) who have serious problems after getting the faux vaxx though…Their risk from covid was virtually zero.


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      G’day H,
      I’ve thought about this and decided that the unvaccinated need something else to keep them free of, or safe from the Covid. My shorthand thought is that the something is a strong immune system augmented by zinc and an ionophore, acquired either naturally or via supplements.

      e.g. an apple a day is said to supply half one’s need for quercetin, and sunlight can generate enough vitamin D, so a lot of people can skate through because of their lifestyle.

      I opted for the supplements, initially on the assumption my vitamin D level was low, subsequently confirmed, now corrected.

      Dave B


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    from aphra statement, March 2021

    “National Boards expect all health practitioners to use their professional judgement and the best
    available evidence in practice…

    Any promotion of anti-vaccination statements or health advice which contradicts the best available
    scientific evidence or seeks to actively undermine the national immunisation campaign (including via
    social media) is not supported by National Boards and may be in breach of the codes of conduct and
    subject to investigation and possible regulatory action…”

    notice here the apparent conflict between exercising “professional judgement” and the requirement that health practitioners follow “the best available
    scientific evidence”.

    if “the best available scientific evidence” is simply what aphra (or some other government agency) defines as ‘the best’ then there is an inherent conflict between (1) epistemic authority (knowing); and (2) institutional authority (commanding). ie what an individual expert judges as the ‘the best’ v. what the state authority judges as ‘the best’ (and (2) is of course different from a consensus of epistemic judgments, which no expert is prevailed upon by the coercive power of government to accept).

    this also corresponds to two different kinds of government, ‘bottom up’ government where the citizens are individually responsible for themselves and their decisions and so, by extension, the state; and top down government where social organization is by decree from on high (authoritarianism/paternalism).


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      Thank you DLK. Underneath it all, anyone who has studied past vaccination programs would understand the risks may take a long time to show up (possibly doctors have not studied this, but I would hope they had).

      What are we teaching our medical students if they have never heard how RSV and Dengue vaccines worked out so badly? Surely they’ve noticed the lack of AIDS and Malaria vaccines.

      Absence of evidence is not proof of no risk…


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        Peter C

        I am not sure what we are teaching our medical students at present but the little I have heard from my niece (medical student) does not give me much confidence.
        I am pretty sure that they have never heard about the failures of past vaccination programs. I have barely (and recently) become aware of it myself


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    Old Goat

    I am continuously amazed and dismayed by the number of people who ignore the obvious and instead believe in fantasies, even when those fantasies will destroy their lives . Chicken little , the emperors new clothes and of course Orwell’s 1984 all warn of this but they will still follow the herd off a cliff .Living through lockdown in Melbourne was serving a sentence for crime of existing . I am however heartened by the increase in commenters on Jo’s blog and occasional conservations with sceptics . We must keep the light at the end of the tunnel burning….


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  • #

    Think I wrote of this many months ago.

    As an ex practitioner what governments have got away with legally and the outcomes of what they forced on the public are a total disgrace. They use they same methodology as they have applied to the other insanity they have run for 40years ie AGW.

    Everyone knows, take on modern day declarations of ‘fact’ put by government of any ilk and one faces almost deletion from the human race. This is the essence of the Freedom of Speech movement which was derided by both Morrison and Abbott and which I hope they look back on and carry to their graves as their greatest failure in serving the nation.

    Every medical practitioner has drummed into them that full disclosure is a patient right and they carry a heavy legal, right to practice and financial burden should they transgress this principle.
    Governments have used their power to protect themselves and the Pharmaceutical Industry by making secret whatever is known from trials in developing their ‘vaccines’. This is a total rejection of the basic principle of medicine, protected by governments by laws carrying huge penalty if found to have been transgressed.

    It was reasonable to protect the profession from damages in being the application point of the drugs, but it also made the profession – and nurses doing the injections – complicit in the governments’ actions. They failed professionally by not demanding full disclosure from the government on everything known from the development of the ‘vaccines’ and before they injected anyone.The other failure was to know just what protection the drugs were giving as that was the sine quon of doctors and nurses knowing what they were doing and why.

    Vaccines? IMO they are more therapy than what is understood of a vaccine. Therefore, one has to compare their benefits against the reputed benefits of all other therapeutics that the same governments banned from use. This is an essential test of relative benefits. This is the real attack to be be mounted against governments and the health officials politicians will choose to hide behind. Were the health officials ordered, by governments, to back the banning of other therapeutics? If that was so, and those officials obeyed, then they also should be under attack for failing to obey the full disclosure laws.

    Professionals needed to see the comparison of outcomes between the banned therapeutics and the ‘vaccines’. Failure to do so by health officials is again a failure against full disclosure even to themselves.How do they justify their own actions if they have seen no comparisons of effectiveness from various potential lifesaving medications? That includes at least continuing to look at long term benefits / injuries as the pandemic proceeds.

    This is essential to nail the government dictated responses versus alternative actions that were advised, to the wall. The public that so loves Dan etc, as with the climate, needs to wake up to the delusional paths down which they are being led like dumb lambs to the slaughter.


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      And before AGW there was the Hole in the Ozone Layer.

      All three scams founded on public ignorance of science and scientific principles.


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    I don’t know anyone who went to their doctor to get advice on the COVID vaccines. It was too much hassle. The majority turned up to the vax stations, listened to the preamble given to them by the technician, nodded dutifully and got jabbed. We had no choice. If we didn’t we lost jobs, family functions, etc. Personally, the technician could have advised me that there was a small percentage chance of my arm falling off and I would still have agreed to the AZ jab. If not, I would have missed by sons weddings. So, in reality, informed consent really didn’t matter because the doctor / patient relationship only occurred in a minority of cases.


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      As someone who was over 60 I could only receive AZ and with a family history of blood clotting I wanted my doctor to write a letter for me to receive Pfizer (I would have preferred none but as a teacher no jab no job). My doctor refused to support me and said he recommended the AZ – told him I was not interested in his recommendation I just wanted his support. I subsequently took my case to Age Discrimination and went through mediation and on the day the case was to be decided the Government allowed freedom of choice. I wish I was brave and rich enough to say no and not bow down to coercion.


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      Peter C

      So, in reality, informed consent really didn’t matter because the doctor / patient relationship only occurred in a minority of cases.

      I think you are correct Ross about most people just wanting to have the jab and get on with life. They thought that it was a vaccine, like any other.

      However the doctors responsibility goes further than that. Therefore the doctors have failed their Code of Conduct and also their moral duty.
      Patients cannot be expected to always know what questions to ask. If they are being enrolled in an unauthorised clinical trial without their knowledge the doctor has to tell them that, even if they don’t ask.

      The responsibility for creating an unauthorised clinical trial rests with the AHPPC, ATAGI ,the TGA nand ultimately the Minister for Health (Greg Hunt) and the Prime Minister (Scott Morrison). Both Greg Hunt and Scott Morrison signed a letter (which was sent to us all in the mail) urging us to have the Vaccine.

      So they are ‘all in the gun’. I don’t think we can deregister almost all our doctor workforce for failure to meet their Code of Conduct responsibilities ( I would like to see a sort of truth and reconcilliation process for them). But full Nuremberg for the rest.


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    Slightly off topic – but still Covid. This is a fascinating – Robert F Kennedy Jr interviewing Jeffrey Sachs who is the Chair of The Lancet COVID-19 Commission, a professor of economics, a leader in sustainable development and a senior UN advisor. Initially I thought that it would be the usual gaslighting by someone brought in by The Lancet. It is not. It’s 1 hour.


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    This is simply window dressing, and the legal ambulance chasing of exposed scapegoats.

    The mere fact that they are only targeting the well insured rank and file, says it all.

    I have contempt for this action while the voices above who declare that “Befehl sind Befehl” is not an excuse have obviously never been in that situation themselves to see what refusal does to one’s life (I can hear the rush to deny this, but we all know that this is true). Rampant idealism is the 8th Deadly Sin when it takes no note of its possible consequences while idealistic morality resides on a mountain top far from the reality of life.


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    I admire these efforts.
    However, I note a recent Primary Case dealing with this precise issue failed in the Federal Court, mainly due to:
    (a) inadequate Standing (failed to establish a special interest over and above that held by an ordinary member of the public);
    (b) failure to constitute a “matter” (does not involve a real justiciable controversy as to some immediate right, duty or liability between the applicant and respondent) in respect of which the Court has jurisdiction vested in it, in accordance with Chapter III of the Constitution.
    CASE: Australian Vaccination-Risks Network Incorporated v Secretary, Department of Health [2022] FCA 320 (31 Mar 2022)
    That said, a Notice of Appeal was filed by the Appellants on 21 June 2022
    See Full Filed Documents list:
    I am pessimistic, because the Appeal Court has all discretion to accept or reject the application, and also to apply the law as it sees fit. It seemed to me a bias against allowing “standing” (see Primary case at para [89]) and “matter” (see paras [67]-[68]) could be explained by the political promotion of preferred views, and suppression of opposing views, that we have been seeing for decades now.


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    I will reiterate that covid vaccine rollouts resulting in $100 billion in revenues for Big Pharma were only possible without normal testing procedures due to the EUA – Emergency Use Authorization – given by the public health authorities and governments for these products. EUA can only be invoked if there is NO other authorized treatment protocol available for the ” disease ” in question.

    Thus, ivermectin and similar drugs had to be banned from use. I understand any MD prescribing them would have had their license to practice medicine revoked.

    Get it?


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      “I understand any MD prescribing them would have had their license to practice medicine revoked.”

      Spot On!

      I talked at length with my own medical practitioner, and she was too terrified to even give me Ivermectin for “Scabies” which was still allowed, as I was too honest and said why I really wanted it. She blanched in front of me.
      These idiots above mouthing vengeance have no idea that the targeted GPs are all small business owners and that deregistration, even if only for a year will ruin them financially for a decade or more. But then I guess many are employees with cushy benefits and have no real idea.
      The concept of “Befehlen sind Befehlen” not being a valid excuse totally misses the point that it was only an emotional decision based upon the victor’s guilt over the discovered extent of the Holocaust they had ignored. By the same token you cannot blame individual cops for their obeying of orders from superiors. So then why not a class action vs individual cops? No insurance! It is ALL about money for lawyers and NOT about justice and a joke here that far too many take seriously. My opinion of many here whom I respected, has taken a battering over their moral high ground virtue signalling.


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        So Will, is there actually any principle which you would not excuse the violation of? This is serious stuff, not a “bit of an oversight” that has no consequences for those who ended up on the wrong end of a needle.

        This covid-19 mRNA injection debacle has actually killed and maimed people (and it appears to be ineffective as a vaccine as well). Refusal to have the injection has cost many people their livelihoods, family connections, some have ended up literally homeless – simply for being intelligent enough to refuse the jabs. Others have been coerced (blackmailed) into having it. That’s supposed to be illegal.

        Compliant doctors, those professionals who we are supposed to be able to trust with our lives (and thus maintain the ability to earn our own livings, maintain our own small businesses etc), lacked the moral fibre and basic nouse to do some research of their own right at the beginning of the rollout, actually before the beginning.

        Is their small business or employment more important than anyone else’s? Frankly, I think it is not. They do have a higher moral burden to carry, and if they aren’t prepared to shoulder it, they should perhaps be doing something else. We’re supposed to be able to trust them.

        Even a non-medical virtual non-entity like me, living in regional Australia, was aware of the potential shortcomings of the mRNA injections being used as vaccines in 2020, even before they were rolled out. The information and warnings were there already, for anyone who bothered to go looking. Concerned professionals, including those involved in the development of the technology, were warning about it. If someone like me could be aware of the potential risks, doctors should have been, and should have been asking loud and serious questions. There really is no excuse. Never was.

        If doctors had done their own research, had spoken up as a group, refused to toe that utterly unreasonable ARHPRA line, and not crumbled in the face of what amounts to an illegal diktat, we wouldn’t be in the mess we are now.

        OK, I’ve ranted, but there has to be accountability over this, and doctors have to be made aware that they have transgressed very seriously. They’re not the only ones in the frame by a long way, but they cannot be excused.


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          “If doctors had done their own research, had spoken up as a group, refused to toe that utterly unreasonable ARHPRA line, and not crumbled in the face of what amounts to an illegal diktat, we wouldn’t be in the mess we are now.”

          Yes, absolutely, but the same could be said for the whole of society. How many people put their businesses on the line, how many teachers, nurses, and firefighters actually quit. If the whole of society had stood up against this doctors would never have been put in the position where they were the only profession we were hoping would do what no other one did. If even 30% of the public protested it would have been huge.

          I know of doctors who have lost everything. Their entire career, and others who have lost their marriages.

          The truth is that medicine has been slowly corrupted by this type of control for decades and hardly anyone protested. The information on Vitamin D, and other preventative medicine etc has been there for years, but it has been suppressed as gradually doctors become tied to BigPharma with invisible string. We were hoping somehow that busy doctors in a pandemic would all realize together (despite the information censorship) and then communicate, coordinate, arrange petitions and protests so fast that they could “leap together” in a low risk way.

          The chess moves to make that incredibly hard have been played out for decades.


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    Could the doctors just plead ignorance. They had the safety advice from the government and believed it?
