Don’t pay UK protest: thousands of consumers pledge to not-pay their obscene energy bills

What will electricity companies do if a million UK customers say they won’t pay their bill? We might find out in six weeks or so.

A group called Don’t Pay UK are gathering pledges from fed-up UK consumers, and so far 75,000 Brits have signed up. The Twitter account @dontpayuk started in June, and already has 91,000 followers. The group draws inspiration from the Poll Tax protests thirty years ago which likely ended Margaret Thatchers reign as PM.

As commenter MrGrimNasty says the latest estimates have the UK energy bill price cap at a [shocking] £4,700 by April next year, remember it was about £1200 hardly 2 years before then.

With 12 million people in the UK facing energy poverty, there may be plenty of takers in the civil disobedience movement. The nation is only 6km away from 1,000 trillion cubic feet of shale gas. OK, so it’s 6 kilometers of solid rock, but if it were war-time, how long would that take? (Especially when the hole is already drilled. The hardest rock apparently is the paperwork just to stop it being concreted back in.)

Don’t Pay UK

It’s simple: we are demanding a […]