Join these dots: Renewables make half Germany’s power, and energy crisis means public halls are “warm up spaces”

Germany is getting more medieval by the minute

In the latest news the Cities and Municipalities Association is urging local officials to plan for public halls to be used as emergency “warm up spaces” when winter comes. With families needing to find an extra €3,800 to pay the energy bills many people won’t be able to afford electricity or gas.

Welcome to the renewables future where lights are dimmer, there’s no hot water at schools and public swimming pools are closed, but town halls are open so people can survive the night.

Renewables supply nearly half of German power demand in first half 2022.

Germany’s Center for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research Baden-Württemberg (ZSW) and the Federal Association of Energy and Water Management (BDEW) said on Monday that renewables had covered around 49% of gross domestic electricity consumption over the period.

The claim of “half” is still inflated. If we remove hydroelectricity and biomass, in the last six months all forms of wind and solar power have produced 35% of the electricity (on a random come-and-go basis).

Meanwhile in related news Germany has some of the most expensive electricity in the world at 35c/KWh (USD).

Germany Plans ‘Warm […]