As a director of The Australian Environment Foundation I am delighted we were able to bring Benny Peiser out from the UK.
Bookings need to be done in the next few days!
Australian Environment Foundation
Dr Benny Peiser who heads up the London based The Global Warming Policy Foundation, is visiting Australia and speaking at three major events in Sydney 26 April, Brisbane 27 April and Melbourne 28 April.

Benny Peiser
Dr Peiser has written extensively on domestic and international climate policy and has appeared on numerous media outlets to contest global warming alarmism and demonstrate the cost of policies being proposed to address it.
His visit is especially timely given the European – indeed global – energy crisis and the key issues of energy and the environment that are prominent in the Australian federal election campaign.
Sydney – 26 April 2022 Northern Sydney Conservative Forum – “The Energy Crisis’ – Moderator Rowan Dean – Tuesday 26 April

The Sydney Event includes Rowan Dean and Ian Plimer as well.
The event includes a two course meal and wine. Tickets are $110
Brisbane – Wednesday 27 April 2022
What can the UK tell us about renewable electricity? Benny Peiser points the way ahead on renewables based on the UK and world experience. He is a climate change expert and a complete Renaissance Man who brings a contemporary and historical social perspective to the issue, as well as deep knowledge of the science and policy solutions.
As an example of his breadth of interests his name is literally written in the sky with a minor planet bearing his name, in honour of his work on “near earth objects and impact hazzards”. He is a former member of the German Greens, holds a PhD in Cultural Studies for a thesis examining the history, archaeology and natural history of Greek problems at the time of the ancient Olympic Games.
Nigel Lawson, Margaret Thatcher’s Chancellor of the Exchequer founded the GWPF in 2009, and under Peiser’s direction it has become a major source of climate realist policy in the UK.
The event includes lunch and drinks so prices vary from $135 ($100 for students) or more. See the link for options. Book a table of ten and get a discount!
Melbourne – Thursday 28 April
AEF Bob Carter Commemorative Lecture – 28 April
The AEF has invited Benny Peiser to visit Australia to deliver the Bob Carter Commemorative Lecture for 2022. Dr Peiser will speak on “The Global Energy Crisis, Net Zero Emission Targets and the War in Ukraine” at the Hawthorn Arts Centre, starting at 6:30 pm.
Tickets are $27 ($20 for AEF Members)
Sadly, not for Western Australians, Tasmanians, the NT, South Australia or New Zealand this time. Perhaps it’s time to arrange some other events for skeptics?