While the West went weak-Green, Russia became the 2nd largest gas supplier on Earth

“The Eco-Hair-Shirt of Climate-Changey sufferance comes at a terrible price”
The Renewable-West is toothless to stop Russia doing whatever it damn-well wants.
Energy is power. As the West gave up the power to run its own factories and keep its own people warm, it also gave up the power to influence world affairs. The fashionable Eco-Hair-Shirt of Climate-Changey sufferance comes at a terrible price.
Weakness invites wars
Without its own energy supply, amidst an energy crisis, the West can’t help but buy gas from Russia. The only sanctions we can apply are weak and thus the West pays top dollar for Russian gas, and sends more tank-money to a nation with power because it’s selling a product that everyone wants. Nobody wants a wind farm unless someone else pays a subsidy.
The best thing the West could do now is run their old coal and nuclear plants at top speed, launch the UK Shale industry, and get serious about the North Sea. Then the price of gas would fall, the EU could use sanctions that mattered.
Instead Germany is shutting nuclear plants, Britain is pouring concrete down the its only shale mines, and much of the EU is gas-deprived from subsidizing unreliable energy and demonizing gas.
Some of these nations won’t be cutting off Russian Gas very quickly:

Greens enable wars
How the Greens Brought War to Ukraine
It has been the equivalent of a poker player discarding a royal straight flush and then trying to bluff his opponents with the pair of deuces remaining in his hand. Only with dumb opponents is he likely to take the pot. And Russian President Putin is definitely not dumb.
Indeed, the weak sanctions proposed by the West to induce the Russians to pull back were so unimpressive the Russian stock market which has been collapsing rose 6.5 percent after President Biden announced them.
Lawrence Kudlow:
Mr. Biden did follow Germany in not certifying Nord Stream 2, but that’s just a temporary, paper contract issue. It’s not a long-term or permanent shutdown. He basically hit a couple of banks tied to the Donbas region. The GDP for the whole of Ukraine is about $160 billion, maybe. The GDP of Donbas is less than $6 billion and the GDP of Lugansk is $1 billion, also maybe. Delaware’s GDP, just to pick a random comparison, is $76 billion. So, to call Mr. Biden’s sanctions small beer is understating it.
[The] leaders of western Europe—bamboozled by the prospect of “climate change”—have made themselves poorer and weaker by eviscerating conventional fuel production. While they without ample reason were discarding a very good hand, Russian president Putin was improving his by exploiting and selling to us and Europe his nations’ fossil fuels. In 2020 the U.S. was a net exporter of petroleum. In 2021 we imported between 12 million and 26 million barrels of crude oil and petroleum from Russia every month. In November 2021, the most recent figures on record, the Energy Information Agency reports that the U.S. took 17.8 million barrels.
Dmitry Medvedev, former Russian president could not restrain himself. “Welcome to the new world where Europeans will soon have to pay 2,000 euros per thousand cubic meters.
The green dream goes lethal
Melanie Phillips
So now Putin, with his hand on the gas spigots which he can open or shut at will, has the power to restrict gas supplies, send the price of gas shooting up and inflict on western nations both power outages and eye-watering increases in their cost of living.
Western countries are already paying dearly for their supreme green folly.
US president Joe Biden’s decisions to shut down the Keystone XL pipeline and not renew drilling leases helped caused American gas and energy prices to spike in recent months.
At the same time, last year Biden green-lighted the final construction of Nord Stream 2, the gas pipeline from Russia to Germany which bypasses Ukraine and, if it comes on stream, would give Putin a devastating weapon with which to blackmail western Europe with the threat of cutting off its energy supplies.
This gas weapon is all the more ludicrous given that both America and Britain have the natural resources to be energy-independent.
Green religions are a luxury only the richest nations can afford

Back in 2018 | Statista
Russia would be crazy if it wasn’t funding Western Greens.
Tucker is on fire on the whole Russia-Ukraine messy issue
h/t Bill in AZ. David. Glenn Reynolds
(Copied from the last comment of the last post)
Biden meets with G7. Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United States
Now which of these were at war with Russia in the last 200 years. All of them except Canada? The United States in Afghanistan when the US armed Osama Bin Laden and friends, causing massive loss of life in the Russian Military. There are sad monuments in every Russian town to the loss of life from American weapons.
Think of the 1812 overture and Napoleon’s Grand Arme. The unprovoked invasion of Russia, Ukraine specifically by France and Britain in 1855? WW1 and WW2. The loss of 20 million people to a German/Rumanian/Hungarian army bent on annihilation, not conquest.
Now the EU, G7 will decide on punishment of Russia, despite having utterly ignored the 8 year civil war in the Donbass and the fact that while they have all been pulling profits out of Ukraine, Ukraine and tiny neighbour Moldova remain the two poorest countries in Europe and Ukraine government a violent criminal government. While Biden and Merkel and the elites of Europe and Biden stripped Ukrainians of their wealth. Biden boasted about it and it was his private domain under Obama.
It looks like Russia has really had enough of European and American provocation. And the precision strikes are military and surgical. The only way there are not thousands dead is that the Russians told them to get out. So far there have not been mass casualties. Many Ukranians will be relieved because quality of life in Russia is so much higher, especially pensions.
After 8 long years at war and under siege, the relief in the Donbass will be incredible, but in the Western press it is always the evil Russians. Never China.
Our press are not even trying to balance this story. For Biden, it’s pure distraction politics. And the Germans have a cheek. They were last rulers of Ukraine in 1941-43 and slaughtering the inhabitants, even stealing the topsoil in train loads and not particularly concerned about public opinion. And while Russians are poor, the Ukranians are destitute and the country is running wild with tuberculosis. Who cares?
An area of concern who would not welcome the Russians at all is the NW corner, really Poland around the Polish city of Lviv. This area was grabbed by Stalin after WW1. So you have the Poles, the Ukranians and the Russians in the West. It is a dysfunctional country to put it mildly and the Poles have jumped in their cars and gone North into Poland, because they can.
And while the press are looking for mass casualties, so far none are reported. Some military accidents on both sides with transports. And a report of damage to an apartment in Kharkiv, a city which changed hands four times in WW2 between the Germans and the Russians and is now Ukranian.
As for the Greens they could not care less about the destitute desperate Ukranian people. It’s all about Climate Extinction and saving the planet and damn the people. Which is easy when your family does not have tuberculosis and you don’t have $100 to buy a bag of coal to survive the terrible winter. It’s not just that Ukranians have no gas of their own but no money to buy gas. Foreigners and their Government take the lot.
That was quick of Russia…Talking terms of Surrender already within a few hours.
The United States says no boots on the ground.
Correcting the problems the US created 8 years ago.
The Russian Government wanted very little damage done in retaking of Ukraine.
Ukraine is not a democracy and is very corrupt. The Ukraine country should not fight a war which they cannot win. A true Leader would surrender under protest, for the good of the people and to avoid pointless loss of life.
Destruction of Ukraine infrastructure and cities will just make life pointlessly harder for Ukrainians.
It is interesting that the US imports 18 bpd of oil from Russia. It is interesting that Taiwan produces 60% of the world’s semiconductors.
“It is interesting that Taiwan produces 60% of the world’s semiconductors.”
And more than 90% of the high tech semiconductor chips.
I expect President Zelensky will leave Ukraine & claim asylum overseas, taking some stray millions of $US with him. He’s not happy with the Bidens right now I’m sure!
If he surrenders under protest he just swaps one master for another.
You get your opinions from rt.com.
Who was responsible for the Holodomor?
Look it up.
Stalin was a monster, like Hitler. Hitler copied his concentration camps and eliminating political opponents. And they both invaded Poland in 1939.
Stalin rose to power, replacing Lenin after Russia was devasted by another European war, this time with Germany. But Stalin was not Russia like Hitler was not Germany. And they both exterminated their own people. Numerically both were eclipsed by Mao Tse Tung and his war on his own people. Pol Pot did the same.
The transition of the endless steppes into agricultural land followed the defeat of the Cossacks by Grigory Potemkin and the invitation of many people to the area. Kiev was the seat of the Kievan Rus, the original Russia. And both Odessa and Sebastopol were built by the Russians in the 1790s. Potemkin built the first Russian fleet and his wife Catherine visited only once. Ukraine was effectively a whole new place about the same time as Australia and the population boomed.
However as a new country, there were lots of different people, different histories and cultures and styles of living. The mass production broad acres farming of Ukraine made it very successful as the food basket of Russia and made some people rich, which is why Stalin starved them. And it was the biggest port in Russia at Odessa.
As for Russian vs Ukranian, Zelensky speaks fluent Russian and poor Ukranian. The real problem is that the goverment of Ukraine is utterly corrupt, something the Bidens know all about. An opportunity, not a reason for concern.
Except no one mentions the decade long civil war which has cost 13,000 lives, not counting the Malaysian airliner. And then the world forgot about it.
As Putin says, he wants to end the war in Ukraine and the Nazification. We hope he means exactly that.
I have been listening to Jordan Petersen a lot. Amazing man.
But what has driven his career is trying to understand how the ordinary Christian Germans could be such monsters in carrying out Hitler’s orders. We talk about what Hitler and Stalin did, but they did not do it. Perfectly ordinary people did it. Brothers, fathers, Christians, academics. Mass M*rder on an incredible scale.
So Petersen first studied politics, which did not explain it. Then pschology, looking for understanding. And even he cannot understand Trudeau.
But Stalin found starving people to death was quicker and cost less. Hitler used starvation extensively, as in Leningrad. And Pol Pot saw the cities as parasitic, or so he learned from his studies at the Sorbonne in Paris. These people were monsters, but no more so than the ones who carried out their orders.
My hope is that this is a fast attempt to stop the slaughter and misery in the Ukranian civil war, a war which did not exist in our papers, because they are only Russians.
TdeF mentions this:
Oh, those awful people, fancy using starvation as a war fighting tactic. Who would do that?
Why, that humungousest hero of the Younited States, Ulysses S Grant, when he used it for the siege of Vicksburg in the Summer of 1863 in the US Civil War.
Funny how it’s only an awful thing when the ‘bad’ guys do it, eh, conveniently forgetting all the other cases.
Um, if I may, the Siege of Vicksburg Mississippi USA was 2 months duration. It was a decisive, temporary, military measure to take control of opposition strongholds during a National scale Civil War.
Stalin,in the Homolidor of 1932-1933, starved 3.9 Million people for 12 months because they failed to produce the grains he commanded them to produce. It was punishment for failing to meet centrally planned quotas, during a National Failure in planning, execution, and wisdom.
Very different things. Very different intentions, outcomes, and purposes.
And the intention was not to kill all the inhabitants, but to seize the city. When the defenders gave up, there was no such intention. It was a strategic move to neutralize a military base. The Holomodor was about eliminating the people entirely and there was much more with tribunals but it gets very upsetting. Stalin was a monster.
Besieging any city, standard practice, was precisely that. It worked. In times of war.
What was unbelievable about Stalin was that he starved his own people in times of peace and prosperity and record harvests, to break the backs of the farmers who would not join his collectives. It was mass murder, not war. And he enjoyed it.
Stalin took total delight in executing people at a stroke of his pen. And he made sure to execute their families and make sure they all knew about it. Whole populations were sent to die in Siberia, like the Tatars of the Crimean Khanate. All on a single night without warning.
The mass slaughter of 22-30,000 Polish officers in the Katyn forest was unprecedented and unnecessary. Stalin again. And it was hushed up in the West.
And when it came Stalin’s time to be poisoned, Beria knew the next group to be exterminated were Jewish doctors and that no doctor would come to save Stalin. Words are not strong enough for Stalin or Hitler.
Moral equivalence thus established in your mind, huh? What nonsense.
Starving people is a very old tactic. The Romans and Gengis Khan went in for building a wall of stakes around fortified cities. Nothing could go in and nothing could come out.
Khan liked to hurry things along by shooting dead bodies ( people who had died from the plague) out of a catapult over the wall and into the town square.
Just wondering how many people, in all the western democracies have noticed the common denominator in all the wars, slaughter, oppression & misery.
Notably all regime’s were/ are socialists, the self proclaimed guardians of human rights.
Wake up people, socialists are not your friends or saviours!!
Not just socialist, but scientific too.
I also wonder just how many in the main stream media should feel responsible. They have been denigrating western democracy. They have been urging people in the west to hate the very systems that bring prosperity and peace. They promote socialism and socialist organisations. They have promoted economic suicide by green schemes. They cheered on the plandemic with daily case counts and calling for more lockdowns. They are supporting globalists against democratically elected governments. Finally the press has been naval gazing about non existent social issues. All the while Russia and China have increased their energy reserves, built military strength and infiltrated our governments, universities and corporations. The corporate press has been absent from it’s core function of informing the public and holding the powerful accountable. The mighty dollar no doubt beats the moral compass.
Add the bureaucrats as the ones who give the relevant “expert” advice to politicians, and we make the mistake of assuming that such advice is not based upon their own politics.
Well put. The indignation at the UN regarding breaches of its charter is laughable. The US invades Iraq and the UN makes nothing of it (well, the press probably never mentioned it). It’s Ok to run to the other side of the world to “shock and awe” a country with its “coalition of the willing” but not to defend your borders. The outright lies being told to demonize Russia(again) will resolve nothing. The neoconservatives and NATO hawks have prodded and poked Russia into this.
The Russian apologists are out. What do you think about China being their closest ally?
Why is Tucker Carlson so pro-Russia? It’s a topsy-turvy world we live in, where advocating for free, fair, and liberal markets brands you a communist but supporting a Russian invasion is not?
I hope I didn’t misunderstand your comment but Tucker is not pro-Russia but pro-America and anti-stupidity. The US is being destroyed internally by the “woke”, our Southern border is porous, we are dealing with a plandemic, and we have a pseudo-dictator to the North but all the government and media are concerned about is Putin’s avarice to control a gangster country which we have ignored for decades. How would we react if Mexico was trying to form an alliance with Putin and he was arming them?
Putin is the dictator here. Trudeau is a democratically elected Prime Minister. Ukraine has a democratically elected Government, it is not “gangster”.
Daniel Andrews was also democratically elected in Victoria, but that did not hinder his progress towards his current status of mafia don. Don Andrews.
Trudeau and Andrews (and others) may have been democratically elected, but they have acted as dictators.
32% of the vote is “democratically elected”?
As you’ve now seen Trudeau misusing the National Emergency powers, you now also know that he has no qualms about perverting the electoral system too. So what’s this BS exactly?
Meanwhile Trudeau’s offsider, the disgusting Chrystia Freeland’s, grandfather was a UKRAINIAN Fasho War Criminal. And here you are defending rotten apples which
fall so very close to the tree? Just awful!
BTW: A bloke who lies about who his dad was is really the type of miscreant to be riding roughshod over a formerly free country? WHAAAAAT?
Tdef wrote
“As Putin says, he wants to end the war in Ukraine and the Nazification. We hope he means exactly that.” Strange that both the President and Prime Minister of Ukraine are Jews. So hardly Nazification. They are no 1 and 2 on the Russian kill list (as are their families) as the Russians seek to put in their own government using the greatest force seen in Europe for 80 years.
Bearing in mind the support people on this blog rightly gave to Trudeau, it is somewhat shocking to see them become Russian apologists. Firstly substitute the word China for Russia. Then substitute the Word Ukraine for Australia. If China invaded your country you would rightly expect indignation and support. Why on earth are you cheering on the Russians who deliberately and brutally have used their whole war machine to squash a democratically elected European government?
We had some astonishing stuff from tdef at the head of this thread. Britain was involved in the Crimea in 1855 because Russia had invaded part of Turkey using their enslaved serf army, who hoping to seize the territories of the fragile Ottoman empire.
In World war 1 the soviets were busy fomenting Revolution and killing their own people as they withdrew from the war. in World war 2 they had a non aggression pact for 2 years with Hitler and brutally carved up European countries between them killing thousands. . They only fought the Nazis when Hitler turned on them and only survived because the Allies sent them vast amounts of Aid. Then when the war finished the Soviets brutally took over Hungary, remember the tanks in 1956? Czechoslovakia, tanks in Prague in 1968 Poland Rumania Albania East Germany and were only stopped by Allied action from annexing Austria .
They also invaded Afghanistan. Remember Cuba? So they are not philanthropists and the leopard has obviously not changed its spots.
Hundreds of Ukraine civilians -In Kiev indistinguishable from citizens of other western countries as its a lively bustling city much like colder versions of Oz or British cities -are either fleeing for their lives to to Poland or hiding in the subway stations as the bombs and cruise missiles rain down. Tens of thousands have been issued Weapons to fight for their homeland. They watched Russian paratroopers descend on an airport only 20 miles away.
This started 8 years ago when Russia marched into Georgia and in effect created 2 new puppet states. Then he annexed Crimea. Then 2 parts of sovereign Eastern Ukraine.
Other dictators around the world will be emboldened as the old rules based order of the last 80 years crumbles. Newly emboldened leaders of Russia China North Korea and Iran will not be a pretty sight. Russia is not the innocent party here, they are an old fashioned aggressor. Yet at time of writing TDEF’s apologist piece had garnered 47 green thumbs and only 2 red ones.
Red thumb me all you like, but how did a group so keen on supporting the truckers suddenly decide Putin is the good guy here in this shocking story of invasion? The Russian tanks will likely be in Kiev by the end of the day. The shocked citizens of that city wont be cheering them
Who’s an apologist?
I was not there at the time of the Crimean war, but Britain and France were opportunists in a far away struggle. Like America today. The Crimean war is impossible to justify or explain except as Imperialism and opportunism which cost many Russian lives. From history.com
“Russia’s aggressiveness also made the British nervous about maintaining their trade with Turkey and access to India.”. Sure.
“Meanwhile, the French, who still remembered Napoleon I’s defeat by the Russians, saw a chance to take revenge.” 33 years later. The same period between WW1 and WW2 for a frustrated Germany. And Stalin was sucked right in by Hitler.
The two countries entered the war on Turkey’s side in late March 1854. With the combined might of their navies and armies—including a 60,000-man force protecting Istanbul, the Turkish capital—they expected to make short work of the Czar’s military.”
This was not a war with right and wrong. Battles between the Ottoman empire and Europe were endless. And between the various Khanates and the resurgent Russians. And the war in 1888 with the Bulgars.
For Britain and France though, it was a war of total opportunity in 1855, like 1915 landing at Gallipoli or the utterly disgraceful British promoted war attack by Greece on Turkey in 1919. Another useless British war which saw millions of people displaced, Turks and Greeks alike. By my count the British and French were every time the opportunistic aggressors on both Turkey and Russia, not defenders of right and wrong. Always on the make at huge cost in life. And the defeat of Napoleon in 1812 was only 43 years before and the French wanted another go at Russia. A similar period of time between 1918 and 1941 for the second German invasion of Russia. Wars were sport for the upper classes.
In hindsight the best rationale other than deadly adventure was a ‘punitive’ war. In a day when that made sense to someone. Teaching people a lesson by slaughtering them and having no other objective.
And NATO and the EU and America have been playing deadly games with Ukraine as the patsy, provocation. And then claiming complete innocence and Russian aggression. It’s an old pattern the Russians know well. The last 200 years has numerous examples, always at unbelievable cost in Russian lives or we would all be speaking German or Japanese.
It takes a peculiar view of history to see France, Britain, Germany and even Poland and Sweden and Turkey as anything but the aggressors in Russian history. Everyone wants to break up the riches of the biggest country in the world and it’s not Ukraine. The biggest threat to Russia though remains its giant nuclear neighbour, China. In case no one noticed.
Russia are the current aggressors on a huge scale as they smash their way into Ukraine killing numerous civilians. They are now in kiev
Quite why so many here rightly sided with the Truckers but now seem to support Putin defeats me. Add in Chechyna and Syria to the long list of Russian aggressions over the last few decades plus the many millions of their own citizens they killed last century.
Ukraine just wants to be left alone in peace and as one country trying to create a western European lifestyle and their fledgling democracy, not sawn up into lots of different regions subservient to Russia.
We can agree on the biggest threat being China. The Chinese are pouring lots of resources into the east of Russia. It is the Chinese who want parts of Russia not the west.
Putin is not a dictator, he was elected. How do you explain the Americans overthrowing the Ukrainian elected Govt in 2014? …and the 4 politicians who all have children getting paid by the Ukrainian energy Dept? The biggest money laundering system on the planet & you say they’re not gangsters? ..or haven’t you come across Hunter Biden Simon?
Putin is a very popular leader who would romp in in any honest election.
Any here under 50 will live to see Russia become the dominant world power. [Personally I would prefer that to China] They are rebuilding their faith and national unity, the only nation doing so.
Russia has a small economy and a deckling population. Neither is the recipe for world domination. Out of interest why would you prefer that to be China?
“Putin is a very popular leader who would romp in in any honest election.”
Especially when popular opposition leaders are put in jail.
Maybe a closer look at who Putin is at war with, and it is not Ukraine. This is what Putin meant by denazification.
Be very wary of politics on Wiki but Putin HAS made a point of de-n@zification of the Ukraine.
The denaz*fication of a country led by a Jewish President and a Jewish Prime minister who are now being hunted down?
Victims, they are always the victims. Your victims fled the country days ago to their off shore bank accounts.
Its a good overview, a search of the Azov battalion will get you hundreds of articles. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/02/exclusive-bidens-friends-ukraine-include-neo-nazi-azov-battalion-known-brutal-attacks-immigrants-gypsies-transvestites/
Putin is a globalist, one of the club. Ukraine is a globalist country. George Soros was a major player via his Open University in 2014, the president was hand picked by him
30 years of climate propaganda, 2 years of covid propaganda, the major weapon in all wars is propaganda.
Distractions and theatre.
Thanks. I had wondered by Putin meant. The idea that the Ukranians are just soft and cuddly victims is absurd. It is a violent criminal enterprise, but the Western press say nothing.
The reason the MSM says nothing is because it is a money laundry. Billions of $US are sent there, rinsed and dispersed around the world to the connected, mainly back to the US and in part to Biden Inc.
Ever wondered how the multi-million book advances for the Clintons and Obamas are financed? The left say money is made round to go round and no matter where you are on the totem pole a little will come your way. Not “to each according to need” of course.
The odd billion dollars scammed out of Haiti can buy off a lot of election officials.
That is a sweeping generalisation. Of course it isn’t a violent criminal enterprise which doesn’t mean to say that every single official has a pure heart. The overwhelming majority of Ukrainians wouldn’t be out of place in a British or Australian city. They are scared and frightened. Many have been killed by an unhinged madman. Which is not to say Putin is not smart but he has been in his covid bunker for 2 years and lost touch with reality
No leader has been worried about covid, hundreds of photo’s of them partying for the last two years show how concerned they are.
Your problem is your infinite knowledge of everything all gained via MSM, you have an opinion based on opinions.
If the West didn’t isolate and push Russia around, then China wouldn’t be such a close ally. Trump understood the bigger threat was China, hence the trade tarrifs against China and reaching out a hand of friendship/peace to North Korea and Russia. This had the potential to really isolate China and limit their influence in the region.
Instead, we are enabling (forcing?) a parallel economy between China, Russia, NK and Iran with all these sactions … and probably others will join in too (e.g. Pakistan). Such a parallel economy would rival the West and limit any future sanctions having any impact.
And then look at the fact that many of these countries produce things we use (medicines, technology, etc) and have many of the resources (oil, natural gas, etc) we need, and suddenly they have far more capacity to hurt us than we do of them.
You make it sound like sovereign nations lack agency. They are grown ups too.
Led by children.
I find it interesting that some commenters here, of which I am one, routinely receive red thumbs for stating the truth. The Ukraine has been a sovereign nation since 1991 but the red thumb brigade choose not to like that truth. Why such closed minds?
Ukraine like so many countries created by accident is a mess, for many reasons.
I can list some of the others in history like Crete, Pakistan/India, Czech/Slovakia, the whole of ‘Yugoslavia’ (Yugo=South, Slav) with more hatreds than you can count. Kosovo. Macedonia. Grozny and Chechia in Russia. And Belgium(French/Flemish). Or try Northern Ireland Even Scotland/England. And they eventually explode one way or another. Better though to find a middle path.
The in the press that Ukraine was some big happy family since 1991 until Putin declared war is utter nonsense. 13,000 people have died in the last 7 years in the Donbass. Not by accident.
If say Western Australia was violently occupied by the Chinese and the rest of Australia tried to get it back would you condemn them?
The only reason there have been 13000 deaths is that Russia enabled separatists in that region and armed them to fight against Ukraine. That Russia now claims them to be independent countries should give a clue as to Putins overall intentions.
..but if you don’t have Russia-sized wealth and power you are only sovereign among countries of your own size. Disagree with America and you will soon see how ‘sovereign’ you are, no matter how grown up you may be. Ask Viet Nam, or Iraq, or Syria, or Libya, or Afganistan or any central American country…
Presumably when China comes for Australia you will refuse American help?
Trump’s tariffs on Chinese goods were for the same purpose as Menzies/McEwen’s tariffs on Hong Kong (yes, that’s China even then) and Japanese goods in the 1960s.
That purpose was to protect local workers from having to compete on equal terms with workers in less developed economies who worked much longer hours for much less pay.
Trump was simply calling “time” on China’s developing nation privileges.
An expert opinion (Martin A):
I cannot help but be astonished at how bad the West has dealt with Putin. You cannot say you want a diplomatic resolution and then slap him in the face and reject everything on his wish list. This incompetence is mind-blowing. It can only imply that the West has deliberately used Ukraine to create a diversion as their escape from the stupidity of COVID and now they can not just claim you need them to stay in power, but the inflation they created with shortages thanks to COVID restrictions will be now blamed on Putin and war.
Unfortunately, the likelihood of this just ending with Ukraine is not very high. It appears that our brilliant strategists in the West are just plain stupid. They have revealed their weakness and they all abandoned Ukraine telling Putin it was his for the taking. Zelensky is an absolute fool. For 8 years Ukraine refused to even allow elections in the Russian separatist regions. So now the entire nation is thrown into war and for what reason? Zelensky was a comedian. He was clearly not smart enough to see that when the West all pulled their people, that was the invitation to Putin and he still made no effort to compromise. He was used as a pawn in this political game by the West which desperately needed a war after COVID.
Now you see what the computer was projecting for Russia. A string of Directional Changes for 5 quarters into the first of 2023. There will be an initial thrust into April probably culminating during the first week of April 4th, in 2022. But it appears that the tensions will now continue into 2023 before they will back off, and then as I have been warning, international war appears on the horizon between 2024-2027.
As Mr Spock once said:
“Strange how often you humans achieve that which you do not want”
As JC II has said repeatedly:
“It’s not Covid you have to fear but what comes after it”
With (10% as bad as the flu) Omicron disappearing over the horizon and the Covid agenda with it, it’s time for stage 2. False flag & real cyberattacks (long internet shutdowns, banking outages), real disease, real food shortages(building now, natural & man-made), real economic disasters and last but not least real war.
I may be paranoid, but I have always suspected that Putin was funding environmental activists, and strengthening LGBT politics by sending agents to pour hormones into Thames Water, as well as trips to Salisbury. Also I think the Chinese have been paid by CIA traitors, to produce nasty viruses, so that the traitors could make lots of money from vaccines. Also I think the traitors had a test run for a plan to take our money from our bank accounts. I think it was Snowden who asked someone at the top of the CIA, why the actions of the CIA didn’t seem intelligent. His boss said “follow the money”
The advantage for Russia is that “Traitors” call themselves “Globalists”, but Putin isnt a Globalist. So we have the disadvantage in the western world of having our countries run by money grabbing traitors, but with Putin loyal to Russia and its people.
In Britain, the traitors were pro-German in the 1930,s & 40,s, pro-Russian in the 1950,s, 60,s, 70,s & 80,s, and then pro-EU in the 90,s, 00,s & 10,s. Now they are still pro-EU, or whoever foreigner pays them lots of money. Since Prince Philip died, the Queen has been unrestrained in knighting lots of traitors, such as Blair and the Covid criminals.
It’s not paranoia when there is a likelihood of your enemy funding your enemies. Why wouldn’t he?
Russian oligarchs might actually be preferable to the Neo Liberal clown world oligarchs
At least the rainbow flags will be gone
Ukraine is a poor nation with enormous natural resources.
Should be wealthy so where has all that wealth gone ?
How would anyone know ? Just asking . .
I’m sure Hunter has a fair idea of the answer to that question G+W.
The Telegraph lies predictably with headlines ‘mass civilian casualties’.
All the years of US bombing air strikes around the world and never a bleep . .
Green WEAKNESS? Try this as a feature. The green movement is communist socialist. The fifth column! They have succeeded in their allotted task, to weaken the west, discredit capitalism and turn the people against each other…AND WE LET THEM!
John Kerry asked Putin to think about the climate.
The deluded idiocy of our rulers in one sentence.
If there was ever a brain there under that bouffant, it has long since overheated. He makes most Kerrymen look clever.
Now that’s a real Kerry joke
“Another ego under a hairdo”
John Kerry’s Reaction to Russia Invading Ukraine is Predictably Asinine
He is not alone: a few days ago, when everywhere we were seeing “Russia invasion tomorrow!”, that extraordinary FM of Germany, Annalena Baerbock, went to Kyiv to teach the Ukrainian government a lesson on … hydrogen.
It’s calculated lunacy … Kerry is not really talking to Putin, he knows perfectly well that there’s nothing he could possibly say that Putin would be interested in.
Kerry is posturing in front of his supporters, later on he can say, “I just care so much about the climate!”
Scenario only. (Just so you don’t think I’m a Russian, what’s that word …… appeaser)
John Kerry: (to Mr Putin) Could you cut back, well, stop really, your production of Natural Gas and also stop exporting it to Europe, because it contributes so much towards Global Warming.
Vladimir Putin: Yeah okay!
And equally the Germans are glad to buy it since the alternative is shut down industry and home heating. Mm, I always thought that the Germans were a smart race . .
The Greens are absolutely delighted with the Russian aggression. No more oil or gas for Europe. At last they think the time for wind & solar has arrived. Only one more objective!! Shutdown the French nuclear generators.
Would you put it past the lunatics in the Green movements??
I think greens must demand the shut down of hydroelectric plants as well because they claim rotting vegetation in dams is also responsible for “greenhouse” gases.
Reference: https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2016/nov/14/hydroelectric-dams-emit-billion-tonnes-greenhouse-gas-methane-study-climate-change
Let’s see Europe become a green paradise surviving only on wind and solar.
Let it become a green utopia.
Europe’s finished anyway. In its final breaths it can at least demonstrate to the remaining parts of the world that civilisation can’t survive on wind and solar.
There is chance that the sudden restriction of fuel to the West caused by the conflict will cause the unlocking of US/European fossil fuel and nuclear energy production. The green nutters all of a sudden just look like nutters and maybe more clearly than ever before.
Of course, that all depends on us having leaders with some brains, spine and dangly bits. Not at all guaranteed.
That is incorrect, Janet Rice (Australian Greens) has put out a statement on Ukraine.
‘The Australian Greens condemn Vladimir Putin’s military aggression in the Ukraine, as we condemn all military aggression. We call on all parties to remember the human cost of war and to work peacefully through diplomatic channels to de-escalate the situation.
‘We affirm the right of the people of Ukraine to sovereignty and territorial integrity.’
Given the conclusion drawn in the title of the article, in the end Greens, both communally and as individuals, must be made to pay a terrible penalty for the deaths of thousands of sons and fathers in any war caused by their incessant and idiotic hijacking of the West’s ability to provide itself with reliable power.
Most people don’t understand that industrial capacity is what wins wars, not the number of troops. With the simple flick of a switch, Putin can win any war in Europe by simply turning off the gas and oil.
The West cannot hope to win any war with Russia at this time.
And with 60 pipelines delivering russian gas to various European countries it would be simple to cut their gas supplies.
% russian gas to european countries (some examples)
Finland 94
Latvia 93
Estonia 70
Lithuania 41
Poland 40
Germany 49
France 24
Netherlands 11
The UK 4
How do we know that in fact Russia hasn’t already cut off or perhaps disrupted the flow already? Years ago in NZ someone raised concern of loss of supply of natural gas at source because of plant disruption and it was pointed out that any such issue does not mean gas supply stops. Instead given the amount of gas in the pipeline itself it would take (can’t remember exact time but at least) days or even weeks before the gas actually ran out. Putin may have already established space bubbles in the supply so in the weeks to come fires/lights go out for an hour or two but then come back on. Great way to giving a lesson without disrupting the whole class.
If above is wrong ie it would take days/weeks for flow through of a cut off then just ignore I’m relying on memory here. lol.
We don’t know but up til now the Russians have delivered all amounts contracted. They have about 60 pipelines into Europe so they could possibly select targets, but that is contrary to them building Nord Stream 2 to Germany to deliver more gas directly, against strong opposition from the USA (which wanted the market for its fracked gas) and the EU for reasons which don’t appear logical.
The EU is desperate for more gas, esp. as Norway cut its output by approx. 20% (blaming mechanical trouble) late last year and they are the major supplier to The UK and Europe. They have no objections to getting a much higher price for their gas. They are the descendants of the Vikings who used to plunder other countries.
For many years the biggest gas well in Oz was at Gilmore in western Qld and it sat isolated. Then a pipeline was run from the field to a power station at Barcaldine.
The problem was that it was a big supply but slow- I guess it wasn’t fracked in the 1960’s when drilled. So the pipeline was a storage that ran the station about 9 am to 5 pm and then had to recharge. It feeds into the central Qld coal mining area.
“They are the descendants of the Vikings who used to plunder other countries.”
And dealt in slaves too IIRC
Europe has been desperately short of gas all winter. There are no “charged” pipelines for supply.
Q. What moral obligation does Russia have to supply NATO countries when they have a willing buyer in the East?
Britain, France and Germany have spent centuries at war but have united against Russia in a “self protection pact”. Who are they protecting themselves against? Russia could not invade Europe with tanks and artillery but NATO seems woefully inadequate when it comes to defence and response to nuclear attack. They have left that almost entirely to the US.
NATO: An organisation looking for an excuse to keep their jobs.
Those figures hide an important problem for the UK. Around 40% of the UK’s gas comes from Europe, principally Finland and the Netherlands, who in turn get their gas from …
Here are the Stats. The Uk gets very little gas from Russia or Finland and Holland still has its own Wells. We are relatively secure but fail to store sufficient as a buffer.
Oh the hypocrisy of it all . . .
Globull-ists’ achieve
their aims,’The Decline
of the West,’ tho’ not
quite in the way that
they intend -dead.
As for Germany wanting energy, it was the prize in WW2. One sweep, operation Blue into the Caucusus. And another under Rommel across North Africa with the same objective. And ironically with no idea of the oil riches under the desert in Libya.
Energy was the driver of the Blitzkreig, lightning war, mechanized mobile war, which is why Germany was so dependent on the oil in Romania at Ploesti and determined to block the Volga at Stalingrad. So nothing has changed. Except that the Germans would have us believe that they were always the good guys and Russians the villains. And the Democrats seem identical.
Green politics is deceitful. It often means only subjugation and harm to everyone else while caring for trees.
And no country on Earth is Greener than Germany where the people worshipped forests and trees as druids, animists. And their Leader was a vegetarian. That did not mean that they wanted happy cordial relations with their neighbours.
“US to send 7,000 more troops to Germany to ‘deter Russian aggression'”
Haha! US to send 7,000 more troops to Germany to make sure the Germans don’t open the Nordstream pipeline, or support Russia against Ukraine!
“No boots on the ground” says Biden… Yeah, typical, so what are all those American troops in Europe going to do?
It was obvious Ukraine was being used as a patsy to provoke Putin, and then the Yanks would hang them out to dry. Poor sods.
Enjoy a long if cold European Holiday. Pay will be good!
Sooner or later, someone will say that wars are ok, because (white) people die, and that reduces the carbon footprint.
The problem is, the author of such an opinion piece will be serious about it.
Pretty much the opinion of Whoopi Goldberg. The holocaust was just a white on white thing and who cares about whites? They’re racists.
It’s why I enjoyed Rick Gervais at the oscars. He said the Grump Greta had spent more time at school than most of the people in Hollywood.
Standing up to Putin means ditching Net-Zero
By Rupert Darwall |February 24th, 2022
Vladimir Putin’s inflammatory speech, in which he set out his aim to reconstitute the Russian empire and blamed Lenin for its demise, and his decision to back this up with a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, signals the return of geopolitics. Until now, Western leaders have been saying that the biggest threat to the world is climate change. Now comes Putin armed with nuclear weapons, tanks, and thousands of troops declaring his intent to overthrow Europe’s post-Cold War order. The dilemma for the West: you can’t win a geopolitical conflict lasting years or decades with an economy powered intermittently by wind turbines and solar panels.
I agree about ditching Net-Zero. The motivation to drop Net-Zero should not, however, be connected with fighting Russians.
We cannot run our countries, if our country has lost all industries and is broke. The Net-Zero is madness. It is not possible.
We are facing a unconventional war with China which appears to have started. We need to stop the games in our countries. Russia attacked now for a reason. China has been preparing for 20 years for an unconventional(sneaky) war with the US.
The US is losing an economic war with China. China dominates all industries now. We are running out of time.
My guess is that Taiwan is next.
I agree. They both sense weakness. They sure have it now.
And after that, Biden’s puppeteers will let Iran have a nuclear bomb.
And China will consolidate its hold on the South China Sea.
And the Chicomms have already targeted a laser on an Australian military aircraft the last few days.
Biden’s puppeteers will do nothing. They don’t call him Bejing Biden for nothing.
“let Iran have a nuclear bomb” The Rand farce is not a fit contribution to this conversation. With the US and UK refurbishing their supplies of mass murder tech, the relative threat from people without WMD who have hosted conferences trying to get rid of it is virtually nonexistent – no matter Israel’s hoopla. https://www.transcend.org/tms/2010/05/the-npt-and-the-nuclear-power-trap/
p.s. my birth name is real – I am not an Australian superstar however
Despite the last line, are you making a comeback?
I disagree that Taiwan is next, its a European thing.
Russia and China are no longer communists, so we should treat them as trading partners with autocratic leaders.
China have just flown six jets into Taiwan airspace , coincidence?
Its intimidation, nothing more.
China is an opportunist like no other. The US and EU can’t fight a war on two fronts, in fact the US is barely able to fight one these days. It’s the perfect time for China to take Taiwan.
Western Governments and corporations have been breathtakingly arrogant and stupid over both China and Ukraine. Back in the 1970s China was the West’s new playground. Nations’ eyes lit up at the wealth available if China “went western” and shut their eyes to the obvious – that China plays a very long game and would win a waiting war. In the 1990s Ukraine became the new moneyspinner for the US, until eastern Ukraine factions looked like winning the election and aligning with Russia, so the US installed an anti-Russian puppet government and started laundering money, trafficking & energy production and training anti-Russian troops courtesy of the CIA.
Very insightful and here is a story discussing Ukraine elections, Orwellian to a great degree.
Absolutely. I have been saying that for years. It won’t happen unless/until NATO and America are firmly committed to a shooting war, with substantial troop numbers in Europe. A country that can’t handle a staged withdrawal from Afghanistan is in no way prepared for real war with technologically-advanced militaries on two fronts. Xi know this of course, and he knows the Biden administration has no stomach for it.
Roosevelt and Churchill would have been building Pacific capability for some years by now, for just this scenario.
Strike while the iron is hot ? . .
Ben Shapiro has said (at least twice today) that after Taiwan, Australia. 🙁
It’s been nice knowing you …
I hope the russians are using green bombs, you know the ones that emit less carbon. At least that way they can save the world from global warming as they conquer it.
Try green tanks:
The Russian conventional thermobaric bombs are a step down on nuclear bombs but very nasty and rely on fuel. They simply melt the opposing side.
We can always pack up Extinction Rebellion and the Greens and send them to Russia to challenge Putin to “fight green” and glue themselves in front of the tanks if he does not listen = HIGHLY EFFECTIVE!!
No, no, no. Flying the ER and G’s to Russia would generate unacceptable levels of carbon. The more sensible solution is we cut off the hands of the ER and G’s and fly them along with shipment of glue and just get them glued in front of the tanks. Much more carbon neutral. Would negate Europe’s reliance on Russian gas …… many hands make light work.
The Charge of the Rainbow Brigade?
Putin’sBiden’s puppeteers have deliberately weakened the once-United States of America by changing it from a net oil exporter under Trump to a net importer and dependent again on foreign oil from some very bad people.And of course, Biden’s puppeteers also have a fanatical commitment to wind and solar almost as bad as Australia’s.
At least, unlike Australia, the US has not yet started blowing up proper power stations.
“Bidens sanctions on Russia include permanent suspension of the keystone pipeline, opening the southern border along Mexico wider, relocation of illegals among the US on taxpayers dime via flights in secret, leaving Americans behind in Afghanistan ….. did I forget any of the bigger ones ? “
Oops! Not Putin’s puppeteers, I meant Biden’s in the first sentence!
Thank you for correcting that for me, mods… ❤
Its not just gas, its also oil. Russia is the second largest producer of oil in the world, ahead of Saudi Arabia. Russia turning off the taps would destroy the world economy. Its quite clear that the sanctions are going nowhere.
And if California gets (to the great joy of John Kerry and Peter Fitzroy etc) $6 a gallon petrol that converts to Aus. $2.22 per litre.
Premium fuel in Perth last night. $2.08 L
Blaming us greens for countries buying cheap energy, particularly those with no fossil fuel resources, really means you are blaming me for capitalist economics.
I note that the USA would love to provide the EU with its, admittedly more expensive, gas. To that end it tried to halt the Nordstream2 project, threatening Germany with all sorts of consequences, so you could equally blame the USA for finding a way to halt gas from Russia, instead of us greens
What makes you think other people commenting on here are not “greens” in the sense of having some awareness and concern for the environment and how it is treated?
Or, do you mean “green” as in a regressive political zealot with a tenuous grasp of the scientific method – like you?
Love a good ad hom, but yours is pathetic, please try harder, else I will not take my tongue out of my cheek
PF you live in a fantasy world and you ignore the UN data and evidence about the past 200 years.
If I’m wrong I’d like to see your so called evidence.I quote the UN data and yet you just retreat to your fantasy world again.
Like most Greens you are a Malthusian joke and don’t understand simple sums or recent history.
You cannot argue that the greens are responsible for the downfall of the West. Last month the United States supplied more than half of all LNG imports into Europe.
Just like a certain unspecified virus of unknown origin, The Greens* are not “responsible”, they merely take advantage of the (in this case, deliberately) compromised immune systems of the weak of mind and the frail of constitution, and an ingrained self-loathing (amongst some – too many, unfortunately) that ensures no active prevention or remedy is deployed in response to the assault.
At some point you have to stop blaming “the virus” and start blaming the host that refuses to defend itself, and even actively and deliberately incapacitates its own defenses.
‘Too Stupid to Survive’ is a thing. Our mission is to allow these people to achieve their much-desired “Darwin Award” (nobly and virtuously, of course) without taking the sane and innocent with them.
*The Eco-Fascist, Anti-human Cultists that specialise in fig-leaves of “concern” for nefarious purpose – not environmentalists
‘ … that ensures no active prevention or remedy is deployed in response to the assault.’
Hmmm … its geopolitical and Putin desires a legacy, he wants NATO away from the Russian border. Reminds me of the Cuban Missile Crisis, but on that occasion the soviets backed down when Kennedy agreed to pull missiles out of Turkey.
The Greens are essentially good people and cannot be held responsible for the Ukrainian conflict.
” the soviets backed down when Kennedy agreed to pull missiles out of Turkey.” Shhhh. What do you think was the point of the exercise ?
Peter F:
What cheap energy? Haven’t you looked at an electricity bill in the last 7 years?
Try searching for electricity cost versus % renewables. Every country (or State) going for wind & solar has higher prices.
SA has the highest % renewables and the highest costs in Australia. And California the same in the USA.
Peter, I don’t know if US LNG exported to Europe is or would be cheaper or not than Russian pipeline gas. (Does anyone know?)
But President Trump’s point in not wanting Europe to be dependent on Russian gas was that the Russians can turn off the gas at any time and severely harm or even destroy Europe.
And Russia is an obviously hostile power and the United States pays for much of Europe’s defence against Russia. (I assume Biden’s puppeteers have stopped demanding Europe pays for its fair share of defence as President Trump did.)
Even in a free market, and even if they had to pay more, it would have been worthwhile for Europe to buy reliable US gas from an ally and the country that pays for much of Europe’s defence – against the Russians – than from the country that the US pays to defend Europe against.
The Europeans have no sense of self-preservation or decency. They are fully committed to self-destruction, even more so than the Anglo-heritage democracies.
Putin is laughing all the way to the Black Sea – and beyond.
..and beyond. Where to? Mere speculation. Oh, I see the Baltic states and Poland. Same old Cold War rhetoric.
‘And Russia is an obviously hostile power’
Did you mean ‘And US is an obviously hostile power’
Without the Americans steamrolling Europe to suit their own ends, Europe would have made a full trading partner of Russia and had nothing to fear. Orwell’s ‘Eurasia’ will occur sooner or later, Oceania has as the USA controls all South America and Australia.
“Green” energy is fraudulently measured.
It’s production should not be counted as nameplate capacity which is meaningless but on actual despatchable power that is available on demand.
This means that the only way solar or wind subsidy farms should be counted is if they have a battery and power conversion system. So the rated capacity will be the power delivered by the battery for the maximum time it can be delivered.
Energy must be supplied in a free market. This shouldn’t be a problem for wind and solar because the Left constantly tell us it is so much cheaper than coal, LoL.
I would go further than that – I would measure them on “deliverable” power (what can you ACTUALLY supply to a consumer, AT their location, IN the form that they need it, WHEN they flick the switch, ALL of the time?). There is absolutely no reason they should impose the costs of transmission onto others, and then proclaim they are “cheaper” (that is theft).
Every failed business that has ever existed would have been fantastically profitable had it been able to just completely ignore its expenses.
I don’t think it i9s only the greens that brought on this war, one must look at the US bio-weapons labs established by the pentagon as well.
From the information available here in France it appears that the Russians have destroyed most of those labs as the first thing they did.
Which I see as a good thing – no more Wu-flu derivatives released on an unsuspecting public.
But hey, its all Russian propaganda re US bio labs. Snopes has corrected this evil plot by the Russians. In fact they have done that within record time.
Of course the interesting thing is, do a bit of research and you find all these documents regarding US bio labs all over the place including this interesting one from October 2013 which includes the statement:
However The Center for Disease Control, CDC, in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, says that the US Military is in charge of the bio lab in Tbilisi, not the Georgian government, despite it being officially handed over to Georgian government control after the scandal broke earlier this year.
Or this more recent March 2021 article following up on “Ukrainians ask themselves what biolabs supervised by the US Department of Defense might be doing in Ukraine”
Of course the other big worry about all the above is how they only show up on non-MSM websites. How is it that so many different stories with different angles on the same subject must ALL be conspiracy theories that do not warrant investigation by MSM? Yes, it is a rhetorical question.
Yet another piece of the jigsaw falls into place. Oh, and as noted in those excellent comments by TdeF Ukraine has a TB problem – its placed 4th on the list of worst TB countries compiled by WHO. TB of course is a respiratory disease.
Looks like the good guys are actually the bad guys. Also seems maybe Revelation is not so much a book talking about the end times but is actually the last stage before the end times.
“it appears that the Russians have destroyed most of those labs as the first thing they did.”
You don’t happen to suppose that they might have had a look at the contents first?
I’d suggest destroying biolabs without that might be a tad dangerous – and might provide some handy hints as well
How dare Putin invade Ukraine in the midst of a climate emergency! Does he care nothing for the planet?
Think of all of those mechanized vehicles churning up the Chernozem. Another good thing is that Putin doesn’t put up with this green nonsense.
Totally agree with this article
Good analogy
The climate scam was swallowed hook line and sinker by the west and most particularly in Australia
We have committed economic suicide and left ourselves completely open to a hostile takeover
Green activist were our internal terrorist
Such sentiments were stated years ago. The only things that has changed is the LNP has joined the ALP+Greens to commit economic suicide.
I have never found the hint of truth in man made Climate Change, previously known as carbon dioxide driven global warming. However this new mantra of net zero heaps nonsense on illogic. The basic proposition is that Carbon dioxide is not in global equilibrium, like oxygen and nitrogen and argon. And it is considere by the IPCC to be insoluble, so there is no rapid absorption of carbon dioxide into the water which covers 3/4 of the planet. But everyone knows that is not true.
In truth highly soluble carbon dioxide, 30x more soluble than oxygen, is demonstrably in very rapid equilibrium with the oceans and the tiny 4% generated by fossil fuels has no cumulative effect at all. In fact CO2 is going up slowly because of warming of the ocean surface. To propose that CO2 is stuck in the air and causes global warming is past ridiculous.
Nett zero is rubbish on a personal or national scale. Do not budget your CO2. Breathe all you want. Burn all the fossil fuels you want. They will be gone soon enough. And when the world cools, CO2 will go down again. Which is a shame because all life on earth desperately needs CO2. There is no life without CO2.
And if CO2 levels were man made and CO2 output scales with population and human population has gone up x10 since 1850, why has CO2 only increased 50%?
Nett zero is a devastating invention of make believe science. Budget all you want. In your lifetime you will generate far more CO2 than your body weight. People are not trees.
Great comment Tdef. In particular the fact that CO2 output has not increased in proportion to world population in the last 170 years . .
More for the clueless Greens TO THINK about. So how come we’ve had much lower number of deaths from extreme weather events since the 1920s?
6+ billion more people today and yet the death toll has dropped by over 95% in the last 100 years.
And 2021 was probably the lowest number of extreme weather deaths ever. THINK about it and ask yourself where is their so called EXISTENTIAL THREAT?
Not this again. The answer is progress. The end.
GEEEZZZZ Gee Aye the answer is reliable affordable ENERGY and of course a very reasonable CLIMATE over the last century.
This will always lead to PROGRESS unless we CHOOSE to STUFF it up. You can choose to ignore FOSSIL FUELS, but this accounts for over 80% of our TOTAL ENERGY TODAY and DITTO since 1900 or 1950 or 1970 or 1990.
So where is your EXISTENTIAL THREAT or CRISIS etc?
That’s puzzlingly meaningless. Perhaps a random comment generator? How many boats can you see on this page?
“Progress to the end”. Progress towards what end/goal and Why, for what Purpose, at what cost, and with what intent?
Thus far, it appears that Progressive Progress is all about enslaving people unto ignorant, childish concepts backed up by legal , economic, and military force.
Tell us it isn’t so, and exactly why. Tell us of the ultimate goals of Progress.
Tell us how those goals and methods are justified.
Tell us how your ideas make us all more free and not less free.
Tell us how the denial of physical, economic, and personal reality is somehow justified by the political ends of tyrants?
Leaf, anyone who actually thinks, already knows that your ideas are failures. Prove me wrong.
The answer Gee aye is fossil fuel .
‘Progress’, yeah right, was it the Japs who didn’t have a word for retreat, it was ‘advance to the rear’.
Steve Turley does a good review of the Ukraine situation with some great background information.
Agreed. I did not know about the Minsk accord. The way he explains it, Russia has been patient for a long time and the shelling overnight was by Ukraine, but that is not reported. If there is a fog of war, a civil war is even foggier. Especially when the press is trying to blame Trump/Putin for everything.
And super woke General Milley has announced that Climate Change aka Global Warming is also responsible for cooling.
After watching the NATO advertisement on their diversity and inclusion, I would suggest sending in a battalion of transvestites to sort out the Russians.
Odds on Putin there!
This all goes to prove that climate change is indeed the greatest existential threat to mankind, but not from the climate. It’s the policies of winding back energy production and then importing that same volume of energy from a hostile dictator that makes you hostage to their goals of tyranny. At a very minimum, we need strict legislation that mandates all FF replacement energy must be 100% home grown or be imported from a very trusted ally, such as the USA. Down in Australia we are making exactly the same mistake as Europe, moving from energy independence to 100% dependence on imported RE from China.
The solution for Australia and the rest of the western world is obvious. We need nuclear power to provide energy independence and nuclear weapons as a deterrent to the hostile dictators that are emerging rapidly as the west collapses under a woke agenda of self destruction.
The stupid Malthusian Greens might be interested to learn that Human Life expectancy has increased from 47 in 1950 to 73 in 2021.
Population in 1950 about 2.5 billion and 7.8 bn today.
Wakey, wakey.
And with increasing wealth and health, despite the much longer lifespans, world population is modelled to peak at around 9.1Billion. Just the relative peace, adequate food and longer lifespan would have doubled the population anyway.
Well, I guess the Cold War is back.
‘Cept it looks like the checkpoints and secret police have migrated to this side of the Iron Curtain.
Well it’s what the military/ industrial complex in the US wants. Anyway it looks as though Biden and everyone else who has their fingers in the Ukraine apple pie are going to get short shrift courtesy of Russia. Remember that odious John McCain made good in Ukraine. Some people should understand a bit of regional history as well as some geopolitical realities.
Doesn’t look very cold to me.
The Cold War never ended. It slept in the 90s. A Cold War is one in which there is no fighting.
A cold war, or the Cold War, is when major powers conduct proxy or indirect actions in localized areas of contention.
The Cold War was hot somewhere the whole time.
The Cold War was temporarily replaced by the GWOT.
Live births have increased dramatically since 1950 and deaths for infants have also dropped dramatically since 1950.
So when will the stupid Greens follow the proper data and evidence? See graphs data since 1950 for both at the link.
Biden Announces He Will Move To Unfollow Putin On Twitter
February 24th, 2022 – BabylonBee.com
This is it, see, the best we can do is ‘unfollow Putin’, and slap on a few bans.
Twas a joke,a trifle overdone..
More for our ignorant Greens and this should educate them even further.
Today the global URBAN population is higher than the RURAL pop although today we have 5.3 bn EXTRA people to feed, house, educate and clothe etc.
And the 7.8 bn today are much healthier and wealthier than they were in 1950 or 1970 or 1990. AGAIN THINK about it.
Of course wealthy countries have about 80% + living in Urban areas and still increasing. HOW is this possible if we face an EXISTENTIAL THREAT?
And, right on cue, many suburbs around Brisbane are receiving little cards in their mail boxes. Professionally printed, double sided, QR-code equipped exhortations to “Order your free sign” declaring “Climate Action Now”.
A “free” petroleum-based corflute sign, publicly and proudly declaring loyalty to the Borg?
Apparently provided by the ‘Queensland Conservation Council, who are, no doubt heavily subsidized by money taken from REAL people at government (virtual) gun-point. (Try SERIOUSLY NOT paying taxes, sometime).
Here in SEQ, we are receiving a steady delivery of “Flanneries”. By my readings, my part of Briz-Vegas has copped nearly 280mm of “never-rain” in the last 72 hours. I can just about hear the grass growing over the steady drumming of rain on my roof.
Being nearly a hundred feet above Mean Sea Level and within visual distance of said sea, I would hope that we should be OK for a few more days. Others may not be so fortunate, especially if SEQ Water does a reprise of their 2011 “dam management” tap-dance.
Here in bayside beachfront Melbourne, about 12 feet above sea level, we are still waiting to be flooded. It’s been 32 years. I had a vision then. Sandbagged the house and invested in some Venetian Gondola replicas, but the termites ate them and turned them into methane. Still no flooding. Disappointed.
How interesting. At the last election Shorten lost because of the anti-coal rhetoric. Now the ALP+Greens expect to win on the same anti-coal rhetoric. The next election will prove how smart or dumb voters are.
I believed Morrison last election when he said he would not push for going carbon zero. He went to Glasgow and joined the green blob. He lied. One Nation?
Yes he lied, just as he lied when he stated there is no mandatory vaccination. If people want to vote for his party then they might as well vote for the ALP+Greens because at least they are honest about their intentions. Of course the proper thing to do is send a message to both parties by placing them last so that neither can win the next election with a majority, as has been discussed many time son previous threads. We do not want governments that are anti-coal and against the freedom to choose whether to be vaccinated or not when trying to keep a job. But if people do want such policies, and there are many who do then fine vote for them. It’s a democracy, at least in part. We are still fortunate to have the freedom to make a choice on such policies.
If if the use of a QR code was not involved with the obtaining one of the corflutes I would get one and proudly display it ,suitably modified with a Ghostbusters style circle and crossbar added to the graphics.
It’s best when political blogs stick to pretending to be scientific blogs.
Your fawning endorsement of the ABC aside, do you have a relevant point?
While you’re here (whining on a site based on voluntary support), could you help organise a refund of my (very much involuntary) taxes that contribute to the continuation of that moral and intellectual cesspit?
Puerile Projection much?
My , me thinks someone’s nethergarments are tad too tight !.
It’s best If politics and science weren’t mixed but they are , deal with it !
Fallen creation has always been about the exploitation of the many kinds of weakness, whether it be green or any other colour. The Latin adage ‘si vis pacem, para bellum’ has always applied. ‘Speak softly and carry a big stick. You will go far’ Another adage by Theodore Roosevelt, hits the mark also.
If energy is power, we are on a hiding to nothing.
The invasion would not have happened had there not been the coup against President Trump and he was still in power.
Why is that David.
Because President Trump was a strong leader of the USA and the West and would not have tolerated it and both him and Putin understood each other.
Putin is invading Ukraine, the Chicomms are about to invade Tawain, Canada has become a dictatorship and the Iranians are about to get a nuclear bomb all because the West is weak and leaderless and abandoned its core values. And the West is being attacked from within, not an external enemy.
The Ukraine is not part of NATO, Donald would have been powerless.
A few months back all the countries which possessed nuclear weapons signed a pact, agreeing that none of the signatories will use their arsenals first.
Some evidence for the coup/stolen election please ?, maybe there should be more audits ?.
Trump has praised his buddy , Putin, driven Iran back towards bomb development, sown future conflict in Israel and played for the clown he is by N Korea.
‘ … the West is being attacked from within, not an external enemy.’
A weak Fifth Column which controls the MSM, I don’t believe it.
I hereby nominate you Simon and “Dave” as resident comedians . Only problem is that you don’t realise the jokes on you . A return to reality is required .
The graph of which European countries are dependent on Russian Gas has one silly entry.
Ukraine was dependent on Russian gas because they have no gas, but now they use zero Russian gas?
It seems Ukraine buys its gas from ‘Europe’. And where does Europe get its gas? Russia.
It’s a connected world and many countries have no energy. As Golda Meir said (roughly), how is it that we are the promised land and we’re the only ones without oil?
As reported in the New York Times on June 11th, 1973:
Having said that, Israel in recent years has discovered large natural gas resources.
I wonder if they tried slant drilling under the Mediterranean.
Tdef, I saw that and thought the same, they probably pay a handsome premium not to get it direct.
Yes I saw that piece of idiotic propaganda too. Not to mention the gas the Ukrainians simply steal outright.
…Kerry Hopes Putin Will ‘Stay On Track’ With Climate Change…
…”Kerry Hopes Putin Will ‘Stay On Track’ With Climate Change…”
What a clown. !
Please be considerate. His brain is full.
It’s a big joke … but you ain’t in on it.
With apologies to the late George Carlin.
Well I guess he is changing the political climate
Fifteen years ago, when they allowed Atmospheric Physicists on the telly, or to write articles in newspapers. I remember one of them said that Venus would provide the answer for Climate Change on the Earth.
I thought that would mean the calibration of carbon dioxide warming by radiative forcing, as Venus has a quarter of a million times more carbon dioxide than the Earth, and with Nitrogen being regarded as not being a greenhouse gas. Then all the warming on Venus is produced by carbon dioxide. But then with the temperature on Venus at the altitude that has identical pressure to that on the Earth’s surface, at 1.176 times the Earth’s average surface temperature. The radiating temperature of Venus is 1.176 times that of the Earth, proving that input from the Sun and a change to thermal inertia due to pressure as a precise function of altitude are all that is needed to calculate the atmospheric greenhouse effect.
This evidence is confirmed by the temperature that the atmosphere of Jupiter, Neptune, Saturn, Titan, and Uranus has at the same one bar pressure as the surface of the Earth, adjusted for the distance from the Sun. It is entirely explained by gravity compressing the atmosphere and making it hotter – in accordance with the generally accepted theories of Maxwell-Boltzman, the Ideal Gas equation and the Unified Theory of Climate.
Also understanding why Max Plank thought radiative forcing was “Rubbish” helps. Its rubbish because of the random nature of the movement of molecules. This means that half of the molecules are cooled by radative forcing, producing zero heat, but with a movement pressure equal to that of the solar wind.
But even with am IQ of 164, I still cannot work out if man made climate change is a deliberate “hoax” or whether the morons who believe in it, are just inferior people?
Sounds like you may also be a fan of the Nikolov/ Kellerman proposal regarding the calculation of planetary surface temperatures.
This was discussed in this YouTube video and related ones by the same person. https://youtu.be/4ZKI40d5YHs
And he wrote this paper:
“I still cannot work out if man made climate change is a deliberate “hoax” or whether the morons who believe in it, are just inferior people?”
Started by a mistake in someone’s reasoning, added to with some wrong assumptions, grew wings when someone found a politician to believe in it, and flooded across the world by people who believe what they see in mainstream media. The moment there was public money poured into it, it was unstoppable, the same as renewable energy.
Take away the stolen money being thrown around and both ideas will vanish, so we could get some tax back!
Well, well, well, So China is going to buy Russian fossil fuels, all they can sell. The only ones hurt by sanctions are the net zero deluded westerners.
More REAL WORLD DATA that proves we should not listen to the noisiest Labor Greens funded yappers. EVER.
The crazy Flannery fool had his own show on their ABC and was funded by the clueless Gillard/ Brown govt and he was regarded as a genius by all the other left wing loonies for years.
Bolt often reminds us today about his stupid claims about permanent droughts and extreme SLR etc.
Yet today and over the last decade the MDB has had a number of floods and the MDB Dams are AGAIN FULL or 95+ % at the link.
When will the people WAKE UP to these crazy fools and their delusional EXTREMIST AGENDA?
With all of this “Flannery” falling from the skies we should have built a lot more Dams to capture it……………….What a wasted free resource from Mother Nature…………….
So Cubby Station will be contributing to our GDP. 🙂
How fondly I remember the golden years of 1970 to 1990, when Australia had –
1. Three domestic car makers, or more
2. Cheap and reliable electricity supply
3. Several oil refineries
4. Several unsubsidised alumina and aluminium processors
5. Domestic aircraft production like CAC building Nomads
6. Growth in domestic fertiliser plants
7. Schools that taught mathematics, grammar and proud Australian history, accurately
8. Universities that survived from skilled academic research, not income from hordes of foreigners
9. Academic freedom of speech, not censorship, sacking and cancelling
10. Governments at all levels that worked for the wishes of the people, not as dictators to the people
11. Personal ability to pay credit card debt in cash over the bank counter
12. Absence of garbage bin inspectors to enforce ordained bin uses
13. No National and State lockdowns like for Covid, since found to be mostly useless
14. No concepts back then of a masked population, compulsory, near-useless
14. Freedom from personal details on national databases
15. Cheap petrol at the pump
16. No luxury car tax
17. Freedom to have a cat or dog without registration and annual fees
18. Female athletes who did not have to compete with sexually mauled males
19. We all could eat peanuts
20. We had vaccinations against diseases that worked well
The list could go on for a while. Feel free to add to it if you are old enough to have experienced it and to help educate the younger sets.
It is rather clear that many aspects of life were better back in the 80s. What did we do to make it so much worse, so quickly? How shall we reverse the downward trends?
Underpinning it is the loss of individual freedom, replaced increasingly by political and bureaucratic command and control procedures. See Canadian truckers. Geoff S
It would pay to also put in a couple of pluses but they don’t come to mind very quickly. In talking to my son last night he reminisced how the internet went from being a liberating force to being a surveillance force.
But to address your point car manufacturing was doomed by the concept of economic rationalization. The rhetoric was along the lines of why make it here when we can import better and cheaper cars. And at the time Australian made cars were pretty basic compared to overseas models, the unions were extorting Australian manufacturers, so too many people failed to ask examine the logical consequences or the alternatives.
The same thing happened to all manufacturing. It wasn’t worth doing much more than dig it up, ship it out and buy the manufactured goods back. There goes the steel making industry.
And then came importing orange juice concentrate from Brazil. Why would you as an orange juice business pay for oranges grown in Australia when you could buy concentrate from Brazil.
If I had to put it all down to two factors I’d say short term thinking and a comparatively small population. A whole lot of stuff seemed like a good idea at the time but in the end the nation was mugged.
Geoff was right on the money . I would put cheap power at the top of that list . It has made manufacturing uneconomic here apart from all the other reasons you quoted . The irony is that the rising cost of transport will bring manufacturing back here if we can keep coal fired generation and get nuclear power into the mix . We can use gas and liquid fuels for transport because any rational analysis indicates that electrical vehicles cannot replace much of our current fleet of ICE vehicles .
And the lesson now being learned that “Just in time supply only works if it arrives just in time”
Forrest asked ” why make it here when we can import better and cheaper cars”
Yes, we all know that argument and it prevailed.
But think more deeply. People lost jobs. When they started in a new job, was it of more or less value to our society? (Like, not much value in a new job cleaning dust off solar panels).
Another questions. There is value for an isolated nation like Australia to have a policy to be self-contained. That is why we should have liquid fuel resources stockpiled on our soil (as the law used to require). In the low probability but important event of sudden war, should it happen, there is benefit in having a workforce able to slide from making cars to making tanks, in the broad sense.
In short, the economic excuse that it can be made cheaper elsewhere generally applies, but there are important other considerations. Such as national pride in the “Made in Australia badge. Geoff S
No politicians preening themselves about ‘keeping us safe’.
Very good description Geoff
Oh Dear. The Nomad was possibly the worst plane we ever built. Shook itself to bits.
Yeah? We bought two Nomad N22 and one had logged up the most hours of any Nomad when it finished our project. Many of its hours were on aerial survey with terrain clearance specified as 80 metres, quite demanding, but it did not shake itself to bits. Geoff S
China undercuts embargoes by ok’ing unrestricted Russian wheat imports.
‘Frans Timmermans, he stated that the Russian aggression was a reaction to his climate plans.’
I’m not sure if this is true, but it wouldn’t surprise me.
European Commission
‘Recovery and Resilience Facility
The Recovery and Resilience Facility is the key instrument at the heart of NextGenerationEU to help the EU emerge stronger and more resilient from the current crisis.’
As part of a wide-ranging response, the aim of the Recovery and Resilience Facility is to mitigate the economic and social impact of the coronavirus pandemic and make European economies and societies more sustainable, resilient and better prepared for the challenges and opportunities of the green and digital transitions.’
January 2022,
‘The Social Climate Fund proposed by EU Commissioner Frans Timmermans could increase the Dutch contribution to the European Union by 1.1 billion euros. That wrote Minister of Foreign Affairs Wopke Hoekstra Friday to the House of Representatives.
The Social Climate Fund was presented last summer by European Commissioner and Vice-President of the European Commission Timmermans. The proposed plan, intended to keep vulnerable households out of the wind with regard to any consequences of the European climate plans, will cost a total of around 23.7 billion euros. To this end, the European budget (the MFF) will be increased.
That money, therefore, provided that the European Parliament and the member states (European Council) agree with the plans, comes from those same EU countries. According to Hoekstra, the Dutch contribution to the EU will increase by 100 million euros in 2025, followed by an additional 500 million euros in both 2026 and 2027. Below the line, the remittance would therefore be 1.1 billion euros higher.
However, these plans are not yet fixed. The EU’s executive board (European Commission) has presented the climate plans and in the coming months both the European Parliament and the European Council will consider and negotiate the plans.
According to Hoekstra, the Netherlands has expressed its reluctance “with regard to new funds and the opening up of the European budget”.’
THE ECB BLOG 19 March 2020
Our response to the coronavirus emergency
by Christine Lagarde, President of the ECB
‘We are making available up to €3 trillion in liquidity through our refinancing operations, including at the lowest interest rate we have ever offered, -0.75%. Offering funds below our deposit facility rate allows us to amplify the stimulus from negative rates and channel it directly to those who can benefit most. European banking supervisors have also freed up an estimated €120 billion of extra bank capital, which can support considerable lending capacity by euro area banks.
All this underlines the ECB’s commitment to play its role in supporting every citizen of the euro area through this extremely challenging time. The ECB will ensure that all sectors of the economy can benefit from supportive financing conditions that enable them to absorb this shock. We will do everything necessary within our mandate to help the euro area through this crisis, because the ECB is at the service of the European people.’
It is hard to follow. It seems to me we are rather going to be equally poor in the future
(but apparently we will be happy…..)
Could somebody please explain why burning imported oil and gas must be ‘green’ clean, especially when purchased from a nation that recognises no climate disaster from AGW warming in the future, while burning Western mined oil and gas, even one’s own, spells disaster for the planet – according to activists and inane politicians without a formal science degree between them?
If that doesn’t spell aims to destroy Western societies, I’ll eat my proverbial hat. The hypocrisy is plain to see, but nobody calls it out – everywhere in the Western bureaucracies and Parliaments. There are cancellation penalties to be had for those that tell the truth, as against no penalty for supporting irrational theory and destroying one’s own society in acting on it!
As has been said, this has now led to the West being placed in peril at the hands of these activists, politicians and Big Business mogul billionaires chasing huge government guaranteed profits – all of them ignoring the welfare and huge COL increases they place on the middle class citizens of their own countries.
Could this be what is really going on?
Is Russia’s “special military operation” actually a smokescreen to target US bio-labs in Ukraine?
Speculation on social media suggests Russian strikes on Ukrainian military installations could also include US bio-labs in the region, as the Russian government has for years accused the US of developing bio-weapons near its border.
It could be a smokescreen. It might be a factor. It might just be a happy coincidence for people with all sorts of motivations.
We are living in the age of misinformation.
Lots of evil people have been doing lots of bad things while hiding behind the skirts of self-interested powerful people. The only good news is that the evil people are ever so slightly moving out of the shadows into the light.
We are living in a world of disinformation which could also be described as “infowars”. I can only bet that old Vlad is using an army of social media trolls to further his case on Ukraine.
No doubt about the use of social media trolls, but who is actually being influenced?
They might be moving out of the shadows into the light but there are far too many people who have blinkers on their eyes to notice.
This comment #40 yesterday made me think.
Mark Allinson
February 24, 2022 at 4:23 pm · Reply
All the self-hating, vaxx-pushing, lockdown-loving, BLM-supporting, gender-equality pushing, “global-warming” warning, green-energy encouraging Western leaders I despise are unanimous in their support for the government of Ukraine, which make me inclined to support Vlad.
‘Who is ready to fight alongside us? I don’t see anyone. Everyone is afraid’ That is correct Volodymyr so if you truly love your country urge your citizens to stop fighting. Instead give your so called allies time to take Russia to the international court and for sanctions to have their effect.
And here is the poster girl for why Volodymyr should, at least for now, take it on the chin and stop all calls for civilians to take up arms.
Meet Kira Rudik, Ukrainian political leader who captioned her photo with “I learn to use #Kalashnikov and prepare to bear arms. It sounds surreal as just a few days ago it would never come to my mind. Our #women will protect our soil the same way as our #men.”
Idealistic ignorance of reality will get her and many others killed faster than it takes for them to paint their toe nails a nice colour.
Well now, that’s interesting.
Apparently Ukraine has a number of US “bio research” military installations and we all know what that means – naughty GOF bioweapons development.
Wonder how much longer they’ll be around…answer: not long at all.
Lots of dirty laundry is likely to come out in the wash.
And hopefully lots of dirty deals will come to light.
That is of course if the right people want things to come out and the wrong people can’t stop them.
“Wonder how much longer they’ll be around…answer: not long at all.”
The labs, no, the GOF research.. forever! It has been the latest arms race for a couple of decades now, and no country with enemies (haha! There is no country WITHOUT enemies..) can afford not to do it. America has had leaks, Russia has had leaks, the UK has had leaks, the Chinese got stuck with a public one.. in reality it should be banned by everyone, but it is too important for our leaders to give up.
I expect it was the straw that broke the camel’s back for Putin. No one will question America doing their dangerous research in some other poor bugger’s country, that’s quite accepted by the Empire, but Putin knew that a Westerly wind could be a disaster for Russia in an “accidental” release.
CNN breaking news: explosive but mostly peaceful Russian invasion of Ukraine
Babylon Bee: Biden administration mounts daring mission to remove Hunter’s remaining cash from Ukraine
There are reports that France have surrendered.
Trudeau speaks. Hypocrisy at its finest.
I wonder who thinks Ukraine can resist Putins takeover,
Not this time around … Realpolitik.
‘Zelensky was a successful comedian and ran for president seemingly as a joke in 2019.
‘He catapulted to fame by playing a foul-mouthed school teacher on TV who became president after one of his students filmed his profane rant against corruption and posted it online.
‘The evening comedy show became a huge hit just as the country was gripped by cataclysmic change.’ (France 24)
Pentagon worries its weak ‘Nintendo generation’ breaks too easily to withstand war
Gen Z, or 18-to-25-year-olds, are especially at risk for being too soft-skinned to even graduate from basic recruit training without injury due to their “more sedentary lifestyle compared to previous generations”, the release said.
“We see injuries ranging from acute fractures and falls, to tears in the ACL, to muscle strains and stress fractures, with the overwhelming majority of injuries related to overuse,” said Fort Leonard Wood’s physiotherapist, Army Captain Lydia Blondin.
I’d suggest the REAL problem is in fake genders, fake identities, safe-space dwelling, offended-by-everything crybaby snowflakes 😆
But it doesn’t matter anyway as the cannon fodder days are over. Skilled hacker cyberattacks are the future. Ahh..memories… 😈
And real, brutal deprivation would be lack of access to high speed internet. Or a battery charger.
People have such myopic views of world events. Here is what Putin is fighting against. I’m not pro-Putin any more than I am pro-Biden, but I do respect Putin’s intentions for now. If he goes too far then all bets are off.
Why Are Swastikas Hot In West Ukraine?
Apparently a lot of Ukrainians fought for the Nazis during WW2 and they are demanding war veterans status so that they can get a service pension. A Bill came before parliament in 2014 and there were riots in the street.
Putin takes advantage of this and his propaganda machine goes into action.
Some people joked about how the Ukraine invasion was related to climate change issues.
Well, like all things to do with the Left, silly jokes become reality.
John Kerry’s response to Ukraine invasion: ‘I hope President Putin will help us to stay on track with respect to what we need to do for the climate’
John Kerry cautioned Wednesday that Russia’s war on Ukraine will distract the international community from one of the Biden administration’s top national security priorities: climate change.
The former secretary of state and current U.S. special envoy for climate was discussing Russia’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine during an interview on BBC Arabic when he said the war will have “massive emissions consequences” for the entire world.
Apparently John Kerry aspires to be remembered as author of combustion free warfare which will be hailed as the greatest achievement of the young century.
His is the science of the carbon dioxide blanket at the top of the atmosphere; one cannot fault his imagination.
Wars are usually a bit messy, lots of exploding, burning, bleeding, dying etc.
Lots of stuff abandoned or dumped, shell casings, mines, damaged equipment.
Best not to have to go to war in the first instance.
Another “hairdo with an ego” talking through a trilby
Probably old news but read Putin’s speech before you jump to any conclusions:
Putin’s speech appears to be based on Fichte’s Eighth Address to the German Nation.
Fichte was disappointed by the failure of the French Revolution to free the German people and hoped to guide them out of humiliation of defeat during the Napoleonic Wars, when German principalities were “converted” into French protectorates.
Putin, of course, wants his people to carry the virtues of a different revolution into the future- but like Fichte, within the bounds of a closed commercial but nationalistic state.
Sort of similar to Israel’s stance. In a nutshell; never again will they allow an invasion into their own land. Both Israel and Russia have suffered a lot in the past century at the hands of Hitler. So, they are fearful of it happening again by some other ruthless tyrant. I don’t blame them although I would do it differently. Keep out of other nations but if Russia or Israel is ever invaded, tactical nuclear strikes against the aggressors are immediately put into effect.
Had a bit of a chuckle about Ukraine’s non dependence on Russia for gas. Supposed. Well, it has some of its own, declining, but just now it is buying Russian gas sold to Germany under long term contract prices for about six times what it would have to pay direct from Russia. As Ukraine is an economic basket case, it has to pay very high interest on borrowings to get money to pay this rip off from German Gas companies. Russia has been a very reliable supplier to Europe and it is far more economical than shipping it by sea from somewhere like Qatar. Putin is portrayed as holding this over Europe, but he has not indicated any such thing.
Putin needs the European cash even more than Europe wants Russian gas.
Ukraine is an economic basket case partly because it is controlled by corrupt oligarchs and by corrupt US corporatist interests siphoning off US aid.
Ukraine’s use of its own energy resources are in decline because it won’t buy coal or gas from the Russian separatists controlling its best developed mines in the Don basin and the Ukrainian mafia is an incompetent manager of most of the remaining resources.
Ukraine is not a viable state in the context of resurgent Russian nationalism and insurgent US and European corporatism, and is now in a position like that of Poland in September 1939.
I took a little punt and bought some Gazprom shares yesterday.
Punt in the sense that the my broker might get shut out of the Moscow Exchange.
I love the way that Ukraine started issuing AK47s to the population AFTER Russia invaded! I imagine Saint Jacinda and Scotty from Marketing would be EXACTLY the same, typical tyrants, confiscate guns while you’re in power, then hand them out and expect your ‘people’ to defend you!
Now, while correlation is not causation, the known link between cosmic ray flux and physico-psychological effects has been established. So, like other “problems”, It’s the sun, stupid! 😉
KP is living in an American fantasy world. Are you a member of the NRA, KP? If not, then pull your head in
This is one of Jo’s sillier articles. How did Euro desire for dependence on cheap Russian gas cause this war in any way?
The war is another classic US set up. Like Saddam was set up by Kuwaiti provocations backed by secret US promises for protection in case of invasion. Ukraine was set up by promises of NATOstani and EU membership and protection in case of invasion.
Since Ukraine in NATO was non negotiable for the Russians, continuing supply of weaponry and, finally Zelensky’s brain dead assertion that Ukraine would develop its own nuclear weapons, there could be only one outcome. The takeover and demilitarization of Ukraine by Russia.
So the Ukrainians were duped by the US with false promises in the same way Saddam was duped. The US knew that NATO bases in Ukraine were an impossibility, so the real prize was international pariah status for Russia. It has all worked rather well.
[…] While the West went weak-Green, Russia became the 2nd largest gas supplier on Earth: https://joannenova.com.au/2022/02/green-weakness-enables-wars-punish-russia-by-burning-more-coal-gas… […]
[…] While the West went weak-Green, Russia became the 2nd largest gas supplier on Earth: https://joannenova.com.au/2022/02/green-weakness-enables-wars-punish-russia-by-burning-more-coal-gas… […]