Data from several countries now shows that, per capita, after a short honeymoon, the vaccinated are more likely to catch Omicron than the unvaccinated. No one can pretend any more that we need to get vaccinated to protect our friends.
As if to confirm the bad news, Twitter suspended an inventor of the mRNA vaccine, Dr Robert Malone. They’re trying to cut him off from his half a million followers so it’s my duty and yours to sign up to his site instead. Who needs Twitter? In other omens, last week, Joe Biden even started to give Donald Trump credit for vaccines. We can see where that might lead…
Iceland is one of the most boosted nations on Earth
Iceland is 80% triple boosted yet cases are going through the roof.
And the fastest growing group of infections is in the fully vaccinated (dark blue).
Imagine a mass vaccination program against the wrong molecular shape. Imagine a government insisted that every single health-worker took the same vaccine and sacked those who didn’t.
Time to give them their jobs back.
Efficacy is falling in Denmark
In Denmark, against Omicron, both Pfizer and Moderna only protect a third to a half of the vacinees for a month. After 3 months the “efficacy” against infection is negative. 90 days after vaccination with Pfizer, vaccinees are 76% more likely to catch Covid (Omicron) than if they were not vaccinated. (Hansen et al)

Vaccine effectiveness against Omicron in Denmark.
Or to graph that another way — noting that zero is what we get with no vaccine:

Note how fast the decline is?
Boostees would need to take vaccines every two months to stay in the honeymoon zone. It may save lives from Covid but cost lives from other conditions. What if inflammatory markers were raised for months after vaccination as some Cardiologists think. That would put people at a higher risk of heart attacks? Covid vaccines may not improve our chances of staying alive at all even in a pandemic. (Click that link to read the extraordinary UK study showing how many deaths of newly vaccinated people were classified as “unvaccinated”).
Bear in mind, this is just about cases, not about hospitalization or ICU. But even if vaccines reduce hospitalization, so does Ivermectin and it can stop the spread of Covid as well. Just ask Uttar Pradesh, or Indonesia, or Japan.
Likewise in Ontario the per capita rate of infections in the fully vaccinated has risen much faster than the rate in the unvaccinated.
The Ontario data can be split into different age groups (by clicking the screen buttons on their site) but strangely, there is no age group where the vaccinated are higher per capita, yet they are supposed to be higher on average across all ages, so something doesn’t add up.
The same site in Ontario show that there are twice as many unvaccinated cases (70) in the ICU as there are vaccinated (35). That may mean the vaccinated have lower odds of ending up in the ICU. Though it’s not clear whether these patients have Delta or Omicron.
The UK
The early UK data shows the people with the most vaccinations are the most likely to get Omicron up to December 12th.

To find Dr Malone:
- The website:
Hansen et al (2021) Vaccine effectiveness against SARS-CoV-2 infection with the Omicron or Delta variants following a two-dose or booster BNT162b2 or mRNA-1273 vaccination series: A Danish cohort study,
Give Donald Trump credit? where might that lead?
It would lead to blaming him – and not Pfizer – for all the bad effects and ultimately the failure.
The American left will stoop to any low level.
Good point.
I have been warning about this on a few other sites – the Biden admin is setting up Trump to take the fall once the vaxx damage becomes undeniable.
President Trump’s myopic pride in getting the vaxx delivered at “warp speed” and his continued pushing the vaxx and boosters will rebound upon him BIG TIME.
From the link:
“President Joe Biden on Tuesday gave credit to the Trump administration for the development of the Covid-19 vaccine and praised his predecessor, Donald Trump, for getting a booster shot — marking a rare moment where the two men have found common ground since Inauguration Day.”
Just in time for the mid-terms.
It once again proves how indescribably evil the Left are, at least their leadership. Most of the “useful idiots” are too stupid to understand or care.
It had nothing to do with “myopic pride” and everything to do with trusting in and believing his advisors and their honesty, both professional and political.
He knows better now just as we have all learnt to not trust those in the local CHO henhouse.
This, of course, will not matter, as truth us and has always been irrelevant to both the globalists and their stooges: the Left.
Trump is an interesting mix of arrogance and naivety. There is a conscience there, that he’s taken a lot out of life for himself and it’s time to pay it back. He made enough money to embark on a crusade for America. He believes sincerely that America needs saving and he’s the man to do it. I think overall, he is someone who wants to do good, but also wants to be recognised for it. But he is a hopeless believer in his own abilities to read and manage people. He thought politics would be like business, and he would win over his enemies. He got a very rude shock. He underestimated the depth of the animosity and the self-preservation of the Deep state. I hope he doesn’t run again. It’s time to move on. What he didn’t accomplish first time round won’t be there for the taking again.
Trump is demonstrating the “myopic pride” in his continued messaging of the effectiveness and safety of the vaccines in his speeches, even when he gets booed for it during his speeches.
His pride will not allow him to about that he was fooled by the deep state operatives
Majority of people are leftist today.
everyone who believe in this:
Man made god ( state, dictator, parliament )
Central banking and fiat money
Universal suffrage
Democracy is good
compulsory “free” education
“free” medicare
“free” social security
taxation above 10%
I’m from the government and I’m here to help.”
there is free lunch provided by government
Any one who believe in any to those is a pinko for me.
The problem with democracy is the failure to implement BOTH parts of the word. In the UK, and I believe Australia too, there are lots of people voting but there is no power. The problem is that the people are generally too stupid to see this, and so keep voting. In the UK we have an utter shambles of a government that is well to the left of centre and presided over by a lying oaf. And the polls suggest that if there was an election now the Tories – laughably called the Conservatives – would lose 100 seats and kiss goodbye to their 80 seat majority. But who would replace them? The main reason Labour – then under the leadership of a committed communist Jeremy Corbin – lost in 2019 was that they were worse than the Tories! And Labour is our most likely replacement other than maybe a hung parliament. So where is the power for the voters when the choice is between ‘shit’ or ‘shitter’?
In that case, to save you any further embarrassment, I’ll stop talking wuth you.
The reason people have vaccine hesitancy …
well put together
thankyou for posting
Then they’ll also have to figure out how to blame Trump for the FDA giving full approval for vaccines 8 months after he left office…
As well as explain why Biden tried to make the vax compulsory, why NY, CA and Chicago are implementing mandates etc. Trump has never supported vax mandates.
Still, I have no doubt the left would be prepared to throw Fauci and the CDC under the bus if they thought they would gain electoral support from doing so.
Good on Trump for not sitting around in some basement waiting for something to happen… it was because of his entrepeneural spirit that the vaccine program got started and he drove the program hard (as you want in the circumstances). His championing of HCQ could have been a big game changer but the medical-industrial-media complex saw that that didn’t get a run. His trust that the vaccines would do their job was probably based, understandly, on the past history of vaccines being safe and effective.
Spot On! His ONLY mistake was in trusting public servants(sic!) to be honest and to possess integrity.
Unlike those in the Left and the puppeteers, he does learn.
inside the “vaxs”
I am just devastated by the de-platforming of Malone. He was always my first “go-to” (followed by Jo Nova!) in my morning update on Covid. He seemed to have access to all the important clinical studies & particularly the dissenting virologists and epidemiologists.
As the dissenting movement has grown around the world – and particularly as evidence accumulates that Omicron may be a natural desensitising agent to the spike protein- those groups/agencies most committed to totalitarian control are starting to doubt their ability to maintain control.
And as a further observation – surely cognitive dissonance generated by the incredible about-faces authorities are making on vaccines/quarantine/ close contact issues will break the spell of the propaganda?
Ww have the Left’s manual:
Known only unto God, therefore never forgotten.
[People please. Is two minutes too long to wait?]ED
and even self editing I end up in the same place
It wasn’t a complaint ED. I was more amused than anything else and just thought ‘Oh, it’s my turn!’
Try YouTube videos of Dr John Campbell (UK) or Dr Roger Seheult (US). Both are well informed about covid and understand the medical issues.
Campbell is a shill for the establishment. He under emphasises shocking behaviour of those in charge, downplays the value of alternative therapies like ivermectin and HCQ, the appalling death toll from vaccine adverse reactions, and over emphasises any perceived benefits of lockdowns, masks and vaccines.
He’s not part of the solution – he’s part of the problem.
Direct link
I wonder if we will ever see the day when parents who have gone out of their way to give their children COVID-19 vaccines will be considered to be worse than child molesters. Ignorance is no excuse. Neither is “following orders”. Common sense still is the key factor in making choices. Otherwise, we might as well hand over all our freedoms and becomes slaves.
I know of women in their first trimester of pregnancy who eagerly got themselves injected…
I saved one! Boy was that a fight to even get her to hospital while having many complications with her pregnancy. Her child is now about to fall prey to the same idiot Pediatrician who pronounced summary prognosis on two of my children. Both wrong, involved unnecessary and potentially harmful medication. No, not a wolf in sheep’s clothing, like many of the idiots cloistered in the system, they just do not care!
What is the primary power source for good medicine? Care!
I’ve also wondered how the main stream media will fare should it ever become accepted that the vaccines were dangerous/ineffective, given the media’s attitude towards the whole vaccination debate. I doubt they will suffer any legal consequences, but it could be interesting to watch how they backtrack and deny saying what they exactly said.
As shown by the USA’s gubernatorial contests in Virginia and New Jersey, threatening even the mental health of kids is electoral poison. If a reversible attack such as Critical Race Applied Practices (CRAP) on kids brings out everyday mums like this, what will an irreversible procedure like vaccination do if they turn out to be very harmful and have been mandated by one side of politics? Indoctrination can be reversed and so will be forgotten. Vax injury will be right in front of them forever and never forgotten, nor forgiven.
“Interesting” (in the Chinese curse style) times ahead, for the left especially.
I think someone in the Australian Government must know that.
Hence why they have ordered enough doses of “vaccines” for something like 255.8 million doses (reference below).
Assuming all of Australia’s population of 26 million zero+ age were forcibly injected under Australia’s compulsory vaccination regime, it is around 9.8 doses per person (and more are on order).
And Lefties, puh-lease don’t try to tell me injection is not compulsory in Australia. If you need to be vaccinated to work, trade, go to restaurants, attend public events or generally participate in life, are treated like a leper in hospital or by ambulances (and in Vicdanistan cannot legally get a haircut or visit a beauty parlour) it IS compulsory OK?
Source of numbers of doses ordered:
I can’t wait to see people lining up every 2 months for their shot. Should be good for a laugh.
What next? After 10 jabs you will get a free pizza:-)
No pizza. You get a free funeral.
The Australian Government is now paying out for covid vaccine deaths.
Deceased COVID-19 vaccine recipient payments and funeral costs
In cases involving death you may be eligible for payment and support for funeral costs. We’ll make this payment to the deceased’s estate.
Any idea if there is a similar scheme for other vaccines?
“Any idea if there is a similar scheme for other vaccines?”
There is no need, since every other vaccine has been well-tested before deployment.
Mark ( Exactly. However, what I’d like some comment on is the acceptance / admission of liability by the Oz Govt.
Instead of the manufacturer, it’s the taxpayer who will carry the can. THEN the same govt which is offering compensation for DEATHS caused by this “authorized” injection (knowing it kills) is pushing it 24/7 to everyone in OZ.
How does this compute?
I’m a complete sucker for free stuff…someone point me to the nearest jabattoir
That is so worth stealing.
After you get through your covid test line you are just in time for the next visit to the “jabattoir”?
The COVID-19 vaccines are starting to remind me of the fictional antibiotic Kalocin in the book (and movie) “Andromeda Strain” by Michael Crichton. Kalocin worked really well but had one small drawback; if you stopped taking it you would die.
No RickDre Covid 19 Vaccines are starting to remind us of the known failures of previous leaky vaccines.
We point you to the chickens for advice:
History tells us to stab it and steer, either way we are are destined for the Jabattoir.
Just visited a bloke in lock down. Feels tired and thinks he has Covid ( tested positive).
Do I ask the question as he was due for the ‘Booster’ to help him to the Jabattoir?
If I ask I may be able to save his life as this is the type who thinks he can exercise his way out of his infection. The rule appears to be move fast die faster with these ‘clot shots’. Hence the large number of Vaccidents.
The problem was not vaccinating birds, it was that we used a leaky vaccine against Mareks disease. It’s the non-sterilizing leaky vaccines that select for more deadly diseases.
PS Jabbattoir is a good joke but aging fast. Comments that use English are less likely to get trapped in the filter.
This is a response to the post, not to your comment here.
It is also possible that those who are doubly and triply vaccinated
are those most likely to go get tested if they get the sniffles.
And, whether those vaccinated get a very mild case while more of the
unvaccinated have serious cases is also an important question.
Hell, why not shoot up every day like a junky. Surely that’s what Pfizzer wants.
yes that’s what Pfizer wants as long as you are shooting up their junk
The minimum interval for a booster is now 3 months in France, and soon enough, the “vaccine passport” wont be valid without it. they are wanting to remove the ability to use a test instead of a vaccination.
Slowly, they tighten the screws, and soon enough I imagine, no vaccination, no food. it has already been suggested, as has banning French people from access to the health system if they aren’t vaccinated.
We’ve also been told that we cant have any New Years eve, and Christmas events, but presidential election political rallies are exempt from these rules, of course.
It will be a great litmus test of the mental state of Australians in general. I can’t see how so many would be so stupid as to keep accepting booster after booster when we already know they don’t work, and cause far more harm than good. Time will tell. I also would like to know whether our politicians are taking the vaccine or are just pretending they are using a saline solution, or just telling lies and not taking anything.
I reckon the saline placebo is probable.
Given that every other vaccine comes in a single syringe,
or a pack of vial with a “cake” plus a diluent,it is
highly suspicious that suddenly these are distributed
in multi dose vial.
Also, the recording of batch numbers gives arise to
“Not all batches are equal”.
About 20 years ago there was an Child Immunisation Registry,
which helped increase child vaccination surveillance.
Mission creep and now it is for all Australians, to
keep track of all vaccination episodes via a health identifier.
Having read RFK Jr’s Fauci book my head is hurting.
The powers that be have shifted from kinetic warfare
to Bio warfare, and are using the tried and true
method of creating terror if none exists.
The link RFK points out is that although biological
warfare is forbidden, they carry out research under
the cover of “Vaccination” science.
Simon. I suspect the elites get placebos, which explains why none of them dare get an antibody test to show us plebs they are for real. They aren’t. Meanwhile….
I believe this whole thing is being run as a randomized controlled double-blind trial. A % of each batch is full-strength, another % half. another a quarter and the rest placebos. No-one knows who gets which….
Over time with each new injection, the total accumulation grows, and more people get SOME. Eventually it’s curtains for everyone getting injected since after, say, 10 jabs (by end 2022 the way it’s going?) only a very few will not have hit the wall.
Think playing roulette at random: you may last a long time or a short time but eventually all will go bust.
BTW: Happy times for vultures. Lotsa cheap houses coming soon from deceased estate sales, I’d reckon!
Must be my dark humour, but housing prices are way over inflated anyway …
The way one doctor explained it was the jabs are basically toxic. The human body will only handle a certain amount of toxin before it shuts down.
Ergo, to rephrase an old nursey rhyme :
“A jab, a jab……we all fall down…”
PeterS. Too late now for most. No going back for those who got a genuine full-strength shot or two.
They are doing it in Israel and I suspect the median IQ there is higher than Australia. The fear and the ongoing gaslighting have been strong influences. Rational thought seem well down the list.
yarpos. Yeah, it surprises me that the J population in Israel would go for this.
I can kinda understand a lot of people getting the first vax if they were really afraid, but how can even Ashkenazis (must have an average IQ of 120 or more) fall for the multi-jab nonsense?
Kinda supports my contention that the gene-jabs cause dementia….and it’s possible the powers that be are making sure the smarter populations are getting genuine shots in all cases. Rational thought no longer possible.
Intelligence and emotion come from different areas in our brains. Why emotion trumps reason every time is that our lizard parts override our forebrains, which were the last great evolutionary step we took in becoming sentient humans. If you can make people afraid, which is a more motivational emotion than joy, you can get them to do things which make no sense at all, and are against all their experience and judgment. So being very smart doesn’t actually give you any protection against doing something completely stupid, if your primitive emotions have been engaged. Gummints understand this.
In Europe, the EU has said the effectiveness of 2 doses of vaccine is now limited to 9 months after which the digital certificate is not valid. Greek press report that Greece will announce in January that the certificate is only valid for 7 months. Booster shots every 3 months is looking likely if these trends persist.
What’s not answered anywhere is the extent to which vaccinated people put themselves in situations where they might catch covid because they think that the vaccinations have made them immune.
Yes, they have been lead to believe that it is like most other common, fully tested, vaccines. One hundred percent effective in a vast majority of cases.
Last night, 30 December, I studied the statistics on the CNN Health COVID web site. It listed the vaccination rates for hundreds of countries on one page and the case and death rates for Covid per 100,000 population on another. My brief comparison of the data from both pages showed the following:
Of the 18 countries at the top of the list of vaccinations, ranging from 78.1% to 118.9% fully vaccinated, the case rates were mainly in the thousands to tens of thousands of cases per 100,000 population ranging from 731 to 25,143 cases per 100,000, average 9852 cases. The death rates ranged from 10 to 206 deaths per 100,000 population with an average of 83 deaths. This excludes Mainland China which stated 83.6% fully vaccinated, 7 cases and less that 1 death per 100,000 population, an unlikely outlier.
Of the 19 countries at the bottom of the list with vaccinations ranging from less that 1% to 3% fully vaccinated, the case rates were mainly in the hundreds per 100,000 population, ranging from 31 to 1,399 cases per 100,00, average 247 cases. The death rates ranged from less that 1 to 19 deaths per 100,000 population with an average of less than 5 deaths.
While the sample list is small, the differences between top and bottom vaccination rates are highly likely to be significant.
My conclusion is that the experimental mRNA gene therapy is doing as stated, namely causing the generation of spike proteins within the jabbed. As was claimed by some medical professionals originally, these people exhale spike proteins into their surroundings which go on to infect and/or kill others. That is, the more jabbed, the more cases and deaths. The jab has caused the pandemic after the WHO and the media declared that there was a pandemic even though figures at the time did not support such a claim.
Bevan, bear in mind that nations that vax are also nations that test the most. It’s very hard to do much in the way of meaningful “national” level epidemiology. There are too many variables and it’s confounded by everything. Demographics, health, BMI, use of ivermectin, vitamins, lack of testing, etc etc.
What’s not taken into account is that vaccinated people might think they are completely immune and put themselves in situations where catching covid is more likely. (See also another of my comments below.)
So true.
Also, the un-vaccinated are probably more likely to understand the benefits of vitamin D.
And vitamins B, C and K. Minerals zinc, selenium and magnesium. And also Quercetin, of which in a post by an intelligent doctor who was using HCQ, zinc and azithromycin to successfully treat Covid, said that when supplies of HCQ were blocked he switched to Quercetin. On, Quercetin scores highly on the table of successful treatments.
yes and no. The unvaccinated I follow on social media take zero precautions. Certainly so do the vaccinated I know.
l agree it is yes and no, there is a hell of a lot of unjabed not playing the game anymore
there are a lot of stores who dont care if you check in or wear a mask ect…
but not Kmart LOL
From the Thursday open thread:
The latest US number seemed to be bothering me, and I couldn’t figure out why.
465,000 (or so) new cases. Then it hit me.
latest US Census (2020) population 410,000,000 (or so).
410,000,000 / 465,000 = 881.
Did the US really have 1 out every 881 people get diagnosed with COVID (any strain) – IN ONE DAY? And that’s AFTER the US has already had 54,000,000 cases already diagnosed since COVID started.
These are crazy numbers, from an epidemiological standpoint.
Jo, do you have any ideas?
Well actually Red, if you look at NSW, they are reporting 11,000 cases per day a couple of days ago and rising. Predictions are for 20,000+ cases a day in early January. I think the population of NSW is around 8,000,000 so that works out at 2 in 800 or 1 in 400.
The thing is, so what? If nearly all the cases are asymptomatic or really mild does it matter? How many people get a cold on any particular day?
Eventually it will burn itself out and at this infection rate its going to be quite soon. How long after getting and recovering from covid can one get re-infected?
NSW has recorded 21,151 new cases of Covid-19 and six deaths.
The figure is any state’s highest daily tally since the pandemic began.
There are now 763 in hospital with the virus across the state, 69 of which are in intensive care.
A total of 148,410 tests were conducted in New South Wales in the past 24 hours.
Israel gives green light to fourth dose
Meh. That’s nuthin’
Holland goes for the bid SIX.
Last winter in the UK they were getting 60,000 new cases a day. That was 1 in 1000 per day then of the whole population.
Test positivity reached 10 – 20%, so they were missing a lot of cases in January 2021.
But I remember thinking wow 0.1% of the pop was catching it each day (at least).
Five out of the six N.S.W. deaths had been injected.
Red, not sure where you got those census figures for U.S., but using the actual numbers for population and today’s cases, it’s even worse than your calculation – about 1 in 600. That’s incredible as you suggest.
My not-so-good memory.
This day’s number is now 565,987, according to Worldometer.
331,449,281 / 565,987 = 585.61
The sad thing about this is the number of people I know who got the injections because they wanted their freedoms back, not because they believed the injections worked. The long term consequences of these experimental injections are mainly unknown at the moment. The next few months should show a clearer picture.
I will remain un injected no matter what restrictions I have to comply with.
And even then only a small number of freedoms were returned.
All Australian Governments used it as an excuse to introduce dictatorial legislation which remains on the books, unlikely to be ever removed and without a sunset clause.
The long-term effects are well known already, in the same way as the lady putting arsenic in the old bloke’s tea knows what the long-term effects are. Accumulation is the key…
The gene-jabs “programme” your cells to produce spike proteins, which stick out from blood-vessel-cells and are supposed to be attacked by immune sells to produce long-lasting antibodies. Unfortunately the spikes also pick up passing platelets which are MEANT to create clots, and they do. Bigger clots cause immediate strokes, heart infections, lung stress etc and often death, while micro clots cause long-term stress…
In the lungs this is seen as wheezing etc, followed by increased blood pressure as the blood is FORCED through congested capillaries etc, followed by heart failure after it’s been overworked for a while. In the brain it is seen as slowed blood flow, followed by reduced oxygen supply, followed by diminished mental ability (dementia), followed by death.
The more GENUINE full-strength shots you get, the faster this happens. That’s ALL there is to know!
I am lucky enough too to be able to ride it out.
Pity the ones juggling boosters and soon shots for the children.
If you need to submit to experimental gene therapy to get your “freedom” back then you were never free in the first place. You’re being handed an illusion.
Regular “vaccination” at intervals of a small nunber of months is consistent with proposed booster policy:
What? You thought there was only going to be one “booster”?
David. Is this ATAGI stuff all theatre?
My aged mum got her third shot two weeks ago. Her GP then booked her in for a 4th in May (ie a fourth in FIVE months). The doctors have already been informed of ATAGI’s decision?
The GP told her (I was there) that the shots are NOT boosters but 3rd shot, 4th shot etc. I was there, and there is no mistake.
A two or three month “booster” interval will result in Australia being in a semi-permanent lockdown indefinitely, just what the Left want. It is predictable.
Those who have not had their latest booster shot will be regarded as unvaxxed and will not be allowed to work, trade, travel etc.. It is predictable.
The non-sterilising approved vaccines, forcibly injected into a large proportion of the population will encourage immune escape of a much more deadly variant. It is predictable.
The effects on the body of this regular forcible infusion of poorly tested vaccines are unknown.
Meanwhile, simple measures to address common nutritional deficiencies known to cause greater susceptibility to covid such as Vit A, Vit D and zinc are not discussed at a public policy level AT ALL, and typically laughed at.
I doubt they are laughed at, as what would happen if the general public were to get wind of this fiasco? Something close to a revolution. People have only complied because they think it might “save them” and because of the restrictions on those resisting being jabbed. Even so,spending hours to be tested is becoming extremely irksome and so rapid testing has been introduced.
That’s why the pressure is on all major sources to cancel/censor/delist any mention of alternatives.
Yes I have noticed the mantra has been “jab,jab and jab again”.
No Government advertising tips to give yourself a fighting chance.
Eg: Stop smoking. Moderate booze. Diet and exercise etc.
and this is why, several months ago, they ordered over a hundred million booster doses, which means they knew all of this several months ago
It appears the Government have planed for it until 2025.
Australia has committed $623.2 million over 3 years to assist countries in the Pacific and Southeast Asia to access COVID-19 vaccines:
To be fair they also ordered many thousands of ventilators that never got used (VIC alone bragged of having 4000 coming in the initial panic) Given they get bad PR if they dont, the order cannon is fired and fired often.
I have a blue pencil sharpener. It seems to be as effective as these so-called vaccines.
I have no pencil sharpener… and that works too!
Well, all these boosters are for the greater good:
More seriously, according to Sucharit Bhakdi, and Arne Burkhardt a study of 15 individuals who died after vaccination, (but not attributed to vaccination by the coroner) found that 14 of them showed clear evidence of vaccine-induced autoimmune-like pathology in multiple organs.
Good video on this by Bhakdi here:
No-one is claiming that these vaccinations stop people catching covid. The vaccinations are however stopping people getting severe symptoms, which means a lower percentage of cases need hospitalisation and fatalities are less likely. (The problem seems to be that the virus replication is faster than the initial production of antibodies, which means that you catch covid. The production ramps up over the next few days and defeats covid, stopping severe infection and making the cases of quite short duration.
Vaccinated people who catch omicron typically have symptoms similar to a common cold for just a few days. Catching it after you are vaccinated is a GOOD THING because it will boost your natural immunity. Your body will recognise all 26 amino acid chains in the virus, not just the 4 amino acid chains in the spike protein that the vaccinations target.
The emphasis on case numbers becomes more and pointless as omicron strain becomes more dominant and as more and more people are vaccinated. It’s just bundling serious cases, typically the unvaccinated catching delta, with cases that are far less serious although it has to be remembered that if 10% of cases of one strain are hospitalised while omicron puts fewer in hospital but is more contagious, you might find that the first puts 10% of 100 cases in hospital while omicron puts 2% of 500 cases in hospitals, in both cases that means 10 people in hospital.
Not a single unvaccinated person is in an ICU in Qld. Good to see the ‘not actually a vaccine’ works for the unvaxxed as well.
It’s been know since at least March 2020 that there’s about a 2 week lag between infection and cases becoming hospital cases, and about a 3 week lag to people dying.
Zero numbers in QLD ICUs is also in line with that. Wait and see before presuming there will be none. If it remains so, in a month, we can relax.
Yes I should have waited WX. There is now one person in Qld in ICU. A pesky fully vaccinated guy causing our hospitals to be overrun.
Cut it out John,
The claims at the start of vaccine roll out certainly were that it would stop transmission and put an end to the ‘pandemic’. St Fauci himself stated that 60% vacc penetration would be enough to stop the virus spreading and deliver a herd immunity. History revisionism is currently in vogue along with many of the other tenets of the ‘how to manual’ titled 1984.
Additionally, in South Africa where they are only 25% ‘vaxed’ the omicron was a head cold for the overwhelming majority of the population, not just the vaxed, so your inference Re Omicron symptoms in vaxed is more unnecessary cheerleading for the biggest experiment in human history.
“Famous last words”
“the revisionist history around vaccines is getting pretty extreme. let’s be VERY clear:”
More reminders at
I’m simply stating the facts. What governments said or implied might be different and, like any responsible governments, what’s said might have changed over time. It would be interesting to see if Pfizer and Moderna claimed 100% immunity when they first released their vaccines.
Oh dear. Now it’s “No one said vaccines were 100% effective.” What next? “Pfizer ever said that no one would die from the vaccine”?
Yes, consistent with their Orwellian policies, they 0 have erased earlier claims that the approved covid vaccines will stop you getting sick and replaced them with “No one said vaccines were 100% effective.”.
John, didn’t Pfizer and Moderna initially say they were 95% effective?
If they meant to say they were 95% effective at reducing symptoms but did not produce immunity or transmission they had no right to call them vaccines right from the start. Even under the new CDC definition of a vaccine it would be a stretch to call them a vaccine.
“The vaccinations are however stopping people getting severe symptoms,” I’m sure that you believe that John bevause that is what you are being told. The fact is however, that data from those countries from which it is available, demonstrate that death rates of the vaccinated are as high or slightly higher that amongst the unvaccinated. That is an indisputable fact.
No-one is claiming that these vaccinations stop people catching covid
Please stop trying to rewrite history, John.
Ideas change when data reveals something different or when knowledge of the disease increases. There’s nothing odd about that.
I remind you that covid has only been around for 2 years whereas most other diseases that we vaccinate against have been well known for many, many decades.
Yeah, like we have tried this stuff four
times and people are still catching Covid.
So you agree that this is just an experiment John? You know, we try something, if it works as we thought, great. If it doesn’t work and turns out to be harmful or even kills people, oh well “ideas change”, eh?
Just like you changed you argument from “no one says” to “no one says anymore, now they’ve been shown to be totally wrong”.
So, are the people who saw through this Big Pharma ruse early on still to be vilified and cancelled? Or are they now to be believed John?
“No-one is claiming that these vaccinations stop people catching covid.”
treatment to produce immunity against a disease, inoculation
“vaccination against yellow fever is essential”
The dictionaries must be burned first.
Congratulations. You’ve experienced medical science widening its definition of vaccination to “prevent severe symptoms”.
Don’t forget that these are version 1 of covid vaccines and we can expect better ones to be developed.
So everybody signed up for a clinical trial?
We have gone from 95percent effective to benefits outweigh risks in 12 months.
Good luck getting volunteers for the next brew.
John, if that is the new definition, then vitamin D, Ivermectin, Curcumin, Hydroxychloroquine, Quercetin and zinc can now all be called COVID “vaccines”.
It’s just ridiculous.
The experimental shots have totally failed against the manufacturer’s original claims. Worse than failed, data from multiple nations now shows that the “fully vaccinated” are at higher infection risk from Omicron than the unjabbed.
Konrad, do you believe for one moment that recent developments re vaxx failure will lead to Australia cancelling its order of 125 million shots, or cancelling the plan to make the vaxx here?
Medical FACTS mean totally NOTHING – the rollout will continue.
A friend’s interpretation of the new “vaccine” definitions
“Got it. That means they’re as strong as cough medicine”
“Congratulations. You’ve experienced medical science widening its definition of vaccination to “prevent severe symptoms”.”
Cool … I experienced the widening of the definition of ‘case’ … and ‘with’ widened to ‘of’ and ‘two weeks’ widened to 20 months, 70% widened to 100% …
at least there was a narrowing of scientists allowed to express opinions.
John. This is straightforward BS. Here is reality……
Fauci and many others state UNEQUIVACOBLY that transmission and infection will NOT HAPPEN.
Watch it and then tell your paymasters they are busted!
“Congratulations. You’ve experienced medical science widening its definition of vaccination to “prevent severe symptoms”.” And it would appear that under that definition death is not considered to be a severe symptom.
UQ appears to believe the vaccines are to protect against infection!
An adjuvant is added to some vaccines to enhance the immune response, thereby creating a stronger and longer lasting immunity against infections than the vaccine alone.
The Doherty Institute-grown virus is expected to be used to generate an antibody test, which allows detection of the virus in patients who haven’t displayed symptoms and were therefore unaware they had the virus.
“An antibody test will enable us to retrospectively test suspected patients so we can gather a more accurate picture of how widespread the virus is, and consequently, among other things, the true mortality rate,” said Dr Catton.
“It will also assist in the assessment of effectiveness of trial vaccines.”
The virus was grown from a patient sample that arrived at the Royal Melbourne Hospital’s Victorian Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory (VIDRL) at the Doherty Institute on Friday, 24 January.
Isolated, purified and cultured in one day?
They state an in house Sanger test was conducted, well that’s not a Sanger test. Thus the virus has not been properly isolated, mearly cultured from an ” infected person”
In the Doherty paper at the video
This is a time-lapse video of a cell-culture infected with the novel coronavirus. A single layer of kidney cells is visible at the start of the footage and slowly, black dots appear across the cell sheet. The virus cannot be seen, but evidence of its presence can be as infected cells which appear as black dots. As more cells become infected with virus they lift off the cell layer and appear as black dots. More and more infected cells become visible. The video footage starts following 40hrs of culture and finishes following 80hrs of incubation.
Of course the video does not show the virus as its that small, just states the black dots are the virus killing cells, apparently they also cell bridges.
Can’t see it so they must exist. The masks filter virus, so isolation and purification should be simple?
That small an institute set up for virus identification cannot see it, yet the dying cells, must be covid, because umm science.
Funny how the Doherty institute grew it on human cell lines, but the CDC could not, only Monkey cells, also would not grow on bat.
We subsequently generated a fourth passage stock of SARS-CoV-2 on VeroE6 cells, another fetal rhesus monkey kidney cell line. We sequenced viral RNA from SARS-CoV-2 passage 4 stock and confirmed it to have no nucleotide mutations compared with the original reference sequence (GenBank accession no. MN985325). SARS-CoV has been found to grow well on VeroE6 cells and MERS-CoV on Vero CCL81 cells (18,19). To establish a plaque assay and determine the preferred Vero cell type for quantification, we titered our passage 4 stock on VeroE6 and VeroCCL81 cells. After infection with a dilution series, SARS-CoV-2 replicated in both Vero cell types; however, the viral titers were slightly higher in VeroE6 cells than in Vero CCL81 cells (Figure 2, panel A). In addition, plaques were more distinct and visible on Vero E6 cells (Figure 2, panel B). As early as 2 days postinoculation, VeroE6 cells produced distinct plaques visible by staining with neutral red. In contrast, Vero CCL81 cells produced less clear plaques and was most easily quantitated by staining with neutral red 3 days postinoculation. On the individual plaque monolayers, SARS-CoV-2 infection of Vero E6 cells produced CPE with areas of cell clearance (Figure 2, panel C). In contrast, Vero CCL81 cells had areas of dead cells that had fused to form plaques, but the cells did not clear. Together, these results suggest that VeroE6 cells might be the best choice for amplification and quantification, but both Vero cell types support amplification and replication of SARS-CoV-2.
The Sanger sequencing is a method similar to PCR and was used in the human genome project.
That’s not quite true. When the vaccines were being rolled out we were told that they would stop infection and spread of the virus and were the best way back to normality. Now that this hasn’t panned out it’s all been conveniently forgotten about. Myself, I find it amusing how people that are the most pro vaccine tend to have the lowest expectation of the vaccine while insisting we must all have it.
To quote Nietzsche, “Madness is something rare in individuals — but in groups, parties, peoples, and ages, it is the rule.”
I’m old enough to remember when “they” said at 80% vax, everything would go back to normal. “They” are just making it up as they go along- basically just telling a whole heap of lies, which most people forget after about a days worth of media. I now don’t believe anything “they” say or advise.
NZ went for 90% vaxed to go back to ‘normal.’
The 90% hasn’t yet been met but there’s a new ‘traffic light system’ which nobody seems to understand.
The Delta variant caused 2 deaths over December — both were fully vax’d.
Now they’re going after the children …
“I now don’t believe anything “they” say or advise.”
What my mother used to refer to as “the great anonymous they”
“No-one is claiming that these vaccinations stop people catching covid.” they did you know. The story has changed today but overblown claims abounded at the start.
yarpos. You are correct. I put the link at All the biggest names are there telling everyone that the gene-jabs completely stop infection, and completely stop spread.
Why would anyone come on a blog to mislead so blatently, do you reckon?
OK. I can guess…Ka-ching!
It is still being claimed that the vaccines stop people catching Covid.
Eighteen months ago US health authorities described their expectation that the vaccines would reduce an individual’s risk of infection by at least 50%.
Pfizer subsequently claimed that the efficacy against transmissible infection would exceed 90%.
In July 2020 the Food and Drug Administration confirmed that it would only fully clear a coronavirus vaccine if it was “deemed safe and at least 50% effective—meaning that the vaccine will reduce an individual’s risk of COVID-19 infection by 50%”.
According to Anthony Fauci, at the time:
Perhaps it was that effective when first tested on the original SARS-CoV-2 variant.
The vaccines are certainly no longer that effective, the effectiveness against subsequent variants being well below the minimum standard set by the NIH in 2020. The vaccines also fail to meet long established safety standards.
Their ABC “fact checkers” / propagandists claim that the Nuremberg Code does not apply to covid “vaccines” because the Code only applies to medical experiments
And yet the Australian Government’s own TGA has given all COVID vaccines “provisional approval” meaning that can get to market early and you have to promise to give them proper clinical trials data at some unspecified time in the future, you just need a “plan” “Evidence of a plan to submit comprehensive clinical data.”.
You can see the provisional approvals already granted here:
The provional approval pathway is explained here:
It sure looks 1) like an experiment and 2) compulsory. It is therefore highly probable that it is a violation of the Nuremberg Code.
The issue of batch numbers and adverse event clusters in the VAERS data shows that Moderna and Pfizer were experimenting on unsuspecting citizens. They were clearly tracking adverse events and adjusting formulas.
This is a violation of the Nuremberg code.
Its been a violation against everything since day dot.
I sense a cover up of all the incompetence associated with Covid has begun. But 2 years of indoctrination of the masses will probably dull any backlash. A pity.
Thanks Jo for all your excellent posts. I have learnt a lot from them, and many of your regular commentators!
The definition of a vaccine used to be that it stopped you getting the disease and stopped you being a carrier of the disease. Clearly that does not apply to the current covid vaccines. Indeed authorities have changed the definition of a vaccine for just that reason. In my book that means what we call vaccines in this case are just prophylactic treatments but like all medicines they have side effects. Given how new mRNA treatments are and how rushed the evaluation of them was I think the risk of negative long term side effects is significant and indeed evidence of exactly that seems to be emerging.
For a government to force this medication on people under those circumstances in, is my view, unacceptable and unethical. Similarly to prohibit other possible prophylactic treatments (Ivermectin) with well established proven mild side effects on the basis that they may not work and may also deter people from using the preferred prophylactic treatment is similarly unreasonable.
I believe in vaccination but I have grave concerns over Pfizer or Moderna mRNA vaccines. It would be interesting to see similar statistics for AstraZenica vaccine. It is much safer given it uses a more traditional approach with better knowledge of possible side effects.
Strangely the new definition of ‘vaccine’ seems to be exactly the same as the definition of ‘antiviral’. But that can’t be right? Because antivirals (like Ivermectin) are banned in Australia. Because they could be dangerous (despite being used for years without side effects).
See 12.5
attached it to the wrong comment
“We’re going to need a taller graph”
Crystal balls will be far more effective when (if) the omicron virus numbers peak.
I had the AZ vaccines. For my booster shot I am prepared to have an AZ but refuse to have a Pfizer or Moderna because of the risks associated with them. AZ boosters are not approved or available in Australia. Why not? An article appeared on the Daily Mail a few days ago suggesting AZ had longer term effect in reducing risks of Covid. Hmmm.
Follow the money … same reason an Australian vaccine can’t get approved in Australia but is approved and successfully used overseas.
There is no reason not to have an AZ booster. However you will probably need to get your GP to prescribe that.
Don’t mix your poisons is my view. I learnt my lesson a long time ago after washing down a bottle of heavy shiraz with a bottle of merlot that was soft and smooth. By the 10th covid booster there may be no reaction at all. Unless, of course, there is some cumulative damage from each shot!
Chris. AZ: “After the AstraZeneca vaccine is injected into our arm, the vaccine adenovirus, holding the genetic code for the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, attaches to and enters our own body’s cells. Once inside our cell, it travels to the nucleus to deliver the genetic code. In the modified vaccine adenovirus, the genes that a normal virus would use to replicate have been disabled. It can only make the spike protein.”
Pfizer: First, COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are given in the upper arm muscle. The mRNA will enter the muscle cells and instruct the cells’ machinery to produce a harmless piece of what is called the spike protein.
AZ: Same as the others. Watch out!
Chris; I did manage to get AZ for my booster shot. At the top of page 2 of the ATARGI document it states that people who had AZ for their first 2 doses can get AZ for their booster. Getting your doctor to prescribe it may help but may not – it did not help for me. I simply demanded it as of right according to ATARGI. I did say I have heart disease and was concerned Pfizer may exacerbate that.
I wonder if the increased infection rate is basically deliberate? After all people are very sick of waiting. Triply vaccinated, peak immunity, why not meet it head on? They are not getting any younger and life in lockdown is not life and Omicron is looking far less dangerous. While perhaps not expressly intentional, attitudes to getting infected will have changed. You cannot hide forever.
And then there is the arrogance or bravery of the vaccinated. I have read that most sailors who drown are good swimmers. These are the sailors who do not wear life jackets because they can swim for miles. But when you fall in unintentionally, there is usually a cause which might preclude an easy stroke in calm water on a clear day with good visibility. Better to fall in wearing a lifejacket on a good day. Or jumping from an aircraft with a parachute.
So between fatalism and arrogance a rapid climb in infected people may be exactly what you would expect in a society where everyone over 70 is triply vaccinated. And those under 70 are at much lower risk anyway and more likely to be unvaccinated.
Yep. Given the clear correlation between death by covid and age, then if we are all eventually going to get it then it makes sense to get it as soon as possible. Or is that too logical?
The reason why no health system wants a disease taking off like that is because the hospitals will become clogged, and regular medical services will come to an end, and large numbers of people will suffer and die horribly as a result.
Not your problem, right?
Nope, I’m too busy worrying about the sky falling.
You got vaxxed and are now a huge burden on the system, as your suicide note explained.
I am not vaxxed and am not a burden, of course I am not allowed into hospitals, so there is that.
4 days to your booster, lucky you.
This comment brought to you by Pfizer.
You’re genuine internet scum-of-the-scum, MP.
Still got all my functions, how you doing, WX.
Regular medical services get suspended anyway my panic merchants like Andrews when badly named “elective” surgeries are put on hold for fear of falling skies.
NSW: About 4500 ICU beds available from all sources. About 60 currently used for people WITH SARS-CoV2. Of the 60, no indication how many were in ICU after falling from ladders or leaping from burning motorhomes etc, before being PCR tested.
Currently about 50,000 active “cases” (21,000 today) with 30 or so sent to ICU due to Covid19. To get another 3000 (say) to stress the hospital system we need FIVE MILLION actives. You OK?
High how could I fact check this as I only found 844 in nsw. You mention all sources.
I know many people who are scientifically rational and informed, understand about nutritional deficiencies such as Vit D and zinc and are not terrified of what is for most people without comorbidities a recoverable illness.
They WANT to get covid so they can be properly vaccinated by the body’s immune response and they want to get on with life. They don’t want to live under permanent lockdown and restrictions.
People should be having covid parties to spread omicron among those without comorbidities so we can all become immune and get on with life.
But that’s not the plan the Elites have in store for us.
Aug 27, 2021
Dr. Young of Valley Center, Calif. carefully walks us through his analysis via advanced microscopy of the common “vaccines” being used worldwide. Comprehensive analysis!
Key political allies of Russian President
happy new year, OZ
I think your on the money of sorts, its an increased testing rate bought on by the holidays requirement to test to travel.
Brilliant plan really, worked to stoke the flames of fear, destroy what’s left of small business.
Our politicians yet again exposed as liars. They knew many booster shots are needed a long time ago when they started ordering over 200 millions doses. That’s a common factor with liars – they are so easily exposed.
And not a single “journalist” or politician ever thought to ask why there were enough doses purchased for ten injections for every single person in Australia, with more on order.
Maybe it has something to do with ordering insufficient in early 2021?
Vaxzevria (AstraZeneca)
Biopharmaceutical company CSL manufactures the AstraZeneca vaccine in Australia. The TGA provisionally approved the AstraZeneca vaccine for use in Australia on 15 February 2021.
Doses for Australia
We have secured 53.8 million doses of this vaccine:
3.8 million doses imported from overseas, which arrived on 28 February 2021.
50 million doses manufactured in Australia.
Currently the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine is the only vaccine that we can manufacture in Australia. Distribution of the locally made doses is ongoing.
In November 2020, the Australian Government agreed to buy 10 million doses of the Pfizer vaccine. Read the Minister for Health’s November 2020 statement on the Pfizer vaccine agreement.
In February 2021, Australia ordered an extra 10 million doses of the Pfizer vaccine. Read the Minister for Health’s February 2021 statement.
In April 2021, the Australian Government ordered a further 20 million doses of Pfizer vaccines. Read the Prime Minister’s press conference.
In July 2021, the Australian Government announced the purchase of 85 million more doses. These were planned to be booster doses, ensuring Australia’s supply of mRNA vaccines in 2022 and 2023. Read the Prime Minister’s media release about booster doses.
In August 2021, the Australian Government bought 1 million doses from the Republic of Poland. Read the Prime Minister’s media release about the agreement with Poland.
In August 2021, the Australian Government announced a dose swap deal with Singapore. Australia gained access to 500,000 Singaporean doses to boost the vaccine program in September 2021, and returned 500,000 Pfizer doses to Singapore in November 2021. Read the Prime Minister’s media release on the Singapore swap.
In September 2021, the Australian Government announced a dose sharing partnership with the UK. Under this agreement Australia receives 4 million Pfizer doses from the UK in September 2021. We will send 4 million doses back to the UK in late 2021. Read the Prime Minister’s media.
The Manufacturer decides how many you get and when you get them.
How credible is the argument that we need compulsory vaccination, as in Australia, because the hospitals will be “overwhelmed”?
I know people who work in hospitals and they say they are no more overwhelmed than they usually are.
And in New York City, where, due to Cuomo putting covid patients in nursing homes and the subsequent massive spread and sickness, even then the hospitals were NOT overwhelmed.
Remember how President Trump built a military field hospital in Central Park and also supplied a military hospital ship? Both eventually packed up and went home unused.
The hospitalisation rate for covid is not dissimilar to the flu based on Govt numbers so no big increase there. Add to that the fact that hospitals shut down elective surgeries for many months. If anything, hospital staff have been underworked for two years. The UK has a widely disparaged health system and more than 100,000 cases a day but no talk of the system being overrun.
The combined 2020/2021 Rona death numbers are going to be substantially less than 2019 flu. An article on COVID-19 mortality is available via the Articles link. This article outlines key demographics of the 1,671 people who died due to COVID-19 up until 31 October 2021. Remember this number is accumulated since the start, not like all others which are annualised.
Can’t remember locking down for the 2019 flu season though, must of slept through it!
It seems the paradigm shift has gone from handling disease to just jabbing people over and over “just in case”.
So now the real game is fully revealed – multiple jabs into everyone and draconian rules to basically forcibly coerce people into doing it.
Thus speaketh the raven…
“The combined 2020/2021 Rona death numbers are going to be substantially less than 2019 flu.”
Noooo. The only place this might be true is places like Western Australia where there has been no spread of Covid. Are we really going to bother claiming that deaths to flu (when borders are open) is more than “deaths to covid when it hasn’t spread and with borders closed”?
In the USA deaths each year from influenza are officially 3000 to 15000 and because testing is so low, they “guesstimate” and probably exaggerate that figure up to 60k pa which they model and call the “burden of influenza”.
Obviously the CCP bioweapon is worse than the flu. I am surprised to be still having this conversation in month 23?
You kept stating in 2020, wait for the all cause mortality numbers. There they are.
I do not believe your brown standard and as I have asked a few times to GA and I know you read. How the hell do you take a fragment of a genetic code and multiply it into a full sequence. In my head you just get replication of the fragment code.
If I photocopy the word fraud 3 billion times, I do not end up with Blacks Law Dictionary.
Only worse than flu on my TV.
If you *need* to believe covid-19 is less deadly than the flu, and pretend Covid spread freely here when it didn’t, there is nothing I can say is there?
Good luck.
No I do not believe it is less deadly than the flu, I believe they rebadged the flu.
According the the Australian Government Dept of Health, there have been no flu deaths in 2021 thus far. That supports your inference MP that it’s been “rebadged”, at least for some. If only we could trust them. I don’t for obvious reasons.
Slight error. There were 1,816 deaths due to influenza and pneumonia recorded between January and October 2021. All but two deaths in this category were due to pneumonia. Still don’t believe them.
Thousands die in Australia every winter of Influenza and Pneumonia. Goes largely unnoticed by the public and certainly doesnt trigger mass government panic.
The panic has been created to foster a phobia, which is an IRRATIONAL fear. This is very difficult to shake, as anyone who’s encountered spider or snake phobics will know.
This was done to make gene-jabs “the right thing to do”. THIS was done to destroy the greater part of humanity: to cull the excess 9as defined by the elites) by making them extremely willing “to do the right thing” voluntarily.
Bioweapons work on the premise that the humans will be removed while the assets remain in place. No street to street, or mass, destruction necessary!
Our TGA website database has 2278 deaths with 87% having one or more serious underlying health issues.
Our TGA DAEN database has near 700 deaths associated with the covid 19 injection with 6% having one or more serious underlying health issues.
Do the maths.
Deaths from Wuflu not case numbers is the important number. Just like the seasonal flu ,majority get it but how many die. And from all accounts across the world, it’s still the majority unvaxed that are dying.
Why are there not mass casualties in the least vaxxinated nations like Africa and india?
India has a large population and pre-Covid the number of deaths appear minuscule, so it begs the question as to why. Natural immunity perhaps, something in the food like Tumeric.
‘Data shows India has reported just 65 cases of influenza and no related deaths as of July this year. In 2019, the year before Covid, there had been 28,798 cases and 1,218 deaths.’ (ThePRINT)
Vitaminhormone D + HCQ for malaria and IVM for river blindness. You haven’t been paying attention.80
The majority of those actually dying of, not with, the Fauci Flu are now the double jabbed.
Thankfully the majority of the world’s population is just like me, unjabbed cleanbloods.
Accidental green.
Is that true? I’d like to see some figures to prove it. I know someone who has a relative who had covid, one person. I know of many more with adverse reactions to the ‘vaxxes’, up to and including death.
The official data from yesterday in Victoria was 66,774 tests for 5,919 positive results. That suggests that around 1 in 10 in the queues will test positive. Previously the fraction was much lower.
My money is on staying away from the queues.
If it’s that prevalent, queuing won’t matter, everyone will get it inside a month.
I think Australia gets a high number of PCR positive test results because I have read Australia uses an unusually high number of PCR cycles (Ct) values of about 40 or 45 when even Lord Fauci said anything above 30 is irrelevant.
Didn’t know that, but it doesn’t surprise me.
His spot on, The wording is between 35 and 45 cycles, why would you do that unless the minimum is 35 and max 45. But you know the detection point so what’s the point of 35 if it detects at 20?
I would link as I have put it on this site a few times, but I did not back up my lap top before it died.
depends what the PCR tests found I guess. The CDC has recently moved away from them as an indicator Omni vs other ailments
still I suppose people are getting some Vitamin D waiting in the sunshine for a test.
Thanks Jo, you are a great researcher and I am fast becoming a dedicated fan of your work.
Agree on Dr Malone, I subscribed to his substack as soon as the news came out.
I thought the psyop was obvious from the beginning.
Why would they solve a problem they so cleverly and intricately crafted in the first place?
They’re laughing as we argue over stats and graphs that so clearly matter little to the government and media.
World domination achieved by convincing the world that domination is the only hope for safety.
Referencing John Campbell’s remarks and data summary from yesterday it looks like omicron contagiousness is so high and travel so unrestricted now that there’s no way we won’t all catch it within about a month, to 6 weeks, no matter what anyone does. Phone app QR codes mean squat from here.
There’s yer ‘booster’!
But do you get a certificate for a natural immunity, or on;y the artificial one? Hmm … given the testing is so crap, or else so physically impractical from here, I suppose this means they won’t really know if you’ve had a strain, so therefore you’ll have to get the booster anyway … just to be sure.
And I’ll be due for the booster before the end of Jan, so which happens first? I catch Omicron, or I get a booster, and wait another 3 weeks to be considered ‘vaccinated’ again (which ‘vaccination’ has proved to be useless against contracting it anyway)?
I’ve got a surgical outpatients visits soon, so I figure I’ll catch the infection long before I get a booster, so a booster would be redundant from that point. Except even if I caught it, and it clears my body in the interim (and the surgery is delayed … again) I bet I still have to get a booster, and wait 3 more weeks just to book an appointment to get re-admitted to hospital for surgery, plus recovery (7 to 10 days) in a hospital ward until I can walk again. And can I get to my GP without a booster obtained 3 weeks prior to an appointment with him to fill a script?
I’m left hoping the two prior vaccinations do actually make hospitalizations and severe cases very rare for everyone. If not there will be ~20 million very annoyed people by the end of Feb, and no regular hospital services before the federal election. OTOH, if Omicron is naturally mild as (extremely early) data suggests, that would save a lot of big-wigs as they can then still claim vaccination provided immunity and very low-severity (or was that just the nature of omicron?). Either way, I now have to take a booster within a month just so I can secure on-going medical care, whether I catch a COVID19 strain in the interim, or not. A quandary millions are about to face.
Australia’s case fatality rate is taking a deep dive. It is almost an order of magnitude lower than South Africa with its relatively younger population and two orders of magnitude lower than countries like Russia with a similar demographic but low vaccination rate.
The vaccines lower the risk of hospitalisation by about 100-fold in Australian conditions. The case fatality rate in Australia is now down to 0.06%. No worse than ‘flu.
Being vaccinated, you are at greater risk of getting covid because you have normal mobility. Unvaccinated are being protected by not being permitted to mingle in public gatherings.
What do you not understand, the unvaxxed don’t care, if we where addicted to your fear porn, we would be vaxxed.
I have not been refused service anywhere, have not been asked to do anything. I do not, have not and will not comply with any mandate or directive, have not even washed my hands.
My wife is unvaxxed, she is still working, all but one of her work colleges is [snip “vaccinated”], they don’t care, they don’t wear masks.
Of the [snip “vaccinated”], 2 came down with shingles, one dropped in the paddock while on call out the day after the first, yep heart. Another has kidney issues.
These are reasonably young, very hard working, Gym every lunch time. I know of nobody who has got the worst plague in history.
Stick your government supplied numbers, I got my own, verifiable, reproducible.
We are similarly unvaccinated, but have had two unedifying cases of refused service, plus a “friend” who attempted ( she wasn’t successful – fancy that!) to humiliate me in public for being unvaccinated.
But, like you, MP, we know quite a number of vaccinated (including, sadly, a family member) who have been struck down with serious problems following vaccination, & one actual death. We know of only one death from Covid.
My Auntie got shingles, very serious. 4 months she could not leave her house, got out and visited my mother last week for a short visit.
My mother is a vaxx junkie and was so terrified by the propaganda she was harassing her doctor weekly way back at the start. She has leukaemia, I sent her novels of why she should not get the vaxx, blood platelets etc, maybe her doctor talked her out of it, but she is not getting them for her health. But she insists I get them for her health, though I am thousands of klm’s away and am forbidden from crossing the boarder for her health.
Never realised how brain washed she was and has been my entire life until this. Actually said to me the media lies, than parrots something from the ABC, to which I replied “you just told me the media lies”, she replied “where else do I get the news”. Beyond all hope of recovery!
As for the one death, from, with and comorbidities?
I know of no one who has died from the vaxx, just some serious injuries.
My Mum was bombarded with the same expert knowledge. Nothing I could show her would change her mind. Many of Australia’s great specialists in all medical fields and veterinary were calling her and telling her to get the ‘Jab’. Though venerable, elderly and offering no response to the facts I presented she listened to them and was treated.
Now, not doing the booster after rolling a wrong bias on her bowls the next day, losing the feeling in her arms and having to suffer chest, foot and hand pain. Could not find a doctor interested in assessing her symptoms. She was sent for a massage.
Sorry to hear Broadie. It is a scandal what they are doing — taking away the safe alternatives.
My nephew has pericarditis from one Pfizer injection
One of our grandchildren has had a nasty problem post-vaxx.
One more thing.
The wife’s work mates got [snip “vaccinated”] because they could not go to the Gym [snip “vaccinated”]as was the BS gov mandate at the time. Now you do not have to be [snip “vaccinated”]to go to the gym and they are pissed.
They got [snip “vaccinated”]to get back to the old normal and got nothing in return, they like you believe they can comply their way out of what they complied their way into.
I did not say they were bright.
[Badly spelled words and “secret languages” will be moderated. – Jo]
And yet I know a very bright lady who did the same. She lives on her own & relatives live OS. She is dependant on the gym for social interaction and her health.
Really sad.
The wife’s work mates got [snip “vaccinated”] because they could not go to the Gym [snip
“vaccinated”] Snip “unvaccinated[Badly spelled words and “secret languages” will be moderated. – MP]
RickWill. If everyone wore a helmet when driving, the chances of serious injury and death would plummet dramatically (see any motorsport, including slower ones like Big Bashes and so forth). yet NO-ONE wears them when driving about.
All we need is a non-stop fear-porn campaign 24/7 for two years and…well, you can guess the mood would change.
Do you wear a helmet when driving, or as a passenger? Or are you not “doing the right thing to save ICUs from being over-run”? Naughty naughty says Nanny!
“It is almost an order of magnitude lower than South Africa with its relatively younger population ” – a population that lives with 10 million HIV positive people, high rates of TB infection, malnutrition and poor sanitation
That’s WHY they have such a young population, but maybe that was your point.
Covid cases in the US are increasing out of control. More than 465,000 newly daily cases. Masks will not and did stop this epidemic. Vaccines will and did not stop it. Why fire people for not getting vaccinated? Why force people to vaccinated again and again using ineffective vaccines?
What is the end game? US midterms are coming.
Robert Malone is arguing in the linked to article (excellent summary of the Covid ‘Overton’) that Omicron will be a paradigm changing event.
In his article (see attached below) he uses the term an Overton instead of the word paradigm.
The word Overton is what citizens are allowed to know about subjects and the lies that they are told. The Overton is only possible as long as people in a democracy do not find out about that their government is controlled by the Overton. Overton actions/Overton condition is an indication of complete institutional failure. The entire system is corrupt and hiding stuff. The problem is not one corrupt set of individuals. The solution is a paradigm change where a separate independent team in one country investigates and gets power to fix the problem. The solution is in leu of a revolution. Revolutions do not work. Make problems rather than solve problems.
In this case what is Overton controlled is covid (in addition the Overtons for the green scams and climate change and so on).
The word Overton should not exist if there was not organized evil our government and our institutions. It is odd there is an Overton in the US that is anti-US. Covid could have been beaten if the systems were not controlled and in Overton mode. There should be no Overton allowed or possible in an effectively/honestly run government.
See Fauci’s email encouraging character attacks and fake science be issued by government employees and government employed scientists, to discredit authors of articles that threaten the covid Overton. Actions to support the Overton are a crime. Not the action of someone who should be employed by the government. The green scams are possible because of the Green Overton.
When something does not work (ie succeed in it’s stated aim) but is still insisted upon, then the stated aim is not true.
Example: a Nigerian Prince says that sending him $50,000 will enable him to transfer $50 Million to your account…but thy dough does not arrive. OK, so another $50,000 WILL get the transfer done.
The $50 Million still does not arrive…and while the gullibles who believe Anthony Fauci to be a Nigerian Prince are lining up to be gulled again, the non-demented-by-gene-jabs are aware that “safety” is the very last thing the foolish are being given.
Poor sad sods. Easter Bunnies, Tooth Fairies, Santa Claus and Gene-Jabs. For suckers ONLY!
You cannot have an unthinkable idea.
And the dice roll again!
“CDC Quietly Changes Quarantine Guidelines Again, You Can Return to Work When Fever Breaks or Something
December 30, 2021 | Sundance | 1 Comment
This doesn’t seem very science-y, all things considered. After originally posting their new changed guidelines for quarantine from ten days to five, and getting a lot of Branch Covidians confused about it, the CDC quietly edited the guidelines again to add: you can exit quarantine if “symptoms are resolving (without fever for 24 hours)”…
More at
Rather than making Rapid Antigen Test kits widely available, isn’t it about time our government made Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine and other cheap and safe antiviral protocols widely available instead?
Before they do anything resembling carrying out such a sensible suggestion they need to obtain a set of these?
Most countries have made it difficult for unvaccinated people to mingle. That will reduce their probability of being infected. The data confirms that unvaccinated are being protected by the reduced exposure.
All of the mass spreader events in Australia like the cricket matches have limited entry to only vaccinated. It should be no surprise that unvaccinated are showing lower rates of infection. That is the main purpose of keeping unvaccinated at lower risk of infection. It ensures hospitalisations remain low.
The high level of vaccination in Australia is ensuring hospitalisations remain low despite very few mobility restrictions for vaccinated. Australia’s case fatality rate is now down to 0.06%. That is less severe than ‘flu.
Countries like Russia that have low vaccination rates have case fatality rates almost 100-fold higher at 4%:
The key takeaway from the data is that the common policy of restricted mingling of unvaccinated is working. It has lowered their risk of unvaccinated contracting covid and clogging hospitals. Of the 8,025 covid hospitalisation in NSW to date, only 617 have been fully vaccinated. Given the high level of vaccination, the odds of hospitalisation is much, much higher for unvaccinated – of the order of 100 times more likely.
Australian hospitals ares benefiting significantly from the high level of vaccination and limiting mobility of unvaccinated. It is proving to be an effective public health response.
BS [snip namecalling]
Just ask the [snip “vaccinated”], get some actual facts.
The new rules are you are only a close contact if you are in close proximity to a (in your words) vaxxed for 4 hours. What is the point now of check-in apps. (compliance?)
More contagious yet can now spend up to four hours. This would only make sense to you.
Who spends 4 hours in one shop, maybe a pub if your on a bender.
Will the pure bloods please chime in on your experience’s.
[To keep conversations civil namecalling is also be moderated. We don’t need the aggression. – Jo]
Meanwhile, there’s India, Indonesia and Japan to consider. Lower rates of vaccination and much lower rated of infection.
Of the 8,025 covid hospitalisation in NSW to date, only 617 have been fully vaccinated.
Once again you are caught out confusing averages, posting irrelevant stats and not comparing apples to apples. What possible relevance do the ‘to date hospitalisation’ figures have which include all manner of vaccination status over the last nearly 2 years, including plenty of data f_@kery as to what ‘fully vaccinated’ means..
Vaccinations in Australia did not start until 2021. NSW had very few cases in 2020 and early 2021. NSW ramped up vaccination rates as case numbers started climbing and restricted mobility until vaccination level reached 80%. Most of the cases are recent and occurred while vaccination rates were high.
My son is back working in Covid wards and his recent observation is that vaccinated patients hospitalised are moved into the covid ward after testing positive but entered the hospital for other causes. By contrast, the majority of unvaccinated cases present at emergency due to serious illness from Covid.
So the majority of vaccinated cases are now “with” covid rather than covid being the primary cause of hospitalisation.
There are no restrictions on unvaxxed in South Africa. Omicron almost gone now:
Vaccinations have become irrelevant.
Indeed. Vaccinations are irrelevant in nations which already have high natural immunity and high summer Vitamin D levels. Don’t assume that South Africa = The Whole World. It may not work out that way. We hope it does…
Yes Jo, you are right, “irrelevant” is not really the right word, but good news is coming out of South Africa. And there is good reason to think that South Africa ~= The Whole World (to a good enough approximation).
Although I’m a believer in high vitamin D levels – take a look at when the second wave occurred in South Africa. If they are helping, they are probably being overrun by other factors at play, like poorer general health of the population. South Africans are younger than Australians but they are certainly sicker (HIV, TB, malnutrition etc). There is a lot of natural immunity in South Africa, and while there is a much higher re-infection rate with omicron, presumably those that are catching omicron still largely dont belong to the immune group. High natural immunity will lower R, but not IFR, which from worldometer statistics is similar to the ordinary flu. But since not everybody is tested in South Africa, that IFR could be even lower. So we are now looking at something at worst like ordinary cold/flu.
In Australia, the vaccines will not change R, (or maybe increase it) but since they wane, they will maybe only reduce IFR by a factor of 2 or 3, (not 10) but even here this should help mostly those who are elderly or with co-morbidities. So for most people in Australia this reduction in IFR by the vaccines, from almost nothing to almost nothing, will hardly change their absolute risk, so vaccines are no longer necessary. Add to that the growing list of side-effects, and the superiority of natural immunity, it is more likely that most of Australia will be better off without vaccination and it is certainly time to end mandatory vaccinations. Just give it a few weeks, you will see!
Here is a paper on re-infections in South Africa:
Life is apparently cheap in South Africa, how on earth did the medical system hold up.
‘South Africa, with close to 3.5 million infections and 91,000 deaths, has been the worst-hit country in Africa during the pandemic on both counts.’ (ABC)
Better than many developed countries – it has a lower number of deaths per million than USA, UK, France, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Russia…
Ok Rick, so if the unvaccinated are isolated from the vaccinated, why the sudden surge. Surely it’s not the vaccinated wildly spreading the virus they were never supposed to catch or transmit?
Vaccinations have achieved their objective of reducing hospitalisations while enabling normal mobility for the vaccinated. Limiting mobility for unvaccinated is aimed at lowering their risk of catching the virus and ending up in hospital. The data in the post indicates the restricted mobility of unvaccinated is working to keep their infection rate lower.
The major public events like cricket matches have been serious covid spreaders. Preventing unvaccinated from entering such venues have eased the burden on hospitals.
Increased air travel is also a significant factor in growing case numbers. Unjabbed people cannot board aircraft so that is another high exposure that only vaccinated are exposed to.
The limited mobility of unvaccinated is to reduce the burden on hospitals. The vaccines are leaky and achieving herd immunity against omicron requires high vaccination rate and more social distancing than occurring in Australia right now with festive season celebrations and sport at its peak. Japan appears to be keeping a lid on cases and I suspect omicron is in the country. Mobility in Japan is still relatively low though.
Covidlive reports vaccination status of those in hospital in Victoria.
Dec 18: 384 in hospital 38% of those fully vaxxed; 84 in ICU 7% fully vaxxed.
But no update since.
you would think you would flaunt it if you are pushing vaccination
I was not very impressed by the hospital vaxx stats in Victoria before. I thought they were probably manipulated.
Now they have not been updated for 10 days and there may be a reason for that.
My confidence in the health authorities has not improved.
With the Victorian governments enthusiasm for transparency one can assume that since Dec 18 the number of new patients in hospital and ICU who are fully vaccinated will have skyrocketed with the Omicron variant.
This is not part of the narrative so they obviously have chosen to not release that information.
NSW is providing thee best data in Australia – but waiting on the updated data beyond 11 Dec.
We appear to have a Casedemic on our hands with those vaccinated being less impacted by Omicron as shown by these numbers:
The Omicron Covid 19 variant has been in Australia now for just over 1 month.
By 30 Dec 2021, Active Covid cases have increased to 112,739.
Thankfully outcomes appear much better than some of the worst case scenarios:
Hospitalisations: 1,438 (1.3% of active cases)
ICU patients: 122 (0.1%)
Patients under ventilation: 47 (0.04%).
Total cases over the month – 152,531.
Total Deaths – 221.
Average case fatality rate: 0.14%.
Total tests over the past month: 7.8 Million.
Test positivity rate ~2%.
I pray that our fake news media can start to provide some balance and reality to the real Covid situation in Australia and STOP the focus on cases – it’s all about the impact..
I reckon it’s probably always been a casedemic.
The panic fuelled the testing & the testing created the numbers attributed to a virus that, like most severe corona viruses, impacted adversely on the old and infirm.
It really is astonishing to actually see the average numbers for mortalities in a given year. It’s something that most of us just are not aware of. Unfortunately that unawareness has assisted in the narrative of Covid panic.
Yes, I looked at those stats last year. In Victoria, every day at least 140 die /day from all causes. Never before have our “media” been focused some much on only a small component of those mortalities. Most of which had co- morbidities along with COVID. The only other times previously that happened is pre compulsory seat belts/alcohol breath testing for driving. Also, heroine overdose casualties. But they all have a definite single cause which is indisputable.
Re “heroine overdose casualties” … I’ll take Wonder woman for a romp in the sack please 😉
“Pandemic of the vaccinated”
That’s sheer heresy against government doctrine Jo.
Your punishment will be to be locked in a room with all state health experts for a week😅
Meanwhile, history repeats for the sardine can germ factories.
All over the msm… told us the shots were effective and lives would go back to normal…and lo the masses did taketh their shots and their lives became worse.
“Your punishment will be to be locked in a room with all state health experts for a week”
They’ll have changed their views before that week is out!
Ultimate protection for Covidians 😅
They walk among us but for how much longer? 😈
I find that hilarious and pathetic at the same time! Must forward it to pilot son and see if he’s seen similar.
Wow, and a surgical mask inside the space helmet.
Full on mass hysteria, and you are likely well educated to be able to even afford a contraption like that.
Assuming it’s real, photos like this will be used in treatise (I started to say books, I’m old) on mass hysteria.
Has lithium batteries and a drinking straw attachment.
Fits comfortably over your anti-tachyon head band.
Biggest problem we have at the moment is not the Omicron variant, it’s still the sensitivity of the PCR test. At the present 40 cT rate the PCR is still providing too many false positives and picking up COVID was too long after people have recovered from the infection. Its leading to incredible staff shortages all over the country, probably for no good reason. The CDC (Walensky) basically stated the same yesterday. From my perception the RAT’s are possibly a test that is closer to real life infection- actually detecting whole virions rather than remnants of COVID. Scomo recently redefined what a close contact is, now I think the PCR test cT rate will be dropped to 17-25 or we just use the RATs.
The lesson in all this is that just like the so called climate experts, the experts are usually wrong.
This is especially true of Gov. employed experts. They are not going to admit that they just don’t know, or point out the uncertainties, because when their being paid 6 figures they better know-or at least pretend they do.
It takes courage to come out and say that observations don’t match the narrative-and there’s usually a price to be paid.
Remember when Bates exposed Karl? But he didn’t do that until after he retired.
“The next few months should show a clearer picture.” Possibly next winter Ian1946.
TedM – adding to that “clear picture”
“Fauci Takes Professional Gaslighting to New Levels, Now Admitting Children Hospitalized COVID Cases is Wrong
December 30, 2021 | Sundance | Leave a comment”
Popular now … Original antigenic sin
Do not trust Ontario infection statistics. The province has no formal mechanism of registering RAT tests. PCR tests are now prioritized to HCWs and vulnerable groups
Government advice: If you have covid symptoms then assume you have covid and self-isoloate accordingly. No need to test further unless you are a prioritized group
Subscribed to Dr Malone. Chocolates for Jo (your work is invaluable). Happy Christmas and new year to all.
Todays post supported by this at “notrickszone”
This is the Queensland Chief Health Officer today; “ “The much better indicator of the severity of the disease is the number of people that are in the intensive care unit,” Dr Gerrard said.
“It is likely that we see at least half or the majority of those hospitalised will have received the vaccine.
Is this some honesty at last?
Got to weight it against the supposed vax rate of 90% double tapped. So the unvaxxed 10% make up 50% of hospitalisations. Of course 100% assumed and probably modelled by the Doherty Institute of excellence in number fudging.
Currently 100% of ICU cases in Qld are fully vaccinated.😏
Safe, effective andfree.30
Safe, effective and free.FIFY
This paper, I have some questions and concerns.
What does it mean to go negative in effectiveness. Not what I think it is I hope?
What does this mean.
“Our study contributes to emerging evidence that BNT162b2 or mRNA-1273 primary vaccine protection against Omicron decreases quickly over time with booster vaccination offering a significant increase in protection. In light of the exponential rise in Omicron cases, these findings highlight the need for massive rollout of vaccinations and booster vaccinations.”
Comparisons to unvaxxinated then call to remove the control group? Very 2021.
Supported by (more protected opinion?)
Obviously negative effectiveness means people are more likely to catch Covid.
It tells us nothing about their hospitalization or ICU rates, their age, and risk factors. Nor whether they are taking more risks because they are vaxxed.
Just that they are more likely to test positive.
The dark possibility is that it may mean worse outcomes develop for the vaccinated, but it’s also possible that they are more likely to catch it, but protected from severe cases.
Where is the data?
Under the rock with the global warming and the Kraken. Going to need a bigger rock.
Leave global warming out of your argument, Covid isn’t a left wing conspiracy.
Governments of all political persuasions have been caught out and will sink or swim at the next elections.
That’s not an argument, That’s a statement.
No wings, its the bird.
Its not a statement of fact.
An opinion then.
What are you on, brain fog is a very common effect.
It was,
A) done in jest.
B) actually factual.
Unless of course you can prove MM global warming, the Kraken exists, show the data, and that it is not all under a rock.
As I know you can do none of the above, I will assume you are, well, you!
As for fact, do you know the meaning of the word?
Your facts are China daily, Guardian, ABC, NYT and CNN.
My error, I didn’t know Krakan was a large sea monster of folklore.
EG, you miss the point. EVERYTHING today is still left/right.
I was arguing D3 years ago on another site where both politics and health were topics [politics more than here] and future Trump haters called anyone, regardless of training, quacks if they spoke of supplements or off-label drug use. They are still there but now have Trump to rail against.
American politics is irrelevant to Australia.
I wish that were so….
but the world is now inter-connected – for good or bad
We are no longer part of the British Empire and the time has also come to give America the flick.
Presumably you have not paid any attention for the past 50 years … I suggest you might have some catching up to do.
If they are not boostered, it does not count as data. End of story. 🙂
Jo you suggested that negative effectiveness means people are more likely to catch Covid. Hansen et al say “negative estimates in the final period arguably suggest different behaviour and/or exposure patterns in the vaccinated and unvaccinated cohorts causing underestimation of the VE”
I believe it is way too early to suggest worse outcomes developing for the vaccinated or that they are more likely to catch it.
There is no question that all the vaccines decline in effectiveness, most if not all do. My family were vaccinated to travel overseas back in the 50’s and we needed a booster for everything. Some folk get a flu shot every year because the flu virus mutates. Me I had a flu shot in the late 60’s to ensure the rowing crew was not struck down with flu at head of the River. The only repeat shot was in June 2020 before getting my AZ 1 shot. AZ was my choice after much deliberation. The fact that AZ is not mRNA was the decider for me.
The Iceland data are in the plot below the Iceland one you included, which shows “14-day incidence of hospitalisation per 100 000 by vaccination status”.
It’s clear that fully boosted cohort have near zero hospitalisation, “fully vaccinated” have low hospitalisation and “not vaccinated” have high hospitalisation. This data could have been included in your post.
Yeah, I saw that data. But with only 21 hospitalized, and 6 in ICU the numbers are so small. Plus they count people as “unvaccinated” if they are 1 – 13 days post vaccination. Plus their test positivitiy is now up at 20% – so there are many uncounted cases.
“Indviduals count as fully vaccinated 14 days after primary series vaccination
Individuals count as fully vaccinated with booster 14 days after the third dos”
So thanks, but I was hoping for real data, more data, and some meaningful numbers. I am concerned that unvacced and uninfected (previously) are at higher risk.
I added in the Ontario graphs, but then took them out, because I have no idea how many of those cases were delta long stayers, instead of more recent Omicron. But I would have to see good data.
Today in Vicdanistan, 18 covid testing sites were closed due to the heat.
How pathetic.
Tomorrow’s news: “Covid cases not detected because of Climate Change.”
Yep. My wife works at one that will open at 9.15am on Saturday morning…and by 12.30 it will be too hot to work …the tent she tests from serves two lines of traffic, because the traffic control people want it that way and what they want, they get. One side of the tent has air conditioning and the other doesn’t. So the swabbers on one side swelter in PPE and car engine heat, radiated heat from bitumen and ambient heat pretty much from the start. The swabbing station starts at 9.15 because the accountants running the program (from a local “health” organisation), want to save on penalty rates.
The latest about Pfizer “Vaccine” from Richardson Post.Worth the time to view, also has link to PDF of the presentation. Watch and make of it what you will,a reasonable assessment of risk cannot be made without both sides of the debate being ventilated.
I wish that were the case but we all know governments, health officials and the like have no interest at all in that.
This is on the ABC – yes, the ABC!!! The narrative is exposing itself.
On Germany they tell us, best protection is to have been infected + 2 vaxxes.
Infected produce T-cells with a stronger antibody building plus these by the vaxx.
If I remember well, didn’t they tell us, vaxxes produce T-cell ???
Dr Chris Martenson likes military analogies and speaks of “preparing the ground”. I like the term.
If one has prepared the ground ie become healthy and dosed up with V D, there should never again be a breakthrough infection after natural infection. Does the vax “damage” natural immunity? I would prefer to be in the control group when testing that.
People, pls realise that this global inoculation is not about health and safety, protecting grandma, etc. it is about getting our DNA and getting governments to impose digital ID for us all; a digital ID system linked to our health care system, to our bank a/c, etc. An ID system linked globally to track travel etc. Who would have developed the programme for this interlinked global ID.
The vaccinated will still benefit by suffering less severe cases of covid when they catch Omicron. But that may be only a minor benefit.
What their increased susceptibility indicates is that their immune system has lost its “width”—its flexibility to recognize novel threats. This is what the cautionary voices were warning of. The seriousness of this loss of flexibility is yet to be determined, but it could be dire. Even if not dire, its existence vindicates the cautionary voices and indicts the gang-ho “safe-and-effective” vaccine crusaders at the top of Big Med and the MSM.
Put this into google translate for how ivermectin is being systematically trashed by researchers having links with Big Pharma:
No translation necessary, because there is an English source
Ivermectin and the Price of Life
As in the case of HCQ, the news from “France Soir”, only in French unfortunately, are very well sourced and written and target on clandestine behaviour in prohibiting alternative drugs against COV-19. It’s a real bonanza of information.
Good grief Jo…. 🙂
No. no…it is a pandemic of the unboostered ?
For example was this tennis personality boostered?? 🙂 (Just trying to see some humour when all else fails.)
Happy New Year. We are not quite there yet in the UK.
That happiness, or not, may well depend on this. The outcome will truly show whether Globalist power has bought and controls everything; in short – whether we have a future or are stuffed.
Now we are warned that hospitals will be flooded with patients due to Omicron because they didn’t get their booster shot. In other words, double vaccinated is of little or no value to tackle the explosion in Omicron cases. So we are being coerced into getting the booster because they want us to believe Omicron must be tackled with the booster. That means if you are not double vaxxed then you are coerced into getting double vaxxed so you can eventually get the booster. This is insane. We used to trust our doctors to tell the truth. No longer. They tell lies at the behest of the politicians. Doctors no longer (in general) are interested in looking after our health. They are more interested in “following orders” for evil minded politicians and health officials.
“Institutional Hoaxing – Brilliant Video Shows How Media, Joe Biden and Govt Health Officials Drove the Omicron Fear Narrative
December 31, 2021 | Sundance | 103 Comments
The already low credibility of media – – ”
More and video at
“Dr. Robert Malone issues profound response to big tech banning him on Joe Rogan’s podcast”
I’m just scratching my head over something on here. We have a contributor who is pretty rational re climate change, but a rabid dog re IVM. Other than this being a fifth columnist, it just strikes me as weird. Being so gung ho over something that is painless, harmless and cheap, while never mentioning Remdesivir, or even attacking vitamin D (which is on a similar footing to IVM, re the establishment) is a bit strange and obsessive.
Maybe this was triggered by a rewatching of ‘The Americans’, where an FBI agent is suspicious of a possible double agent, through his experience of infiltrating groups, by telling them what they want to hear?!
I guess we all have our obsessions?
Mind you there was a recent article, listing all the diseases where researchers are finding IVM is showing some efficacy, and it was mind-blowingly extensive. If IVM proves half as useful as these studies show, it would be kryptonite to Big Pharma, and worth going to any lengths to stop!
I believe to know who you mean and I often asked me the same question. 😀
IVM has traces of a wonder drug and I can’t find any reason to refute it, beside the money question.
Even safety is much better than any other drug, and, of course, any COV vacc.
Are the populations of the vaccinated and unvaccinated similar? For instance, apart from decision making, are the unvaccinated more non inner city centric? Are they more from lower density populations in outer city regions or more regional / country areas (where vaccination anyway may be less available) and the occurence of high density meetings for any reason is less common. Remember, in WA where the State was initially divided into regions and people were confined to their own region. They could be two almost separate populations. If the virus becomes unimpeded by the attempts at vaccination, the preponderance of vaccinated people could be most likely in the cities and living in close quarters, with the incidence falling away as one became more regional.
I guess I’m asking if the rate of infection, with the apparent increased sensitivity to becoming infected when vaccinated, really anything to do with ones vaccination status, as the tables attempt to show? Is it really simply an anomally in perception brought about by concentration of where people live during most of their days and a reflection of population distribution which itself may determine the relative rates of vaccination?
They are different. The big difference is in employment/occupation.
The unvaxed have above average cynicism of government and authority figures in general. They are above mid-thirties in age and have learned from experience not to trust politicians nor the big names even in sport. They work in smaller enterprises, those subject to market forces and not protected monopolies. The unvaxed may have a level of employment/income security provided by demonstrated competence.
The vaxed are pragmatic, they are not, as a rule, believers, they succumb not just to pressure to keep their jobs but as well to conformity, to be seen as reliable/promotable. They work for government, its agencies and utilities, and for big corporations. Many are aware of vax dangers, this causes some level of anxiety and self-censorship at least as to what they say. On vaxing, their opinions will change to match those of their employment hierarchy.
Doc you nailed the right question. In the Hansen study they summarise thus:
It is therefore incorrect to conclude that the people with the most vaccinations are the most likely to get Omicron or indeed if the vaccinated are more likely to catch Omicron than the unvaccinated.
In the UK study they state clearly:
There is no question that our illustrious leadership have driven a scare campaign to get vaccinated but jumping onto every new study that reinforces cynicism of government and medical science before the publishers are even confident about their conclusions is a hole into which only fools jump!
The Joe Rogan Experience #1757
Interview w Dr Robert Malone, 31st Dec 2021
“As I’ve pointed out since this started and have continued to point out the question is not, ever, whether an unproved option is effective. It is whether it is likely to harm you.
An approved drug for moderate conditions of any sort is not likely to harm you. A prophylaxis used in acute circumstances is by definition unlikely to harm you. It is not impossible that you will not be harmed by acute use of a prophylaxis but it is wildly unlikely since by definition a prophylaxis is taken to prevent a bad outcome that you might never experience in the first place, and thus its risk of harm must be measured against null rather than some condition.
For example Ivermectin is used prophylactically against parasitic infection in many nations. HCQ is used prophylactically against malaria. Neither parasitic infection or being bitten by a mosquito carrying malaria is a certainty; ergo, both must be extremely safe to use this way on a chronic basis because the risk of the bad thing they defend against is not certain.
Both are approved drugs that have gone through the full FDA certification process and have decades of experience associated with them. Likewise Budesonide is also fully FDA approved and is used for chronic conditions in which it is judged to be reasonably safe. Used for an acute exposure it would be extraordinarily unlikely to harm you since people use it for years without ill effect while you propose to use it for days.”
More at
“Interesting Shift – Australian Government Now Casually Saying They Will Pay for Adverse Reactions to Vaccine in Booster Phase, Media Calls 79,000 “The Rare Few”
January 1, 2022 | sundance | 105 Comments”
““Polar researchers in Antarctica have contracted COVID-19 despite being fully vaccinated and living miles from civilization.”
“Two thirds of the 25 staff based at Belgium’s Princess Elisabeth Polar Station have caught the virus”
“The outbreak took hold despite all staff passing multiple PCR tests, quarantining and living in one of the most remote places in the world.”
More at
“COVID outbreak at Antarctic station among fully vaccinated researchers like a horror movie”
It is obviously a long way ahead of that men’s toilet graffiti on syphilis of a long time ago that said
“And don’t try standing on the seat
‘Cause spirochete can jump six feet”
The same effect in the Faroes.
A private meeting among the vaccinated mutated into a super-spreader event demonstrating how Covid vaccines do not protect against infection.
Despite having had the triple vaccination, the participants fell ill: “In the end, there was a total of 21 infected people. That corresponds to an infection rate of 63.6 percent.” All had had a negative Covid test 36 hours before the meeting. None of the people affected had to be treated in the hospital, because all of them – as is typical for Omicron – only showed mild symptoms.
“This once again impressively confirmed that the continuous series of booster vaccinations currently hailed as the “best protection against Omicron” in Germany do not actually have any noticeable effect, Report24 pointed out.
Well that worked a treat. If you were planning on getting your booster, don’t bother with that either, in fact avoid it like the plague. Original Antigenic Sin here we come.
“Safe and effective.” What—a—pathetic—joke.
Having read and appreciated so many of your “non-COVID19” comments it is interesting to find the rejection of your CV19 posts that occurs.
Comment #30 above, for example, there are 35 red thumbs.
Perhaps those people feel that you are putting too much credence in the “data” supplied by the state of Victoria; a state which put Covid Quarantiners into high rise accommodation with undoubtedly poor ventilation and then stood back and watched the numbers grow in the incubator.
That event was an act that was obviously free of sensible medical advice and more of a grandstanding political thing.
The data coming out on CV19 related matters is obviously not the sort of input that any self respecting Statistician would use.
The stuff labeled “data” that is coming from all around the world is so variable in a statistical sense, that it is not much better than useless.
Then we have the data from Victoria; ??
Perhaps you are too close to this?
Dr. Aaron Kheriaty: Science is Being Weaponized by Politics to Create a Medical Dystopia
“The surest way to work up a crusade in favor of some good cause is to promise people they will have a chance of maltreating someone. To be able to destroy with good conscience, to be able behave badly and call your bad behavior “righteous indignation”- this is the height of psychological luxury, the most delicious of treats.”
Aldous Huxley