Absolutely no one who writes for newspapers has any idea of why Covid may have almost completely disappeared from Japan since the sudden Delta wave in August. The trajectory collapsed on August 25th and vaccines don’t explain it.
“While Omicron explodes around the world, COVID cases in Japan plummet and no one knows why”
Sydney Morning Herald, Dec 23
Call it the hunt for a potential “X factor,” such as genetics, that may explain the trend and inform how Japan could deal with the next wave. While the new highly transmissible Omicron variant has appeared in the country and experts suspect there is already some community spread, the overall transmission rate of the virus and coronavirus-related deaths in Japan have remained low. “
” “Honestly, we do not know the exact reason behind the sudden drop in COVID deaths in Japan,” said Taro Yamamoto, professor of global health at Nagasaki University’s Institute of Tropical Medicine. “
There is no mention of the-drug-that-shall-not-be-named — Voldermectin. But on August 13th as the third major wave was running out of control, a high ranking doctor in Tokyo recommended doctors use ivermectin. Dr. Haruo Ozaki, the Chairman of the Tokyo Medical Association said it was time for doctors to give patients information on ivermectin “and get permission to use it”. Around the same time, possibly on August 10, another doctor, Dr. Kazuhiro Nagao was seen on a Japanese television show calling ivermectin “a silver bullet” and describing how he’d treated 500 patients with ivermectin and they “all felt better the next day”. (See below). The peak of daily cases in Japan was two weeks later on August 25th, 2021.
In Japan, the third major peak was more than four times larger than previous peaks.
Things were looking pretty bleak in August during the post Olympic spike of cases for a while there were more than 20,000 new cases every day. Then, “a miracle” occurred, and now in a population of 126 million the current daily cases across the whole of Japan amount to a very small, 200 per day.

Japanese cases of Covid plummet as people search for ivermectin.
So the extraordinary turning point in cases starts 2 weeks after two Japanese doctors recommended ivermectin and searches for the word “ivermectin” in Japan became more popular than ever.
The peak search week for “ivermectin” in Japan was the following week.

Searches for the word “ivermectin” peaked in Japan on August 29th – September 4th. | Source
But also watch the Japanese Doctor Kazuhiro Nagao director of the Nagao clinic on TV in August talking about how we “give Ivermectin to everyone who wants it”, on the “same day” they test positive. “They feel better the next day”. Watch the expression on the interviewer in the last second where he asks Dr Nagao how many of his 500 patients got worse afterwards, and Dr Nagao says “None.” (If you can’t see the video below try another browser!)
Dr. Kazuhiro Nagao on Japanese TV saying he’s used #ivermectin as early treatment for over 500 covid patients with practically 100% success rate. Asks for nationwide use.
Dr. Nagao is director of the Nagao Clinic and a university professor.
News story:https://t.co/gqoIAzMUHo pic.twitter.com/OiCuLS73Os
— Bren (@brenontheroad) August 27, 2021
That interview possibly occurred on August 10th, and was written up here.
Google translate is struggling. But the good doctor said with “the silver bullet” ivermectin Covid should be reclassified to just a seasonal flu.
Dr. Nagao recommends that corona, which is currently classified as Class 2, be treated as Class 5, which is the same as seasonal influenza. By lowering the price, “early diagnosis and immediate treatment by a practitioner is possible = prevention of aggravation” “Practitioners directly request for those who need immediate hospitalization = no time lag” “Health observation of close contacts, no need to allocate hospitalization destinations” “= Eliminate the collapse of the health center” and three merits are mentioned. That’s important. ” He also said, “There is a silver bullet called ivermectin that anyone can use. It is a drug that is usually used for the treatment of scabies. It will be distributed to all people.” He also proposed a “suganomectin” system that is comparable to “abenomask.” On top of that, Dr. Nagao said, “If I make a mistake, I will take responsibility and quit the doctor.” It only looks like it’s waiting for it to change. If you treat it early, it’s over. No one I’m seeing is dead.
All of these quotes are extremely hard to find now, so thanks to readers who sent in these links (see the hat tips at the end). I keep all those emails.
Explaining miracles with magical thinking
A search for “Ivermectin in Japan” now though will turn up 50 news stories categorically saying that “No, Ivermectin Did Not Help Japan Bring Down Covid-19 Coronavirus Delta Surge”. Apparently the fall is a complete mystery, but was absolutely, definitely not due to ivermectin.
It might be because Japanese people wear masks, though they did that through all the other peaks too and it didn’t stop the rise, nor cause a sharp fall. It might be because Japanese people have a rare gene called APOBEC3A, though they probably had that gene in waves 1 and 2 as well and there were no miracles then. It might be because the Delta virus in Japan mutated itself out of existence. That creative theory centres on the A394V mutation, which occurs on nsp14 – a viral gene that checks for errors. The idea is that if nsp14 is faulty the virus might just make such bad baby viruses that they stop infecting people. It doesn’t really sit well with natural selection. Somehow the virus was incredibly fertile til August 25th, then the superspreading dominant Delta variant was somehow outcompeted by a baby that couldn’t make good copies of itself. Which sort of begs the question of why one of the other offspring-of-delta didn’t just take over and outcompete the dud baby. And as John Campbell points out, that same gene occurred in the virus in 24 other countries. It can be found in strains AY.1 AY.3 AY.4 AY.5 AY.6 AY.7 and AY.12 strains. No miracles.
Vaccinations don’t explain it
At the point when the caseload peaked and suddenly flipped, only 44% of Japanese people were fully vaccinated. It’s hard to believe that reaching the number 45% the next day somehow triggered the miracle.
Not to mention that many other countries vaccinated a similar number of people but they didn’t crush Covid.

All four nations followed similarish vaccination trends but had very different outcomes. source: OWID
One eighth of the death rate?
The third big peak in Japan was really quite remarkable. Despite having four times the caseload of all previous peaks, the deaths per day were half as high as the first and second peaks, even though the biggest peak was almost solely due to the deadlier Delta variant. The second peak was 90% Alpha variant (the UK variant). Mortality in the UK, Scotland and Canada was worse for Delta.
So some of the reduction in death rates is due to the vaccination program, but when half the nation wasn’t vaccinated, it doesn’t make sense that the death rates would fall by a factor of eight.

Despite the third major peak being the highest case load in Japan, and due to the Delta variant Covid deaths per day in Japan were half the previous peak.
And if vaccinations produced miracles it would work in other nations too. However, Australia has one fifth the population but six times the deaths. The UK has half the population of Japan but on a daily basis, this week, 100 times the deaths.
According to OWID, currently 71% in Australia are fully vaccinated, 69% of the UK, and 78% of Japan. Clearly the vaccination rate doesn’t explain the massive discrepancies in death rates.

The UK has half the population of Japan but 100 times the deaths. | Source: OWID
Apparently, Ivermectin is still being used in Japan and people are not happy
Ivermectin for COVID? Unproven treatment stokes concern in Japan
BY OSAMU TSUKIMORI , Dec 21, 2021, Japan Times
Authorities have flagged concerns over scores of messages posted on websites for agents that import drugs into Japan from those who have mail ordered the anti-parasite drug ivermectin.
“I just received the package and, to prevent (coronavirus) infection, I’m going to take it from today,” a 52-year-old man wrote in a message posted in September.
There are agents in Japan that order in ivermectin?
So the bottom line is that officially in Japan, the vaccines are being rolled out and boosted, like everywhere else in the modern world. But unofficially, doctors in Japan are speaking out publicly saying that ivermectin works, and people are ordering it in from India. The government of Japan doesn’t need to mandate or approve ivermectin use. Word of mouth will do it, especially when lives are on the line.
h/t Richard Kleenman, David B, Panda, David Archibald, Scott of the Pacific. David E.
An elegant summation, Jo!
A pill from Merck has been just approved in the U.S. One treatment will cost some $500. Efficiency about 40%. How does that compare to Ivermectin? (A second pill from Pfizer is coming).
The Merck pill has far lower efficacy than Ivermectin, and costs far more. But even worse, it stops viral replication by causing the virus to mutate so severely most virons cannot successfully replicate. Mass use of millions of doses virtually guarantees dangerous mutations that can replicate will be created. Mass use of the Merck pill is insanity.
The Pfizer offering is an expensive knock off of Ivermectin. It looks far safer than Merck’s dangerous mutagenic, but it’s use cannot be justified while cheaper off-patent Ivermectin is an alternative with broader functionality.
The mechanisms of action of Ivermectin against SARS-CoV-2: An evidence-based clinical review article
More action is nearly not possible.
If we had real journalists they would ask our so called leaders to explain why Japan has eliminated COVID using Ivermectin and why we are not doing the same.
I wondered why so many western countries did the same bad policy re lockdowns, vaccines, masks and banning treatments. Just watched this chilling Epoch Times 20 min Counterpunch episode by Trevor Loudon, and now it seems quite obvious. Well researched, great examples given to support his argument. No wonder!
“If we had real journalists they would ask our so called leaders to explain why Japan has eliminated COVID using Ivermectin and why we are not doing the same.”
Yet again, ivermectin is claimed to be the silver bullet in the treatment of Covid-19. This most recent claim appears to have emanated from a conservative radio host in the U.S.who falsely claimed, “Japan drops vax rollout, goes to Ivermectin.” Japan hasn’t stopped its vaccine program and hasn’t approved ivermectin as a COVID-19 treatment. More than 70% of Japan’s population has received the COVID-19 vaccines, and the government is moving ahead with a booster shot in December.
“Here’s some of the latest “say-whatever-you-want-without-real-evidence” news. There have been claims online that ivermectin somehow helped Japan conquer the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic.
Such ivermectin-touting social media posts have not provided any real scientific evidence behind their claims. What’s needed are hard facts. For example, how many people in Japan actually ended up taking ivermectin? What happened after they took ivermectin? How did this compare with people who did not take ivermectin?”
“Daily COVID-19 cases in Japan have dropped drastically after a wave of infections that peaked in August.
Researchers are looking into the factors that contributed to the decline, but some users online are claiming the anti-parasitic drug ivermectin and the removal of vaccines are the reason.
“Japan drops vax rollout, goes to Ivermectin, ENDS COVID almost overnight,” reads the screenshot of a headline that was shared to Instagram on Nov. 3 and accumulated more than 700 likes within a day.
The claim originated in an Oct. 27 article published by the Hal Turner Radio Show, a site that promotes conspiracy theories, according to PolitiFact, which has debunked Turner’s claim.
“Dr Kazuhiro Tatedo, a Toho University professor of virology, told AP News that vaccinations may have played a large role in the falling infections, saying: “Rapid and intensive vaccinations in Japan among those younger than 64 might have created a temporary condition similar to herd-immunity.”
But at this stage, we simply do not know whether Japan will experience future waves of infection.”
These claims made by The Hal Turner Radio Show have been found to be false by many other fact checking organisations.
Ivermectin for COVID? Unproven treatment stokes concern in Japan
Why do commenters here so blithely accept a story that praises ivermectin? As is stated in the article “A search for “Ivermectin in Japan” now though will turn up 50 news stories categorically saying that “No, Ivermectin Did Not Help Japan Bring Down Covid-19 Coronavirus Delta Surge”. Apparently the fall is a complete mystery, but was absolutely, definitely not due to ivermectin.”
I read the article and noted that the percentage of Japanese given/taking ivermectin was not given. Without that information how can the effectiveness of ivermectin be determined.
As for the “50 news stories categorically saying that “No, Ivermectin Did Not Help Japan Bring Down Covid-19 Coronavirus Delta Surge. Apparently the fall is a complete mystery, but was absolutely, definitely not due to ivermectin.”. As for the fall being a complete mystery that is just bunkum all of the articles I read do explain what caused the drop in cases.
Try this link to find out, that googles bad filters are working fine. DuckduckGo has not hese filters and tell you just the opposite 😀
Gee I dunno mate, could be the 130 published studies demonstrating ivermectin efficacy. Could be the fact that it’s not just Japan that shows real world ‘unexplained’ evidence of Ivermectin effectiveness, could be the fact that all the highly ‘vaccinated’ countries are experiencing skyrocketing case numbers while the lower vaccinated countries the use Ivermectin at some level are showing low and dropping numbers
What are you scared of ?
It’s a low risk, low cost option, at worst doing nothing.
You claim you are on here all the time frustrated at peoples willingness on this site to just accept that Ivermectin works and yet if you were on here all the time you would have read the reams of real and anecdotal evidence that shapes peoples thinking.
Pull you head out Ian, you are being willingly blind cause you want to believe you made the right decision to jump in to the vaccine with both feet and a non critical mind. It’s ok – you do you. I wish you luck with your future psychoses, loss of Immunity and who knows what else will come of your monthly ‘boosters’
Indonesia is another country in which relatively high Ivermectin use and low vaccination use are associated with low covid cases and deaths.
Ian, people aren’t “blithely accepting stories”. This is the age of the Internet. We have access to the papers and SI’s on over 300 studies of IVM for the treatment of the Fauci Flu.
Why are you so fanatical in your opposition?
Stop and think logically. Even if IVM only reduced hospitalization and death by 5% we should be rushing to use it. It’s safety profile is higher than paracetamol and it is dirt cheap.
There is no logical reason to prevent the use of this decades old drug. The only reason was to make the quackzines the only option, and thus justify the quackzine passport system.
First Delta then Omicron have doomed the quackzine passport game and all those who tried to implement it. It’s time to end this “good crisis”, and the only way out for Australia is therapeutics.
“Why are you so fanatical in your opposition?”
But I’m not
Can you point out out where in any of my comments have I personally have opposed the use of ivermectin?
What you are taking to be my fanatical opposition is presenting material from others not from me as I don’t have enogh evidence to reach a conclusion one way or another and that is where I differ from virtually everyone else here.
Why do so many commenter here just blindly accept the various articles praising ivermectin without lbothering to look at articles giving an opposing view? Not doing so suggests it is the politics not the science that is their prime concern Why do commenters here blindly accept what they’re given?
I prefer to look at all sides of an argument not confine myself to just one.
Are commenters here too scared to do the same in case they find out they’ve been misguided by the politics?n It certainly looks that way
“Why do so many commenter here just blindly accept the various articles praising ivermectin without lbothering to look at articles giving an opposing view?”
Ian, most I’ve ever seen about anti-ivermectin are: “there is no proof that it works”. Very few, “here’s the proof it doesn’t work”.
From your Forbes link I traced to this Columbia study that claimed ivermectin didn’t show statistically relevant positive effects.
Effect of Ivermectin on Time to Resolution of Symptoms Among Adults With Mild COVID-19A Randomized Clinical Trial
I found this gem deep in the study
Now they did make adjustments to their analysis but still…
If you have negative studies for me to read I would read. Remember that Jo has presented many more that say it works.
Finally, while I agree with you that ivermectin and the Japan death drop could very well be coincidence, these articles can’t state AGAINST ivermectin being part of the drop. They can’t because they don’t really know why the drop occurred.
With my cattle, Ivermectin is effective for about 30 days.
Destroying the placebo group seems to be a real issue for scientists.
I’m not!
5 agrees
81 disapprovals.
And on the one just above it’s 4 and 42.
Most people who saw those numbers would stop and reassess their situation.
Left wind “Fact Check” (lol) and the MSM say exactly what the agenda calls for them to say
Farcebook have admitted as such.. baseless, unscientific opinion at best.
Typical response from you Assertions disparaging fact check and accusing the MSM of saying “exactly what the agenda calls for them to say” but without a shred of evidence to support your assertions. Without any supporting evidence your assertions aren’t worth a brass razoo.
Who did the typical disparaging attacks?
Facebook defended themselves in court by claiming that their outsourced fact checks are just opinions rather than based on established fact so that they can refer to somebody’s argument as a “hoax” if it doesn’t express an acceptable opinion.
Farcebook said this themselves..
They admitted in court documents that their “Fact Check” was nothing but “opinion”
Most so called “fact checks” are more “narrative check”, usually opposed to real facts.
They are a leftist mechanism to try to control the narrative, and some very naive and uninformed people continue to fall for it.
Do try to keep up. !!
It has been shown many times that some people are more interested in “narrative check”, than actual provable facts, of which they have none.
“your assertions aren’t worth a brass razoo.”
And yours are even less, because they rely purely on the narrative dictated by the MSM.
No actual facts or rational thought required.
If the government and MSM ‘journalists’ actually think there’s a very compelling downside…a medical one…not the financial downside for Big Pharma that some of us believe is their motivation along with total control…if they truly believe Ivermectin’s both too ineffective and too dangerous to even try ….why wouldn’t it be in their interests in that case ..to go to some lengths to explain those medical reasons in detail…in the interests of cooperation for their mission to get the whole population vaccinated?
Instead, their radio silence tactic generates suspicion and massive mistrust …not just for now but for all future government-generated medical advice.
I think their own desperate tactics have disproven any premise that this worldwide pact to deprive the populations of therapeutics is a benign and benevolent exercise.
It looks more like a dry run or…like ‘climate change’…. an opportunistic precursor to global Socialist/Marxist control of absolutely everything under the I Marxist/Communist New World Order.
There’s a great pretence at benevolent fatherly nurturing of the population while in reality signalling by their silence and actions that the people are just too stupid to deal with information.
The batch of world ‘leaders’ we now endure…generated by …and the dregs and detritus left after ….the CAGW purge of the democratically-elected realists….seems hell-bent on a collective…organised…. total destruction of democracy by whatever means to that end happens to come along.
[Profit taking, monopolies, have a lot in common and are bedfellows with autocrats and communists. Let’s tread carefully joining dots in NWO discussions, and stick to the topic at #2. Thanks.. – J]
Right on.
I was replying to Ian’s comment at and his query as to why we don’t hear a comprehensive discussion on both sides of the Ivermectin issue…just the stories about how well it works from one side and the worldwide ban with no reasons given by government and the scientific bureaucrats on the other side.
With no more information and only coercion and life-changing mandates from those who rule us….there’s nothing left but speculation …or total silent compliance.
We shouldn’t rely on insertions.
Followed your opinion checker link and one link within the link and ended here, an AP (Associated Propaganda) article, no links just opinion of someone else’s opinions. https://apnews.com/article/coronavirus-pandemic-science-business-lifestyle-japan-e60d760da11f9cadda1d8acab2a6fbf5
And yet here in the land of the gullible, cases are at an all time record with 90% of legible persons shot. Makes sense.
In reply to Ian.
You missing the point because you did not watch the video or read the Ivermectin peer reviewed papers. Ivermectin stops covid. That is a scientific fact. Indonesia … population 277 million stopped covid with Ivermectin also.
Ivermectin is one of the safest drugs known. Ivermectin can be given to people that have comorbidities who are dying or suffering from covid now. The covid vaccines do not protect people with severely weakened immune systems. Ivermectin is sort of a covid miracle drug.
Hiding a covid miracle drug is murder. It is not criminal negligence causing death.
Independent analysis (chemical, computer simulation of drug and virus, tissue sample of the organ with live virus, and so on) by completely independent research teams using completely different analysis means including live tissue samples and virus…. All found that Ivermectin has the strongest bonding energy and the most independent means to stop the covid virus from replicating than, any current anti virus drugs and all of the suggested repurposed drugs and the new Pfizer drug.
In addition Ivermectin has six independent biochemical means to stop the covid virus from replicating. The Pfizer new drug has only one mechanism to stop covid and Ivermectin has the same mechanism with a higher binding energy. Ivermectin out performed any of the possible repurposed drugs. Ivermectin is the best anti covid drug based on independent analysis.
We’ve been reasonably lucky in Australia…but surely for the sake of us all and especially in countries like America and the UK…with their huge COVID death tolls ..there will have to be a reckoning at some point on this issue….unless we want to give the power of life and death …no questions asked…to any dill who can manage to get himself elected to parliament or congress.
If there’s a case to be made by the authorities on why the medical profession was doggedly prevented by their respective governments from trying a safe therapeutic when no other recourse was available for their patients….then that case absolutely must be made if we’re to have any ongoing trust in democracy and our elected representatives …IMO.
The Trump administration did pass ‘right to try’ legislation didn’t it?
Excellent post. We need actual evidence that ivermectin is having an impact on Covid in Japan. Do we even know if doctors in Japan are allowed to prescribe ivermectin? It’s not on the government’s approved list, but does that mean doctors are forbidden from prescribing it? I did some superficial research and I couldn’t find a reliable answer.
I support the use of ivermectin. Here in Canada, there are zero treatment options. A doctor’s prescription for ivermectin has to be better than nothing. Right!!! The govt response to treatment has been absolutely horrific.
Having said that, I’m skeptical of everything – and so too should be everyone visiting this site – and I see little actual evidence that ivermectin is being used widely in Japan, let alone driving down infection rates.
Show me the numbers.
Well done.
B.A. PhD (Media Politico-Religious Studies).
Australian universities now teach media studies, whatever that may mean.
Another Ivermectin story.
You could follow the science and trust the results of over 300 studies showing that Ivermectin works.
You could look at real world results from nations like India, Nigeria and Japan with high Ivermectin use.
Or you could just look at the politics …
– A paper trashing Ivermectin published in the New England Journal of Medicine in mid 2020 has to be retracted when it is found to be based on fradulent data. (If IVM didn’t work, scientific fraud wouldn’t be needed to discredit it.)
– Multiple Establishment Misleadia articles in the Quackzine Passports nations being published simultaneously, all calling IVM “Horse dewormer” despite all doctors recommending and treating with it using human medication.
– Fake news stories in Quackzine Passports nations about poison information centers being overwhelmed with calls about IVM overdoses.
– Fake news stories from the US about a hospital so overwhelmed by IVM overdoses that their ER couldn’t treat people presenting with gunshot wounds.
– The TGA saying “not enough data” while approving Remdesivir with far less data, then openly saying it was banning IVM to discourage alternatives to the Quackzines.
– The TGA maintained the results from the fradulent study on their website as justification for their decision, even after the publishing journal had force retraction of the study paper.
– The threats of the AMA big pharma bootlickers against doctors trying to help reduce COVID hospitalizations with a cheap drug safer than paracetamol.
All the politics points in one direction: Ivermectin is cheap and effective and poses a critical threat to the Plandemic and quackzine passports.
Thanks, a very useful summary.
Yes a good summary. It’s following the same pattern as the CAGW scam; junk science being used to the point of extremism such that the respective fields of science have lost a lot of credibility. What all that means is not too hard to understand; politicians only care about more power to control over us as they believe they know better about how we ought to live out our lives. As PM Morrison himself stated, the vaccinated are the sheep being herded through a gate. I can see 2022 as being the year of great discontent and polarisation by the masses, assuming not too many end up being brain dead.
“the respective fields of science have lost a lot of credibility. ”
Absolutely! In addition to the medicinal and climate science industries destroying themselves, the trust in politics and journalism will be crashing over these 5 years.
The brightest news in the whole debacle is that we are increasing the number of cynical people who no longer believe what they are told. Long may it continue!
Yes it will continue but how much and how long depends on the retaliation by said governments who will become more and more tyrannical. In effect it’s a race. Given my understanding of the Scriptures, governments will win with the help of the evil one and his cohorts but it will be a very short-lived one because our Lord will be the ultimate victor. So, to be a part of the final victory one has to have faith and place their trust in the Lord. In the meantime one has to stand fast in the face of increasing tyranny.
The latest smearing effort vs IVM is regarding male fertility. If contributors to social media say good things about IVM very quickly the anti IVM bots will reply with some research paper indicating adverse effects on male fertility with IVM. Research paper doesn’t mention anything about dose rate, which could be 10x the recommended dose. With IVM there has been an element of “….. I think you doth protest too much”. There’s something really suspicious about the over reaction of authorities vs IVM ( and to some degree the other early anti-virals). Its the achilles heel of vaccine uptake and that’s why this info is being continually suppressed by medical authorities and media. Yet post SARS 1 we had the likes of Fauci pronouncing HCQ works both as a vaccine and a treatment. Back then in the early 2000’s there was no mRNA technology to pivot to.
The problem with the “male fertility” propaganda is that IVM has had decades of safe use, typically at dosages higher than the minor amounts used in treatment of the Fauci Flu. If male infertility was an issue with this drug, it would have been noticed four decades ago.
And no mention of the known effect on female reproductive system: miscarriages, still births, etc etc from the jabs ?
The fertility of top stallions is worth millions of dollars over a 20 year period. A stallion in his prime can service 60 mares per season without his fertility rate declining. Superstar stallions can cost as much as $200,000 per pregnant mare. These horses are loved and pampered. Not for one second would anything be introduced into their bodies that would in anyway affect their health or fertility. Ivermectin is the normal routine wormer because it is so safe and without side effects.
“The latest smearing effort vs IVM is regarding male fertility. If contributors to social media say good things about IVM very quickly the anti IVM bots will reply with some research paper indicating adverse effects on male fertility with IVM. Research paper doesn’t mention anything about dose rate, which could be 10x the recommended dose. With IVM there has been an element of “…..”
That statement is totally at odds with reality
“A spokesperson from the U.S. Federal Drug Administration told Reuters that infertility is not a known side effect of ivermectin, and it is not currently included as a side effect in its labeling of the drug.”
The Reuter’s Fact check team state:
No evidence. According to the FDA, infertility is not currently a known side-effect of ivermectin. A Nigerian study from 2011 that concluded ivermectin was related to a decrease in sperm function evaluated only a small sample of 37 patients who had been diagnosed with river blindness.
But as according to some commenters here the Reuter’s fact check team is a joke, perhaps this claim is also false
This article was produced by the Reuters Fact Check team. Read more about our fact-checking work here.
My bulls have been on IVM their entire lives, have not noticed a drop in calving rates and breeders keep a close eye on that part or they are not breeders.
Don’t need any of your fact checkers, when I can see the facts running around the paddocks.
Propaganda plays all sides, pro and con.
Reuters fact checkers are facebook and facebook are protected opinion writers as they themselves stated.
From your link. The fact-checking unit at Reuters has joined Facebook’s third-party fact-checking program. Through this program, Facebook will provide funding to the Reuters fact-checking unit, in exchange for assessments of the authenticity of content on its platform.
You really recommend to read a “fact-check” text ?
The moment a counter the narrative text in CC or Covid surrounding rises, the self declared checkers jump out of their graves and start lying.
Unfortunately garlic isn’t the right weapon against that plague of morons.
The latest smearing effort vs IVM is regarding male fertility. If contributors to social media say good things about IVM very quickly the anti IVM bots will reply with some research paper indicating adverse effects on male fertility with IVM. Research paper doesn’t mention anything about dose rate, which could be 10x the recommended dose. With IVM there has been an element of “….. I
The FDA Fack Check Team states
No evidence. According to the FDA, infertility is not currently a known side-effect of ivermectin. A Nigerian study from 2011 that concluded ivermectin was related to a decrease in sperm function evaluated only a small sample of 37 patients who had been diagnosed with river blindness.
Very well said, Konrad.
Have a look at this as an example
particularly the treatment for ingestion and the Mixture in Section 3
Also with the straight IVM chemicals the first BIG PRINT on the label says “Caution”
When IVM is mixed with other agents the heading says “Poison”
I have my doubts that the TGA actually read a SDS for it
“– The TGA saying “not enough data” while approving Remdesivir with far less data, then openly saying it was banning IVM to discourage alternatives to the Quackzines.”
Health Canada approved Remdesivir back in July 2020 (still approved). That was fast! But after 21 months can’t say anything definitive about ivermectin.
With here being my principal source of information, I have wondered if some of the data shifts that have been noted just indicate that people stopped counting. e.g. in India, where the numbers would be so big that people might have realised that “What’s the point?” is fair comment.
Good article … it’s really hard to find good information. If you want a challenge have a try at the Philippines.
They had three waves, each one bigger than the one before, but recently it’s dropped down almost to zero. What changed? Their vaccination rate is low, but they still talk about an aspirational rate of 70% to achieve (laughably) “herd immunity”. I know there was an internal argument over Ivermectin in the Philippines, but can’t find out which side was winning that argument.
Dr. Allan Landrito is listed as a member of the British Ivermectin Recommendation Development Group, and he was an early promoter of Ivermectin in the Philippines. You can find his website easily enough and there’s a news section in English.
so, the moment you have a positive diagnosis you take 4 pills. That’s fine but what concentrations is he talking about? Are these pills the same ones (in all respects)to those we (used to)take here for parasites / scabies?
I wouldn’t mind having 4 of these on hand.
The pills are precisely the same ones used for various human and animal parasites but usually a higher dose than the standard 3mg used for humans. Twelve mg is a figure I’ve seen. I am not giving medical advice so do your own research. In Australia you won’t find a medical doctor to give you advice either because the Government made one of the safest drugs in existence illegal for docs to prescribe in relation to COVID. They face deregistration for prescribing it.
Yes doctors are facing de registration for prescribing it but what if it can be proven they face manslaughter charges for not prescribing it?
Doctors would not be liable as they are following the law. No judge would allow a prosecution under those circumstances. Although, we do know from the Nuremberg Trials that “simply following orders” is in general, not an excuse but is unlikely to be applicable in this case. It might apply to certain politicians and senior public serpents, however.
They are not following appropriate doctor/patient relationships as prescribed under the law. A violation of the doctor/patient relationship may constitute professional misconduct resulting in sanctions against the doctor and possible de-registration. The Nuremberg Code is not required.
A good argument. However you’re forgetting the regulatory agencies have been co-opted.
The TGA’s behaviour is akin to the US EPA declaring carbon dioxide to be a pollutant.
And AHPRA and the various Boards are using the deliberately vague wording in the various State and Federal legislations to enforce compliance in the name of the “public interest”. While the original intent was to empower the regulators to act quickly in the face of overt criminal and otherwise bad behaviour, it has now been employed as a tool for censorship.
I’ve never particularly liked the idea of a National regulatory agency for health practitioners. When we eventually emerge from this mess I hope we will revisit the legislation and put in safeguards for free speech.
I haven’t forgotten that. I was just stating the law is on our side but the upholders of the law are not. Much like the US Constitution, our laws are no longer upheld and in fact ignored and circumvented by the establishment. Without going into details, our politicians, doctors, etc. are actually breaking the law all over the place but they are not held to account and as such are getting away with it. In the eyes of the law they are criminals but who is going to hold them to account?
Peter, good point.
That’s the heart of the matter.
David I’ve seen first hand the fear our medical system is under regarding Covid and proven antivirals, a friend of ours got covid19 early December he posted it on a message platform, very worrying as he’s over 50, obese and has existing comorbidities,he ended up in hospital against his wishes and the only thing in his favor was having knowledge of what not to do without IVM HCQ etc.
First I had to find him, after making five calls to hospitals I went back to our local one, the first call I made, and found he was on a different data base but in ICU (isolation), unable to see him I managed to get phone messages through when he was awake and organized a care package to be sent up, amongst other things it contained some Zinc and Metamucil as I was told by the hospital I was ok to give him what they didn’t know was the Metamucil bottle had three days worth of HCQ tablets in the bottom of the bottle hidden by the normal ones.
After sending it up to him with him knowing the plan I waited, he got everything but the Zinc and Metamucil which got confiscated after a search or discarded for other reasons, I got medical advice from a doctor before sending the HCQ as he was on strong antibiotics and was told it was perfectly safe to take it, they were very frustrated when I told them what happened.
Besides this my friend refused to go on a ventilator (two doctors knelt by the bed begging him) refused Remdesivir and an oxygen tent,he was refused IVM, HCQ, Vitamin C infusion, after three weeks he tested negative and went home where he recovered for a few days then was back to work, he keeps getting calls from the hospital and covid police? about how and where he is, you can imagine the replies.
So is there an overwhelming fear in the medical community to use safe proven medicines to treat Covid patients? YES.
Is there an agenda by the medical community to push proven dangerous and fatal medicines and procedures to treat Covid Patients? YES.
One of the most distressing things about the Covid Pandemic from my point of view has been the failure of the medical profession, both to evaluate the treatment options and then to advocate as a body for the most effective and rational treatments.
The vast bulk of doctors have signed on to the false and obviously failed vaccination strategy.
There are a few exceptions such as the Covid Medical network (here in Australia).
The results have been tragic for the Australian people and the integrity of the medical profession .
The pressure.
I spoke with a doctor yesterday: in a private practice, she has been “found” by the system and given a month to be fully Vaxxinated/compliant.
She anticipates being unable to work and effectively de-registered at the end of January.
An Australian doctor did a TV news interview earlier this year stating the email and correspondence sent out by the AMA to all doctors, GP’s, specialists saying they either followed the government covid vaccine/protocols or they would be de-registered.
A whistleblower nurse in the states said that ventilation was a death sentence…every patient died in her ny hospital. homeless guy ripped his out in the night – he lived.
That’s disgusting.
Too many Australian politicians are feeding at the trough of internationalism.
Obviously when supranational organizations can dominate reasonable activity here in Australia we are no longer a Sovereign Nation.
That means, we are ruled by the United Bloody Nations, the WEF, The World Health Organism along with the EEU in Brussels.
Free Australia!
This really is a dystopian nightmare when you read Yonnie’s story. Yet, it is consistent with what I have read about similar incidents in US hospitals.
What is compelling doctors & medical staff to behave in this way? I can only assume it is the product of the “mass formation” syndrome whereby the psychological phenomenon overwhelms one’s normal intelligent response. Fear of loss of job would also be a factor, but is not a complete explanation as many doctors could comply with patients’ concerns and/or turn a blind eye.
I am aways reminded of the Milgram experiment, as well, where the “white coat” persuaded 70% to do awful things, while only 30% used their innate conscience & critical thinking processes to refuse.
It still shocks me to hear of the lengths the staff went to in order to force compliance.
Thank you for your usual succinct summation.
I was wondering if you were aware of the following.
Mrs Ursula von der Leyen is the (unelected) “President” of the European Union.
She is campaigning strongly for a EU wide adoption of a proof of innoculation passport.
She also advocates for the Nuremberg Code to be revoked.
Her husband Mr Heiko von der Leyen is a director of a German Biotech outfit called Orgensis which specialises in gene therapy.
Who would have thought?
lvermectin2 Chronic Prevention
0.2 mg/kg per dose (take with or after a meal) — twice a week for as long as disease risk is elevated in
your community.
Post COVID-19 Exposure Prevention3
0.4 mg/kg per dose (take with or after a meal) — one dose today, repeat after 48 hours.
Gargle mouthwash
2 x daily – gargle (do not swallow) antiseptic mouthwash with cetylpyridinium chloride (e.g. ScopeTM,
ActTM, CrestTM), 1% povidone/iodine solution or ListerineTM with essential oils.
David, due to its many uses in livestock production going back decades IVM is prescribed most accurately by liveweight. Same rate applies to all mammals. 0.2 mg/kg liveweight. The most common pill form for human use approval is probably the 12 mg tablet aiming for an ” average” weight of 60 kg. So, in reality the biggest problem is actually under dosing. So, a mammal of 100 kg weight would need a 20 mg dose. So, closest would be 12 mg + 6 mg tablet, but still slightly underusing. Hence, the popularity of the liquid IVM formulations where you can meter out much more accurately.
Can someone explain why Porkers get a 0.3mg/Kg body weight dose ?
We must ensure correct dosing for our Politicians LOL
(source: Bomectin Product Info)
Agreed Ross, but many human drugs are a standard dose regardless of body weight, for convenience of pharmacists and doctors.
I read that the standard dose is worked out on the basis of a 70kg human, the average combined average weight of typical males and females in Western countries. I suppose it might be less in certain Asian countries where people weigh a little less.
Here is some information on the LD 50 for IVM
“Comparative evaluation of acute toxicity of ivermectin by two methods after single subcutaneous administration in rats”
“Similarly the LD(50) of around 50mg/kg indicated a wide margin of safety (250x) considering therapeutic dose of ivermectin as 200microg/kg.”
Correct reference for that is
There you have it. 250 timesX. Though I don’t want to try 100x
Why didn’t I think of looking that up when they first put the bans on?
If you want up-to-date information about ivermectim dosage from some real doctors, go to https://covid19criticalcare.com/covid-19-protocols/i-mask-plus-protocol/
Treatment dosage after infection is different to prevention dosage, and their treatment dosage changed after encountering delta in the US.
Here is a great site to look at david.
It is not being acknowledged because the Left, who now dominate all institutions and levels of government (Rudi Dutschke’s “long march through the institutions) don’t want the pandemic to end. It’s the excuse they need to impose massive dictatorial controls to destroy Western economies, small businesses, individual rights and social relationships. It’s far more effective than the anthropogenic global warming fraud ever was. They are using it to reconstruct Western Society in their image with a vast majority of people as serfs lead by a small number of mega rich and mega powerful Elites. In other words a return to society as it existed before The Enlightenment and the destruction of all Enlightenment values such as human happiness, the pursuit of knowledge derived from reason and the evidence of one’s senses, liberty, ongoing progress, toleration, fraternity and the rule of law.
It’s heartening to see that at least one country is moving into the sunlight.
Here in New South Wales we have just been moved into a “necessary” intensification of the CV19 Kontrols to last for a month from 27 to 27th.
Each resident must now occupy no more nor less than 2 square metres of the Earth’s surface.
According to Hazzard and Dom, they had no choice, it’s for our own good, and just in case we had forgotten, we need to get the next booster shot, soon as!
Meanwhile, overseas in Florida and WA things are hotting up.
The Misleadia attack on DeSantis is underway, no doubt because so many Minnesotans are moving to the safety of Florida, while in WA the bushfires have started again despite all of the taxpayers money that’s been sent to the UNIPCCC and China to pay off Gaia.
The political indifference to real crises like bushfires in residential areas, the massive death toll from diabetes and the significant road, alcohol and illegal drug numbers, is interesting.
If only there was a VaXXine for those; maybe they could all be eradicated.
“Misleadia”. I like that.
Picked it up from a U.S. Post.
Think WA’s imperial leader is trying to back burn the virus across the boarder.
And ignored the real and necessary backburning.
Its for their health!
Even “Blind” Freddie must be able to see that Ivermectin has good reason to be considered as “Covid Kryptonite”
“Even “Blind” Freddie must be able to see that…. vaccinations, masks and lockdowns are completely useless at freeing us from Covid, and its time to give up central control and give us back some individual responsibility.
The Govt should be limited to giving us advice and the medications we want- There are a stack of compounds to use in pre-infection and early infection scenarios, there is plenty of information about lifestyle changes and especially diet to enhance your immune system, and we just have to get used to people dying. It happens to everyone sooner or later, just get over it… Diet Coke, MacDonalds and a hospital should not keep you alive!
Yet another remedy for COVID allegedly has been discovered. The combination of two over-the-counter legacy compounds have been found to be 99% effective at preventing the replication of the COVID virus. The new research finding announced by the University of Florida, which led the way on the effectiveness of ivermectin in treating COVID shortly after its emergence was published in the journal Pathogens.
Diphenhydramine, an antihistamine drug used for allergy symptoms, and lactoferrin, a protein found in cow and human milk, both hinder SARS-CoV-2 from replicating by up to 99 percent, the research team found. According to David A. Ostrov, Ph.D., an immunologist and associate professor in the UF College of Medicine’s department of pathology, immunology and laboratory medicines:
“We found out why certain drugs are active against the virus that causes Covid-19.”
Earlier research he conducted led Ostrov to conclude that diphenhydramine was potentially effective against COVID on its own. Now, adding lactoferrin has boosted viral reproduction inhibition to an astonishing 99%.
Lactoferrin, diphenhydramine combination found to inhibit covid replication by 99%.
Health Minister Greg (Greggo) Hunt on the fifth booster. While you were getting your 1st and 2nd shots, the brilliance of our politicians had foreseen the need for a 3rd, 4th and 5th dose and ordered way in advance.
Should carry you through until the four vaccine factories are completed and you can get your monthly green tick of compliance.
It seems they have been planning a fifth or more injection for a long time because that is reflected in the huge numbers of doses of the various “vaccines” ordered, certainly far more than the 52 million required if they were to forcibly inject everyone in Australia 0+ age twice.
If everyone on the planet had to be vaccinated at least three times 8 billion people times three equals 24 billion doses, which means if every manufacturer made a vaccine every second it would take 32 years to make 1 billion doses, and if 5 companies had 5 plants making vaccines at one per second it would take 10 years to make 7.8 billion doses, and 30 years to vaccinate the population, so how have 7.8 billion covid vaccines already been manufactured and administered for a novel virus that’s only been around since 2019?
As explained above. why follow the science, when you can lead the science.
A single dose contains less than 100 micrograms of active ingredient. Tens of thousands of doses and more can be made per second.
I doubt your claim. A five mil vial with less active ingredients requires more of the other stuff, so time wise, same same.
It also requires vials to be made at Tens of thousands per second and the supply chain to sustain that rate.
Of course you link does not prove your claim.
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/news/video-2271914/Video-Pfizer-manufacture-thousands-doses-Covid-19-vaccine.html its quick, but not that quick.
Young Global Leaders school of Klaus Schwab https://balance10.blogspot.com/2021/12/young-global-leaders-school-of-klaus.html
Highly vaccinated countries thought they were over the worst. Denmark says the pandemic’s toughest month is just beginning.
COPENHAGEN — In a country that tracks the spread of coronavirus variants as closely as any in the world, the signals have never been more concerning. Omicron positives are doubling nearly every two days. The country is setting one daily case record after another. The lab analyzing positive tests recently added an overnight shift just to keep up.
And scientists say the surge is just beginning.
As omicron drives a new phase of the pandemic, many are looking to Denmark — and particularly the government institute devoted to testing, surveillance and modeling — for warnings about what to expect.
The emerging answer — even in this highly vaccinated, wealthy northern European country — is dire. For all the defenses built over the last year, the virus is about to sprint out of control, and scientists here expect a similar pattern in much of the world.
“The next month will be the hardest period of the pandemic,” said Tyra Grove Krause, the chief epidemiologist at Denmark’s State Serum Institute, a campus of brick buildings along a canal.
Ever since the omicron variant emerged in November, the best hope has been that it might cause less severe sickness than the delta version it is competing with, which in turn might make this wave more manageable and help the transition of covid-19 into an endemic disease. But Denmark’s projections show the wave so fully inundating the country that even a lessened strain will deliver an unprecedented blow.
“There’s a chance that Denmark is capturing the spread that other countries are missing,” said Marc Stegger, whose team analyzes genomic data.
He thinks the next month will be brutal, but after that? It’s hard to say. Infected people, and there will be many, could come away with a deepened protection — pushing the coronavirus into something less menacing. But he also said the virus is impossible to eradicate fully. Maybe it could jump into rodents. Then maybe back into humans, re-formed. He described the coronavirus as a “master mutator,” and clearly, with vaccination, humans are driving the virus into a corner, where it can either weaken or change.
“It could come out on the other end even weaker,” Fomsgaard said. “But that is risky business. It might hit another jackpot mutation.”
Well that’s just another example of how governments and the media are hyping-up Omicron in order to keep the scare going. This allows them to continue implementing and enforcing extraordinary rules and restrictions that would otherwise have no justification. It also helps to persuade people to get the shots.
Omicron, so far, looks like evidence of typical viral evolution, becoming more contagious but less deadly. Jo talked about this a long time ago. Of course, that isn’t what our leaders want to hear, nor does Big Pharma, who want you to get the shots, hence them all saying, “It’s too early to tell.” Meanwhile, though it’s too early to say it’s milder, it isn’t too early to assume it’s a disaster, so mask up, get those shots, stay indoors and we’ll let you know when it’s safe to step outside.
Oh and get those shots. Don’t forget to panic. And get tested daily so we can ramp up the numbers and fear.
Did I mention the shots?
This one from
sums it up for me
I am Transvaccinated
I am actually not vaccinated, but I identify as someone who is vaccinated
Denmark has experienced over 4,000 cases a day since mid November. The fatality rate has remained steady at 0.17%. That is ‘flu like level.
Japan fatality rate with mostly delta but highly vaccinated is still at 0.8%. Case numbers still low thought. Case number will likely ramp up with omicron like other countries but the fatality rate fall.
Before we panic yet again, we need to look at some level headed research. If you examine Robert Malone’s website (& maybe Aussie pollie Craig Kelly’s) you will find a fantastic zoom call in which epidemiologists Robert Malone, Geert VaNDen Bossche & Zeb Zelenko discuss the latest research.
Malone believes the contagious but mild Omicron is primarily affecting the upper respiratory tract & brinchials & not the lower lungs. This is great great news. He is amazed at the genomic sequencing which he thinks represents the declining virulence which we had hoped for. Geert is not yet convinced, but thinks it is possible that we may escape his great fear of a drug resistant rampaging virus.
I should probably do some research regarding the production of IVM active ingredient (a.i). I know some of the biggest formulators of the human use IVM (tablets) are based in India. I think that has been due to the huge local market for IVM in that country for its many human approvals. Production of a lot of off-patent pharmaceutical active ingredients has moved to China. For all the same old reasons- they do it cheaper and quicker than anywhere else. Hence, my bet would be that IVM a.i could be mostly sourced from China. Even the Indian formulators may get their supply from there. Which always leads me to the China situation. We hear virtually nothing these days regarding COVID in China. Have they vaccinated their way out of the pandemic? Or have they in fact been using the likes of HCQ and IVM as cheap treatment options? All locally produced and so therefore western countries have no knowledge of what is actually happening on the ground.
You are free to believe anything you hear from China.
From what I see leaking out over VPN feeds, it is still a horror story in China.
Thousands being sent to “quarantine” camps, and forced to pay for their internment and food.
Traffic light passport system on cellphones, with people losing their green tick for just being close to a red listed person, and finding themselves no longer able to buy food.
Hording of food as cities and suburbs regularly being hit with lockdowns.
Travel restrictions widespread.
Chlorine fumigation of streets.
And still virus outbreaks continue …
And the case count in India is still low.
Just to point out the much awaited pineapple flavoured bullet called Covax 19, was started in early January 2020, yet Sars cov2 was not identified until Feb the 11th 2020. love the for-site.
“COVID-19” is a highly infectious respiratory illness caused by SARS-CoV-2, identified on February 11, 2020 by the World Health Organization and causing the 2019 novel coronavirus outbreak. The name of this disease is coronavirus disease 2019, abbreviated as COVID-19. In COVID-19, ‘CO’ stands for ‘corona,’ ‘VI’ for ‘virus,’ and ‘D’ for disease;
c. A Vaccinated Person who knows they have been exposed to COVID-19 and may be a Close Contact, unless the Vaccinated Person meets ALL of the following criteria:
Also on that doc, you are not considered “safe” after 3 months from your last “Jab”
The Vaccinated Person is Fully Vaccinated – it has been 14 days since the person received their second dose of a 2 dose series or 14 days following receipt of a one dose of a single dose vaccine;
The Vaccinated Person received the last dose of the vaccine within 3 months of the exposure; AND
The Vaccinated Person has remained asymptomatic since exposure.
In the words of the Erstwhile Supremo Banana Bender Premier Joh, “Don’t you worry about that!”
Please explain?
MP, Feb 11 2020 was just the belated day the slow WHO finally gave it a name. It’s irrelevant.
The full Wuflu genetic sequence was put out by the CCP on Jan 11 2020. That was the data the vax companies needed to get started.
Yeah sure, before it was declared a pandemic, before any funding was offered, they did it cause well just because, science!
The “please explain” is a well known quote from another great Queenslander and cooker of fish.
I don’t think playing sport is being recognised as the extremely high risk occupation it is. Base jumping is a safer hobby.
383 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 221 Dead, After COVID Shot, up to Dec 25th
And for those whom insist on “fact checker” protected opinion.
Sport is just as safe as an approved covid vaccine….
Can you mix the two.
As long as you don’t drive. (cricket pun)
Protests over post-vaccination deaths spread across South Korea
One of the most vaccinated nations on earth is seeing increased public pushback over Covid-19 jabs, as demonstrators in South Korea are demanding accountability for deaths that they blame on the shots.
Protesters gathered in Busan on Sunday after a similar rally was held in Seoul on Christmas Day. Aggrieved demonstrators held up large portraits of deceased family members – like those typically displayed at funerals in South Korea – and testified as to how their loved ones died soon after being vaccinated against Covid-19.
Dozens of funeral portraits were displayed at Saturday’s demonstration at the government complex in Seoul. Protesters called for the government to identify the causes of adverse reactions and admit that vaccines are to blame.
More than 1,000 South Koreans died shortly after receiving Covid-19 shots, but the government has confirmed a causal connection to vaccines in only a few of those cases.
A tragedy, but the response is good news.
The Government, the misleadia, the medical establishment and the Left laugh at any talk of Vitamin D (if they allow the matter to be discussed at all) and its deficiency being associated with greater susceptibility to covid and other diseases but Vitamin D levels appear to be relatively OK in Japan (but certainly not optimal), partly due to high fish consumption. That helps also, along with ivermectin.
Many (81.3%) Japanese are Vit D “insufficient” (≥10 but <30 ng/mL) but few (1.2%) are "deficient" (<10 ng/mL). (Reference below.)
“ the medical establishment ”
If you mean the talking heads of media, sure.
There is no shortage of information on the importance of D3 in the medical press and on the web. The usefulness with respect to Covid19 is swamped by the many years of other benefits. General knowledge began accumulating by 1918.
Here in Canada assisted suicide is legal but IVM is not. Apparently it is deadly.
I have notified my next of kin that in the event I am infected by Covid I wish for assisted suicide. I choose suicide by Ivermectin. I have my rights, you know.
Is the Marxist feifdom of Vicdanistan in Australia the only place in the world where by law the unvaccinated are not allowed to get a haircut or visit a beauty parlor?
l did find a barber who said he would not check status so my son was able to have a hair cut
You can’t get a haircut in NZ without a vaccine passport.
Barbers and Hairdressers also have refused the vaccine, we have a few in our astandinthepark group, so no issue for a haircut.
Seriously look into freedom groups, all services are available and they appreciate the business.
Avoiding hair cuts saves money
WHAL number 6, cuts hair very well.
Here’s another slant, in an article from American Thinker, on Omicron and whether it can be called Covid. I found it a worthwhile and reassuring read.
Of course, as Delta, and now Omicron, have jumped to the front of the news, we must ask, “Cui bono?” We must use Sutton’s Law and “follow the money.”
For the media, the answer is quite simple. “If it bleeds, it leads.” Fear grabs your attention. So, when the MSM hype “case counts,” we have classic panic porn. As long as they don’t get so over-the-top salacious that viewers won’t believe them, bloodier is better. If it gets my channel more viewers, then I’ll keep piling it on. In order to drive even more my way, I’ll spin it so it looks like my guys are on the side of all that is goodness and light while painting the others as the spawn of the devil. But what happens if COVID stops being COVID? My biggest bloodbath disappears, and that can’t be good.
What about hospitals? They’re among the largest beneficiaries of government largesse, and loath to give up on the free money. Massive parts of their income come from government programs like Medicare and Medicaid. So, when the CARES Act shoved more money at them for every COVID diagnosis, we saw hospitals demanding that every patient be tested. A minimum of $13,000 for each positive result was too juicy a plum to leave uneaten.
Even now, my friends in active practice report that hospital personnel insist on COVID tests for patients who are admitted with problems unrelated to any infectious disease. A patient who died of a heart attack in the ER got a nasal swab in the quest for filthy lucre after he died. “Show me the money!“
We Cannot Stop the Spread of COVID, but We Can End the Pandemic
BY Jayanta Bhattacharya – December 23, 2021
The arrival of the omicron variant has led some politicians and public health grandees to call for a return to business closures and ‘circuit-breaker’ lockdowns.
My message is this: we can’t stop the spread of COVID, but we can end the pandemic.
In October 2020, I wrote the Great Barrington Declaration (GBD) along with Prof. Sunetra Gupta of Oxford University and Prof. Martin Kulldorff of Harvard University.
The centerpiece of the declaration is a call for increased focused protection of the vulnerable older population, who are more than a thousand times more likely to die from COVID infection than the young.
We can protect the vulnerable without harming the rest of the population.
As I stated above, we do not have any technology that can stop viral spread.
While excellent vaccines protect the vaccinated versus hospitalization or death if infected, they provide only temporary and marginal protection versus infection and disease transmission after the second dose.
The same is likely true for booster shots, which use the same technology as the initial doses.
What about lockdowns?
It is now abundantly clear that they have failed to contain the virus while wreaking enormous collateral damage worldwide.
The simplistic allure of lockdowns is that we can break the chain of viral transmission by staying apart.
Only the laptop class — those who can just as easily work from home as in the office — can abide by a lockdown in actual practice, and even they have trouble.
Essential workers who keep society going cannot afford the luxury, so the disease will keep spreading.
Will the same policies that failed against a more virulent strain succeed in containing a more transmissible strain?
The answer is self-evidently no.
UK Mulls Door-To-Door Vaccination Squads
The UK is considering a plan to send door-to-door vaccinations squads to the homes of unvaccinated Britons in an effort to reach an estimated five million people who haven’t taken the jab, according to the Daily Mail.
The initiative has been discussed by the Department of Health, NHS England and No. 10 over the past week as part of a nationwide drive to send vaccine teams into areas which have the lowest vaccination rates – and are floating it as an alternative to lockdowns and other restrictions, as well as a solution to ‘encourage’ vaccination in rural areas or households where people cannot easily travel to a vax center.
Slamming the door “in their faces” is the correct response. If they pursue the matter any further by attempting to break and enter then I would consider that an attack with a possibly unknown lethal injection and as such any form of self-defence is warranted, including stabbing them with a kitchen knife.
New Zealand okays euthanasia for COVID patients
Ivermectin is not approved to treat covid in NZ but euthanasia is.
You can chose to be euthanised with Ivermectin.
https://12ft.io/proxy?ref=&q=https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2021/12/26/children-learning-disabilities-offered-do-not-resuscitate-orders/ is suggestive of eugenics theory driving policy and definitely all of a piece with the NZ approach.
“New Zealand okays euthanasia for COVID patients”
Once again …
NZ and OZ shown to be guiding Santa Klaus’s black nose reindeer, filling the NWO boxcars with sheep and hauling them to the Happiness of Nothing camps.
It’ s always the last ones you would suspect.
Vax Macht Frei
December 26, 2021 – What do the UK Vaccine Surveillance Reports tell us?
By Andy Zhao
The UK Health Security Agency publishes a COVID-19 vaccine surveillance report weekly, with the latest being for Week 51. There is a great deal of information to be had by following the report, which has charts for “COVID-19 cases by vaccination status,” “COVID-19 cases presenting to emergency care (within 28 days of a positive specimen) resulting in an overnight inpatient admission by vaccination status,” and “COVID-19 deaths (a) within 28 days and (b) within 60 days of positive specimen or with COVID-19 reported on death certificate.”
For each of the above categories, there is a chart showing six types of data, including “Total,” “Unlinked,” “Not Vaccinated,” “Received one dose (1-20 days before specimen date),” “Received one dose, ≥21 days before specimen date,” and “Second dose ≥14 days before specimen date.” This gives a very clear picture of the pandemic situation in the U.K. Here is an example from the Week 51 report:
Here is my summary of the raw data from those UK reports mentioned above:
It’s very clear to me from the summary I produced that, in the UK, from Week 41 to Week 50, vaccinated death numbers are way larger than unvaccinated ones. In the Week 51 report, vaccinated deaths outnumbered unvaccinated by 72.85% vs 23.16%. In the Week 47 report, the relative values were 78.40% vs 18.28%. And in the Week 45 report, they were 79.42% vs 17.00%.
The deaths are more than four times greater for vaccinated people. Meanwhile, the differences in hospitalizations are less extreme, but vaccinated people were still hospitalized almost two times more. Case numbers for vaccinated were larger than unvaccinated ones, except for Week 51, when a huge number of young people under the age of 18 were infected. Eliminate that age group, and the case numbers for the unvaccinated people are much smaller, as shown in the far-right column.
Instead, they have actually been concerned about “Overwhelming the healthcare system“ with unvaccinated people. However, the raw data from the UK health systems shows that more vaccinated people than unvaccinated ones were using the healthcare system.
Andy Zhao does not understand that the vast majority of the adult population in the UK are vaccinated. In fact he only needs to turn to page 40 of said report to get the actual data on risk of hospitalisation and death if vaccinated or not:
Table 11 clearly shows an unvaccinated person is around 6 times more likely of dying from Covid than a vaccinated individual. Similar ratios for presentation at emergency.
If 100% of the UK population was vaccinated against Covid, Andy could proudly and accurately proclaim everyone in hospital was vaccinated. All it means is that the vaccinations are NOT PERFECT – I have not seen anyone claiming they are perfect. Andy displays his ignorance and nothing more.
The vaccines might not be Perfect but they are Safe and Effective.
Whatever that means?
Well (IMO) a good start in interpreting that would be
“Fair and just” as defined by a friend –
“A fair bastard and just a (censored)”
“Safe and effective”is a somewhat open ended, non specific,statement. Safe and effective against what?????
Seeing as you like data so much, why don’t you look at the statistical studies on the ONS UK All Cause Mortality.
You can never believe the Leftist “fact checkers” but they have a major campaign attempting to disprove the success of Ivermectin in Japan.
One other possible reason for Japan’s sudden decline in cases could be this:
My daughter has been working in Japan for almost 3 years and recently decided to return home. She needed to obtain a negative Covid test before being allowed to board the flight, and paid 8000Yen for a PCR test, only to be told by the testing centre that a guaranteed negative test would be 15000Yen.
So, are people paying the extra or simply not bothering getting tested in the first place?
Afternoon all,
A little hyperbole from me:
100% of Covid deaths reported in today’s SMH were double vaxxed.
The actual printed words came in two separated paragraphs:
” He had received two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine and had underlying health conditions. “; and
” There were two other COVID-19 deaths reported: a woman in her 90s who died at Wyong Hospital and a man in his 80s who died at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital. Both had received two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine. ”
The 3 deaths are the first reported since Dec 24.
Dave B
There’s the reason they stopped obsessively reporting the vaccination status of those who were sick, those who were in ICU and those who were dead.
And I wonder what their Vit D, zinc and other micronutrient status was as well as other comorbidities?
I’ve not seen any report to show our medical “experts” are even measuring them. Why would they? They “know” vitamin D is not effective against Covid, otherwise Greg the H would tell them, wouldn’t he?
Dave B
You watch, as reported above about euthanasia now being permitted to those infected with covid in NZ, euthanasia will soon become the preferred treatment option for covid.
Miracles occur, and they are beyond science. The science of ivermectin is settled. It is a deadly, dangerous drug, except perhaps in Japan, where it has next-to-no effect. There is, naturally, nothing of note to report about such obvious facts. Just like there is nothing to report about the Antarctic, about the laptop from hell, about so many things of no note.
And you have achieved a passing grade in that means of communication that involves a table, a white sheet and a candle in a dark room.
As I have used Vitamin I and are responding to your comment here – and not from Japan.
(there is a /s in there)
Boarders and horders everywhere.
“Booster Bollocks?”
Also, the beauty of treating that C virus with the voldermectin stuff. The Z protocol recommends you only take it for 3 days ( with Zn, Vit D and Azith/Amox) immediately post infection. 3 days!! That’s less than a usual antibiotic regime where its usually 7 days or when the bottle is empty.
“officially in Japan, the vaccines are being rolled out and boosted,”
Not boosted too hard. Japan warns people about the side effects, and seems to have no mandates.
My orders of volderm.. have not arrived.
One from India got to Sydney in 5 days but has been sitting there since Dec 8, the other from Mexico, is waiting to be put on an international flight since Nov 26!
I smell a rat called customs.
You can blame all that widely spreading misinformation claiming that ivermectin is beneficial for treating and preventing COVID-19. It’s causing all kinds of production and delivery bottlenecks.
But don’t worry too much- before long we’ll all be knee deep in the stuff.
China alone has close to 500 producer-suppliers of human pharmaceutical grade Ivermectin with at least 20 producers claiming each to have production capacity of at least 1,000 kg per month.
The recent WHO Covid-19 home treatment program in India involved kits which each included a 120 mg course of Ivermection. A kilogram of Ivermectin would supply 8,300 such kits. So China could well be producing in excess of 200 million treatment courses per month.
But the WHO has not publicly claimed that the Ivermectin used in the Indian program was in any way effective.
So there must be a lot of river blindness or scabies somewhere.
If 80% is the magic number for herd immunity with delta then Japan is very close to the magic number. Both Australia and UK still a way off.
The other factor that is easily neglected is social distancing:
UK now down 8%
Australia now down 4%
Japan still down 13%
As a matter of record, when Japan turned the corner in August, mobility was down by 34%.
The fall in the three covid waves in Japan this year all occurred soon after mobility restrictions were put in place.
I do not place much faith in Google search trends with regard Ivermectin use. There needs to be better evidence than this to be compelling. How many people actually used Ivermectin?
A clear point here is that a lot of Japanese have been vaccinated and not many more are dying. Excess deaths are 3 to 5% above average for August and September this year. For the same period, Australia has about 1 to 3% fewer deaths than average.
WA is the standout in Australia with very few covid cases. Maybe WA’s low case numbers is due to everyone going out and getting Ivermectin? Are there rogue GPs in WA prescribing Ivermectin?
It appears the magic number for herd immunity with omicron is higher than 80%. Will be interesting to see how Japan case numbers goes once omicron gets there. I think even China will struggle to contain omicron. Omcron will probably be the Covid vaccine everyone eventually gets.
This comment bought to you by Pfizer.
Odd the US news programs are also brought to you/sponsored by Pfizer. Big Pharma does not want us to solve our health care/government ‘science’/corruption problem and hence controls the media, our health ‘care’ boards, and the US health institutions.
This is logic, honesty, reason and good Vs Organized Sneaky Evil
Odd that Netflix recently started to produce films (For example the new film “Don’t Look Up”) that has main characters (Characters who are played by A list actors) who take Xanax, again and again and who talk about Xanax. Xanax is a dangerous, highly addictive, completely ineffective brain damaging chemical (there is zero evidence Xanax cures anxiety). In multiple Netflix films, the characters talk about big Pharma drugs to help sell and make people curious about these brain altering drugs.
Xanax and other brain altering drugs cause long term changes to the brain which in turn force the people to continue taking the highly addictive drugs. Heroin will also make people ‘feel’ better initially, before it destroys their lives. Netflix films would not have young characters take heroin to feel better.
FDA Warnings
This drug has a black box warning. This is the most serious warning from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). A black box warning alerts doctors and patients about drug effects that may be dangerous.
Taking benzodiazepines with opioid drugs increases a person’s risk of severe sleepiness, respiratory depression, coma, and even death. People should not take alprazolam (Xanax) with an opioid unless there are no other available treatment options.
Using benzodiazepines, even as prescribed, can lead to physical dependence and withdrawal if a person stops taking the drug suddenly. Withdrawal can be life threatening.
Taking this drug can also lead to misuse and addiction. Misuse of alprazolam increases the risk of overdose and death.
Logically(if there was no corruption) every country would use Ivermectin as a very early covid treatment to reduce the severity of covid, to stop covid from spreading, and to protect people who have weakened immune systems which makes the vaccines ineffective, just like Japan and Indonesia have done, to stop covid.
That explains why the US news programs and most US newspapers are echo chambers that repeat Big Pharma/CDC/NIH’s rhetoric. Rhetoric is mumbo jumbo that hides stuff like early treatment of covid with Ivermectin to reduce severity and the general population’s Vit D deficiency.
Amazing stuff.
Beware of the pharmaceutical industry; ruthless.
We think that we are electing politicians to control unpleasant people in positions of power.
The reverse is the case when Larger Forces control our Governments.
Before Covid19 we were slaves to those international Dark Forces.
Now we are slaves and Guinea Pigs.
Maybe more of the urban residents in WA know sheep/horse farmers?
Not forgetting the benefits of;
652 days of 14 days to flatten the curve.
Walking below the high tide mark when on the beach.
Standing in parks.
Sitting in pubs.
Coughing into your elbow.
Bumping Elbows.
Staying indoors.
Being home by 9pm.
Poorly wearing a tissue over your nose and mouth.
Closing Churches.
Banning singing.
Closing off access to hospital covid areas to all parties, except main stream media photographers.
Last but not least, the courageous effort put in by the thousands of dancing nurses.
How is herd immunity achieved with “vaccines” that still allow people to be infected multiple times and to transmit the virus when infected? Even with 100% vaccination (shoot up the bub as soon as it pops out) the infections never stop and continual boosting is needed since the “immunity” fades every few months (at best, the interval may well shorten with each shot).
Our doctors should have been allowed to try TREATING the disease rather than just sitting back and watching the symptoms progress or regress according to the individual case. Too many didn’t even bother to put in any thought or even research what was being used elsewhere and just went by the WHO playbook, wailing at their “inability” to help.
The key immunity in “herd immunity” is against communicable infection.
How can a vaccine that is 30% to 40% effective at preventing symptomatic infection (and probably 15% to 20% effective at preventing marginally sustainable infection with minimal viral shedding) provide anything equivalent to herd immunity?
Q. Did you pay attention in class when they told you about how averages work ? It sure doesnt seem like it. Claiming that the 71% number you state for Aust Vaccination is in anyway relevant to herd immunity in a country like Australia is loopy in the extreme. Clue – Has the 95% in Sydney had any herd immunity effect ? Off the back of this your entire rationale is very poor and meaningless.
Fantastic video from Dr Zelenko speaking to Australian politicians. In laymans language with advice on what to do about Omicron.
The whole video with 3 notables is here.
“Fauci Admits Vaccine Requirement for Airline Travel Only Beneficial to Get More People Vaccinated, No Scientific Benefit
December 26, 2021 | Sundance | 3 Comments
Trust the science they say…. and then, accidentally, the “scientists” admit that what they are doing under the guise of public health has absolutely nothing to do with science.”
More at
Anyone got a link into Qantas to relay that?
Chinese city of Xi’an of 13 million is in complete lockdown. Confusing reports. Some say it’s COVID-19 while others say it’s a hemorrhagic fever.
Previously reported ivermectin deaths now exposed as as fake news.
A Myth is Born: How CDC, FDA, and Media Wove a Web of Ivermectin Lies That Outlives The Truth
What will fully vaccinated mean in 2022?
Apparently after your 10th dose (your 8th “booster”) you get a free pizza.
Why do people continue to expect truth, honesty and transparency about any current assault on individualism (be it climate rubbish, manmade epidemics or gender garbage), from ANY politician, MSM mouth or bureaucrat?
Even if they actually knew the truth, they wouldn’t tell you as someone has either brainwashed them, bribed them or blackmailed them.
The whole Ivermectin fiasco is akin to the racist nonsense, as you are not allowed to even mention it, so I guess that makes me an Ivermectinist placing an “I” on my non-vaxxer yellow star.
The whole system needs a severe caustic flush.
Hard to see how this can be done easily and painlessly with so many brainwashed, lunatic couch potatoes at large.
The Australian Government is now paying out for covid vaccine deaths.
Deceased COVID-19 vaccine recipient payments and funeral costs
In cases involving death you may be eligible for payment and support for funeral costs. We’ll make this payment to the deceased’s estate.
Safe, effective andfree, at least they’re still free.30
My Ivermectin tablets are en route from India and were despatched on Christmas Eve. I do have a tube of apple flavour horse de-wormer that I have had in readiness for any Covid symptoms. I have been taking zinc, magnesium, selenium, vitamin D, vitamin K, vitamin B, vitamin C and quercetin to make sure my immune system is in top working order. The only cautionary note I have read is that if using Ivermectin as a prophylactic that you should not mix it with quercetin, so best ensure you take them 12 hours apart.
“The only cautionary note I have read is that if using Ivermectin as a prophylactic that you should not mix it with quercetin, so best ensure you take them 12 hours apart.”
Where did that come from? I’ve only seen the FLCCC/I-mask protocols & it isn’t shown there – unless I’ve missed something.
If Ivermectin is the holy grail of Covid treatments and certain people have sought to demonise it to such an extent that it is effectively banned and it proves to be effective as the anecdotal evidence suggested these people should be charged with crimes against humanity . I can understand that if a drug was dangerous then one might be cautious about using it until you had some certainty. But when a drug has a 40 year safety record what have you got to lose.
It just worries me that the Covid plague will be over and we won’t have a definitive answer about Ivermectin. There are too many vested interests ( not just commercial interests ) that have a lot to lose with criminal charges a real possibility.
When one realises that the benefits of ivermectin were identified in the first few months of the pandemic it’s a monumental scandal that ivermectin didn’t get the same emergency treatment red carpet that the vaccines had. I dare say that the number of deaths that would’ve been prevented are not just hundreds of thousands but millions.
The ivermectin effect has been pretty obvious now in at least 3 different countries ( India, Indonesia and Japan) and as this post suggests there is no logical explanation other than Ivermectin to explain the rapid turnaround in Covid cases as shown by the chart.
This Ivermectin cover up story is equivalent to any of the major genocides that have happened through history.
” I can understand that if a drug was dangerous then one might be cautious about using it until you had some certainty. But when a drug has a 40 year safety record what have you got to lose.”
Some data on the ratio of dose to LD 50 at #7.2.3 – about 250 X
For comparison
It’s plain as day that IVM is safe and effective against CV19. Why the opposition?
1) Big Pharma is milking every Penney from the vaccines for as long as they can.
2) Politicians don’t want an effective solution yet.
Months ago I purchased some ivermectin from aliexpress but it has disappeared now. The online pharmacies wanted $6.70 a 3mg table so that is a no-go and now while looking for ‘Judgment at Nuremberg’ I’ve found it is gone, nobody has it, anywhere…
I just found Judgment at Nuremberg, you can buy the DVD but you can’t find anyone streaming it.
Do you mean the Stanley Kramer film ?
That’s an audio review of the movie.
This appears to be it at three hours long, have not watched it past the intro, saving it for Ron.
search Ziverdo Kit and you will find an Indian site who will send you Ivermectin, Doxycycline and Zinc acetate tablets. I ordered and received mine.
India has more or less the same profile as Japan. Google; Covid India
In a population of 1.3 BILLION,
I have just finished reading Robert Kennedy’s book about Fauci, Gates and Big Pharma. You will get most of your answers from this extremely well researched and referenced book. These guys make the Mexican drug cartels look like kindergarten kids. What Gates/Fauci have done in Africa with dodgy drug trials over the last 20 years is absolutely criminal.
What is happening with the Covid debacle is, in my opinion, almost a carbon copy of how Fauci conducted the AZT episode for the HIV/AIDs crisis, from a tactical view point.
Gates, the pharma cabal, NIH and NIAID and the intelligence agencies have been “war gaming” pandemic scenarios multiple times over the last 10-15 years under the guise of preparing national emergencies. But really they are action plans for their own benefit.
One Aussie name that came up was Jane Halton. She is now Chair of Gate’s global Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness. She participated in the Event 201 in late 2019. She assured her fellow Event 201 participants that, behind the scenes, the Gates Foundation was already creating algorithms “to sift through information on these social media platforms” to protect the public from dangerous thoughts and information. Apparently she is on the Executive Board of the Australian National Covid-19 Coordination Commission.
We have been dudded, or as Trump would say; “dudded biggly”.
Yes old Jane Halton, WEF along with Greggo Hunt, Julia Bishop, Twiggy Forrest and the ANU is heavily involved in that corrupt swamp of parasites. DDG WEF on the ANU web site.
Jane is also on the board of Crown hotels which was awarded the Quarantine hotel contracts, leaked the Kung flu into Vicdanistan and she chaired the inquiry into her leaky hotels and found no one was to blame, especially not her.
Jane is also the sister in law of Brett Sutton, Chief Health Officer of Victoria
Government, like incest is a game the whole family can play.
Scott Morrisons Brother, is AHPRA.
Mr Alan Morrison
Co-deputy Chair, Paramedicine Accreditation Committee. https://www.ahpra.gov.au/documents/default.aspx?record=WD21%2f30796&dbid=AP&chksum=BC8KG21deCf06uXL%2fSFTOA%3d%3d
Scott Morrison, the actor. https://www.nowtolove.com.au/news/local-news/who-is-scott-morrison-50827
From a comment at Chiefio re this
More web weaving
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December 27, 2021 | sundance | 9 Comments”
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Somewhat O/T but definitely NOT OFFICIAL IVM Promoting
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December 28, 2021 | sundance | 11 Comments”