Global Pandemic Treaty? The WHO that helped spread Covid wants even more power

Just what the world doesn’t need, another giant global bureaucracy which is a tool of President Xi.

Omicron has barely got out of the gates and the WHO are already clamoring to create a kind of nightmare IPCC version for pandemics. They’re calling it an International Pandemic Treaty as if they can make peace with inanimate rogue nucleotides.

In any case, a global unaccountable, unelected ruling body in charge of borders, lockdowns and our medical supplies sounds like the DeathStar of Bureaucracies.

As Marc Morano says, it’s a “virus version of the IPCC”:

The assembly’s decision will see the creation of an “intergovernmental negotiating body” to draft and negotiate the final convention, which would then need to be adopted by member states. … Tedros said omicron “demonstrates just why the world needs a new accord on pandemics,” and called for a “legally binding” agreement.

— @WHO

The UN is bought and controlled one vote at a time by the highest bidder, or the one with the Biggest Belt and Road. And when it came to stopping the biggest pandemic in a century, the WHO helped it spread, just as President Xi might […]