Australia ‘a great disappointment’ sayth Lord Deben, man who made money from windfarms

Lord Deben, (John Gummer) UK

Australians heard how disappointing we are to Lord Deben, who earns £1,000-a-day as chairman of the Committee on Climate Change (CCC). But the Australian-investigative-media didn’t mention that conflict of interest, or that Lord Deben’s private company was caught in 2019 being paid £600,000 from ‘green’ businesses, like windfarms and car battery makers, which he never declared. He says there’s no conflict of interest and that he “complied with disclosure rules”.

So now we know the rules are inadequate.

Australia named climate ‘disappointment’

Canberra Times

Australia has been labelled “a great disappointment to the rest of the world” by the United Kingdom’s climate advisor for clinging to coal-fired power.

Imagine if the ABC introduced every Deben pronunciation with the information that Deben earned money from Green businesses and is paid to head a committee that wouldn’t exist if climate change was natural.

Scott Morrison accused of failing to understand the ‘urgency’ of climate change


“What was so disappointing for us is the way it appeared your prime minister really doesn’t understand the urgency of what we have to do,” Lord Deben said.

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