FOI comes back black: The experts say “Trust us with your lives” but act utterly untrustworthy

And they wonder why people don’t believe them?

The Daily Mail in the UK put in FOI’s and got back virtually nothing but blackness:

Ian Birrell

This newspaper used Freedom of Information rules to obtain a cache of 32 emails about a secretive teleconference between British and American health officials held early in the pandemic.

But officials blacked out almost every word before releasing the crucial documents.

Before this discussion, several of the world’s most influential experts believed the new virus most likely came from a laboratory – but days later, the scientists began dismissing such scenarios as ‘implausible’ and branding them conspiracy theories.

At this point our rulers are mocking us. The people have no Freedom of Information, we only have “whatever the bureaucrats want to show us”.

The same people who tell us the vaccines are completely safe are hiding everything they said.


There should be immediate calls for dismissal until these emails are received. Presumably, the contents are so damning these people would be sacked, if not charged, so dismissal is the barest minimum:

The critical call is at the […]