70, 80, 90 percent vaxed doesn’t look like the ticket to Freedom
A cruise ship with only vaccinated people on board gets 27 cases of covid
Is this what “living with the virus” means?

Carnival Vista | Photo by antonio from Trieste, Italy
by J.D.Rucker:
…according to The Liberty Daily, every staff member and every guest on the ship was vaccinated.
“Somewhere near Cozumel in the Caribbean Sea, there’s a cruise ship that had zero unvaccinated people aboard but that still suffered an outbreak of Covid-19,” the report said. “This goes against the narrative that the reason for ‘breakthrough cases’ is due to too many unvaccinated people mingling with those who have taken the experimental injections.” It continued, “The Carnival Vista, which departed from Galveston, Texas, on July 31, has issued strict face mask protocols and ordered infected people aboard into isolation.
One 77 year old passenger who caught Covid on the ship has since died. Another is still in hospital in Belize and is said to be “in bad shape”. The family of the deceased lady is trying to raise $30,000 to cover the costs, which included an emergency flight back to Texas. There is at least one report that the infections on board rose to 42 — mostly in the staff.
Masks are now needed too for Carnival Cruise ships as well as negative tests and vaccination. Ponder the logistical challenge of rescuing this industry. Belize is not too happy that ships might be dumping sick passengers in their hospitals. Passengers might not be too happy either. Each time cruise ships dock and disembark in a town they could be bringing Covid or picking it up. The new rules have to be strict, and are not much like a holiday. Now any unvaccinated children on board the ship will not be able to do day trips off at all.
Shipping lines would probably do better by giving passengers free Vitamin D and prescribing anti-virals.
The tale of the contagious cruise ship also implies that States demanding all visitors must be vaccinated might not be achieving much at all. If vaccinated travellers are not quarantined in similar arrangements to the unvaccinated, it’s just a matter of days before they bring in Covid.
Meanwhile Israel is 78% vaccinated and reimposing restrictions as protection wanes
The 78% figure refers to everyone over 12.
According to ANI, now, vaccine certificates or negative COVID-19 tests are also required to enter synagogues, mosques, or churches where there are more than 50 people. The capacity of shops, malls, and industrial parks is also limited to one person per seven square meters. It is worth noting that more than 78 percent of Israel’s approximately nine million people received two doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech coronavirus vaccine.
Israel was one of the first nations to load up the vaccines, but the latest figures were suggesting that protection from infection was rapidly waning. People vaccinated in January still had protection from severe disease six months later (mostly) but only 16% protection against being infected. So infections are rapidly rising, and even though hospitalization and death is a lot lower, the hospitals are still struggling. So the new push policy is to get that third shot of Pfizer now:
Israeli PM Naftali Bennett released an audio message urging seniors to get the booster dose on Sunday. In the recorded message, the leader warned that in the next two to three weeks anyone who is over the age of 60 and has not yet received their third vaccine is six times more likely to become seriously ill from the coronavirus, compared to those who are five days past their third shot.
In June, Iceland rolled back social distancing, mask and travel restrictions. Fully 86 per cent of the population had been double vaccinated. But the restrictions have been reimposed as a Covid-19 Delta outbreak has sent case numbers soaring.
By all means, let people choose to get vaccinated, but don’t force it.