Big Pharma spent $4.7b lobbying Big Government which never affects rules, regulations or drug prices, right?

Which industry spends more than any other in Washington? Big Pharma

Over the last 20 years no industry spent more than Pharmaceuticals and Health products on lobbying and campaign contributions. Fully $4,700 million dollars traveled from pharmaceutical giants to politicians, parties and lobbyists.

In 2018 the citizens of the US spent $345 billion on prescription drugs in pharmacies… which works out to about $1,000 per person per year. Adjusted for inflation, that has doubled since 1999 which is not that long ago. Despite competition, discovery and efficiency gains, Americans are spending more than ever.

Maybe Americans are getting much better painkillers, antibiotics, and blood pressure medications than ever before, or maybe government regulations are doing more to protect profits rather than people?

All that lobbying is quite legal, but it isn’t enough. Somehow Big Pharma keep getting caught being naughty as well, lying and hiding things from customers. And if there is no reputational damage from outright deceit and fraud, perhaps the billion-dollar fines are just another cost on the balance sheet.  (If only The Media wanted to shine a light on that…)

The Black Pigeon lists some crimes:


Oliver Wouters study on Lobbying…

Lobbying Expenditures and Campaign Contributions by the Pharmaceutical and Health Product Industry in the United States, 1999-2018

From 1999 to 2018, the pharmaceutical and health product industry recorded $4.7 billion—an average of $233 million per year—in lobbying expenditures at the federal level, more than any other industry. Of the spending, the trade group Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America accounted for $422 million (9.0%), and the other 19 top companies and organizations in this industry accounted for $2.2 billion (46.8%). The industry spent $414 million on contributions to candidates in presidential and congressional elections, national party committees, and outside spending groups. Of this amount, $22 million went to presidential candidates and $214 million went to congressional candidates. Of the 20 senators and 20 representatives who received the most contributions, 39 belonged to committees with jurisdiction over health-related legislative matters, 24 of them in senior positions. The industry contributed $877 million to state candidates and committees, of which $399 million (45.5%) went to recipients in California and $287 million (32.7%) went to recipients in 9 other states. In years in which key state referenda on reforms in drug pricing and regulation were being voted on, there were large spikes in contributions to groups that opposed or supported the reforms.

Which company had the highest spend on lobbying and campaign “contributions”? That would be Pfizer, with $220 million from 1999 to 2018. But there are plenty of others following suit:  Amgen spent $190m, Eli Lily — $162m, BIO — $150m, Merck — $143m and so on….

What does Big Pharma spend on advertising in The Legacy Media and on Facebook and Twitter and does that help buy one almost non-stop long advert dressed up as “news”?

h/t Bill in AZ

9.8 out of 10 based on 86 ratings

277 comments to Big Pharma spent $4.7b lobbying Big Government which never affects rules, regulations or drug prices, right?

  • #
    John F Hultquist

    $1,000 per person

    Likely highly skewed.
    Many folks spend very little.


    • #

      And our governments policies are purely for our health and safety…
      Yaaaa riiiggggghhht.


      • #

        “And our governments policies are purely for our health and safety…”

        Many certainly are. From cradle to grave. The National Immunisation Program (NIP) which starts at birth, has made mumps, measles, rubella. pertussis, diphtheria, polio, varicella, hepatitis B, pnemococcal meningitis, haemophilus influenzae, herpes zoster, HPV, far less common and has dramatically reduced the illness and deaths due to these conditions. The NIP and Medicare and the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme are funded by and play a central role in, our increasing longevity. Government regulations controlling food production and preparation keep us from sickness due to food borne infections such as Salmonella and Shigella.

        Government policies on road safety and vehicle safety and workplace safety and providing clean water and effective sewage systems and many more, protect our health and safety. So don’t sneer and make snide remarks for without these policies our lifestyles would be very different and our lifespan would be significantly reduced

        And as an addendum without Big Pharma the health and safety programs funded by the government and which do much to protect our health, would not exist as it spends billions of dollars in developing vaccines and new medicines and improving existing ones. Yes, Big Pharma makes a profit but surely all the capitalist Conservative commenters here should applaud that as that is what capitalism is all about. Isn’t it?


        • #
          John F Hultquist

          Perhaps a lot of the money is spent reminding politicians of all the things you mention.
          I’ve no personal experience.


        • #
          Sceptical Sam

          The anti-government, anti-vaxxers who inhabit this site of recent times don’t want to hear that, thank you very much, Ian.

          They’d prefer their socialist Utopia or the chaos of their Anarchy.

          They’re such clear and objective thinkers, don’t you know?

          (The use of the phrase anti-vaxxer is an unfair sweeping statement because many object to the experimental “vaccines” but may accept other vaccines without trouble) CTS


          • #
            John PAK

            Sam, The term “Anti-vaxxer” is a bit like “climate denialist”. I prefer to think of some people having different approaches. I am pro- some form of immune therapy at certain times. e.g. I’d be going to see a doctor before travelling in some parts of the world but would avoid routine vaccinations unless there was an objective danger.
            A man I know who runs a family GP clinic (in Au) commented that the risk of COVID for the under 60s is tiny despite the perpetual fear-porn on the telly. He said we need to wait a year or two to observe any risks associated with the new vaccines.
            My delving points to an official figure for USA,UK & EU being about 40k dead in the first week from injection but the realistic figure will end up being more than double that. (Most people don’t report family deaths immediately if at all)
            Given that Pfizer and Moderna say their product will not stop me from contracting or passing on the virus I cannot see how it might slow down the spread of disease. Indeed, there seems to be a prevalence of COVID in the vaccinated in some data. If I choose to continue a healthy and insular rural life my chances of suffering from COVID are minuscule (<0.05%) as are my chances of infecting others. Deliberate infection and isolation would grant me some time off to read books and acquire lasting natural immunity whilst doing so.
            Simple polar judgements (Jew, anti-vaxxer, denialist etc) are unhelpful but the discussion point you raise could benefit many.


            • #
              Sceptical Sam

              John PAK said:

              The term “Anti-vaxxer” is a bit like “climate denialist”

              John I disagree with the equivalence you seek to draw with that comparison.

              They are clearly very different beasts.

              No person who is sceptical of the so-called “science” that purports to support the Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming hypothesis, denies that the climate changes over time. Nobody.

              On the other hand, there are many on this site and elsewhere in the community who are against the vaccine. That is they are anti the vaccine; hence they are anti-vaxxers.


              • #

                Sceptical Sam writes:

                “On the other hand, there are many on this site and elsewhere in the community who are against the vaccine. That is they are anti the vaccine; hence they are anti-vaxxers.”

                So you say that people who object to a SINGLE unapproved “vaccine” is an anti vaxxer?

                I consider that hilarious because I am against THAT unapproved vaccine for several rational reasons, but gladly had my two daughters get ALL of the Childhood vaccines because they are ALL FDA approved and have a good successful history of very reliable and safe.

                I made my decision NOT to take the so called vaccine because I currently consider it more dangerous than getting sick and survive.


              • #
                John PAK

                Sam, Thanks for the reply. I accept what you say tho’ we might be viewing the same valley from different mountains.
                Father-in-law was a surgeon, wife a SRN in Camperdown Children Hospital(Sydney) before marriage. Her brother and sister-in-law were GPs as was my Aunt. I learned a fair bit about the history of vaccines in history at Primary School and then again in biology A level(UK). Medicine is a common topic of discussion in this house but when our son suffered early stages of brain damage from an infant vaccine our GP bluntly instructed me to stop doing the vaccine thing and do some proper reading. I think he was a bit disappointed that I’d not done so prior to vaccinating our baby.
                Now I see a wide range of arguments which are way OT for this thread but I can assure you that my choices in vaccines are researched fairly broadly. I am pro- immune therapy and had some vaccines as a child but I’m currently involved in my own exploration of the effects of pulses of electricity upon different organisms. I’m not an “anti-vax” fanatic but I do see vaccination as nearing the end of its day.


            • #

              John said, “If I choose to continue a healthy and insular rural life my chances of suffering from COVID are minuscule (<0.05%) as are my chances of infecting others"

              Exactly. This is what I hate about this compulsory vaccine idea.


              • #
                John PAK

                Philip, Playing Guinea Pig for fizzer is illegal if there are safe alternative medical protocols available. It’s pretty simple to me. If I am damaged in any way and cannot work they should be liable but they refuse to take any responsibility therefore it’s my right to take sensible health precautions and risk having mild COVID. My circumstances favour me being in the 9995 out of 10,000 who get over it just fine.
                My latest electronic counter-measures would possibly push me into the one in a million risk category.


        • #

          There is good and bad in all. The bad is all this political capital bought billions in a failing product, a non sterilizing vaccine in a pandemic with zero liability for all the harms. It bought tyrannical suppression of viable inexpensive preventive medications. It bought threats against everyone who died not choose to risk their health on a novel vaccine. It bought the DOJ not fighting illegal immoral threats and firing of people who wish to protect themselves from a poorly tried experimental vaccine that is proving deadly. It bought many billions in profits.

          Greed is universal in human nature. Greed and power. That has killed millions in the last 18 months. DC is Mordor on the Potomac.


          • #
            Sceptical Sam

            It bought tyrannical suppression of viable inexpensive preventive medications.

            Indeed there was a tyrannical suppression of proven preventative and curative medications, as in HCQ, with Zinc and Azithromycin; and, more recently, Ivermectin and its cocktail application.

            The WHO still insists the evidence is not there – notwithstanding the inarguable efficacy that has been demonstrated by many studies undertaken by quality institution around the world.

            However, having said that, there should be no doubt that the western vaccines massively reduce mortality from Covid-19. Yes, at a cost that is filling the coffers of the pharmaceutical companies, no doubt. But lives are being saved nevertheless.

            I am yet to see the anti-vaxxers identify which of the 4.307 Million deaths from Covid-19 world-wide so far, they would be OK with.


            • #

              Sceptical Sam , you might enjoy this.

     – Ivermectin stands on its own merits.

              The suppression of Ivermectin and HCQ was part of the contract signed by Governments with Pfizer, I imagine other Pharmaceutical companies had the same provisos. By signing these contracts, governments sentenced many to death and the obsessive drive to vaccinate everyone means there will not be an unvaccinated control group to compare the failures of the vaccine with. And everyone responsible gets off scott free.

              The information is out there.
              Check out the contracts between governments and Pfizer.


              • #

                Yes, the information is out there but some people have blinkers on so they won’t be able to find it.


              • #

                Yeah, but you could be sceptical like a sceptic should. Evidence that could be considered could be dismissed by a sceptic.


              • #
                John PAK

                Chris, that which you mention certainly exists in the ag farm chemicals business. I invested in my brother-in-laws virus manufacturing company. His small Australian start-up was targeted by a multi-national ag chemical company. They knew his outfit was a small fish and applied quite threatening pressure at a time when it was struggling to stay solvent. Eventually, they backed down and our company went on to great heights. There are no friends in business and dirty tactics are the norm.


              • #

                You did not respond to Sceptical Sam’s very relevant point about 4.3 million worldwide Covid deaths.


              • #
                Sceptical Sam


                Thanks. And, yes. It’s very clear – otherwise I’d not be such a strong supporter of IVM (and HCQ).

                The Summary/conclusion in your link is the “killer paragraph”:

                In summary, based on the totality of the trials and epidemiologic evidence presented in this review along with the preliminary findings of the Unitaid/WHO meta-analysis of treatment RCTs and the guideline recommendation from the international BIRD conference, ivermectin should be globally and systematically deployed in the prevention and treatment of COVID-19.

                Yet, and notwithstanding the Unitaid/WHO meta-analysis, the WHO still recommends “not to use ivermectin in patients with COVID-19 except in the context of a clinical trial (published 31 March 2021)”.

                How many more people are the WHO prepared to have die from this virus before it changes its view? The WHO has blood on its hands and needs to be held accountable for its behaviour.

                Who holds the WHO to account?


              • #

                the evidence is that the WHO dont know WTF they are doing, and should be completely ignored by an sane rational government. even after the first cluster of lies based on chinas misdirection, they still continued to spread contradictory information. eg 2020 march –

                “There is no specific evidence to suggest that the wearing of masks by the mass population has any potential benefit. In fact, there’s some evidence to suggest the opposite in the misuse of wearing a mask properly or fitting it properly,” Dr. Mike Ryan, executive director of the WHO health emergencies program.

                to now “Make wearing a mask a normal part of being around other people”

                they claim the science changed over that short period, well if it did, it was pretty poor science to start with. their understanding of the very fundamentals of the whole thing has been a net negative for the individual countries responses. they ignored/mislead about the cause, the way the virus will act, who will be affected and what needs to be done to save the most lives. nobody should expect their responses to be any different regarding antivirals and vaccines. you can pretty much guarantee that whatever would work the best is what the WHO will recommend against.

                one would hope that the people in our government and medical profession(TGA) would be smart enough to see that the WHO is a dysfunctional body, and react by conducting their own research into anti-virals, vaccines or mask mandates etc, but both are gutless and will follow the path of least resistance as everyone seems to do these days.


            • #

              Gee that is less than a 2% death rate that when you consider that over 180 MILLION have recovered from it:


              Coronavirus Cases:




            • #
              John PAK

              Had Kary Mullis PhD (PCR Nobel Prize) not died of pneumonia just prior to the epidemic he would have been vocally slagging the use of his PCR test to diagnose disease. He’d have pointed out that at Cycle Threshold 40 the noise in the signal renders a positive test result useless (even his enemy, Faux Xi has admitted this). Mullis would also have made it bluntly clear, in his rather uninhibited manner, that influenza A & B also trip a +ve result. How many of the 4.3 million deaths were provably SARS CoV-2 ? How many were autopsied ?
              Probably more significant are the long-term impairments from the various new injections which run into the millions now. Jo has pointed out the long-term impairments from the virus too. We are dealing with a very wide grey area at this point in time.
              It’s easier to see our own point of view in the data than analyse them accurately.


        • #

          Excellent point. A great example of how Capitalism saves lives.


        • #

          Yes, Big Pharma makes a profit but surely all the capitalist Conservative commenters here should applaud that as that is what capitalism is all about.

          It’s not that Big Pharma makes a profit, it’s that Big Pharma forces governments to discourage or outright ban proven off-patent drugs, such as Ivermectin and HCQ.


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        • #
          shortie of greenbank

          the numbers have barely changed from when they were introduced. Why? Because these conditions were already gone by the time of introduction.

          Now on outbreaks of measles, where do they come from these days? Vaccine escape, so is it the fault of the unvaccinated or the vaccinated who actually passed it on in this case? Also if you believe epidemiology you can show vaccinated for MMR is much less likely to respond well to cancers than those who have had these conditions normally. This ends up being a risk/benefit analysis, the science is hard to determine the risk and neither can it demonstrate the benefit to a high level. Rather than being anti-vax though I just hate reductionism of saying this is exactly because of that because ‘science’ that is how we got to the political class pushing climate change BS.


    • #

      There is a huge conflict of interest here, in that almost all the research is undertaken, edited and published by the product suppliers.

      Yes, we have regulators in government, but the regulators simply review the information presented to them by the suppliers.

      The only constraints on suppliers are common decency, which is too often absent, and the fear of being caught out for fraud.


      • #

        Speaking of which…it appears Gurgle is invested in. covid vaccines conflict of interest, right?

        “As noted by Webb, YouTube’s parent company, Google, is directly invested in the AstraZeneca/Oxford COVID “vaccine.” While the AstraZeneca jab has been framed as a not-for-profit product, this is far from true. The developers of this gene modification tool are Adrian Hill and Sarah Gilbert with the Jenner Institute for Vaccine Research.

        “While the Jenner Institute is the official developer of the shot, the actual patents and royalty rights for the AstraZeneca shot are held by a private company called Vaccitech, which was founded by Hill and Gilbert. Vaccitech’s investors include:5,6,7,8

        “*Google Ventures

        “*The Wellcome Trust, which has longstanding links to the eugenics movement

        “*The British government

        “*BRAAVOS, a capital investment company set up by a Deutsche Bank executive. BRAAVO’s investment is partially hidden, as BRAAVO is the main shareholder of Oxford Science Innovation, which in turn is invested in Vaccitech

        “*Chinese interests, including a Chinese bank branch and a drug company called Fosun Pharma


    • #

      Many folks spend very little

      Some healthy people take hardly any medicine, but many people who spend very little on medicine are hugely subsidised by the government pharmaceutical benefits system, which benefits individuals greatly and benefits the pharmaceutical industry enormously.
      Some medicines and some sectors of the population are subsidised, some are hugely subsidised and some are 100% subsidised.


    • #

      John F Hultquist
      August 9, 2021 at 3:25 am ·
      $1,000 per person

      Likely highly skewed.
      Many folks spend very little

      I hope many do spend less…
      Initially i was shocked by the $1000 figure,….but then i did a quick mental calculation …..and realised that is basicly what i spend on just 2 common “preventitive “ prescription drugs..Blood press control and Blood thinners. !!
      Many of the population will also be taking those, never mind any other more expensive drugs for other issues.
      But i console myself knowing that my wife spends more than double that on her self diagnosed “health and fitness / Nutritional products” !!
      It is the price we pay for a longer life span.


  • #

    It’s a big club, people, and You ain’t in it.

    A summary of Pharma Manufacturing political contributions:

    Pharma Campaign Contributions to US Congress:


  • #

    So far, I’ve made the right decision. I sure hope that NZ won’t follow the US but I have no confidence in that. I may have to hide in the hills. I must look into NZs Nuremberg legislation. It’s obvious that things are going to go pear-shaped in a big way, soon. That is going to make avoidance of those medications touted as vaccines much more difficult. At least I know that Vitamin D3 et al are safe. And effective.

    But Jacinders has already mandated EVs and is wasting tax payer funds on them.

    I received a letter from the NZ Fatal Health Department that my Covid “Vaccination” was ready and waiting for me, three weeks ago.

    I burned it at the stake. The stake was not harmed at all.


    • #

      When I was growing up Coromandel Peninsula was the suggested go to place whenever conversation turned to the proverbial hitting the fan. Nice dense landscape with plenty of escape options if they got too close and then islands near by too. Now 50 years later that fanciful outlaw talk is coming into all too real focus. Stay safe.


      • #
        John in NZ

        Have you seen “Sleeping Dogs”?


        • #

          Yes, John. I have. About four or five times — I’ve lost count. They were way back, starting with when it first hit the screen.

          “Smith’s Dream.” It’s still a scary story. A very scary story.

          Most people who saw it couldn’t see it possibly happening here in L’il ol’ NZ, I can. Even now. Too easily.


      • #

        To Earl @ #3.1:

        I like that area and have tramped it and camped it round the South end (Whangamata) and up the Wentworth valley quite a lot. Lots of old gold mines up there to make it interesting, and many plantations to keep it interesting — it’s the only area I’ve been in with possums out in the noon-day sunshine. It’s a fairly short walk (about a couple of hours) along a small network of walking tracks across the crest to Kopu on the western side.

        Some friends and I went snorkeling off the wharf at Port Jackson (the Northern end) on another trip. We had gone out quite a ways, and were checked out by two orca with a calf. Those teeth on the adults looked — umm — really impressive under water. Junior’s were also quite impressive. We didn’t panic but rose to the surface and walked calmly ashore. The wharf looked oh so far away.


  • #

    As a drug rep, that’s exactly what we are paid to do, influence decisions makers whether it’s Doctors, nurses or politicians, it’s all about money.


    • #

      How does saying that help? For citizens it’s definitely not “all about the money“. The citizens already paid for a functioning emergency health service, and they had better get gov arrangements which adjust the most efficiently to evolving health needs during a global pandemic, which is what is taking place and is clearly working to dramatically slow the case number growth, and mostly successfully treat the sick. This costs money, but it’s certainly not “all about the money“, except for the most corrupt and criminal people.

      Maybe it’s all about the money for you, in which case you’re highly prone to corruption and to incubating it, and also prone to totally missing the point of why your (alleged) job and drug company suppliers exist. There are investigators, police and courts to deal with corruption.

      So far political donations are regulated and not illegal, or corrupt, they’re recognized to be a part of investment and return cycles, until it’s decided by the system they are counter productive and ban them. Most critics and scoffers are just repeating lies, they hide their face to not be sued for it, because they know they are lying to undermine due to whatever perverse sense of bitterness pervades their mind. It’s a company’s right to defend against false claims by such people and to protect private investors in the company against losses stemming from lies. They’re legally required to do it. So of course they’ll keep in close contact with politics, and retain investigators, records and legal reps to do that.

      The bigger problem that our society faces is the cohort of smarmy false-accusers masquerading as the concerned ‘informed’ citizens, and sincere ‘protesters’, who are really just looking to create as much harm, confusion, mistrust and dysfunction within the system as possible, especially when the system is stressed … not you of course … you’d never do that … right?


  • #
    Tilba Tilba

    So $4.7 billion in 20 years is $235 million per annum. If annual revenue is $345 billion, then the lobbying spend is about 6.8% per annum.

    I wonder how that compares to all the other US rackets – banking, finance, insurance, health-care, education, agriculture, big oil, big coal, transport … and the real biggie – defence contractors?

    As people have often said, Washington has the best government that money can buy.


    • #
      • #
        Tilba Tilba

        I suspect my maths was even worse than that … it’s 0.068% … anyway it’s a very tiny amount in the scale of things. Mind you, a bit of that is more than enough to buy off a regular US politician.

        [Snip – LVA]


  • #
    Kalm Keith

    This old thread may be interesting in that it examines some of the background to one of the pharmaceutical industries big items, antidepressants, based on the Serotonin Specific Reuptake Inhibitors.

    It examines the performance of this set of pharmaceuticals from several angles and was interesting reading it again after so long.

    Pharmacy in relation to the human condition is extremely complex.



    • #
      John PAK

      Thanks for that link KK.
      When I raised the topic of SSRI drugs to my doctor friend who is a well spoken christian type, he blurted out “Oh God, those are dangerous drugs”.
      I remember the Strathfield (Sydney) shopping centre massacre back in the early ’90s. One Wade Francum randomly killed 8 innocent by-standers. Later he grabbed a woman and dragged her up on to the roof-top car-park where she thought she was going to be killed too but he apologised to her and put the gun in his mouth and pulled the trigger. There was no rational explanation but he was on SSRI drugs. Later I heard on Sydney radio, his troubled but balanced and intelligent-sounding sister talking about who he was. Clearly, he was just a normal human being dealing with some grief. The derangement CAUSED BY these drugs is very well documented yet drug companies still sell them and dopey doctors still prescribe them.

      My son was prescribed them during a break up with a girl-friend. He was pretty calm and collected. Had just done very well in exams for a mechanical apprenticeship in a big power station, paid off his Holden ute and was doing well in most respects. He came out fighting fires with me in Dec 2019. A week later he looked up how to make a noose, went into his back shed and hung himself. Since 2000 there have been 200,000 similar suicides of SSRI patients.

      People wonder why I am sceptical of drug companies and doctors ? This month I even had a retired doctor arguing that the US FDA being staffed by many drug company directors is not a conflict of interest. What hope is there for the world when apparently intelligent folk cannot see what is bleeding obvious to normal human beings ?


      • #

        John, thanks for sharing. Everyone should know what families like yours have been through. Just ghastly. And 200,000 times over? Wow. Do you know where that stat comes from?


        • #
          John PAK

          I forgot to write that reference in my desk-book but I think I might have been down a rabbit-hole via Robert Kennedy’s site. Will endeavour to retrace. Normally I grab data but this topic has an endless hopelessness about it and I’ve been lax with note keeping. Perhaps I need to use SHIFT COMMAND 4 on my Mac to screen-shot anything I want to reference in future.

          I don’t know how you manage to turn out so many well assembled articles. I’m struggling to find sufficient hours in the day to build a granny flat for my 90 year old mother-in-law and keep up with COVID articles, do my tax, fix the ute etc.


      • #
        Kalm Keith


        My wife passed away just on five years ago.

        I never cried, I celebrated that we had 47 wonderful years together and that we had time to say goodbye.

        After reading your story I’m now very emotional.

        My wife and I struggled against the world’s uglier side together, but also had many good times exploring it together.

        You and your son stood together and fought fire together; an incredible experience.

        Best wishes.



        • #

          Hi Keith

          Sorry to hear about your wife.

          Youre still here because, IMHO, God has a job for you to do. And as we careen into the abyss of Godlessness, only the toughest are cut out for it.

          All the best



          • #

            I might also add is the world has now gone completely to pot. Its done.

            From my perspective, Ive switched off the old normal navigational system and have gone to the failsafe, Gods Word. From here on in, its the only thing thats going to work.


        • #
          John PAK

          Keith, 47 years of a marriage with the same person is quite an achievement by to-days standards. It sounds like you had much worth cherishing and to be thankful for.
          My father inadvertently taught me that engineers learn to deal with tasks in little parcels. There is a time for all things and we (especially men) need to learn to set time aside for tears.
          We’re fortunate that Jo allows us to stray OT sometimes.


      • #

        We were just watching a documentary on the Strathfield massacre the other week. Can’t recall a mention of the drugs, but it would help explain.

        I have a healthy skepticism of doctors and their drugs too. As an 8 yr old apparently they wanted to give me cortisone for chronic rheumatoid arthritis – that was after endless painkillers over 9 months and stages in years before that. My very conservative obedient mother said no to the cortisone and pulled me out of the system, a radical thing to do in a country town. And even more radical took me to a Naturopath and even a God healing ceremony or two. I got better, who knows why, but I certainly didnt need the cortisone. Her uneducated instincts were right. Basically the doctors had little idea of what they were doing so I maintain an easy skepticism.

        I also studied bio-assay in a statistics course at University and discovered how little one can actually know about drugs really, as the testing an extremely exhaustive process. Stunned at this I spoke to my lecturer who asked me “…then what do you think they know about all the drugs they sell ?” Not that much was the answer, most certainly not everything. Which is fine, but that’s not the image one is sold.

        So sorry for your loss. I’ve been noticing your comments and enjoy reading them.


  • #
    Peter Fitzroy

    Regulatory Capture is the name for what the health industry does. In this case it has driven the price for medicine, treatment and insurance ever higher.

    You should be celebrating this, not deriding it – this is the market in operation and it benefits shareholders (mostly businesses, hedge funds, etc), who are a tiny percentage of the population.

    It is supposed to work this way, maximising profit using all means available.


    • #

      It’s big government corruption in operation.

      Every government sooner or later ends up corrupt, but at least a small government does not do as much harm. This has been understood for a very long time, just needs regular relearning, with each generation.

      When buying and selling are controlled by legislation, the first things to be bought and sold are legislators.

      — P. J. O’Rourke

      Even where socialist governments eliminated business, they only made corruption worse … hence the USSR had a system of Blatnoy and Vornoy running their grey markets and underworld, which everyone needed to use because it’s the only way to get anything done in a soviet country.


      • #
        Richard Jenkins

        A cataract operation in Melbourne without medibank cost $7,000. plus medicare contribution.
        When we started Fred Hollows it cost $6 per patient. Now Hollow’s team is $25. per patient.
        That is still $6,975 cheaper. Why? Perhaps the insurance and profesional indemnity are expensve. Perhaps follow up rsponsibilities cost.
        Perhaps the replaceent lens is better. Specialized eqipment in clinics, theatres and hospitals are expensive.
        Perhaps courts are giving complianant patients huge payouts.
        I suspect corruption is not exempt to AGW. Note Peter Ridd states his experience is not unique to GBR research and peer review problems are not limited to his fields of study or JCU.
        Peter indicates the need to be ‘collegial‘ is widespread and references medicine and pharmacy as examples of where motives create results.
        It is often so blatant that advertisements state that they want researchers to conduct a study to show ‘insert conclusion’.S
        Science cannot start with results!


    • #
      David Maddison

      Peter, your beloved Big Government is what has driven up prices by restricting competition or allowing the use of safe, effective alternative remedies, or requiring testing regimes which are excessive in scope, way beyond what is required to prove product safety. Also, by prohibiting importation of the same products from other countries (which President Trump allowed in the US which lowered prices but I think Biden reversed). The incentive to producecsafe products should mostly come from the damages they will have to pay for unsafe products, except when your beloved Big Government exempts them from liability as they did with their covid products.


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        David Maddison

        Correction: it should read “NOT allowing the use of”…


      • #

        Spot on David.


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        Peter Fitzroy

        So why do national health services like in Canada operate at way less costs, why are medicines available in Canada at way less than in the USA. It is not big government, Canada is more regulated than the USA.

        But then you are bought and paid for already so I do not expect a logical response from you


    • #

      PF stop teasing us. I never celebrated profiteering. It’s evil.


      • #
        Peter Fitzroy

        So what is your solution?


        • #

          Solution to what?


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          Kalm Keith

          Always has been, always will be number one!
          H2O rulz.


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          el gordo

          ‘ … benefits shareholders (mostly businesses, hedge funds, etc), who are a tiny percentage of the population.’

          Australia’s Superannuation Funds give the masses a piece of the pie, so that they feel relatively rich. One good thing to come out of the pandemic, wages are rising for the first time in a decade.

          So what is the solution to our present predicament? Moderna.

          ‘Australia’s deal is for 10 million doses of the existing formula this year, followed by 15 million additional doses of an updated variant-targeting shot to come in 2022.

          “The agreement not only ensures current supply, but it is also forward-looking by providing vaccines for the variants that are now appearing, for which existing vaccines don’t work as well,” Professor Bruce Thompson, dean of the School of Health Sciences at Swinburne University, said.’ (News)


          • #
            Sceptical Sam

            Oh! Wash your mouth out.

            They did not want you to say that, el gordo.

            Of course, the anonymous red thumbers have no answer. Just the red thumb.

            If only they could find a way to cancel you.

            Then they could live in their alternative universe free from the aberrant thoughts of those who can think for themselves.

            And, never have to identify which of the 4.307 Million deaths from Covid-19 world-wide, so far, they are OK with.


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      It is supposed to work this way, maximising profit using all means available.

      Wrong. Government bodies should be making decisions independently of industry bodies. Governments being paid off is corruption, not capitalism.

      Once again, you demonstrate your distorted world view, Peter Fitzroy.


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    David Maddison

    Big Pharma lobbying works because most politicians are scientifically and technically illiterate plus so-called “experts” who work for them and are meant to advise them are not much better, or alternatively are terrified of going against the non-existent concept of “the settled science” (since science is never settled). (Note on technical illiteracy, my local “representative” was unable to understand the concept of a network connected surveillance camera of a Chinese brand prohibited for government use because of the possibility of a back door into government computer networks.)

    In addition, most politicians and their advisors are morally corrupt and even corrupt to the extent of taking bribes although these are usually cleverly disguised such as in the form of post-political “consulting fees” or payments to family members or untraceable entities.

    Note also how ignorant and stupid politicians have given Big Pharma exemption from liability for possible harm caused their covid related products.

    Also, there is a belief by ignorant politicians and the ignorant Sheeple who follow them that simple solutions are never appropriate, the answer always has to be complicated, expensive and of questionable efficaciousness. E.g. in regard to C-19 the refusal to consider HCQ and Ivermectin because they were simple, safe, effective and so could not possibly be the answer.

    In addition, the politicians and their public serpents have to keep things complicated and tell more and more lies to cover up the previous lies. In the case of Covid their refusal to seriously consider HCQ or IVM according to proper protocols has killed millions worldwide and hundreds in Australia. In that case they have dug themselves a hole it will be difficult to get out of without the possibility of prosecution for all those who lied against HCQ and IVM.

    You also know something is seriously wrong when the Left, who used to be sceptical of Big Pharma and preferred cheaper more simple remedies now fully embrace, defend and support Big Pharma and conservatives who never particularly cared about Big Pharma are now sceptical of it and support the simpler more effective remedies, a complete reversal of positions for both sides.


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    NSW Premier Urges Employers to “Pressure” Unvaccinated Staff Into Getting the Jab: “No Jab, No Work”
    Prime Minister Scott Morrison welcomed the move, saying the government is supportive of employers making their own decisions.
    Politicians of all persuasions have turned to business to force people to be vaccinated or else you won’t have a job. Do you see it yet? We are fast becoming a fascist dictatorship where businesses are an adjunct to the government to enforce draconian policies. Big Pharma is the fuel, big government is the driver and big business is the engine to that new world of fascism in the West.


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      Morrison is going around in circles. One minute he is talking about individual choice and now he is supporting the idea of employers saying “jab or no work”. For most, that is taking away choice.

      Morrison, Berejiklian and the other Premiers are abdicating their responsibility as leaders, just like they did last year when they effectively “took the knee” to their medical bureaucrats. They can continue to show lack of leadership by hiding behind the back of unelected people (which includes the employers) but all they are doing is displaying a lack of political backbone.

      Why don’t they come out and say Ivermectin and other antivirals should be freely available, even if it has to be on prescription. Continuing on with what is effectively the status quo does not cut it any more.


  • #

    Spectator Australia – Daniel Andrews is under investigation for indictable criminal offences over hotel quarantine. We’ve got the inside story

    Developments late last week confirm that the Victorian government — including Premier Daniel Andrews — is under investigation for indictable criminal offences. The investigation by WorkSafe Victoria relates to the failed hotel quarantine program of 2020 and alleged breaches of health and safety laws.

    In September last year, Self Employed Australia wrote to WorkSafe. We issued requests for prosecutions to be brought against the Victorian government and several individuals over the hotel quarantine program that resulted in alleged 801 deaths from Covid-19 last year. Our campaign summary and key details are here. 

    Late last week, on March 4, we received a letter from WorkSafe Victoria confirming again that WorkSafe is investigating breaches of work health and safety laws related to the hotel quarantine program. This is significant. Here are the core facts. 

    The WorkSafe letter says, “I refer to your request for WorkSafe Victoria to bring prosecutions against various individuals and entities associated with the Covid-19 Hotel Quarantine Program. Please be advised that Worksafe’s investigation is still ongoing.”

    H/T michael smith news


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      Similar proceedings ought to be conducted against other Premiers and PM Morrison. It is time to fight back in a peaceful and smart way, not using violent protests as that only speeds up the regime change although I do expect that to occur more frequently as time goes by due to the frustration that’s increasing at each step the fascist leaders take. If we don’t put a stop to all this by using their own tactics, ie the law, we will soon become a fascist dictatorship. If we fail to win in the courts, the nation will go under and turn into a fascist regime.


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      David Maddison

      Great news OldOzzie, but the whole public service and judicial system in Vicdanistan are totally stacked with Labor appointees and supporters so regardless of the legal merits of any case that may arise, I expect nothing will happen.


      • #

        Even makes The Australian – Fallout from Victorian Covid deaths set to escalate

        Robert Gottliebsen

        As a result of a dramatic event at the weekend, the repercussions from Australia’s largest industrial accident, the deaths of 801 people as a result of the Victorian hotel quarantine blunders, are now set to escalate dramatically.

        At the centre of the latest developments are two of Australia’s most eminent female silks——Kerri Judd and Rowena Orr—nicknamed around the nation as Rowena “Shock and Orr” after her brilliant role in the banking inquiry.

        But also part of this new episode in the saga are senior politicians and public servants in the Victorian government, the Victorian occupational health and safety regulator, WorkSafe, and, most important of all, the need to continue to protect workers from industrial accidents around the state and perhaps the nation.

        The “dramatic event” was a letter from Victoria’s Director of Public Prosecutions Kerri Judd, to WorkSafe Victoria.To convey the drama behind the letter I have to take you through the steps that led up to it.

        But you are right David

        Great news OldOzzie, but the whole public service and judicial system in Vicdanistan are totally stacked with Labor appointees and supporters so regardless of the legal merits of any case that may arise, I expect nothing will happen.


        • #

          To have the state’s two most senior legal officers in such a horrible bind is not sustainable and if it was to continue for an extended period it would break down the force of law in our second most-populous state.

          The situation is made even more bizarre by the fact that the act provides that there is a two-year prosecution time limit. We presume that the time meter started in June 2020 but it could be taken back to March. Many believe that the “time clock” is the way WorkSafe, the politicians and the public servants hope to solve this dilemma .

          Because of Kerri Judd’s letter and the involvement of Rowena Orr, if that is the intention, then I do not believe it is going to work.

          I will leave the intricacies of the occupational health and safety act to another time but there is a fascinating deviation in occupational health and safety law from other laws of the land.

          Like other laws, under OH&S, people can be prosecuted for what they do but unlike other laws people can also be prosecuted for what they do not do.

          As a result there are a very different set of laws. In time that difference will become very important in the politics of Victoria and the nation.


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      Let’s be careful what we wish for though. It could make them speed up their plan to turn us into a fascist regime to stop them from being brought to account. So be it. I’m getting tired of this train. In some respects I look forward dot the crash just to get it over and done with. The journey is making be more ill as time goes by even though I haven’t taken the vaccines.


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    Steve of Cornubia

    And that’s just in America. I have no doubt that similar shenanigans are going on elsewhere too, compromising health policy all over the world.


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    William Astley

    Big pharma must spend a large amount of money in Washington because they are cover up crimes. Why is it that we do not know about the population’s Vit D deficiency? Fixing it would reduce our country’s health care cost by roughly 50%. The system is not on our side. It is irrational and evil.

    For example, in a secret mental illness study (Placebo vs Entire Suite of Chemicals Prescribed by Senior Doctors with years of practice using same drugs)

    The placebos cured four times more patients than the brain altering chemical did.

    So the suite of chemicals are not better than the placebo.

    The side effects of the chemicals are horrific and were not told to the doctors or patients.

    Why would you take drugs at which damage and alter the brain. Including the lower brain which is sort of who were. .Damage to deep brain causes sad lose of control of body and organs… Deep brain damage causes uncontrollable movement of patients arms, legs, face, unstoppable all day and night…. so they are tortured to live in our world. Difficult to eat, to talk, to live. And they of course are chronically ‘sick’ because of complex organ damage. The side effects organ damage of course would not have happened if the ‘treatment’ has all placebo.

    So mental illness drug ‘research’ was fake at the most basic concept.

    Depression for example.

    The standard chemical treatment for depression…… stimulates the nerve cells in the brain which causes suicides. The suicides where hidden. So prescribing the anti depressive ‘medicine’ causes your daughter to commit suicide. The chemical killed her. The US corrupt system response was a billion dollar ‘settlement’ and a suicide warning on the drug.

    The nerve cells in the brain then change which when coming off the drug…. causes a new mental ‘condition’… A patient that had natural depression which was not treated…. now has chemically induced depression. This new chemical induced depression… which is caused by chemically changing nerve cells is very difficult to solve. It is cyclic.

    So the real doctors who lived during the period when this new anti depression drugs noted that there patients where now cyclically depressed.

    And the number of people who were permanently disabled due to depression started to increase. For children, it increased 35 times.

    Anatomy of an Epidemic: Magic Bullets, Psychiatric Drugs, and the Astonishing Rise of Mental Illness in America

    “This plague of disabling mental illness has now spread to our children, too. In 1987, there were 16,200 children under eighteen years of age (William: In the US) who received an SSI (William: SSI social security disability insurance) payment because they were disabled by a serious mental illness.

    But starting in 1990, the number of mentally ill children began to rise dramatically, and by the end of 2007, there were 561,569 such children on the SSI disability rolls. In the short span of twenty years, the number of disabled mentally ill children rose thirty-five fold (William: and the prescriptions of psychoactive drugs to children has also risen by 35 times). Mental illness is now the leading cause of disability in children, with the mentally ill group comprising 50 percent of the total number of children on the SSI rolls in 2007.”

    Pharmagedon by David Healy

    Page 162
    The Cochrane Center had made it clear that there was a great deal of duplicate publication. The four initial trials of Zypexa in schizophrenia for instance had given rise to 234 publications – of one sort or another – almost entirely company written.

    Not one publication hinted that patients in these trails had the highest suicide rate in clinical trials history; suicide was in fact rare in schizophrenia before the advent of antipsychotics (22). Not one publication mentioned that the patients in these trails went on to develop diabetes at a rate triple the background rate in the general population, when diabetes was almost unheard of in schizophrenia before antipsychotics (23). The publications concealed the extent of weight gain in the patients given Zypexa, whose weight often ballooned by anything from 20 to 140 pounds.

    These and subsequent publications also failed to reveal that, regardless of diagnosis, Zypexa raised cholesterol levels more than almost any other drug in medicine – although Zypexa had received a patent in part based on company claims that it would be less likely than other antipsychotics to raise cholesterol levels.


    • #

      The prevalence of Vitamin D deficiency in the USA has been known for a long time. For example a 2006 study with 2010 publication:

      In summary, vitamin D deficiency was common in the US population, especially among blacks and Hispanics. Given that vitamin D deficiency is linked to some of the important risk factors of leading causes of death in the United States, it is important that health professionals are aware of this connection and offer dietary and other intervention strategies to correct vitamin D deficiency, especially in minority groups.

      Would probably be deemed unwoke to publicise this sort of paper because the deficiency is related to skin pigment. I would not be surprised if the words in the quote put me into moderation! Lets see.


      • #

        I recall seeing a study as long ago as the 1990s that showed a remarkable all cause mortality reduction when deficiencies in Vit D were corrected. Also one for Selenium deficiency.If these unpatentable supplements made money and didn’t threaten money-streams they would have been part of national campaigns for more than 20 years.


        • #

          So true. It exposes the scam we are witnessing being perpetrated and supported by our governments and health officials. Yet we are told every day we are to listen, trust and follow their instructions. There must be a term for categorising that sort of sickness in the mind.


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          Graeme No.3

          There is a problem with the entrenched view that “if one dose is good for you, two would be twice as good and five or more to be safe”.
          I recall when Linus Pauling went ballistic on Vitamin C as a cure all, and millions started taking large amounts. Someone asked an expert “Can you overdose?” The answer was “we don’t know, but we will soon find out”. Fortunately the symptom of overdosing was diarrhoea.
          Arsenic and selenium are essential in minute amounts, but too much is fatal. One brazil nut a day is quite enough to fix any selenium deficiency, but some people would take too much, believing “more must be better”.


          • #

            What entrenched view of overdoes? The only entrenched view I see is coming from officialdom discouraging any alternative treatment. All we hear from them is VACINATE VACINATE! It’s like as though we have Darleks now ruling the world.



            • #
              Graeme No.3

              that approach is quite common and not just in medicine. I had repeated problems with it when working in fibreglass resins. The mess people could make by ignoring recommendations and convincing themselves that they had discovered something wonderful, had to be handled carefully to avoid losing business yet protect the public from their excess enthusiasm was difficult. And the less they knew the more convinced they were that they had something fantastic. The Vitamin C “enthusiasm” must have been before your time.

              So I have some sympathy for officialdom discouraging self medication, although a lot of that is “avoid making a decision so you don’t get blamed if it goes wrong”. And whether they do know what they are doing or have considered alternatives is another question.


            • #

              Yes, The “right to try,”. did not last very long.


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              Kalm Keith

              It’s a natural thing to assume that if something is “good” for you, then more might even be better.


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    Travis T. Jones

    $ Ka-Ching! $

    Dr. Anthony Fauci: Expect ‘a flood’ of COVID-19 vaccine mandates after full FDA approval

    “As soon as the Food and Drug Administration issues a full approval for a COVID-19 vaccine, there will be “a flood” of vaccine mandates at businesses and schools across the nation, Dr. Anthony Fauci told USA TODAY’s Editorial Board on Friday.”


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      Interesting. I suppose vaccine passports will have to be deployed to enforce such a “flood”. Let’s see if PM Morrison chalks up another lie on his list of existing lies.


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      How can the USFDA give full approval when the trials are not meant to finish until 2023 ?


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        Because they just can. They and their cronies make the rules so they can break them. They have true immunity. We are not supposed to have immunity.


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    Sundance on The Conservative Treehouse repeatly reminds his readers that legislation / regulations are not written by people in Congress or their aids. They are written by K Street operators (the lobbyists) The role of the people in Congress is to be the sales people for the legislation or regulations. It make sense because these massive Bills a churned out very quickly (ie. they have been pre prepared are are just waiting for the right moment with perhaps a few late minute tweaks.)


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    This from supposed mass vaccination in Sydney

    There is no difference in the rate of blood clots between pfizer and AZ. in both it is incredibly rare, far less than for women on the birth pill. I am afraid this fear can be directly traced to the deliberate mauling of aZ by the EU in continued punishment for Brexit.


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      Yes, and because all the pharma companies are extremely competitive, you can bet Pfizer were also out to “get” Astra Zenecca. I suspect they probably would have influenced the FDA to totally bar any possible AZ vaccine use in the US. If you read blogs and social media posts from the US it all about the mRNA vaccines. Never any mention of AZ.


      • #

        From what I’ve read lately, their competitiveness is meaningless because in the end, the same people (companies) own those companies anyway.

        I watched a video that someone linked on The Conservative Treehouse recently which showed data via the yahoo finance website that only 2 companies dominate ownership of the majority of all other companies in the world. The 2 companies are blackrock and vanguard. They also own other companies below them on the same list.

        Have a look for yourselves. I just went to yahoo finance: selected industries, selected healthcare (not sure about the care bit /sarc), and looked at astrazenica, biontech (pfizer) and novavax. Look at the “holders” tab and you’ll see blackrock and vanguard always feature towards the top in both institutional holders and mutual fund holders.

        I cannot for the life of me find the video I watched – narrated by a bloke (male) – but if you search the internet for “only 2 companies own the world” (not from google), there’s quite a few articles.

        These companies have massive control of everything that is pushed down our throats every day: MSM, big pharma, large corporations – some of which are supposedly competitive like coke and pepsi (they have woke in common), and many, many more.

        Worth consideration.


    • #

      While the blood clots that can be picked by scans or MRI’s are important it is the ones picked up by D-dimer tests that are the most important with this issue.


    • #

      Data from France and Germany indicate that deaths are higher for Pfizer than AstraZeneca:

      According to the statistics submitted by the governments and related medical agencies, France registered 45.3 fatal cases per million doses for Pfizer versus 17.9 for AstraZeneca. For Germany, the numbers are 29.9 versus 6.5, respectively, for the UK — 20.7 and 24.2, Norway — 164.3 and 44.6, Austria — 47.5 and 7.5, and Italy — 10.9 and 7.3.

      The population samples may be different because those with existing issues may have avoided AZ because of the bad publicity. The UK has similar numbers for either vaccine.

      In Australia, AZ has been tarnished. However there has been a solid response in Victoria for the AZ offer for 18 to 39yo. There were 13,000 bookings in this age group just yesterday.


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    Serge Wright

    It’s a vicious cycle. Big pharma pays big money to lobby big government, who then spend vastly bigger taxpayer dollars by approving enormous subsidies for drugs that are way overpriced. The only winners are big pharma and the people in big government that receive under-the-carpet funds in offshore accounts. The concern we all have is that over time these big pharma companies have become increasingly greedy and they have increased prices for new drugs to levels that are way over the top and they are also making sure that cheap competition is blocked, as we see with COVID anti-virals. We either need more competition in this space or we need to set up government run pharma enterprises that can force appropriate competition.


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      We either need more competition in this space or we need to set up government run pharma enterprises that can force appropriate competition.

      Or just avoid drugs – simple. Eat well (mostly less); exercise well (go anaerobic at least once a day; stay away from other people (avoid kissing them or sucking their nose swabs).

      If there was no market then there would be no reason to lobby government.

      Not much difference between illicit drugs and legal drugs – demand sets supply.


      • #

        Ruck says, “ Not much difference between illicit drugs and legal drugs – demand sets supply.”

        Lots of other similarities as well. Like with the failing vaccines…

        The first one is free!

        Now that you are addicted, take another every six months, they are not free, and if you don’t, you may die. If you do, you may die, but we think it less likely. However we don’t know where the overdose line is, we never studied it.

        If you die, to bad, can’t sue me.


        • #
          Tilba Tilba

          Lots of other similarities as well. Like with the failing vaccines…

          The vaccines are very successful … nearly all new cases, all hospitalisations, and all deaths, are among the unvaccinated. It’s been that way for many weeks.

          What more evidence do you require?


    • #

      The governments need to research into health and wellbeing. Big pharma is only interested in sickness. Why would they try to cure diabetes? It is a river of gold after all.


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        They are are trying to cure diabetes. Diabetes care and treatment has come a long way.


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        Big pharma is in a business of treating symptoms only. Cure does not earn profits. By treating symptoms they induce side effects, some of which are more dangerous. Misdiagnosis or wrong prescriptions are also causing countless unnecessary deaths.

        Causes of all health issues should be the forefront of research to then be moved to prevention and wider education.

        It appears we look after our cars better than we look after our own health.

        I recall reading an article about old Chinese doctors who got paid if their patients were healthy. Imagine that incentive in the western medicine. Perhaps similar to the health insurance.


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    It is money doing the rounds. This isn’t the first time we are faced with manipulation by the pharma and government pressure.

    1993 WHO commits more than $356 million on “reproductive health” research. Funding for abortificant (abortion producing) vaccine comes from many sources:

    1. $90+ million contributed by Sweden
    2. $52+ million contributed by Great Britain
    3. $41 million contributed by Norway
    4. $27 million contributed by Denmark
    5. $12 million contributed by Germany
    6. $5.7 million contributed by US
    7. $61 million contributed by UNFPA
    8. $15.5 million contributed by World Bank
    9. $2.5 million contributed by Rockefeller Foundation
    10. $1+ million contributed by Ford Foundation
    11. $716.5 thousand contributed by IDRC (International Research and Development Centre of Canada)

    An interesting read through the history


    • #

      Nothing new under the sun I suppose. The only difference now is the speed at which so many people have fallen for this scam and the CAGW scam. It appears they are getting better at it – that’s another difference. The next scam will therefore be a real beauty that will trump these two. I’m not looking forward to it.


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        Why not look forward to it? It could be the last straw that kills their camel. And if not then look forward to yet another, after all, hope is never broken.


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          Looking forward to it? I would put it that way because of the carnage to come. I just want it over and done with; not the same thing.


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      Thanks Flok.
      Testing on the US military continues- the Joe Administration plans to vaccinate all US forces, it is to be compulsory.


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    When I worked for one of the multinational chemical companies back in the 1980’s/1990’s, the pharmaceutical division were quite legendary in their sales promotion spend. Compared to other divisions theirs was quite incredible compared to total sales. The Qld pharmaceutical state sales force even had their own aeroplane to fly to remote parts of that state. I’m not talking a little Cessna here by the way. It was a twin engined job that you walked up into to. FDA is dominated by big pharma and our TGA basically just follow suit in terms of major drug approvals. I think both AZ and Pfizer vaccines were basically just waved through by TGA in terms of approval in Australia. They would have said – if both these vaccines are good enough for FDA and the British equivalent to approve, then who are we to question? This would be the same for every new drug approval in Australia. Very few, if any would be applications originating in Australia.


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      I used to work for large American IT companies and they too had big marketing groups that spent really big. That’s when I learned what marketing was all about – lies coated with sugar to make it easier for people to swallow.


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      James Murphy

      I understood that in Australia, the TGA is funded by the pharmaceutical industry, and is not as wonderfully independent and impartial as some think – though perhaps I imagined this?


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    When Moderna (mRNA vaccine) were out looking for investors (apart from Bill Gates) they did a hard sell on their new potential vaccine. This was pre COVID. They had developed a whole delivery system unlike other vaccines. There was no needle, the vaccines was administered via a band aid which had micro needles. I think you left it on your arm for a certain amount of time and then removed. There was no need for a trained person to jab you etc. They also could put an ID in the applied skin and you could be ID’d as having had the vaccine. So a vaccine passport without the paperwork, apps. For some reason they dropped all that and I think its an old fashioned needle. Maybe a US person could enlighten me?


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      They possibly did a cost benefit analysis and decided it was far cheaper and more acceptable by the public just to do the old fashion way, at least until they make the more advanced approach cheaper and more of the public are indoctrinated to trust them.


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    Has Australia got this agreement with Pfizer ?

    This a great, short, powerful video of a doctor explaining the facts as he sees them

    h/t Braybots nemesis on YSB


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      WOW! Now that’s like a nuke landing right in the laps of the CDC and blowing them away. Well done for posting the links.


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        Tilba Tilba

        That doctor did not deal with the fact that almost all the people in the USA who are now new cases, or are hospitalised, or are dying, are unvaccinated. The numbers are close to 99% – why did he not mention this?

        The benefits of vaccination are demonstrably huge.


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          Natural immunity is even more huge. Without it we all die.


          • #
            Tilba Tilba

            Natural immunity is even more huge.

            It might well be – possibly – but hardly an argument against vaccination for Covid-19.

            And natural immunity has not stopped massive deaths for millennia. And I’m sure you got all the appropriate shots as a kid. I had non-paralysing polio – because I had been vaccinated in the 1960s.

            Vaccines work – nature doesn’t all the time, or when it does, at very high culling cost.


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              I wasn’t arguing against vaccinations but I am against compulsory vaccinations. I have had vaccines in the past for various reasons. Also, I’m only in favour of whole virus types of vaccines, which are the traditional ones but take longer to develop. I would not touch the mRNA and viral vector types in case of issues with spike proteins. Protein subunit type may be OK but not as effective as whole virus. If I ever need to get a COVID-19 vaccine I will only go for a whole virus type. As far as I know none are available as yet here in Australia.



            • #

              Except this isn’t a real vaccine.

              It an experimental toxic concoction with unknown long term side effects.


        • #

          “ almost all the people in the USA who are now new cases, or are hospitalised, or are dying, are unvaccinated…”

          Completely untrue. Take any state with a high percentage of vaccinated. Show me the most recent two weeks statistics on infected, hospitalized, and deaths, vaccinated vs unvaccinated, with appropriate percentages and tests also, show the percentages of each group tested.

          Add in a third very important statistic; the number vaccinated that previously had the wuflu.


          • #
            Tilba Tilba

            Completely untrue. Take any state with a high percentage of vaccinated. Show me the most recent two weeks statistics on infected, hospitalized, and deaths, vaccinated vs unvaccinated, with appropriate percentages and tests also, show the percentages of each group tested.

            I did look at that – the Kaiser Family outfit took the stats from the 25 or so states that do collect such specific data, and almost everyone who requires hospitalisation or dies – was unvaccinated. The percentages were very high – high 90s.

            I know people have a lot of investment in stating that the vaccines are not effective, but the data is showing that the vaccines are hugely effective in preventing serious or lethal outcomes. Isn’t that a good thing?


            • #

              The boring trite reduction of everything to only immediate deaths from vaccines or covid misses most of the debate. Please stop repeating it and try to catch up with the rest of the discussion. It’s about long term risks of vaccines v long covid, side effects, especially when there are alternate medical treatments for covid available, and a whole cost benefit analysis. You are working at kindy level epidemiology.


              • #
                John PAK

                Excellent points Jo. We really need to unpack the detailed pathology around this coronavirus and understand exactly how the medical interventions operate. Polar opposites are fine for prime-time news programs but get us no-where fast.


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              Kalm Keith

              “very high – high 90s.”

              High 90s, so they were predominantly old people.


            • #

              ” in preventing serious or lethal outcomes”

              Maybe in the very short term.

              But it loses its efficacy fast, and only God knows what the long term effect of filling a human body with synthetic spike proteins might !

              Big Pharma and the medical fraternity certainly don’t have a clue.


            • #

              Tilba, post it. You are making it up, or you did not read the qualifications I asked for.


            • #

              The figures you quote were from cherry-picked from around January when vaccination rates were much lower than now + CoviD mortality was at its peaked and did not allow for the Delta variant – this is admitted by the CDC with the latest updates showing the number of covid patient in-hospital deaths in May was 15%.



        • #

          You could iterate these demonstrably huge benefits to assist our comprehending your otherwise fatuous advocacy.


        • #

          The figures you quote were from cherry-picked from around January when vaccination rates were much lower than now + CoviD mortality was at its peaked and did not allow for the Delta variant – this is admitted by the CDC with the latest updates showing the number of covid patient in-hospital deaths in May was 15%


    • #

      I’ve been wondering the same thing Ross.


    • #

      The good physician has no idea when it comes to disease control.

      I have had a number of so-called coughs and colds throughout my life. In latter part of my working life when I was on an airplane a few times each week I became very aware of people sneezing, coughing and sniffling near me. I still have recollections of a 4yo on his mother’s lap on the seat behind me coughing and sputtering because I ended up with headaches, coughing and sniffling a few days later – as I thought I might.

      Masks are more about behaviour and awareness than the ability of the cloth to filter particulates. It takes a couple of hours to find and properly test well-fitting, effective industrial mask. No one bothers doing that for a surgical mask. But the surgical mask makes the wearer much more aware of their coughing, sneezing and sniffling. Any mask will reduce the atmospheric release of particles and absorb nasal fluids – that is a good start. Surgeons wear masks to prevent their fluids from dropping into open wounds. But the real benefit is making the wearer much more aware of their need to cough, sneeze and sniffle. Anyone with those symptoms should not be out and about in the community.

      As far as herd immunity is concerned, Victoria has already achieved it 5 times. The population have got the infection rate sufficiently below 1 FIVE TIMES to eliminate roaming spreaders. The problem is that it requires huge imposts on physical movements to achieve that without help from a vaccine. AS well as very effective border controls to maintain the sterilised state.

      No vaccine needs to prevent infection or be 100% effective in preventing illness to be highly effective in eliminating the virus. As long as the infection rate for the population is under 1, the virus will suffer exponential decay and be wiped out. If not achieved globally, then quarantine for incoming visitors can keep the country sterile.

      So the good physician may know something about respiratory illness and the relative size of virus and fabric mesh but has little idea when it comes to dealing with an apparently low grade bioweapon. Nothing needs to be perfect, just the summation of controls that limit the spread to achieve an infection rate under 1 on a population wide basis.

      The IHME Covid projections have proven highly reliable in forecasting the prevalence of Covid cases and deaths. Their projections now include with and without masks:
      These projections are based on actual results to date. Anyone in Victoria curious enough to take notice of things around them realise the effectiveness of masks. The simple task of putting one on makes you think about that last good clearing of the throat, wiping the nose in our cold winter weather and I take a cool mint to keep my breathing clear when the mask goes on.


      • #

        ” The good physician has no idea when it comes to disease control.”

        What are your qualifications Rick ?


        • #

          What are your qualifications Rick ?

          Primarily a curious mind. I guess I was born with it but apply it often to good purpose. Not influenced by religious belief but able to analyse data and draw conclusions.

          However I presented the evidence so you did not need to take my word for it.

          Also my middle son is a physician. A good one who always looks for the evidence. His only absolute is that no one really knows for sure on any topic. That is why I know the good physician in the video is a clown dressed up to look professional. No well-trained physician gives absolutes. And, if he ever undertook surgery during his training, I can guarantee he wore a surgical mask for the same reason they reduce the spread of an air-borne virus.

          As a matter of interest my son was a physician at two of the hospitals that dealt with the largest number of Covid cases in Melbourne in the middle of 2020. You may find it interesting that he made certain he was taking vitamin D supplements as he knows he does not get enough sunlight in his work. However he would not prescribe drugs off-label without compelling evidence. He knows vitamin D is important to broad resistance but by the time people ended up under his care, it was too late for vitamin D.

          His own eyes, treating the worst of the Covid cases, supports the evidence that certain skin pigment correlated with bad outcomes – now well documented and probably due to low vitamin D and often related issues.


          • #

            Can you get details from your son for the treatment regimes that they are using to treat CoViD patients, both at early stage and when hospitalized? Is Remdesivir on the program (I know it is TGA approved for CoVid)?

            His view to “not prescribe drugs off-label without compelling evidence” is typical of the conservative medical establishment – you hear the same message from GPs all the time so his attitude is nothing special. The problem is that “compelling evidence” is deemed that from large, well funded RCTs which only big pharmaceutical companies can afford. Studies like this one for Remdesivir .

            The Kaplan–Meier estimates of mortality were 6.7% with remdesivir and 11.9% with placebo by day 15 and 11.4% with remdesivir and 15.2% with placebo by day 29 (hazard ratio, 0.73; 95% CI, 0.52 to 1.03)


            Is a possible 5% improvement on recovery time “compelling evidence” to use an incredibly expensive drug that has known major side-effects


            The doctors associated with The FLCCC Aliiance and The BIRD Group didn’t wait for “compelling evidence” to try drugs that had well established dosage levels because they were and are in the midst of trying to save lives. Our medicos have the luxury of minimal CoViD case loads in comparison so they can comfortably sit on WHO guidelines for patient treatment while ignoring the hard learnt lessons from those overseas doctors who were inundated with seriously ill (ie real) cases.


            • #

              Can you get details from your son for the treatment regimes that they are using to treat CoViD patients, both at early stage and when hospitalized?

              Firstly, the Covid cases in Victoria really only lasted for two months June – through August last year. He was assigned to a Covid ward in June last year on rotation when there were 3 patients, two with Covid and one suspected – looking forward to a quiet spell. Within 3 weeks they had three Covid wards with over 100 beds. One ward was mixed known Covid and the other suspected Covid. He worked hard on freeing beds by getting Covid free out of that ward. One significant challenge was keeping known Covid and suspected Covid separated. Bed spacing was greater than typical wards. Anyone arriving at the emergency department had to be tested – even car accidents because they did not want to mix those having Covid in wards that were Covid free.

              He ended up doing 14 hour continues shifts without ANY normal break because it was so tedious to get in and out of PPE. He even chatted a more senior physician after a long shift for being slack with his PPE toward the end of the shift – suggesting he go home.

              He did prescribe Resdimir but it was used sparingly for his patients because it is expensive for questionable benefit. There were protocols established for prescribing it. He definitely did not prescribe HCQ and he was not one of the medicos involved in that small HCQ trial in Victoria. He was not assigned to ICU. His patients were the ones deemed unfit for intrusive treatments. His main prescribing was to relieve stress and provide comfort – fundamentally palliative care. He has not told me how many of his patients died but his worse night was 7 death certificates; his youngest patient was 72yo. Younger people died in ICU but he was not involved there – just recommendations of whether it was worth it or not his patients.

              In late July he was transferred to another hospital in the same group that was running short of medicos. He spent about 4 hours at the start of his first two night shifts there sorting the Covid free staff and getting those with Covid off the job. That hospital had not developed a high standard with PPE.

              People wanting to let this virus rip simply have no idea about the medical system in modern society or any empathy for medicos tasked with keeping people alive. The death rate over modern average communities is 1% but the hospitalisation rate is up around 10%. That number of people hitting the hospital system in an almighty flood would be catastrophic; like New York.

              One of the really encouraging changes in Melbourne from 2020 to 2021 is the change in response of recent immigrants to Covid controls. Local religious schools have set up on site testing and vaccination facilities. As soon as they had a teacher testing positive all the schools associated with that community sent students home. The response was simply amazing. They learnt a hard lesson from 2020 that resulted in some of their number dying and many others coming close to death.

              As a footnote: there is currently a class action in Victoria between young medicos and certain hospital groups over the hours of work required and lack of payment for the extra hours. He is not involved in that but he knows what it is like. He took time off after 8 years in hospitals to reset. He is much more sensitive to his stress levels and looks for the easier path like not having toilet or meal breaks to avoid the stress of ensuring PPE is good. During Covid he was doing a 4 on 3 off cycle. He would only be in PPE for about 11 hours in a shift and that intensity was for only a few weeks. It would be incredibly demanding to keep it up for months. His current rotation is into a regional location in the same hospital group.


              • #
                Kalm Keith

                The detail is interesting, but it’s a bit “personal”.


              • #

                Thanks for the reply but now imagine if your son had to deal with case numbers like they faced in New York or Delhi.

                Would he hold back on the requirement for “compelling evidence” before trying off label drugs and triage patients due to inadequate resources as they did in New York.

                Or would he try them (he must have heard about them) as they did in Delhi (& other Indian cities, of course).

                Not looking at overseas experiences but just going with the WHO playbook is more irresponsible than letting Delta rip. Our government bodies are disgraceful in this regard and doctors should be looking at clinical data as well as big pharma RCTs


              • #

                Thank you for your informative comment. We can all be grateful for physicians such as your son.


          • #

            “.. he would not prescribe drugs off-label without compelling evidence.”

            This is a responsibable sciencey sounding statement but is irrational.
            A rational prescribing decision should incorporate costs/risks and benefits to the patient.
            The statement is an abdication of responsibility, death can occur by following some established procedure and medication, it is not my fault as the alternative did not have compelling evidence for use.
            It demonstrates the sorry state of the medical profession in following procedures and covering themselves from consequences.


        • #

          ” What are your qualifications Rick ? ”
          Not a valid question. Qualifications, memberships, awards and acclaim simply reflect the control mechanism of the power structure. Credentialism.

          ‘Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts’
          Richard Feynman


          • #

            Excellent. So glad to know I don’t require a pilot’s licence to captain the next flight on which you are a passenger. See you in the air.


            • #

              Thank you.
              Of course listen to and take advice from those qualified and experienced. Back in the day when I was allowed to travel I would book a flight to a destination I chose. Likewise I expect a medic to give me the best advice, or if I am unconscious to make the right decision on my behalf, not to make decisions to suit health policy or licensing boards.
              Or, take your industrial, development and health decisions from Fauci/Michael Mann.


      • #

        As far as herd immunity is concerned, Victoria has already achieved it 5 times.

        ROFLMAO. What a total misinterpretation of the term “herd immunity”

        Here is the WHO definition

        ‘Herd immunity’, also known as ‘population immunity’, is the indirect protection from an infectious disease that happens when a population is immune either through vaccination or immunity developed through previous infection.

        Of course the WHO did try to remove the immunity from recovery of an infection but that was too blatant a sop to the pharmaceutical companies, even for them.


      • #

        As far as herd immunity is concerned, Victoria has already achieved it 5 times.

        Which is why Victoria is now totally open for international travellers and residents face no restrictions


        • #

          NSW sure hasn’t got herd immunity. Tamworth district is now going into lockdown after some Newcastle woman drove up there, and Byron Bay is in their sights after a Sydney resident popped up there, and Gladys has yet another undoubted victim of COVID to justify locking us down.

          “A woman in her 90s who was in palliative care has died after testing positive to COVID-19 [at 45 PCR cycles] — the 29th death [by whatever spurious cause] during the current outbreak.
          Ms Berejiklian said the woman had not been vaccinated.”

          Not vaccinated? GASP! Well no wonder she died. Must have been the COVID wot dunnit. Quick — pump poison into yourselves and your kids.

          How do we rid ourselves of these corrupt, ignorant, cretinous, tyrannical politicians? Rid us in time that is — before we are all dead or maimed by their vaccines.


        • #

          Which is why Victoria is now totally open for international travellers and residents face no restrictions

          And just why would Victoria want to do that while the virus is still active in other locations. The world is dealing with a morphing bioweapon. No one will enter Victoria from unsterile locations without going through quarantine. It will be a long time before any country opens up to the world. And there will be much greater vigilance worldwide identifying countries that have not eliminated the virus.

          USA put Gibraltar on the no fly list after just a handful of cases.

          If rapid testing proves reliable, then quarantine may become selective. Would require the full aircraft to test negative to avoid quarantine. The bags would likely arrive at the carousel before the people because the whole flight would need to be held in a quarantine zone until everyone tested negative. Then there would be a two-way gate; one leading to freedom, the other leading to the buses for the quarantine centre. Maybe an armed guard at the freedom gate to mow down anyone seeking freedom without permission.


          • #

            Herd immunity means the population is basically IMMUNE so an introduced infection source won’t spread beyond the minority that are not yet immune.

            Immune means you don’t get infected. The gene therapy spike protein “vaccines” do not make you immune to CoViD – you still get infected but with suppressive anti-bodies to help your response. So these are a dead end for returning to normality since the antibodies produced by the response to the “vaccines” fade (as do all antibodies) and the T-cell response is weak so the immune system does not remember the response for long and the virus always finds vulnerable hosts.


            • #

              Herd immunity means the population is basically IMMUNE so an introduced infection source won’t spread beyond the minority that are not yet immune.

              Correct – I should have stated ELIMINATED, which is far more effective than herd immunity and something Australia will achieve.

              Australia failed in allowing spreaders to roam. Need to ELIMINATE it and keep it out. The same as they do with cattle and the likes of mad cow disease. Only it would not be acceptable to shoot those infected but they need to be weeded out and isolated until free of the virus or dead.


              • #

                What might be acceptable since we cannot shoot them? In the tradition of rusticating dissidents build a facility on Macquarie Island and house them there?


      • #
        Brenda Spence

        You wont catch a cold if your immune system is working properly. One pastor I know said he had never conducted a wedding where either person had a cold! And he had done many.


        • #

          I cannot see any connection between the immune system working properly and staying away from obviously infected people. However, in Australia, aircraft seats are allocated and I usually flew cattle class on domestic flights; particularly short hops to remote regional airports. I could not select who sat near me.

          The effectiveness of masks is the reduction in velocity and quantity of expelled bodily fluids. People wear them primarily for the protection of others; like surgeons (surgery went really well but patient died two weeks later of infection). Think of the hard-working surgeon two hours into a critical procedure with his nasal fluids dripping into an open wound – not a good look or portend of good outcome:

          Surgical face masks were originally developed to contain and filter droplets of microorganisms expelled from the mouth and nasopharynx of healthcare workers during surgery, thereby providing protection for the patient. However there are several ways in which surgical face masks could potentially contribute to contamination of the surgical wound.

          There are two good reasons to wear a facemark when there are known roaming Covid spreaders:
          (a) because it is often mandated
          (b) it demonstrates that you care enough for other’s health that you want to limit the expulsion of your nasal and mouth fluids when in vicinity of others – you simply care.


          • #



            • #

              There is little evidence of I symptomatic spreading of this virus. In theory it can certainly happen, but in tracing it dies not manifest.
              Also if they are not N95 plus masks, they do very little. ( maybe a small reduction in initial dose.


              • #

                yes l have heard that myself David A
                in this video Dr Bhakdi explains how an infected person can only infect people with the viral load they have and are shedding, so a low viral load can only infect you with a low amount of virus

                l saw a very funny thing at the start of the CCP kung flu when we Victorians came out of the first lockdown, a guy wearing a pair of jockets on his head as a mask LOL
                we were told by Dandemic that anything covering your face was ok LOL


              • #

                If surgical masks are worn to the same standards as surgeons in an operating theatre then undoubtedly they would help with covid droplets

                I have yet to see anyone doing anything other than wear badly fitting thin masks that they constantly play with and rarely get changed.


              • #
                Kalm Keith


                I have one of those blue masks and have made a strong resolution to wash it regularly each and every year.


              • #

                CoViD-19 spreads primarily through inhalation of aerosol particles. We’ve known that for a long time. Any doubt should have been dispelled by the quarantine hotel infections when doors to a common aisle happened to be opened at the same time.

                Masks made of jocks worn under the nose are as efficacious as a well fitted surgical mask.


    • #
      Destroyer D69 If you accept the proposition that the Pfizer contracts are based on a “Template” similar to a real estate contract than this applies equally to the Australian contract. See also available copies of the Albanian contract.


  • #
    Old Moss

    Perhaps the Pfizer agreement is why Morrison is constantly running around in belligerent circles.

    If this is true it is time to lawyer up!


    • #

      I sensed PM Morrison is a fake ever since he embarked on his campaign to convince everyone that reduce emissions is a good move. With this latest debacle about the COVID-19 vaccinations, and after watching the clip posted by RossP just above, it’s clear to me now that evil is oozing out of him.


    • #

      Morrison was put there to soften the various blows the public was going to receive to their freedoms via climate agreements and covid safety measures, to have someone in charge that appears to be trying to do the right thing for the masses but is seemingly constantly hamstrung by party, international or bureaucratic policy looks a lot better than someone breaking out into a dictator speech shouting and thumping a lectern.

      If any such agreements exist and are binding serious legal actions need to be taken while those avenues still exist, including the platforms to share it with the public.


      • #

        I did sense he was a stooge even before he became PM but I was convinced of it soon after he became the PM. I smelled a rat during the “changeover” from Turnbull. Sad to see the Liberal Party to have declined so fast ever since Abbott was thrown out, although the rot started well before then but was much slower and less obvious. The party is no longer what it use to represent.


      • #
        Peter C

        If there is a set of guiding principles lurking somewhere deep down inside the man (Morrison) it would require an electron microscope to catch a glimpse of them.


      • #

        Strange how biased towards the ALP these anti-vaxx comments are. Seems to be a common thread.


  • #
    Selwyn H

    It is so obvious that “Big Pharma” control our State and Federal Health Departments in Australia but we now have a doctor’s association fighting back as the “Covid Medical Network”. Their website has most of the information needed to understand the vaccine side effects and their doctors will provide prescriptions for Ivermectin treatment following Professor Thomas Borody’s protocols.

    I have tried writing to newspapers giving details of clinical trials and physician’s evidence showing that ivermectin is the answer to controlling the Covid-19 epidemic but they either don’t want to know or are afraid of the repercussions from Big Pharma on their advertising income.

    Writing to our politicians has a similar result though Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt did confirm that Australian doctors can prescribe ivermectin off-label for Covid not long after I wrote to him. Senator Malcolm Roberts is gradually advising politicians about Ivermectin but has to be careful he isn’t shut down like MP Craig Kelly by Facebook and the Tech Giants.

    I couldn’t believe it when Queensland Health’s Jeannette Young banned Hydroxychloroquine use for Covid-19 treatment, having taken Chloroquine for Malaria prophylaxis for over 25 years on projects in Papua Niugini. I have acquired 12 “Ziverdo” kits using Borody’s protocol from India for $85 and will use them when the virus gets too close for comfort.

    The Biblical quote “There are none so blind as those who will not see” is so appropriate for this ridiculous situation


    • #

      All the pieces are coming together and those with eyes to see and ears to hear know the speeding train is coming close to the end of the line. The question is what’s there? We will no doubt find out.


    • #
      Brenda Spence

      I agree, a very good website. Dr Mark Hobart prescribed the Borody protocol for us, he is a good man. I think the max time the pills will last is 6 months unfortinately.

      I’m constantly rejected in the paper too.

      Have also written to Greg Hunt, must have been the sametime as you;) and Scott Morrison.


    • #

      The Queensland interconnections have been described here in an earlier thread.
      “I couldn’t believe it”. It is not just believable but predictable.


  • #
    • #

      this is evident by seeing all the censoring on various big tech sites

      an example is a few days ago a video interview came out showing Dr Fauci say that “vaccinated people who get breakthrough infections can spread the virus” that was very quickly taken off several different sources


    • #

      Well, this ‘covert’ association is not working very well, because Facebook is a rats’ nest of anti-vaxx conspiracy theories.


  • #
  • #

    I have a condition whiich affects 2 million Americans badly and new drugs can cost $24k more or less per year to treat

    Big money for big pharma.
    $4.7 bn is peanuts


    • #

      Can I have some of those peanuts please? 🙂


      • #

        You should see the glossy advertising promos I get. It is slicker than for Bmw or MB

        Given their revenues are the equivalent of a small new car each year, that is hardly surprising

        Sorry, I didn’t sell my soul for peanuts. Dangerous side effects!


    • #

      I have a relative who works in AstraZeneca in the UK. She is recognised globally as a rare disease specialist. She discovered 15 of the current few thousand known genetic diseases. Her research has produced literally life changing outcomes for some people. Often at very low cost in medications.

      AZ pays her well because they recognise the potential for her work to improve the quality of life for people – priceless for those affected. AZ is a business in it to make profits but the knowledge they develop and apply improves the quality of life for millions.


      • #

        There is big money in having solutions to common problems.

        In my case that %1 of the pooulation problem can command $24k per year from the public purse.

        You can see that its easy enough to justify because $24k per anum stands in the watershed between functional and diabled


        • #

          I have seen videos of individuals whose life has been changed by her work. One fellow was wheelchair bound at 50 and his brother was developing the same condition. Once she isolated the odd gene, they were able to readily identify a chemical deficiency that was easily corrected with a near zero cost daily dose of an existing drug. Within weeks he had regained sufficient muscle control and strength to ditch the wheelchair. In the past, it would be deemed a miracle but it was just hard work and access to hundreds of thousands of human genotypes; each approximately 2Gbyte of data.

          Actually one of the goals of her work in the role prior’s to joining AZ was to give physicians and GP a tool to determine if a patient had a genetic disorder so treatment could be better targeted. There is a huge cost to any health system with inappropriate prescriptions as GPs use a scatter gun approach to correcting some poorly defined condition.

          You are fortunate that at least your condition is not that rare and there is treatment for it.


    • #

      8 bn people in the world. Say $100 per person = $800 bn to vaccinate the whole world

      Costs $50 bn per year to treat 2 m Americans with the medicaid approved new type of treatment for my condition … and its not heart dosease, cancer disgestive diabetetes. Not especially arthritic either

      Point being that $4.7 bn lobbying money is small money for pharmecuiticals and revenues from main stream conditions is huge.

      VAccination is a side business, even with universal global take up. China and India aren’t paying $100 for 2 jabs. 2.8 bn people there


  • #

    What does Big Pharma spend on advertising in The Legacy Media and on Facebook and Twitter and does that help buy one almost non-stop long advert dressed up as “news”?

    They are all in it together, including is a Fraud & Possible Criminal Organization


    • #

      It’s very telling that these organisations are immune from a lot of things to do with criminal law. As is stated at the link
      “In any other regulated field, is a criminal organization deliberately pushing vaccines and is instrumental in shutting down any opposition.”


    • #

      and it appears our politicians and health officials can be included under that umbrella of immunity from criminal prosecution. Is that a surprise? Of course not because we all have become accustomed to it. So sad really to see much of the population treated like fools and officialdom getting away with it.


  • #

    Israel Times: 14 Israelis have caught COVID-19 despite receiving booster shot

    The network says 11 of those infected are over the age of 60 — two of whom have now been hospitalized — while the other three got their third dose because they are immunocompromised.

    The booster shots were specifically approved for the elderly and immunocompromised – 2 out of 14 is “only” a failure rate of 14%, I guess (and the booster shots have only been recently approved so maybe there are more to come)


    • #
      Tilba Tilba

      Israel Times: 14 Israelis have caught COVID-19 despite receiving booster shot

      That is a tiny number, don’t you think? It means that millions of vaccinated people have not contracted the virus (either with or without the booster shot).


      • #

        The booster shots have only recently been started. For breakthroughs with hospitalizations to happen at all is a massive fail.

        In fact for boosters to be needed so soon after “vaccination” is a massive fail


      • #

        It means that millions of vaccinated people have not contracted the virus

        Wait a few years until the brain damage and dementia sets in.


  • #

    Israel News: Serious COVID Cases in Israel Hit 4-month High as New Restrictions Go Into Effect

    Israel counted on Saturday evening the highest number of COVID patients in serious condition since April

    And also Israel’s Exhausted Hospitals Fear Wave of Serious COVID Cases

    The steep rise in the number of coronavirus patients in serious condition has revived the debate on overcrowding in hospitals, and most of all the fear that plagued Israel even before the delta variant: the hospitals’ so-called insufficiency to provide adequate treatment to some patients.

    And booster shots have already started being used. What was that thing about the definition of insanity?


    • #

      Meanwhile the real solution to all this is working in secret – herd immunity as is always the case in past pandemics. It’s an essential part of minimising the death rates. It won’t get the recognition it deserves and no doubt the vaccine companies, governments and health officials will praise how well they have done in the months ahead if and when the death rates decline to “acceptable” levels. The question of course is, what about the doctors who claim that the approach currently being used is actually making things worse? What if they are right and we could have saved more lives by supporting and adopting some of the other solutions already discussed here and not focus all our attention on vaccinations and lockdowns? Will there be a day of revoking when officialdom are brought to account, charged for crimes against humanity and put in prison? That can’t happen due to the immunity they have created under law to protect themselves from this very point. When the fox is put in charge to guard the hen house it’s pretty obvious what happens.


      • #

        In the “Fully vaccinated can be just as infectious as unvaxed” thread, there is a scare-monger post presenting the very sad death counts for India and Peru and then stating that the relatively low positive test counts implies HORRIFIC levels of upcoming deaths when the Delta variant really gets rolling (despite it evolving in India). Of course the solution presented is vaxes all around (the PDP series was pretty good in its time).


        Prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies among market and city bus depot workers in Lima, Peru

        We report SARS-CoV-2 antibody positivity among market and city bus depot workers in Lima, Peru. Among 1,285 vendors from eight markets, prevalence ranged from 27-73%. Among 488 workers from three city bus depots, prevalence ranged from 11-47%. Self-reported symptoms were infrequent.

        This study was undertaken back in June 5 to July 18, 2020, so the numbers are certainly higher now – probably far higher.

        Numbers of positive CoViD test cases severely understate the total infection rate since most people are barely affected and recover without knowing they ever had it. And this would have been the Alpha variant which is demonstrably more debilitating than the Delta

        Here’s a slightly more recent study
        Seroprevalence of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in Iquitos, Peru in July and August, 2020: a population-based study

        we estimated a seroprevalence of 70% (95% CI 67–73) at baseline and 66% (95% CI 62–70) at 1 month of follow-up, with a test-retest positivity of 65% (95% CI 61–68), and an incidence of new exposures of 2% (95% CI 1–3).
        Iquitos appears to have been one of the first cities worldwide to surpass the herd immunity threshold, which was estimated for the original SARS-CoV-2 strain to be 60–70%.

        Again, numbers of positive CoViD test cases severely understate the total infection rate since most people are barely affected and recover without knowing they ever had it.

        And India

        67% of Indians have Covid-19 antibodies. A far, far cry from 2.3% – 10% based purely on PCR tests. Delta spreads rapidly and is largely innocuous so that 96.6% of infections are so mild that those people never get tested.

        The figures are from The Guardian so no excuses for it coming from a right-wing source.

        Herd immunity has been attained in parts of the world. The price has been terrible but we have the medications to avoid this here, if only we were to use it and also attain herd immunity.


        • #

          Peru has the highest Covid death rate of all countries – by a long margin; so far 5,883/M. So 0.6% of the population have died with Covid. Given that death toll, it would be reasonable to expect about 60% of the population now have some level of natural immunity.

          The high death rate has given the population strong motivation to get vaccinated. So far vaccination rollout is 41%. Just behind Australia at 51%.

          The drop in daily case numbers from a peak of 13,000 in April to 1,500 now indicates they are on the road to eliminating the virus. Sadly it has cost almost 200,000 lives out of a population of 33.4M. That number makes USA look good! And the immunity has only been achieved with level of vaccination similar to where Australia is now. Australia needs to get vaccinated to avoid the horrendous death rate experienced in Peru.

          Peru’s death industry was running up to 300% of normal rate during the peaks of their breakouts just this year:

          This makes any speculation about Covid achieving herd immunity in 2020 just speculation – and now clearly wrong.

          Drawing conclusions about level of natural immunity and recorded case numbers from Peru and translating them to places like Australia or even the USA is silly. The excess death rate is the most reliable indicator of actual infection. About 1% of people who contract Covid die. About 20M Peruvians would have already contracted Covid based on the number dead. Hopefully the other 13M are now vaccinated or getting vaccinated.


          • #

            Yes, and Peru were one of the countries that were allowing use of ivermectin but clamped down after WHO disapproval in July last year. It was without this support that cases and deaths ramped up to the August peak before a seasonal decline and then the winter wave of Delta and Lima.


            Now 18% of Peruvians are fully vaccinated with 7.5% partially yet you would ascribe the plunge in their cases and deaths to vaccination?

            The far more logical assessment would be that herd immunity with around 70% was achieved against the Alpha variant and then the more contagious Delta and Lima variants broke through, sickening and killing a sad proportion of the remaining 30% before enough people were infected and recovered to reach the higher level needed for herd immunity against these variants. A very high price paid mainly because the WHO insist on vaccination rather than medication.


            • #

              Yes, and Peru were one of the countries that were allowing use of ivermectin but clamped down after WHO disapproval in July last year. It was without this support that cases and deaths ramped up to the August peak before a seasonal decline and then the winter wave of Delta and Lima.

              Where is the evidence that they stopped using it. The army were distributing it in May 2021.

              Peru locked down in March 2020. They had curfews and people could only leave their home for supplies. That continued to July 2020 but was difficult to enforce. There was a second wave starting in August that appeared to be under control until by December but cases exploded in January 2021 when the Lambda strain becaame dominant. That is when they locked down again as winter struck when temperatures were a modest mean of 22.5C!

              The combination of natural immunity, after around 60% of the population have contracted Covid, and 13.7M now vaccinated makes it reasonable to see herd immunity having an impact.


              • #

                here you are RickWill

                also FYI

                and some comments from the above link that may bring some light onto the question
                “Richard Dobson
                5 months ago
                I live in Peru. In Moyobamba, San Martin. Here, in August or September Ivermectin was handed out door to door throughout the town. But only once, I believe. This could be why the “second wave” finally arrived in San Martin in February. Ivermectin is available, over the counter and free from one or two collection points. But it is not being distributed door to door. With only one city wide distribution, the effect will only have lasted for 3 to 4 weeks,”

                “D S
                4 months ago
                Are they not handing it out anymore because the new president doesn’t want to? Are people able to order it?”


              • #

                I apologize. Ivermectin use started in May 2020 which is why there was a large reduction until the president stopped distribution in November at the behest of the WHO. A few weeks later the second wave hit with the awful results but which has probably let Peru reach herd immunity.

                Read the following (pages 16-19) and try and explain the timings of the case and death reductions outside Lima where ivermectin was used 4 months during the first wave.


                Better yet, have your son look at the whole article and explain the implications


          • #

            Peru (and Chile) has the complication is has the more recent lambda strain. It appears to be showing signs of vaccine resistance. Too early to tell how much. Japan confirms first case of lambda variant infection just a couple of days ago. It’s a concern.



            • #

              Lambda | C.37
              Background: The Lambda variant was first detected in Peru in August 2020.

              Transmissibility: Some evidence has shown an increase of 64%, and that it is likely more infectious than the Gamma and Alpha variants. Data are lacking.

              Severity: Data regarding hospitalisation rates are still pending.

              Vaccine Efficacy: A study by the University of Chile found the CoronaVac vaccine was only 3% effective after the first dose, but increased to 56% after the second dose. Sinovac had a similar efficacy profile; 50.4% effective after the second dose. Pre-print evidence indicates that the mRNA vaccines such as Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna have a slight reduction but remain effective.

              Treatment Efficacy: Data are lacking, but preliminary evidence indicates that monoclonal antibody treatments will remain effective.



    • #

      Israel is a very scary story, demonstrates systemic failure of the vaccines. At this point there may be real evidence of ADE. We already know a large percentage of the antibodies are unable to neutralize the virus and ineffective at preventing symptoms. That’s why the vaccines are ramped up to produce way more antibodies then natural immunity. If those neutral antibodies remain longer and step over or are protecting the virus, then ADE will result. (Hope not)


      • #

        ‘Israel is a very scary story, demonstrates systemic failure of the vaccines’

        It demonstrates nothing of the sort. It merely demonstrates the increased infectiousness of the Delta variant. In fact, Israel demonstrates the effectiveness of vaccines:

        ‘As of August 8, the ministry recorded 85.6 severe COVID-19 cases per 100,000 people among the unvaccinated over the age of 60, compared to 16.3 per 100,000 people among the fully vaccinated. This makes the unvaccinated elderly more than five times as likely to experience a severe case than their immunized counterparts’. (


  • #
  • #

    At $4.7 Billion, they must own nearly every politician on Capitol Hill.


  • #

    Why does Australia need big pharma when we have CSL.


  • #

    300 million people in the USA. 4.7 bn is less than $16 per person

    $240 bn sent on ads in 2019

    Cannot imagine the lobbying budget


    • #

      No need to imagine. Nobody else lobbies as hard. Lobbing should be not allowed period. If you are a corporation and want a policy, post it on line to the Government suggestion Box. Give your reasons. End of story. Zero need for any lobbying.


      • #
        Tilba Tilba

        No need to imagine. Nobody else lobbies as hard. Lobbing should be not allowed period. If you are a corporation and want a policy, post it on line to the Government suggestion Box. Give your reasons. End of story. Zero need for any lobbying.

        It’s called naked raw capitalism, comrade. It is the American game, and has been for a couple of centuries. It seems you want to go to heaven, but don’t want to die. Yet you heap scorn on those of us who are centre-left social democrats. Go figure.


        • #

          Lobbying would be fine if the Media worked for the People to point out the conflicts and to expose congressmen and committees that continually made decisions that favoured the lobbyists who worked on them. – Jo


          • #

            I am not against lobbying, only in the sense of a public access website. Then any corporation can make there case. But multi billion dollars corporations giving billions to political campaigns. Nope.


        • #

          Yet you heap scorn on those of us who are centre-left social democrats.

          Those centre-left social democrats are among the biggest recipients of corporate lobbying.

          Check out Biden’s three million dollar mansions, all bought on his Senate salary of less than $200,000 pa.


        • #

          Tilba, zero to do with capitalism, which clearly you do not understand.


    • #

      300 million people in the USA. 4.7 bn is less than $16 per person

      A more honest calculation is to divide the $4.7 B by the number of politicians. The masses don’t get to share the spoils.


  • #

    Slightly off topic, but I just read the Moderna vaccine has been approved by the TGA. I am led to understand that it is a real vaccine, not the gene altering AstraZeneca and pzifer products. I have resisted them up to now due to pzifer causing heart complications and AstraZeneca causing blood clots.


    • #
      Ross P

      Not sure that is correct Ian. The Moderna “vaccine” is based on the same mRNA technology as Pfizer and J&J. It is the Novavax (?) product that is based on traditional vaccine technology.


      • #

        Thanks for that Ross, I will wait for novavax then.


      • #

        We really need a sticky post about the different CoViD vaccines and their types.

        Pfizer and moderna: mRNA in lipid capsule to infect cells so they produce spike proteins on their surface

        AstraZenica, Johnson & Johnson, Sputnik V: modified adenovirus to infect cells so they produce spike proteins on their surface

        Novavax: spike proteins cultured from insect cells that have been infected with a bacterium that makes them produce these and then harvested

        SinoVax: deactivated SARS-CoV-2 virons

        So only the SinoVax is a “conventional” vaccine and by all reports, it’s the most leaky of the lot.

        All the others only provide spike proteins for your immune system to trigger against and your body doesn’t have a clue about the proteins making up the capsule or the internals of the virus and the spike mutates more readily than the rest of the virus. This is one reason they are leaky – the other is because they are injected so your body response is only in the bloodstream

        With Novavax, you get the spike protege injected directly which may make them more mobile. Gene therapy is used in the bacterium to act on the insect cells but not on you.

        With all the others, it is gene therapy to make your body produce the spike proteins in large numbers, probably to reduce the dosage required to trigger an adequate response. How well they stay anchored to the cells that end up expressing them is up for debate (further research required)

        BTW, the mRNA “vaccines” have been shown to produce very large antibody levels BUT the majority do not bind well. I wouldn’t be surprised if the adenovirus vector vaccines are similar since all are based on the spike protein genomic sequence provided by China early on in the outbreaks (from the US government if you want to be particularly conspirital).


        • #

          These are the ones that I have found details on since they are the ones prevalent in the west. There will be others but they aren’t relevant for Australia


        • #

          In reply to Analitik:
          So in other words, we should stock up on Ivermectin, Vitamin D, zinc, and Vitamin K2 and kiss these dubious vaccines goodbye.


    • #

      There are four categories of vaccines in clinical trials: whole virus, protein subunit, viral vector and nucleic acid (RNA and DNA).
      Whole virus is the traditional type, and generally the safest but take much longer to develop.

      There are currently:
      184 vaccines being explored in lab experiments and animals (12 whole virus)
      35 vaccines undergoing safety tests in healthy young people (5 whole virus)
      34 vaccines being testes in broader groups of people (2 whole virus)
      28 vaccines in large international trails (8 whole virus)
      17 vaccines currently being offered to the general population (9 whole virus)


      • #

        I saw somewhere but can’t remember that China focuses on using whole virus types. The West tend to use the other types more. I wonder why.


        • #

          Probably because the CCP created and released the virus and therefore understand it better. The West br beholden to big pharma .


  • #
    another ian

    From “Little Pharma”

    “Another paper on Ivermectin-Based Multidrug Therapy in Severe Hypoxic Ambulatory COVID-19 Patients”


  • #
  • #

    Remdesivir has to be the current poster child for the perverse influence of Big Pharma. It has been approved for treating CoViD almost worldwide despite costing a ridiculous amount per dose, NEVER being shown to have significant benefits and clearly having significant side effects.

    In late August it [the WHO !] noted a disproportionately high number of reports of liver and kidney problems in patients receiving remdesivir compared with patients receiving other drugs for COVID-19.


    Gilead and the FDA have sort of maneuvered us into a position where we’re being asked to try and prove remdesivir does nothing rather than asking the usual way round, which is, ‘Can the manufacturers prove it does something?’

    And, as always, our medical bodies have blindly followed the WHO treatment guidelines which still include remdesivir, despite their own findings on side effects


    • #
      Global Cooling

      We should start selling blasebo for C-19 without lactose and sugar of course. Most important effect would be that people would relax and take less tests. No side-effects to worry about and it is oral, not an injection.

      Pandemics 1957-58 and 1968 ended naturally in two years but it was time before cable news and internet.


      • #
        David Maddison

        This pandemic is not going to be allowed to end.

        It’s working too well for the benefit of the Elites.

        They would allow effective treatments or prophylaxis if they actually wanted it to end.


    • #
      David Maddison

      Remdesivir is about as close to useless as any drug could possibly be.

      And yet HCQ and IVM which have demonstrated efficacy, are either banned or strongly discouraged and have few if any side effects when used in non-lethal doses.


  • #

    Your blood pressure is too high. Take these pills.


    • #

      No we have a vaccine for it now


    • #
      David Maddison

      Remdesivir is about as close to useless as any drug could possibly be.

      And yet HCQ and IVM which have demonstrated efficacy, are either banned or strongly discouraged and have few if any side effects when used in non-lethal doses.


  • #
    David Maddison

    That was meant to be a reply to Analitik, #37.


  • #

    Peter C:

    It is extremely doubtful that Novavax will arrive here in December. A few days ago it was announced that the FDA are still withholding approval because they are not satisfied with aspects of production. It has been reported that there may have been contamination issues with some batches, but who knows?

    The problem had always been that the conventional vaccine methodology takes longer & this company has not brought any previous vaccines to fruition.

    A shame but there are the anti-virals coming soon so that is a reason to be hopeful.


  • #
    another ian

    “Must See – Family Medical Physician Dr Dan Stock Delivers an Important Message to Mount Vernon School Board About Coronavirus
    August 9, 2021 | Sundance | 213 Comments
    Family medical physician Dr. Dan Stock delivers a six minute lecture to the Mount Vernon School Board about corona-viruses in general and COVID-19 specifically. This is one of the best compacted encapsulations of medical science and common sense that I have seen.”

    Expected to vanish


  • #
    another ian

    “Big Other”

    “War On Meat”

    “Safety concerns over fake meat”

    “(When the anti-GMO people show up to protest the vegans, you don’t pick a side…)”


    • #
      another ian

      In comments

      “The Australia/New Zealand food regulator FSANZ has already approved the processing aid – GM soy leghemoglobin (SLH) – that Impossible will add (at 0.8% so it isn’t labelled) to make its product look and feel as though it is bleeding, like real meat.

      Smh. I find it utterly amazing that people who purport to be highly sophisticated purveyors of the REAL truth are as really so STUPID. Blood in meat? Like “real meat”? The stupid is so bad it hurts.

      Pro tip: the red liquid associated with RED meat is a muscle protein called myoglobin. Not “blood”. Why do I get the impression that none of these so-called experts have ever killed the animal they ate … and know nothing about how to field dress (or factory dress) an animal.”


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