On election night the hardest thing to believe about the dumps and step jumps in Michigan and Wisconsin was that they were so transparently inept. Would they seriously drop 138,000 votes and 200,000 votes, that were nearly 100% for Biden?

….Click to enlarge. Source: Fivethirtyeight
It makes sense if the Democrats hadn’t counted on Trump being ahead by such a large margin — like 700,000 votes in Pennsylvania. People make mistaken when in a panic.
Rudy Guliani below — makes that claim, and asks us also to wonder if polling site managers all woke up on November 4 and decided independently to put Republican observers behind barricades in Philadelphia, Pittsburg Detroit, Flint, Milwalkee, Las Vegas , Reno, and Pheonix, but not in the rest of the nation. Only in Swing States.
Conveniently the number of votes in Philadelphia that don’t have a chain of custody is about the same as the number of votes Biden was behind. Likewise Michigan.
There are now 50 to 60 witnesses with affadavits. In Michigan one whistleblower has come forward from the Democrat team, who has described the long preparation and training for cheating as well as the last night misadventures. But the scale of the fraud got to her.
There is still a path to victory
As Rudy says this was “The Voter Fraud theft of the century”:
Guliani doesn’t even mention electronic cheating. How far was Biden really behind?
The Trump team have set up — and the real count.