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The legal argument: Why Trump will triumph in Pennsylvania and win the election

Here’s a video readers will like. Caveat: just because Trump can still win is not a reason to sit back and relax. Right now the battle is big and on. The good guys may have the law, the Supreme Court and some state legislatures and the office of the President. BUT the bad guys control the news channels, and Constitution is just a document, it’s only as good as the people who are willing to fight for it.

Possession is nine tenths of the law. If the nation never hears that the bad guys are in breach of the Constitution and that Biden hasn’t won, and the election is not over, then Biden becomes The Incumbent. Your job, as is mine, is to get around the censors every which way we can. Emails, comments, social media, letters to editor, letters to MP’s, and friends etc. Whatever you can do that spreads information helps the good guys. Information is our friend. Censorship is theirs.

All votes received after 8pm Nov 3 are automatically invalidated

The Penn Supreme Court changed the rules on the PA election on October 28th allowing votes that arrive after 8pm to be included “because Covid”. But the constitution says that only the State Legislature can do that. The Supreme Court rejected the request to speed this up, but not the petition for reviewing this decision

Three US Supreme Court justices have weighed in. Justice Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas, Neil Gorsuch have indicated they are ready to overthrow the PA Supreme Court ruling.

The real action starts at 1:14. (Not to take away from the sponsors Noble Gold, but that is a long intro).

I watch youtube at 2 x. If people find these on Bitchute or competitors let me know I will swap out the html.

Sorry, I’ve lost the h/t. Can’t find the link. Thanks, and please speak up!

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