Looks like a religion, acts like a religion… @ExtinctionR
Just another group profiting from “climate change”
What other grassroots movement has fears of “six figure tax bills”? And these are just the UK figures.
How Extinction Rebellion climate change zealots – including a baronet’s Cambridge-educated granddaughter – are paid £400 a week to bring mayhem to our streets
by Holly Bancroft and James Heale, Mail on Sunday
- Extinction Rebellion activists are being paid up to £400-a-week to lead protests
- Activists have been paid more than £200,000 since the start of the scheme
- The eco-protest group privately fears it could face six-figure tax bill from HMRC
- Tory MP calls on HMRC to launch an investigation into the group’s tax affairs
A document entitled Finance Policy And Processes seen by this newspaper in a ‘work in progress’ version states: ‘The maximum claim for volunteer living expenses is £400 a week (or £200 for someone volunteering part-time).”
But XR’s documents raise concerns about the fact that it has paid no tax or National Insurance on these sums, and questioned the employment status of activists.
The payments aren’t illegal, though the tax avoidance might be. But it says something about the motivations of key players and about how much money all told is still rattling around the alarmist camp. Most protestors are not paid, but how many would be there if there wasn’t money to throw at key organizers?
Speaking of key organisers…
“XR co-founder Roger Hallam asked for £300 a week.” Gail Bradbrook who co-founded Extinction Rebellion, asked for payments of £600 a month. She and Hallam set up the movement after she was inspired by a hallucinogenic experience. The same woman that called for a rapid reduction in air travel, just happily admitted that she flew 11,000 air miles to Costa Rica for a holiday herself in 2016 where she took the drugs. The Sun is pointing out that hypocrisy. After that “trip” she then returned to the UK to start a movement, separate her family, end a marriage and “that was the right thing to do”. Curious phrasing.
Bradbrook, a consultant who has two grown-up sons and lives in a council house in Stroud, Gloucs, added: “I’d been focused on trying to start civil disobedience since 2010. I’d tried many things and they hadn’t worked. So I went on a retreat and prayed, with some psychedelic medicines. It was really intense and I prayed for what I called the codes for social change and within a month my prayer was answered.”
How Psychadelics shaped Extinction Rebellion (XR)
Gail Bradbrook: I’d been trying to start a campaign of mass civil disobedience for years before Extinction Rebellion.
Maybe it’s my Taureun nature but I’m a bit of a bull…
So she is a born activist looking for a cause. Not inspired by scientific evidence so much as astrology and drugs. Nevermind.
Everything about this is manufactured theater
XR is even trying to create a look that fits “diversity” memes. Because this movement is about earning status points in social pecking orders, its ranks are filled with white, university educated children. This is not about the hordes affected by extreme weather, which of course, barely exists, and is a smaller proportion of the population today than ever (Pielke 2018).
The Mail on Sunday team has documents showing the organisers are considering putting out a call for “poor and working class” protesters. At least one member objects to the “tokenism” of doing things this way as if black people can just be “ordered from a catalogue”.
No one cares that the whole movement appears to have been ordered from a catalogue.
Even the protestors need protection from their own protests
They say they care about the planet and the poor, but apparently not so much about their own supporters. Green and Black cross was providing legal support but have scathingly abandoned the movement — saying they are peddling misleading and inaccurate information about the legal process.
Extinction Rebellion protests: Activists accuse group of failing to prepare members for being arrested
Phoebe Southward, The Telegraph
But some activists are concerned that the organisation can’t be “trusted” to fully inform those disrupting traffic and camping out on the capital’s major arteries of the potential consequences of having a criminal record.
Green and Black Cross, an independent organisation which provides legal support to protesters, released a statement earlier this year saying it would no longer work with Extinction Rebellion because it has “serious concerns” about the group’s approach to legal and security aspects of their demonstrations.
The scathing critique said their advice was often “simply ignored if it did not align with Extinction Rebellion’s aims and values” and that “misleading and inaccurate” information is being pedalled about the legal process, meaning participants “do not fully understand the risks that they are being asked to take.”
So much for the precautionary principle, and or ethics.
When the weather is not at its best,
It’s time for a XR protest,
So they dress up to meet,
Lying down in the street,
Where they hope to be under arrest.
h/t Friend in Switzerland.