Why Australia must exit the Paris Climate Agreement, The IPA report.
IPA estimates Paris Agreement to stop storms and hold back the tide may cost $8500 per Australian family
What a deal. You could have free electricity for the next four years or an imperceptible difference in the air outside the nursing home for your children’s 94th birthday.
The Americans went for the money. So did nearly everyone else.
Damian Wild at the IPA calculates that the Paris Agreement will cost patsy Australians $52 billion dollars in the next 12 years.
Paris deal spells ‘irreparable damage’: IPA report
Rachel Baxendale, The Australian
A study by the Institute of Public Affairs, “Why Australia must exit the Paris Climate Agreement”, estimates our Paris target of reducing emissions to 26-28 per cent on 2005 levels by 2030 will impose a $52 billion economic cost between now and 2030, equating to $8566 a family.
Paris Agreement To Cost Australia $52 Billion
“The immutable law of energy policy is this: lower emissions mean higher prices.”
“Each family in Australia will be at least $8,566 worse off under the Paris Climate Agreement, on average. This is at a time when wages are stagnating and the cost of living is rising.”
“$52 billion could purchase 22 new hospitals or pay for 20 years’ worth of the Gonski 2.0 education funding.”
“For families, $8,566 could be used to pay off credit card debt, pay the school fees for a few years, or pay four years’ worth of electricity bills.”
Turnbull still killing the ultimate political gift for the Coalition — the carbon tax.
There is a Coalition Partyroom meeting coming today where a Turnbull-with-falling-popularity will try to convince a nervous set of MP’s that they won’t lose their seats if the Coalition runs the same soulless campaign it almost lost on last time. Back then Turnbull took 90 seats and turned them into 76 and barely got elected.
The biggest obvious and easy win for conservatives in 2019 is to copy Abbott-Trump-Dean proven successes, axe the tax, Get Out of Paris, and run an Electro-Scary-Bill campaign. Turnbull can’t do that because he can’t criticize Labor for a plan he wants to do himself. He can’t call it witchdoctor science, can’t mock them for being tools for the Renewables Industry, can’t ridicule their plan to stop floods with solar panels. Can’t vow to limit renewables damage on electricity bills. Turnbull also can’t brag about his glorious successes either — two previous governments tried their damnedest to bring in an emissions trading scheme and paid for it. Turnbull achieved what they couldn’t but he can’t sing about it. The Green left voters would vote green anyway (too much tax is never enough, and it’s about the tribe not the policy anyhow.) And for the Liberal base it’s electoral poison. A million Defcons are still ready to swing.
The Liberals could romp it in in this election if they just dumped Turnbull, grew a spine, and copied recent conservative successes all around the world.
PS: Congrats and thanks to the volunteer team taking 23 semitrailers of West Australian hay to starving cattle and sheep in the East.
A convoy of 23 semi-trailers loaded with hay left Northam on Monday for drought stricken NSW, thanks to efforts by the Christian church-based Rapid Relief Team. RRT, an initiative of the Plymouth Brethren church, purchased more than $660,000 of WA hay which is set to arrive in Condobolin in NSW on Friday after a 3500km trip. The hay is being transported by WA truck drivers, most of whom are volunteering their time for the nine-day round trip.
Damian Wild (2018) Why Australia must exit the Paris Climate Agreement, IPA. PDF.