Matt Ridley: They ridiculed skeptics. The skeptics were right.

Another excellent article by Lord Matt Ridley

UPDATE: Read it in full on Matt’s Blog. (ht Gordon/backslider/harrie/RPS/John)

Argument by ridicule is not just something that happens, it’s the main approach:

“In the old days we would have drowned a witch to stop the floods. These days the Green Party, Greenpeace and Ed Miliband demand we purge the climate sceptics. No insult is too strong for sceptics these days: they are “wilfully ignorant” (Ed Davey), “headless chickens” (the Prince of Wales) or “flat-earthers” (Lord Krebs), with “diplomas in idiocy” (one of my fellow Times columnists).

What can these sceptics have been doing that so annoys the great and the good? They sound worse than terrorists. Actually, sceptics have pretty well all been purged already: look what happened to Johnny Ball and David Bellamy at the BBC. Spot the sceptic on the Climate Change Committee. Find me a sceptic within the Department of (energy and) Climate Change. Frankly, the sceptics are a ragtag bunch of mostly self-funded guerrillas, who have made little difference to policy — let alone caused the floods.

On floods, the skeptics agree with the IPCC:

“Here’s what the IPCC’s latest report actually […]