Tim Flannery. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen
Dear Tim,
Now that the government funded golden platform is gone, you say you will “not be silenced. ” Bravo, I say.
Perhaps I can help? When I didn’t want to be silenced five years ago, I set up my own blog. I got no government grants. Any financial support comes from readers voluntarily (thanks to Peter, Bill, Bernd, and Malcolm yesterday). I forgo a job to run this blog and get called a “denier” by government funded academics and politicians. Nevertheless, this is the largest skeptical climate science blog in the country, and one of the handful of largest in the world.
To help you until you get your own blog running in full, I extend an open invitation to you for a guest post anytime, unedited, and in full with graphs and images. Links to your own material will help your google rank.
You talked about the importance of scientific discussion, after the Climate Commission was abolished yesterday: “I believe that Australians have a right to know – a right to authoritative, independent and accurate information on climate change.”
Where better to post accurate information on climate change?
Keeping in the spirit of things, I’d insist commenters stick to scientific remarks, without ad hominems and personal insults.
On this blog you can reach the very people who are, as you might say, unconvinced about the extent of man-made global warming, and slowing down progress on climate action. Since the evidence is overwhelming, there must be plenty to write about. Convince us with what convinces you.
You may feel cynical about the chances of winning any skeptics over, but I would point out many (like me) were once believers, so our minds can be changed. And you can always point to the post, as proof you tried every avenue. People will be able to judge for themselves, right?
Professor Flannery said: “We don’t sell a message. We simply provide information for the Australian public to make up its own mind.”
Jo Nova