The animated Christopher Monckton
Apologies for the lack of posting, Christopher Monckton is staying with us, he’s in the kitchen right now, and we’ve had an event on, or radio interviews, or high level log-graph must-do calculations every day. It’s been marvelous, and as it happens, very productive (though not conducive to writing posts).
Christopher was in absolutely fine form on Wednesday night in Perth, as he tackles the teetering health of Western Civilization. The crowd was filled with many new faces — people who missed Monckton on previous tours, and were delighted to finally get the chance to see him. There were “undecideds” bought in by skeptical friends, as well as some believers-of-man-made-global warming (good on them for turning up).
What was also especially obvious at the Dalkeith-community-Hilton was the generous support of the Oil Moguls (not). We arrived half an hour ahead to find that there was no stand for the enormous projector screen. Dr David Evans sorted that out with great improvisation under pressure. (What he didn’t do was phone an emergency support contractor at great expense to turn up and save the day and send the bill to some Australian Government agency. )

The crowd were so impressed they hardly noticed the stand, discretely visible here in the background….
Note the 5- Star projector screen infrastructure (above and below).
Essential ingredients: 6 trestle tables and 4 bricks. It performed very well (though Occ Health and Safety would have been apoplectic.)
Readers under 18 — don’t try this at home. 😉

O’where is that Exxon cheque?
Information for the Perth Events:
THE UN’s climate change chief, Rajendra Pachauri, has acknowledged a 17-year pause in global temperature rises, confirmed recently by Britain’s Met Office.
“..Dr Pachauri, the chairman of the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, said that open discussion about controversial science and politically incorrect views was an essential part of tackling climate change. .. no issues should be off-limits for public discussion.”
“People have to question these things and science only thrives on the basis of questioning,” Dr Pachauri said. He went on to say there was “no doubt about it” that it was good for controversial issues to be “thrashed out in the public arena”.
Lord Monckton, recently at Doha, revealed this embarrassing 17 year pause and called for the science and economics to be reviewed.
So is the end NOT nigh?
When people hear this wonderful news surely there will be dancing in the streets.
So if the climate models are wrong, and they appear to be, even by the modellers own criteria, THE WORLD IS NOT GOING TO END!
According to official UN IPCC global temperature datasets, the length of time WITHOUT ANY MEASURABLE WARMING has been 16 Years, 18 Years, 19 Years or in the case of the most accurate satellite dataset, 23 Years (depending which official UN IPCC dataset is used).
Lord Monckton will present the Due Diligence on the science and economics of Global Warming for the people of Perth and particularly the academic community at UWA, because our governments won’t.
Learn how the latest Climate Commission report was produced, and why.
Lord Monckton is here to inform the people of Perth on the economic shackles and loss of property and other rights occurring under the Carbon Tax; the Climate Scam and the UN Agenda 21 program and how it is so much less in terms of economic costs and loss of rights, to adapt than to try to stop any global warming.
Through our ‘ever vigilant and fierce free press’, and through his public presentations, Lord Monckton will explain what this lack of any measurable warming for 17 years actually means to the Australian people. For a start, if it hasn’t been warming, it can’t be worse than we thought, can it? And so called ‘extreme weather events’ can’t be blamed on global warming, when we haven’t had any global warming for 17 years.
Lord Monckton also asks Professor Tim Flannery, Australia’s Chief Climate Commissioner on $180k for three days a week, and the Prime Minister “Why have you not happily broadcast to the Australian people, the wonderful news of No Global Warming for 17 years?”
For tickets at the Perth venues below:
For telephone sales ring and leave a message for Mike 03 9852 2320 at the Lord Monckton Foundation www.lordmoncktonfoundation.com or for internet booking Ticketek for full details and ticket sales.
Tickets will also be available at the door.
· Friday 8th March: 6:30 pm Climate Sceptics Social Gathering fund raiser at Subiaco Hotel until 10:30
· Saturday 9th March: Evening (7:30 pm) Wilsmore Lecture Theatre (Bdg. 210) University of Western Australia, Crawley, Hackett Rd Entrance 2
The Monckton Tour goes to Queensland, NSW, ACT, Victoria, and NZ
Queensland next week (Brisbane, Cairns, Gold Coast, Rockhampton), then Canberra, Wagga and Albury the week after, more dates in Sydney, Melbourne, Geelong, Bendigo, and then New Zealand. See the LordMoncktonFoundation for dates and booking details.
Email Elisha Ladhams <ladhamsej AT gmail.com>
(Swap the “AT” for a “@”, no spambots allowed).